What is most optimal way to include data science visualizations and/or simple charts in django? - django

I am new in django, I have achieved to built a simple website up running in my local sever, but now I have reached that part where I want to add some cool and nice looking graphs to my project, but I see many options that are not that simple, if I could choose, I would use some python-based library or something, but it needs to load very fast. I am looking for guidance and suggestions. Thank you in advance.


building a windows file search application

So I am tasked with organizing possibly hundreds of CT scans for my uni project. The CT scan files will have varying degrees of different properties that we will manually assign and the idea is to simplify the process of finding appropriate files with specified properties quickly and accurately. The proposed idea was to just maintain an excel file for manual lookup.
But I am thinking of making a very simple windows app with sliders and checkboxes that will scour the entire file tree with nested folders and show the correct files in the app window that then could be drag and dropped and such. The solution has to be user friendly so barebones script-based solution won't do.
From the little research I have done, I have come across some corporate-based solutions for automated document classification. And there isn't really a comprehensive solution to having custom persistent file metadata, which is what I had in mind. Maybe maintaining some kind of lookup table for the application is the better way.
Is there anyone experienced who could steer me in the right direction and give me some advice and pointers? Or am I better off going with some other already existing solution? Currently my CS knowledge is very theoretical and I haven't really messed around with windows app development. Thanks in advance

How to implement a cart system in django

I'm stuck on the logic of implementing a cart system for my Application. I have tried using Sessions but I can't seem to make it work. Please any answer would be well appreciated. Thanks
I recommend you to get inspired in some open source projects that nail this specific task, or just use it, like django-carton which is a simple and lightweight application for shopping carts and wish lists.

Building dashboards in django

I have a django app and I would like to display some graphical data visualization to my users. I am looking for an easy-to-use package that would allow me to add graphs and widgets.
The kind of widget I want to build is a kind of speedometer dial that is red at one end and green at the other. As a user completes their job over the day, the graphic/widget adjusts itself. The dial moves from red to green.
I also want an S-curve graphic that shows the cumulative amount of work accomplished against planned. That is kind of an x/y line plot.
My question are: How easy is this to implement? Are there any add-ins libraries or packages that do this already? I am trying to keep my entire application open-source. I've seen a couple subscription services that do this type of thing, but I can't stomach the cost.
I don't mind using ajax or jquery to implement such a thing, but I would like the most elegant and maintainable solution.
Any advice or examples on how to tackle this project?
There are lots of good javascript libraries these days, but all require some effort to learn how to use. I have not found one that really is easy to use, I guess because everyone wants something different. My general experience has been the more effort you put into learning them, the more you get out.
Google has gauges: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/gauge.html
Or really take control:
As first, see the following grid (https://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/dashboard-applications/) on djangopackages.
Not sure if that's exactly what's asked for, but you might take a look at django-dash (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-dash).
It allows each user to make his own dashboard (from plugins available). Those dashboards can be made public.
Some screenshots (http://pythonhosted.org/django-dash/#screenshots).
It's modular and plugin based, so you need to make a plugin and widgets for every specific feature (in this particular case - the speedometer plugin and widgets for it). Each plugin/widget can include own JS/CSS when being rendered.
See the following chart usage examples:
D3.js integration examples (https://github.com/barseghyanartur/django-dash/tree/master/example/example/d3_samples).
Polychart2.js integration example (https://github.com/barseghyanartur/django-dash/blob/master/example/example/bar/).
protovis is no longer under active development, but they started a new poject: http://d3js.org/
You may choose from these packages:

Looking for third party charting options for ColdFusion

A project I am working on makes extensive use of CFCHART. We have run into quite a few usage and performance issues with CFCHART, so I have been tasked to look at some third-party solutions to try out and recommend. Anybody have some reviews and recommendations they'd care to share?
Consider outputting the raw data and using JavaScript / Canvas to generate the charts on the fly. The load is the given to the client.
This makes it easier for screenreaders and people who like to save the data to access it as well.
Some JS charting libraries:
Not dependent on your server side technology (e.g. irrelevant to the fact that you're using CF), I have recently started playing around with HighCharts (http://www.highcharts.com/), and have been very impressed.
Bear in mind, it's not free for commercial use, but you didn't specify as to any such restrictions. Although their pricing seems pretty fair (see http://www.highcharts.com/license)
The Wijmo jQuery library has some nice charting widgets. http://wijmo.com/
We use FusionCharts. They have a comprehensive set of chart and widget types (eg sparklines) and have a very slick, professional finish.
ChartDirector is reasonable and is very advanced. It generates image-based graphs and we don't have to worry about whether or not different browsers support various advanced HTML features or Flash. You can download it, install and run it unlicensed and it will only add a little copyright in the bottom-right 20 pixels of the graph. (Licensing is inexpensive.) It comes with 239+ ColdFusion scripts so that you have plenty of sample code. Their support forums is very active and helpful.
Check out the gallery. It has some very impressive samples. You can create just about anything.
You can try jqChart as well.
Thank you to everyone for these suggestions! This gives me a good list of applications to work with. Since there is no one "right" answer for a question like this I made sure to note each answer as useful.

Google App Engine + JSON based service + Authentication

I am new to GAE (cloud based development in general actually) and I am looking for some advice.
I am looking to use GAE only as a service (REST + JSON) with my client-side in Sproutcore. I am looking to find a light-weight service-based framework that will provide me with strong security (authentication, protection against XSS etc).
Java or Python is fine, the priority being speed and security.
Does anybody have any ideas on this? Any links to relevant information. I am going through an information overload phase. Any help in this regard would be much appreciated!
Thank you.
How about tipfy, a open source lightweight python-based framework made for GAE?
Its core can be enhanced through usage of extensions.
Combining some of those extensions
would allow you to perform auth
against different systems (Google,
Facebook, Twitter...) or against your
own baked one. An example of this can
be found here, source code is
available here.
A really simple sample of JSON
rendering is available here.
Of course, other python frameworks run on top of AppEngine. You'll find in the AppEngine-Python google group, a thread discussing pros/cons of most of them.
Considering speed, those links may shed some light on the subject
Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine
Google AppEngine Language Performance Comparison Followup
proceed with caution if you want to use a framework. since GAE is still evolving, frameworks tend to break. i have tried both tipfy and django on large projects.
in many places tipfy tends to just write meaningless (read no value add) python wrappers around what the core gae frameworks provide just causing code bloat.
last i checked, the map reduce package did not work well with tipfy. sorry, i may sound very biased but my experience with tipfy has been average.
So looks like I can't comment on your answer but the link was very helpful! Looks very much like something I am looking for:
Server-side sessions
Custom user authentication
JSON based service with no View layer
Fast and secure
Any other python framework that you might possibly know of along the lines of Tipfy? Just so I have something to compare with?
Does anybody know of any Java libraries along the same lines of Tipfy?
Thanks again for the link!
Edit 1:
Hmm...I have no idea how I ended up with 2 accounts. I'll try to iron it out..
Your links were very helpful..Thanks!
I am inching towards Tipfy at this point, but I think I am going to wait a little longer on this thread to see if I get some more opinions..
Thanks again...