How can I load QuestDB functions from OSGi bundle? - questdb

I'm trying to evaluate this statement:
alter table metrics drop partition where at < dateadd('d', -4, now());
It works as expected when running it locally (regardless of OS), but when it runs on our production servers it fails with
io.questdb.griffin.SqlException: [70] unknown function name: now()
at io.questdb.griffin.SqlException.position(
at io.questdb.griffin.FunctionParser.invalidFunction(
at io.questdb.griffin.FunctionParser.createFunction(
at io.questdb.griffin.FunctionParser.visit(
at io.questdb.griffin.PostOrderTreeTraversalAlgo.traverse(
at io.questdb.griffin.FunctionParser.parseFunction(
at io.questdb.griffin.SqlCompiler.alterTableDropOrAttachPartition(
at io.questdb.griffin.SqlCompiler.alterTable(
The only relevant difference between these runtime environments is that on the production servers QuestDB is loaded as part of an OSGi bundle. This means that it will have a special classloader and will not find its classes using the system classloader.
Is QuestDb loading functions through some classloader introspection or assumptions about the system classloader? If so I can probably provide a fix for you if you point me in the right direction.
If not, can you think of any other reason for this?


Persistence of data for MSI installation

The MSI installation would call my (native/C++) custom action functions. Since the DLL is freshly loaded, and the MSIEXEC.EXE process is launched separately for each function (the callable actions, as specified in MSI/WiX script), I cannot use any global data in C/C++ program.
How (or Where) can I store some information about the installation going on?
I cannot use named objects (like shared-memory) as the "process" that launches the DLL to call the "action" function would exit, and OS will not keep the named-object.
I may use an external file to store, but then how would I know (in the DLL's function):
When to delete the external file.
When to find that this function call is the first call (Action/function call Before="LaunchConditions" may help, not very sure).
If I cannot delete the file, I cannot know if "information" is current or stale (i.e. belonging to earlier failed/succeeded MSI run).
"Temporary MSI tables" I have heard of, but not sure how to utilize it.
Preserve Settings: I am a little confused what your custom actions do, to be honest. However, it sounds like they preserve settings from an older application and setup version and put them back in place if the MSI fails to install properly?
Migration Suggestion (please seriously consider this option): Could you install your new MSI package and delete all shortcuts and access to the old application whilst leaving it
installed instead? Your new application version installs to a new path
and a new registry hive, and then you migrate all settings on first
launch of the new application and then kick off the uninstall of the
old application - somehow - or just leave it installed if that is
acceptable? Are there COM servers in your old install? Other things that have global registration?
Custom Action Abstinence: The above is just a suggestion to avoid custom actions. There are many reasons to avoid custom actions (propaganda piece against custom actions). If you migrate settings on application launch you avoid all sequencing, conditioning, impersonation issues along with the technical issues you have already faced (there are many more) associated with custom action use. And crucially you are in a familiar debugging context (application launch code) as opposed to the unfamiliar world of setups and their poor debugability.
Preserving Settings & Data: With regards to saving data and settings in a running MSI instance, the built in mechanism is basically to set properties using Session.Property (COM / VBScript) or MsiSetProperty (Win32) calls. This allows you to preserve strings inside the MSI's Session object. Sort of global data.
Note that properties can only be set in immediate mode (custom actions that don't change the system), and sending the data to deferred mode custom actions (that can make system changes) is quite involved centering around the CustomActionData concept (more on deferred mode & CustomActionData).
Essentially you send a string to the deferred mode custom action by means of a SetProperty custom action in immediate mode. Typically a "home grown" delimited string that you construct in immediate mode and chew up into information pieces when receiving it in deferred mode. You could try to use JSON-strings and similar to make transfer easier and more reliable by serializing and de-serializing objects via JSON strings.
Alternatives?: This set property approach is involved. Some people write to and from the registry during installation, or to a temp file (in the temp folder) and then they clean up during the commit phase of MSI, but I don't like this approach for several reasons. For one thing commit custom actions might not run based on policies on target systems (when rollback is disabled, no commit script is created - see "Commit Execution" section), and it isn't best practice. Adding temporary rows is an interesting option that I have never spent much time on. I doubt you would be able to easily use this to achieve what you need, although I don't really know what you need in detail. I haven't used it properly. Quick sample. This RemoveFile example from WiX might be better.

Flyway afterMigrate.sql running twice

So, I have adde Flyway to my application to run integration tests with an embedded H2. I have also added a data script to db/migration/afterMigrate.sql. Everything worked fine with Spring Boot autoconfiguration up until the point that I created a second test class with #SpringBootTest. This class fails execution because Flyway tries to execute afterMigrate.sql again. I can't seem to prevent it from running, I have added the flyway-spring-test library to the project and tried using it but with no luck.
The thing I find odd is that the db migration isn't executed again for the second class, just the afterMigrate.sql script.
This was caused by a #SpyBean in the second class - the Spring context of the first one was not being reused. The workaround for this is creating an abstract class that both test classes extend from, and declaring the beans in it. This is expected behaviour from Spring but has been debated whether it should be or not - see more at

Websphere Liberty seems to override System Property TransformerFactory set via jvm.options

I am trying to migrate a legacy app that is using camel/cxf (offers some web services that include transformations) to Websphere Liberty (IBM JRE 1.8). Tests are failing because the app uses extensions functions. I tried to disable secure processing as described here.
This change has no effect. That's why I try to switch to Saxon Implementation globally by setting System Property "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl" in jvm.options config file. Again - this does not work.
While debugging I can see, that$2 is overriding the Property with during Server start. I can see a method "PluginGenerator.revertTransformerFactoryIfNeccessary" in the stack that seems to trigger the change. Afterwards all FactoryFinder.find() will return the non-Saxon implementation.
Can anyone suggest how to either disable secure-processing successfully
a way to successfully set a custom TransformerFactory?
BTW: It seems to me like these 2 are bugs - do I report these as regular PMR?
EDIT: possible workaround
As result of the helpful suggestions I added an '#WebListener' that will sets the System Property within the constructor (setting it in contextInitialized is too late as stylesheets seem to be compiled during application start and thus processing fails tests). I bundle this a "patch-jar" with the legacy app.
The Liberty web container plugin generator will only override the xml transformer factory if the IBM JDK is being used.
While the web container performs plugin generation using the IBM JDK, it will swap to an alternate transformer factory, and then reset to the IBM JDK default of which is
I think it is worth opening a PMR here. The PluginGenerator should not assume that it started with the default xml transformer factory, and should instead save off the value of javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory and then restore it after plugin generation has completed.
Temp workaround:
Since the PluginGenerator only swaps the XML transformer factory if you're running on the IBM JDK, you could change to an alternate JDK until your PMR gets resolved.
I agree that this is a bug. The official route for reporting problems is a PMR, but there is enough here for us to understand the problem and fix it through our beta program. If you want to get an iFix on a released version of the product (rather than waiting for it to come out via the beta program) then you will need to raise a PMR.

Rails 4: From which step in the boot process can I check the ActiveRecord::Base class?

I would like to perform some checking on the database resources only when the app starts/restarts (if any new migrations happen in between) by calling:
resources = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).map { |subclass| }
I tried inserting this code at different steps of the initialization process without any success (getting an empty array as a result). Why? And where should I insert it?
If I perform this checking in the ApplicationController , it will be always be executed. I only need to run it once after boot.
Where can I insert it?
Compiling the gist of answers other people have given before:
In the development environment your model classes will not be eager loaded.
Only when you invoke some code that references a model class, the corresponding file will be loaded. (Read up on 'autoloading' for further detail.)
So if you need to do some checks upon startup of the rails server, you can manually invoke
and after that get a list of all model classes with
model_classes = ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
For a list of model names associated with their database tables, you might use{ |clazz| [clazz.model_name.human, clazz.table_name] }.sort
You can put your code in an arbitrarily named file in the config/initializers directory. All ruby files in that directory will get loaded at startup in alphabethical order.
The eager loading will of course take some time and thus slow down server and console start-up in the development environment a bit.
Other approaches such as parsing a list of filenames in the app/models directory are not reliable in more complex Rails applications.
If in a Rake task, make sure your Application is properly initialized before you send eager_load!. To that end, let your rake task depend on :environment.

Why is build time of local application affected by network?

Build time of XPages application containing several JARs, Java sources and ~50 XP/CC elements takes about minute to build on server via WAN. I have replicated application to local, build time dropped to ~10s.
Since few days ago build of local application is extremely slow, about 2-5 minutes. After some experiments there is workaround: to disable TCP port in location document - it drops build times to just few seconds. Even tho it works, it does not help much - testing requires user to be authenticated, so I need to replicate design changes to remote or local server - and that means to change location (online/offline) every time.
UPDATE 2013-04-04: I have duplicated my current location document and removed home and directory servers. To my surprise, with this location build times went back to few seconds - with TCP port enabled so replication is possible. Bigger surprise was the fact, that returning home/directory servers back to new location did not reproduce the problem - in fact they do not affect performance. I know it because I have renamed current location document and everything went to normal. From my understanding, "something" in client configuration was connected to location name. Thanks to Simon's tips I will investigate further.
The question is still open: I am looking for some (eclipse) preference controlling this behavior - unintended communication with server during build of local application.
Teamstudio CIAO hooks into designer and checks for every update of design element. Seems to be lack of code optimization to me: it checks whether currently built design element (every single one, one by one) should be controlled in CIAO config database.
This explains why the problem was solved by renaming of location document. I was disappointed yesterday, when performance problems started again. Fortunately, I recalled CIAO setup to that location document about that time. CIAO uses teamstudio.ini file in DATA directory to configure what CIAO configuration database is used for every location document. Look for entry:
CIAOConfigDb[location name]=server name;CIAO\CIAOConfig.nsf
For development on local replicas with connection to server (for replication or local server), use location document with CIAO disabled.
This works only with property ForceConfigLocation=0.
Not a solution (yet!), but may help in the investigation. I'll update further if you post results later.
Debug instructions.
Add the following to the shortcut that launches the Designer client.
-RPARAMS -console -debug -separateSysLogFiles -consoleLog
Start the designer client. This will also open up the OSGi console.
Reproduce the issue. While it is still in progress in the OSGi console type the following:
dump threads
Do this three times, with a small amount of time between completion of each dump. Once done open the three heap dumps (in the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder) in the Heap Dump Analyser.
It will show you what threads are consistent through all three dumps. Take a look at those and look for package names/calls which may appear to be a functional area. Once you have that then you can try adding the debug for the related class.
For example: Let's say you notice "" in the thread, then you would edit the file. It will be in:
<Notes Install>\Data\workspace\.config\
and you would add (start with FINE, then FINEST if nothing):
Now when you restart the designer client it will generate debug output in the workspace\logs folder for that package. You need to then go through the trace logs looking for the time when the delay occurred and see if it makes any references to related design elements.
Other open applications may get built at the same time (which looks like a bug top me). Be sure to close all other applications and the server based replica. Open applications have their icon showing in the application list and they stay open even if you close and reopen the Designer. In Designer 9 right click application and select "Close Application". In 8.5 you need to use Package Exprorer for closing.
Another good way is to use Working Sets. Only applications in open Working Set will be built (AFAIK). Have a Working Set with this one app only (and the app only in this Working Set).
update 1
If these don't help I would delete/rename bookmark.nsf, Cache.NDK and desktop8.ndk. Then open just this one app and see what happens.
update 2
Check that there are no referenced projects. Right click the application and select "Project Properties". From there "Project Referencies" and make sure no check boxes are checked.
update 3
Based on your update I would check the item names starting with $ in location document. Sometimes there are saved IP addresses etc. which could cause this problem. All those items can be removed.
If possible (and if You are not using it yet) try to use version 9 of the Domino designer (You do not have to use Domino 9 to do that - it works fine with Domino 8.5.3).
For our projects build times went down to only few seconds from few minutes. I guess that they finally noticed at IBM that the build process used to heavily relay on connection to server and done something with it.
With new designer You don't event have to replicate to local. You can directly work on Your local server.