2d Elastic Collision with Circles - c++

I've seen there is a lot of posts about this already but I can't find one that relates to what I want to do,
I used the formula from here:
As well as this one:
I think they area basically the same thing, now my problem is one of my circles is always static, and what I want is when the other circle hits it straight on, I want it to bounce back with the same speed, but these formulas have the circle stop still, presumably as it would pass it's energy to the other circle which would then move away.
I tried doing things like bounce = vel.x pre collision - vel.y post collision and add or subtract that to vel.x post collision and it kinda works but not really, the angles are wrong and depending on which direction the ball is coming from it may bounce up instead of down, left instead of right,
would probably require a lot of if/else statements to get to work at all.
Can someone suggest something?
here's the code for the function :
void Collision2(sf::CircleShape* b1, sf::CircleShape* b2, sf::Vector2f vel1,sf::Vector2f& vel2) {
//vel1 is 0,0 but i might want to use it later
float m1 = 10;
float m2 = 10;
//normal vector
sf::Vector2f nVec((b2->getPosition().x - b1->getPosition().x), (b2->getPosition().y - b1->getPosition().y));
//unit vector
sf::Vector2f uNVec(nVec / sqrt((nVec.x * nVec.x) + (nVec.y * nVec.y)));
//unit tangent vec
sf::Vector2f uTVec(-uNVec.y, uNVec.x);
float v1n = (uNVec.x * vel1.x) + (uNVec.y * vel1.y);
float v2n = (uNVec.x * vel2.x) + (uNVec.y * vel2.y);
float v1t = uTVec.x * vel1.x + uTVec.y * vel2.y;
float v2t = (uTVec.x * vel2.x) + (uTVec.y * vel2.y);
//v1t and v1n after collision
float v1tN = v1t;
float v2tN = v2t;
float v1nN = (v1n * (m1 - m2) + (2 * m2) * v2n) / (m1 + m2);
float v2nN = (v2n * (m2 - m1) + (2 * m1) * v1n) / (m1 + m2);
//new velocities
sf::Vector2f vel1N(v1nN*uNVec);
sf::Vector2f vel1tN(v1tN * uTVec);
sf::Vector2f vel2N(v2nN * uNVec);
sf::Vector2f vel2tN(v2tN * uTVec);
vel1 = (vel1N + vel1tN);
vel2 = (vel2N + vel2tN);

Physics part
The sources you added illustrate the physics behind it very well. when the two balls collide they transfer momentum between them. In an elastic collision this transfer keeps the energy of the system, the same.
We can think of the collision in terms of inertia and momentum, rather than starting from velocity. The kinetic energy of a body is generally p^2/(2m), so if we transfer dp from the moving body then we will have change in energy: dE = -pdp/m + dp^2/(2m) + dp^2/(2M) = 0. Here m is the moving and M is the stationary mass. Rearranging gives pdp/m = dp^2*(1/(2m) + 1/(2M)). We can consider m = M yielding p = dp (i.e. All moment is transferred (Note: this is a simplistic view, only dealing with head on collisions)). In the limit where the stationary object is massive however (M >> m) the result will be dp = 2p, simply bouncing off.
You can achieve the results by setting M to the maximum allowed float value (if I recall 1/inf == NaN in the IEEE standard so that doesn't work unfortunately). Alternatively you can do the collision within the circle by creating custom classes like:
class Circle : public sf::CircleShape{
virtual collide (Circle*);
class StaticCircle : public Circle{
collide (Circle*) override;
in the second one you can omit any terms where you divide by the mass of the circle, as it is in essence infinite.


Rotating a vector around a point

I've looked around here for some answers on this, I've found a few good ones, but when I implement them in my code, I get some unexpected results.
Here's my problem:
I'm creating a top down geometry shooter, and when an enemy is hit by a bullet, the enemy should explode into smaller clones, shooting out from the center of the enemy in a circular fashion, in even intervals around the enemy. I assumed I could accomplish this by getting an initial vector, coming straight out of the side of the enemy shape, then rotate that vector the appropriate amount of times. Here's my code:
void Game::spawnSmallEnemies(s_ptr<Entity> e)
int vertices = e->cShape->shape.getPointCount();
float angle = 360.f / vertices;
double conv = M_PI / 180.f;
double cs = cos(angle * (M_PI / 180));
double sn = sin(angle * (M_PI / 180));
// Radius of enemy shape
Vec2 velocity { e->cTransform->m_pos.m_x + m_enemyCfg.SR , e->cTransform->m_pos.m_y} ;
velocity = velocity.get_normal();
Vec2 origin {e->cTransform->m_pos};
for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
auto small = m_entityMgr.addEntity("small");
small->cTransform = std::make_shared<CTransform>(origin, velocity * 3, 0);
small->cShape = std::make_shared<CShape>(m_enemyCfg.SR / 4, vertices,
e->cShape->shape.getFillColor(), e->cShape->shape.getOutlineColor(),
e->cShape->shape.getOutlineThickness(), small->cTransform->m_pos);
small->cCircleCollider = std::make_shared<CCircleCollider>(m_enemyCfg.SR / 4);
small->cLife = std::make_shared<CLifespan>(m_enemyCfg.L);
velocity.m_x = ((velocity.m_x - origin.m_x) * cs) - ((origin.m_y - velocity.m_y) * sn) + origin.m_x;
velocity.m_y = origin.m_y - ((origin.m_y - velocity.m_y) * cs) + ((velocity.m_x - origin.m_x) * sn);
I got the rotation code at the bottom from this post, however each of the smaller shapes only shoot toward the bottom right, all clumped together. I would assume my error is logic, however I have been unable to find a solution.

Moving an object in the direction of the camera

I'm making a project where I need to move a player in any direction using an analog stick. I'm limited to specific functions and I only have the positions of the camera and the player and the analog stick. The camera is always pointed to the player.
vec2 &leftStick = getLeftStick(-1); // results in an x and a y, both ranging from -1 to 1.
vec3 *playerPos = getTrans(player);
vec3 *cameraPos = getCameraPos(player, 0);
playerPos->x += leftStick.x * 10.0f;
playerPos->z -= leftStick.y * 10.0f;
This code works to move the player, however its using the orientation of the world. I need it where holding up on the analog stick (left stick y = 1) makes the player go forward, no matter what way the player/camera are facing.
My solution, thank you #Borgleader for a majority of it.
I found an equation to find the distance and velocity for the x and z online, then I tested a bunch of combinations until it worked properly. Not a good way to do this but it worked out.
// this all replaces the last two lines of the previous code snippet
float speed = 30.0f;
float d = sqrt(powf(playerPos->x - cameraPos->x, 2) + powf(playerPos->z - cameraPos->z, 2));
float vx = (speed/d)*(playerPos->x - cameraPos->x);
float vz = (speed/d)*(playerPos->z - cameraPos->z);
playerPos->x -= leftStick.x * vz;
playerPos->z += leftStick.x * vx;
playerPos->x += leftStick.y * vx;
playerPos->z += leftStick.y * vz;

C++ / SDL2 - Ball bouncing/glitching together

I was trying to write some ball bouncing program in C++ using SDL2. I had a hard time getting the velocity exchange correct, but it works pretty neat so far. The only problem I have right now is that the balls are sometimes glitching/stucking together and after some seconds they release themself again.
That is my update() function which gets called every frame:
void Game::update() {
int newtime = SDL_GetTicks();
int diff = newtime - lasttime;
if (diff > 10)
diff = 10;
for (Ball *ball : balls) {
ball->x = ball->x + ball->velocity->x * (float) diff / 100;
ball->y = ball->y + ball->velocity->y * (float) diff / 100;
lasttime = newtime;
I guess that the balls are getting to close and don't bounce at the border of the balls. Therefore I tried to give every ball a boolean canCollide which is always true except a ball is colliding. Then it stays false until the two balls aren't overlapping anymore.
Here are my checkBallCollision() and updateCanCollide() functions:`
void Game::updateCanCollide() {
Ball **ballArr = &balls[0];
int length = balls.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (ballArr[i]->canCollide)
bool updatedCollide = true;
for (int k = i + 1; k < length; k++) {
Ball *ball1 = ballArr[i];
Ball *ball2 = ballArr[k];
int xdiff = abs(ball1->x - ball2->x);
int ydiff = abs(ball1->y - ball2->y);
float distance = sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
if (distance <= ball1->radius + ball2->radius) {
updatedCollide = false;
ballArr[i]->canCollide = updatedCollide;
// do all collision checks and update the velocity
void Game::checkBallCollision() {
Ball **ballArr = &balls[0];
int length = balls.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!ballArr[i]->canCollide)
for (int k = i + 1; k < length; k++) {
if (!ballArr[k]->canCollide)
Ball *ball1 = ballArr[i];
Ball *ball2 = ballArr[k];
int xdiff = abs(ball1->x - ball2->x);
int ydiff = abs(ball1->y - ball2->y);
float distance = sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
if (distance <= ball1->radius + ball2->radius) {
// ball1 and ball2 are colliding
// update the velocity of both balls
float m1 = ball1->radius * ball1->radius * 3.14159;
float m2 = ball2->radius * ball2->radius * 3.14159;
Vector2D *v1 = new Vector2D(ball1->velocity->x, ball1->velocity->x);
Vector2D *v2 = new Vector2D(ball2->velocity->x, ball2->velocity->x);
ball1->velocity->x = ((v1->x * (m1 - m2) + 2 * m2 * v2->x) / (m1 + m2));
ball1->velocity->y = ((v1->y * (m1 - m2) + 2 * m2 * v2->y) / (m1 + m2));
ball2->velocity->x = ((v2->x * (m2 - m1) + 2 * m1 * v1->x) / (m1 + m2));
ball2->velocity->y = ((v2->y * (m2 - m1) + 2 * m1 * v1->y) / (m1 + m2));
ball1->canCollide = false;
ball2->canCollide = false;
The proper fix
The main problem is that you are letting the balls overlap each other, then update their velocities. However, if the next time step is shorter than the previous one, it can be that after updating their positions, they are still overlapping. Then you think they are colliding again, and update their velocities, but this will most likely cause then to move closer together again. This explains why they get stuck.
The proper wait to solve this is to calculate the exact point in time that two moving balls collide. This can be done analytically, for example by treating time as a third dimension, and then calculating a line-sphere intersection. If this happens during the time step, you advance the time up to the point that the collision happens, then update the velocities, and then perform the rest of the step. If you have more than two balls, then be aware that you can have more than two balls colliding all with each other in the same timestep. This is also solvable, just calculate all the time points that collisions happen, select the earliest one, update velocities at that point, and then recalculate the collision times, and so on until there are no collisions in the time step.
The workaround
Your workaround might fix two balls sticking to each other, but the result is not physically accurate. It breaks down when you start increasing the density of balls, since at some point the chance will be very high that at least one ball of a pair that should collide was in a collision in the previous timestep, and then they will all just start passing through each other all the time.
Another issue is that you have to check every possible pair of balls in updateCanCollide(), which is not efficient. There is a simpler and more common workaround to this problem: when two balls collide, after updating their velocities, immediately update their positions as well such that the balls are no longer colliding. You can try to calculate exactly how much to move them so they no longer overlap, or if you don't want to involve mathematics, you can just have a while loop to do a small step until they no longer overlap.
Other issues in your code
Note that there are also some other thing in your code that you could improve:
Don't new a temporary Vector2D, just declare it on the stack. If for some reason this is not possible, at least delete v1 and v2 afterwards.
You don't need to call abs() if you are going to square the result anyway.
Use std::hypot() to calculate the distance.
Did you write Vector2D yourself or is it from a library? If the latter, maybe it already has functions to reflect two 2D vectors? If the former, consider using a library like GLM, even if you are not using OpenGL.
Use a proper value of π. A simple, portable solution is to declare static constexpr pi = std::atan(1) * 4.

How to check if two circles drawn on an Adafruit TFT screen are touching eachother?

im making (or rather, trying to make, lol) a snake game on a Adafruit TFT 1.8 screen. Then i ofcourse need the snakehead to know when it hits the "point", and therefore i need to know when the two circles which are of even size are touching eachother. However, my function for this is not working (in other words printing "NOT TOUCHING").
Im trying to follow this formula:
(sqrt(dx2 + dy2))
The radius of both circles are 3, and i get the center for the formula from adding the screen position x and y of the circles together (am i even getting the centers correctly?).
void pointCondition() {
double centerPoint = pointPositionX + pointPositionY;
double centerSnakeHead = positionX + positionY;
int distanceBetweenCenter = (sqrt(centerPoint * 3 + centerSnakeHead * 3));
int weight = 3 / 2;
if (distanceBetweenCenter < weight) {
} else {
Serial.println("NOT TOUCHING");
Can you see what i am doing wrong?
You need something like this:
double dx = pointPositionX - positionX,
dy = pointPositionY - positionY,
d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
bool touching = d <= 3;

Wave vector in 2 dimensions

So I'm trying to make the player shoot a bullet that goes towards the mouse in a wavey pattern. I can get the bullet to move in a wavey pattern (albeit not really how I predicted), but not towards the mouse.
Vector2 BulletFun::sine(Vector2 vec) {
float w = (2 * PI) / 1000; // Where 1000 is the period
float waveNum = (2 * PI) / 5; // Where 5 is the wavelength
Vector2 k(0.0F, waveNum);
float t = k.dot(vec) - (w * _time);
float x = 5 * cos(t); // Where 5 is the amplitude
float y = 5 * sin(t);
Vector2 result(x, y);
return result;
Right now the speed isn't much of a concern, that shouldn't be too much of a problem once I have this figured out. I do get some angle change, but it seems to be reversed and only 1/8th a circle.
I'm probably miscalculating something somewhere. I just kind of learned about wave vectors.
I've tried a few other things, such as 1 dimensional travelling waves and another thing involving adjusting a normal sine wave by vec. Which had more or less the same result.
vec is the displacement from the player's location to the mouse click location. The return is a new vector that is adjusted to follow a wave pattern, BulletFun::sine is called each time the bullet receives and update.
The setup is something like this:
void Bullet::update() {
_velocity = BulletFun::sine(_displacement);
_location.add(_velocity); // add is a property of Tuple
// which Vector2 and Point2 inherit
In pseudocode, what you need to do is the following:
waveVector = Vector2(travelDistance,amplitude*cos(2*PI*frequency*travelDistance/unitDistance);
cosTheta = directionVector.norm().dot(waveVector.norm());
theta = acos(cosTheta);
That should compute the wave vector in a traditional coordinate frame, and then rotate it to the local coordinate frame of the direction vector (where the direction vector is the local x-axis), and then translate the wave vector relative to your desired origin position of the wave beam or whatever...
This will result in a function very similar to
BulletFun::sine(Bullet _bullet, float _amplitude, float _frequency, float _unitDistance)
float displacement = _bullet.getDisplacement();
float omega = 2.0f * PI * _frequency * _displacement / _unitDistance;
// Compute the wave coordinate on the traditional, untransformed
// Cartesian coordinate frame.
Vector2 wave(_displacement, _amplitude * cos(omega));
// The dot product of two unit vectors is the cosine of the
// angle between them.
float cosTheta = _bullet.getDirection().normalize().dot(wave.normalize());
float theta = acos(cosTheta);
// Translate and rotate the wave coordinate onto
// the direction vector.