Unable to refresh dynamic data source in PowerBI service via using anonymous web API access? - powerbi

This relates to my earlier question - How to iterate/loop through next pages in an API request in PowerQuery/PowerBI? ; which was resolved using below code:
//Declare base variables
BaseURL = "https://api.aaaaaa.com",
Entity = "/api/v1/user?&limit=1000",
Token = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",
Options = [Headers=[APITOKEN=Token]],
URL = BaseURL & Entity,
//Define a function that would take step/page as parameter and return results
GetData=(page as number) =>
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(URL & "&step=" & Number.ToText(page), Options)),
Data = try Source[results] otherwise null
//Iterate over GetData () to return all the records until last page i.e. until no "result" is retrieved from the API call
GeneratePageList =
List.Generate( ()=>
[Result = try GetData(1) otherwise null, Page=1],
each [Result] <> null,
each [Result = try GetData([Page]+1) otherwise null, Page=[Page]+1],
each [Result]
However, once this code is published to PowerBI service, we cannot schedule refresh for it, since it gives below error as:-
This dataset includes a dynamic data source. Since dynamic data sources aren't refreshed in the Power BI service, this dataset won't be refreshed. Learn more: https://aka.ms/dynamic-data-sources.
• Data source for Query1Discover Data Sources
Tried RelativePath & Query method as suggested here - https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2016/08/16/using-the-relativepath-and-query-options-with-web-contents-in-power-query-and-power-bi-m-code/ and here-
But, without any luck, see below how am using it:
BaseURL = "https://api.crewhu.com",
Entity = "/api/v1/user?&limit=1000&step=",
Token = "60afbdaf5d7d584762771f36",
Options = [Headers=[X_CREWHU_APITOKEN=Token]],
URL = BaseURL & Entity,
//Define a function that would take step/page as parameter and return results
GetData=(page as number) =>
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseURL & [RelativePath = Entity, Query=[page]], Options)),
The BaseURL is reachable; but redirects to the login page, where our admin credentials (username+password) on the vendor site works well. However, same credentials do not work when using "Basic" connection method during accessing Web Content. Therefore, tried adding #Authorization = Basic in the header along with API key like - [Headers=[Authorization = Basic, X_CREWHU_APITOKEN=Token]]; but this also didn't work.
We've only got an Open API token/key from the vendor; but even that token/key also doesn't work from when providing that in "Web API" section during connecting/accessing Web Content, it gives error as:- "a web api key can only be specified when a web api key name is provided", but the same key/token works well from within PowerQuery (M) code using anonymous web api call method.
Have tried multiple permutation combinations of providing key/token in the username/password fields as suggested in some sites, but still no luck.


Uploaded media files 404 on production but show up hours later

We've built a custom front end for users to post threads and upload images on top of Sitecore 9. Recently, we moved the user generated content to it's own database, so the media files are no longer in the proper sitecore 'media gallery'. Also, file storage is on a networked share. Uploading images works just fine. It's immediately after where the problem lies.
Upon image upload, our rest api returns the media url from the MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(itemId). This also works. It returns a valid url, it is formatted correctly and should resolve. Unfortunately, for some time after, the url does the sitecore dance an 302s to our 404 page.
I can see the image through the content editor and our custom content handler injects the image folder node into both master and web databases.
Why would the link manager be able to find the url, but the image is not available? I uploaded something yesterday afternoon, an when I checked this morning, the image is now available on the site. Any information or suggestions are appreciated.
I have tried saving the image multiple times hoping that this might trigger whatever mystical Sitecore event that causes images to show. Since there isn't a publish due to the separate database, I can't try that. I've removed all versions thinking it couldn't default to a particular language. Nothing. Only time seems to make the images visible. The code below works just fine. I'm just putting it here to to show some work.
public MediaItem UploadSimpleMedia(MediaGallerySimpleUploadRequest request)
var destinationFolder = request.ParentItemId != null
? _content.GetItem<Item>(request.ParentItemId.Value)
: _content.GetItem<Item>(_publicLibraryPath + "/embeded");
var name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name)
? ItemUtil.ProposeValidItemName(request.Name)
: ItemUtil.ProposeValidItemName(request.Files[0].FileName);
var creator = new MediaCreator();
var tags = request.Tags != null ? request.Tags.Split(',') : new string[0];
var tagIds = _tagService.GetTagIds(tags);
var tagIdString = string.Join(",", tagIds);
var options = new MediaCreatorOptions()
AlternateText = request.Name,
FileBased = true,
IncludeExtensionInItemName = false,
Versioned = false,
Destination = $"{destinationFolder.Paths.Path}/{name}",
Database = Factory.GetDatabase("content")
using (new SecurityDisabler())
using (new DatabaseCacheDisabler())
MediaItem item = creator.CreateFromStream(request.Files[0].InputStream, request.Files[0].FileName, options);
item.InnerItem["Title"] = request.Name;
item.InnerItem["Description"] = request.Description;
item.InnerItem["__Semantics"] = tagIdString;
// Sitecore won't calculate MIME Type or File Size automatically unless you upload directly
// to the Sitecore Media Library. We're uploading in-place for private groups for permission inheritance
// and now because of indexing, they are getting uploaded to /Community/Gallery/Files if not private.
item.InnerItem["Size"] = request.Files[0].ContentLength.ToString();
item.InnerItem["Mime Type"] = request.Files[0].ContentType;
// Just pausing here to reflect on why Sitecore is so sexily complicated
// that it takes time to display an image on the CD, but has no problem giving
// up the media url
var fromDatabase = _content.GetItem<Item>(item.ID.Guid);
return fromDatabase;
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, ex);
return null;
I don't get any error messages either in our custom logs or the default sitecore logs. Images just aren't resolving. Is it caching? I've even nuked all caches by calling CacheManager.ClearAllCaches().

Store UserTokens generated by ASP.Net Core identity for external login provider

I am using Facebook as external login of ASP.Net Core identity.
I would like, even if the user logged in with Facebook, the user to fill his profile on the website.
For that I use the ExternalLoginCallback method, from which I would like to get data from Facebook such as date of birth, location (country), ...
One issue is if the user unchecked some of the permissions, the default call to Facebook fails:
var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
if (info == null)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Login));
// Sign in the user with this external login provider if the user already has a login.
var result = await _signInManager.ExternalLoginSignInAsync(info.LoginProvider, info.ProviderKey, isPersistent: false);
I would also need to do some additional checks on user data, which would require calling directly the Graph API.
My blocking points:
- In the ExternalLoginCallback method, I would need to separate the 'country' and 'birthday' to avoid the Facebook API to return an error in case of the user didn't grant the permission
- For that I would need the the user access_token (and for additional calls in the method), I don't see how to get it even if it is used by the Facebook Identity framework
- Once the profile created, I would like to get access to this access_token, which should be stored in the UserTokens table (I guess?), but I can't find it there, the table is empty. (my DbContext is a class extending IdentityDbContext<AppUser, AppRole, long>, don't know if it has an impact)
I have found this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/42670559/4881677 which may help, but not sufficient.
Any help? :)
In order to store the user Facebook token, it requires to specify it in the options (not stored by default).
var fo = new FacebookOptions();
fo.SaveTokens = true;
From there we can call the graph method permissions to get the available permissions: https://graph.facebook.com/me/permissions?access_token={token}
Then it can be read with something like this:
foreach (var perm in data)
perms.Add((string)perm["permission"], (string)perm["status"]);

Identity Server 3 Facebook Login Get Email

Identity server is implemented and working well. Google login is working and is returning several claims including email.
Facebook login is working, and my app is live and requests email permissions when a new user logs in.
The problem is that I can't get the email back from the oauth endpoint and I can't seem to find the access_token to manually request user information. All I have is a "code" returned from the facebook login endpoint.
Here's the IdentityServer setup.
var fb = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppSecret"]
Then of course I've customized the AuthenticateLocalAsync method, but the claims I'm receiving only include name. No email claim.
Digging through the source code for identity server, I realized that there are some claims things happening to transform facebook claims, so I extended that class to debug into it and see if it was stripping out any claims, which it's not.
I also watched the http calls with fiddler, and I only see the following (apologies as code formatting doesn't work very good on urls. I tried to format the querystring params one their own lines but it didn't take)
POST /cookie/consent/?pv=1&dpr=1 HTTP/1.1
(identity server)
I saw the code parameter on that last call and thought that maybe I could use the code there to get the access_token from the facebook API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow
However when I tried that I get a message from the API telling me the code has already been used.
I also tried to change the UserInformationEndpoint to the FacebookAuthenticationOptions to force it to ask for the email by appending ?fields=email to the end of the default endpoint location, but that causes identity server to spit out the error "There was an error logging into the external provider. The error message is: access_denied".
I might be able to fix this all if I can change the middleware to send the request with response_type=id_token but I can't figure out how to do that or how to extract that access token when it gets returned in the first place to be able to use the Facebook C# sdk.
So I guess any help or direction at all would be awesome. I've spent countless hours researching and trying to solve the problem. All I need to do is get the email address of the logged-in user via IdentityServer3. Doesn't sound so hard and yet I'm stuck.
I finally figured this out. The answer has something to do with Mitra's comments although neither of those answers quite seemed to fit the bill, so I'm putting another one here. First, you need to request the access_token, not code (authorization code) from Facebook's Authentication endpoint. To do that, set it up like this
var fb = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppSecret"],
Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = (context) =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new System.Security.Claims.Claim("urn:facebook:access_token", context.AccessToken, ClaimValueTypes.String, "Facebook"));
return Task.FromResult(0);
Then, you need to catch the response once it's logged in. I'm using the following file from the IdentityServer3 Samples Repository, which overrides (read, provides functionality) for the methods necessary to log a user in from external sites. From this response, I'm using the C# Facebook SDK with the newly returned access_token claim in the ExternalAuthenticationContext to request the fields I need and add them to the list of claims. Then I can use that information to create/log in the user.
public override async Task AuthenticateExternalAsync(ExternalAuthenticationContext ctx)
var externalUser = ctx.ExternalIdentity;
var claimsList = ctx.ExternalIdentity.Claims.ToList();
if (externalUser.Provider == "Facebook")
var extraClaims = GetAdditionalFacebookClaims(externalUser.Claims.First(claim => claim.Type == "urn:facebook:access_token"));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("email", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "email").Value.ToString()));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("given_name", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "first_name").Value.ToString()));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("family_name", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "last_name").Value.ToString()));
if (externalUser == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("externalUser");
var user = await userManager.FindAsync(new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserLoginInfo(externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId));
if (user == null)
ctx.AuthenticateResult = await ProcessNewExternalAccountAsync(externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId, claimsList);
ctx.AuthenticateResult = await ProcessExistingExternalAccountAsync(user.Id, externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId, claimsList);
And that's it! If you have any suggestions for simplifying this process, please let me know. I was going to modify this code to do perform the call to the API from FacebookAuthenticationOptions, but the Events property no longer exists apparently.
Edit: the GetAdditionalFacebookClaims method is simply a method that creates a new FacebookClient given the access token that was pulled out and queries the Facebook API for the other user claims you need. For example, my method looks like this:
protected static JsonObject GetAdditionalFacebookClaims(Claim accessToken)
var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken.Value);
return fb.Get("me", new {fields = new[] {"email", "first_name", "last_name"}}) as JsonObject;

Unable to authenticate in accessing Dynamic CRM Online Web Service

I need to utilize Dynamic CRM Data Service Endpoint exposed to get data from one of the methods.
Service(microsoft) account has access to this service.
I've tried authenticating to Discovery Service and Organization Service using sample code provided here [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh675404.aspx] and succeed. However am not able to use same authentication to access data Service as I could find anyway to relate Data Service with the other two. Doing basic authentication using Network Credentials does not work.
I have downloaded the CSDL exposed and added that as service reference to my project, which created an class of web service which extends from DataServiceContext. Am trying to retrieve data of one of the methods using LinQ queries. It returs following error:
"The response payload is a not a valid response payload. Please make sure that the top level element is a valid Atom or JSON element or belongs to 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices' namespace." On capturing using fiddle I realized that on hitting data service URL it is redirected to sign in page 'login.microsoftonline.com/'
Can anybody suggest a way to authenticate the user to access Data Serivce?
Adding code:
IServiceManagement<IDiscoveryService> serviceManagement =
new Uri(_discoveryServiceAddress));
AuthenticationProviderType endpointType = serviceManagement.AuthenticationType;
// Set the credentials.
AuthenticationCredentials authCredentials = GetCredentials(serviceManagement, endpointType);
String organizationUri = String.Empty;
// Get the discovery service proxy.
using (DiscoveryServiceProxy discoveryProxy =
GetProxy<IDiscoveryService, DiscoveryServiceProxy>(serviceManagement, authCredentials))
// Obtain organization information from the Discovery service.
if (discoveryProxy != null)
// Obtain information about the organizations that the system user belongs to.
OrganizationDetailCollection orgs = DiscoverOrganizations(discoveryProxy);
// Obtains the Web address (Uri) of the target organization.
organizationUri = FindOrganization(_organizationUniqueName,
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(organizationUri))
IServiceManagement<IOrganizationService> orgServiceManagement =
new Uri(organizationUri));
// Set the credentials.
AuthenticationCredentials credentials = GetCredentials(orgServiceManagement, endpointType);
// Get the organization service proxy.
using (OrganizationServiceProxy organizationProxy =
GetProxy<IOrganizationService, OrganizationServiceProxy>(orgServiceManagement, credentials))
// This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.
// Now make an SDK call with the organization service proxy.
// Display information about the logged on user.
Guid userid = ((WhoAmIResponse)organizationProxy.Execute(
new WhoAmIRequest())).UserId;
SystemUser systemUser = organizationProxy.Retrieve("systemuser", userid,
new ColumnSet(new string[] { "firstname", "lastname" })).ToEntity<SystemUser>();
Console.WriteLine("Logged on user is {0} {1}.",
systemUser.FirstName, systemUser.LastName);
Uri x = new Uri("https://<MyOrgainzationName>.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/");
MyOrgainzationContext saContext = new MyOrgainzationContext(x);
NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential();
nc.UserName = "*****#microsoft.com";
nc.Password = "********";
saContext.Credentials = nc;
var query_where3 = from c in saContext.new_productSet
select new
ProductStatus = c.new_ProductStatus,
LineofBusiness = c.new_LineofBusiness
var temp = saContext.Entities;
foreach (var c in query_where3)
System.Console.WriteLine("ProductStatus: " +
c.ProductStatus +
"\t\t\t" +
"LineofBusiness: " +
MyOrganizationContext is the context class created on adding CSDL file exposed at service endpoints
Have a look at the CRM Web Api Preview: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm/webapipreview.aspx. You can call this endpoint from outside xRM and you can authenticate with OAuth 2.0.

CF8 and Salesforce REST API - updating records

I'm trying to do integration with Salesforce using their REST API and CF8.
I got the OAuth bit working, getting data etc but now I'm trying to update some records in Contact table.
First I tought about doing it the "proper" way as their docs say -
Update a record using HTTP PATCH.
But CFHTTP doesn't support PATCH method.
So then I tried running a SOQL query:
UPDATE Contact SET MailingStreet = 'Blah Blah' WHERE Id = '003A000000Zp4ObIAJ'
but here I'm getting
{"message":"unexpected token: UPDATE","errorCode":"MALFORMED_QUERY"}
Does anyone have an idea how to do it?
You can create your own PATCH method if your client supports it, but there is an easier way. From the Force.com REST API Developer's Guide:
If you use an HTTP library that doesn't allow overriding or setting an
arbitrary HTTP method name, you can send a POST request and provide an
override to the HTTP method via the query string parameter
_HttpMethod. In the PATCH example, you can replace the PostMethod line
with one that doesn't use override:
PostMethod m = new PostMethod(url + "?_HttpMethod=PATCH");
In CF9 CFScript, using the method that Paddyslacker already suggested for adding _HttpMethod=PATCH to the URL:
private boolean function patchObject(required string sfid, required string type, required struct obj) {
local.url = variables.salesforceInstance & '/services/data/v' & variables.apiVersion &'/sobjects/' & arguments.type & '/' & arguments.sfid &'?_HttpMethod=PATCH';
local.http = new Http(url=local.url,method='post');
//... convert obj to a json string, add to local.http ...
local.httpSendResult = local.http.send().getPrefix();
We have a CF9 CFC that we wrote that wraps most of the REST API that we will be open sourcing soon. I'll come back and link to it when we do.