AWS OpsWorks setup_failed for Instance - unable to deploy_branch - amazon-web-services

I've had a remote dashboard running fine for a couple of years (written for me by an external developer). It runs on an EC2 instance and is configured using OpsWorks.
Today it's not working, and I see in OpsWorks that the instance is showing as setup_failed.
According to the logs it fails here:
[2021-07-02T15:00:59+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/runs/18bc4301-71c1-4393-bb26-eae958791d5a/local-mode-cache/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2021-07-02T15:00:59+00:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
[2021-07-02T15:00:59+00:00] ERROR: deploy_branch[/srv/api] (iparcelbox::deploy-api line 45) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '255'
---- Begin output of git fetch origin ----
STDERR: error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied
---- End output of git fetch origin ----
Ran git fetch origin returned 255
I've checked the recipe file for iparcelbox::deploy-api and line 45 calls a deploy_branch:
deploy_branch server_path do
user userName
group groupName
repository node[:iparcelbox][:git_url]
revision node[:iparcelbox][:revision]
enable_submodules false
migrate false
shallow_clone true
git_ssh_wrapper "/tmp/"
rollback_on_error false
keep_releases 5
purge_before_symlink purge_dirs
create_dirs_before_symlink []
action :deploy
So as I understand it, the deploy_branch is trying to fetch a git repo, and for some reason it's failing? I've checked my GitHub repository for the source files and I can see an ssh 'Deploy Key' which is showing as used within the last week.
If anyone could give me any suggestions as to what else to try, it would be much appreciated!

I found an answer to this - I thought the issue was permission denied accessing the git repository, but actually it was because the destination folder on my instance had modified ownership. Setting the ownership back to that specified in the Chef recipe using chown allowed the setup to complete successfully.


Getting error when pushing github repsoitory

I get this error when pushing a brand new repo, here is the error: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I have done research but most are out-dated, I have deleted the folder as well but still gives me this error
1st remove the remote origin:
git remote remove origin
Then add a new remote in this format:
git remote add origin

AWS: ERROR: Pre-processing of application version xxx has failed and Some application versions failed to process. Unable to continue deployment

Hi I am trying to deploy a node application from cloud 9 to ELB but I keep getting the below error.
Starting environment deployment via CodeCommit
--- Waiting for Application Versions to be pre-processed --- ERROR: Pre-processing of application version app-491a-200623_151654 has
failed. ERROR: Some application versions failed to process. Unable to
continue deployment.
I have attached an image of the IAM roles that I have. Any solutions?
Go to your console and open up your elastic beanstalk console. Go to both applications and environments and delete them. Then in your terminal hit
eb init #Follow instructions
eb create --single ##Follow instructions.
It would fix the error, which is due to some application states which are failed. If you want to check those do
aws elasticbeanstalk describe-application-versions
I was searching for this answer as a result of watching a YouTube tutorial for how to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam. If anyone else gets this error as a result of that tutorial, delete the 002_node_command.config file created in the tutorial and commit that change, as that is causing the error to occur.
A failure within the pre-processing phase, may be caused by an invalid manifest, configuration or .ebextensions file.
If you deploy an (invalid) application version using eb deploy and you enable the preprocess option, The details of the error will not be revealed.
You can remove the --process flag and enable the verbose option to improve error output.
in my case I deploy using this command:
eb deploy -l "XXX" -p
And can return a failure when I mess around with .ebextensions:
ERROR: Pre-processing of application version xxx has failed.
ERROR: Some application versions failed to process. Unable to continue deployment.
With that result I can't figure up what is wrong,
but deploying without -p (or --process)and adding -v (verbose) flag:
eb deploy -l "$deployname" -v
It returns something more useful:
Uploading: [##################################################] 100% Done...
INFO: Creating AppVersion xxx
ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - The configuration file .ebextensions/16-my_custom_config_file.config in application version xxx contains invalid YAML or JSON.
YAML exception: Invalid Yaml: while scanning a simple key
in 'reader', line 6, column 1:
(... details of the error ...)
, JSON exception: Invalid JSON: Unexpected character (#) at position 0.. Update the configuration file.
Now I can fix the problem.

Divio App trouble to create project directory and clone repository

Please help I have trouble with Divio App trying to making it work.
When I press "set up project"
it gives me this
Creating workspace
cloning project repository
Cloning into '/c/Users/Ubisoft/Documents/iloveit'...
Bad owner or permissions on /home/divio/.ssh/config
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
There was an error trying to run a command. This is most likely
not an issue with divio-cli, but the called program itself.
Try checking the output of the command above.
The command was:
git clone /c/Users/Ubisoft/Documents/iloveit
and in windows power shell it gives me this
Creating workspace
cloning project repository
Cloning into '/c/Users/Ubisoft/Documents/iloveit'...
Bad owner or permissions on /home/divio/.ssh/config
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
There was an error trying to run a command. This is most likely
not an issue with divio-cli, but the called program itself.
Try checking the output of the command above.
The command was:
git clone /c/Users/Ubisoft/Documents/iloveit
divio#app-1.0.0 /c/Users/Ubisoft/Documents
I also tried this from virtual MacOS and getting this message:
I also tried to mess arouond with creating SSH keys but didn't work out.
Can someone provide me step by step explanation how to make this wonderful app work?
In the Windows examples you show, I see:
Bad owner or permissions on /home/divio/.ssh/config
I am not sure how that has happened, but that is what is preventing your local environment from providing the expected key to the Divio Control Panel.
In the Macintosh example, the environment doesn't have a key that the Control Panel knows about.
You will need to add the key (probably from ~/.ssh/ to If you don't already have a key in the Macintosh environment, you will need to set one up.
For anyone who may face this issue. On my MacOS virtual machine I managed to find solution. Looks like it is Internet Service Provider blocking port 22 something like that. Okay looks like problem resolved. I used VPN and without any hastle with SSH I got different result. Looks like it is working now not finished creating project yet but promising:
Creating workspace
cloning project repository
Cloning into '/Users/johnwick/Documents/best-project'...
Locking the website...
remote: Counting objects: 785, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (739/739), done.
Unlocking the website...(385/785), 1.05 MiB | 524.00 KiB/s
remote: Total 785 (delta 112), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (785/785), 1.77 MiB | 448.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (112/112), done.
Checking out files: 100% (615/615), done.
downloading remote docker images
Pulling db ... done
Pulling web ... done
building local docker images
db uses an image, skipping
Building web
Step 1/7 : FROM divio/base:4.15-py3.6-slim-stretch
4.15-py3.6-slim-stretch: Pulling from divio/base

Unable to Clone from Google Cloud Source Repository

I have created a project (ID: imagetest1-259203) within an organization. I successfully created a repository using
gcloud source repos create repo1
but when I tried to clone this to my PC using
gcloud source repos clone repo1
I get the following issue. (Note: I already have enabled "Cloud Source Repositories API")
Cloning into 'D:\AppEngineTests\repo1'...
remote: PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission
remote: []
remote: request_id: "2e79f3c507f14b3190d7a5941bed3e5f"
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
ERROR: (gcloud.source.repos.clone) Command '[u'git', u'clone', u'', u'D:\\AppEngineTests\\repo1', u'--config', u'credential.helper=', u'--config', u'credential.helper=!gcloud.cmd auth git-helper --ignore-unknown $#']' returned non-zero exit status 128
But when I cloned to Cloud Shell using the same set of commands, it succeeded.
In order to clone the contents of a Google Cloud Repository you need:
authentication on your local system
a repository in Cloud Source Repositories
permissions to interact with the repository link
I suspect you have issues with permissions.
You have to install Cloud SDK.
Provide your authentication credentials:
gcloud init
and then clone the repository:
gcloud source repos clone [REPO_NAME] --project=[PROJECT_NAME]
I had this issue for months, I was using two different accounts, personal & work.
It worked on one PC, but not another PC.
FIX: Rename or delete this file: %USERPROFILE%_netrc
I tried:
gcloud auth revoke + then gcloud auth init
Renamed .gitconfig
Renamed .gitcookies
Deleted %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\gcloud
Deleted creds from Windows Credential Manager with 'git'
Eventually ran procmon to trace which files it was reading.
Renamed _netrc to _netrc.backup
Command then worked.
Undid rename and tested again, returned error message once again.

aws code-deploy error while redeploying site

I am getting following error while re-deploying the site using code-deploy and code pipeline
The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment, too few healthy instances are available for deployment, or some instances in your deployment group are experiencing problems.
The first deployment works without any issue, however if make a small change within index.html file and click on release change, my source stage gets succeeded but it fails on deploy stage, and if i put the original file back in S3 i get the above error. Version is enabled on S3, code agent is also running on windows machine
Finally got the exact error message from the code deploy log.
Can anyone help as to why i dont see this error with original deployment and what changes when i only make small change in index.html and dont change anything else and save it with the same name, it fails
2019-03-29T16:01:55 ERROR [codedeploy-agent(3728)]: InstanceAgent::Plugins::CodeDeployPlugin::CommandPoller: Error during perform: RuntimeError - The CodeDeploy agent did not find an AppSpec file within the unpacked revision directory at revision-relative path "appspec.yml". The revision was unpacked to directory "C:\ProgramData/Amazon/CodeDeploy/7f6993e8-a33a-41c4-a7c5-861f5c8b61d9/d-SI7UK8P1Z/deployment-archive", and the AppSpec file was expected but not found at path "C:\ProgramData/Amazon/CodeDeploy/7f6993e8-a33a-41c4-a7c5-861f5c8b61d9/d-SI7UK8P1Z/deployment-archive/appspec.yml". Consult the AWS CodeDeploy Appspec documentation for more information at - C:/Windows/TEMP/ocr5060.tmp/src/opt/codedeploy-agent/lib/instance_agent/plugins/codedeploy/hook_executor.rb:223:in `parse_app_spec'
my appspec.yml file is in the root directory, nothing is changed from original file
This issue is resolved, when i was zipping the folder, i had another folder within which i had appspec.yml which was causing the issue e.g test/appspec.yml
when i place appspec.yml in root dir this fixed the issue