Tray.IO - Creating a NEW list - list

Working with Tray.IO for the first time and I run into an issue after using the object helper to format the data in the object model I need, to add to a NEW list that contains only the new object information. As you can see below I have tried manipulating the object in several ways.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Tray.IO Items

Based on the information you've provided, below is how I would approach this situation. I've also included a video link if you'd like to see it done step-by-step.
Using the Data Storage connector, you should create a new list by using ‘Append to List’ method, setting the Key to an appropriate name, with the Value coming from object-helpers-2. In addition, you’ll want to Create if missing.
Once the new list is created, you’ll need to retrieve the data using another Data Storage connector by using the ‘Get Value’ method, setting the Key to the name of your prior Data Storage step.
Finally, update the Key of your List Helpers step to the result of the Data Storage connector used to retrieve the data.
Link to Video
Happy Traygramming!


Is there a way to pass data source connection string as a parameter to power bi embedded?

I have a pbix file that takes an Azure Storage account as a parameter and reads data from there accordingly. The next step is to be able to embed this powerbi dashboard on a webpage and let the end user specify the storage account. I see a lot of questions and answers surrounding passing in filter query parameters--this is different, we're trying to read from a completely different data source and not filtering on a static data source.
Another way to ask this question is: is there a way to embed powerbi template files, if not, is there a feature request somewhere we can upvote?
The short answer is no.
There is a reason to use filters in this case instead of parameters. Parameters are something that is part of the report itself. Each users that looks at your reports will get the same parameter values as the others. If one of them changes some parameter, this will affect all other users. Filters on the other hand, is something local for your session. You can filter the report the way you like, and this will not affect other users experience in any way.
You can't embed templates, because template is simply a state of the report on the disk. When you open it, it's not a template anymore, but becomes a report.
You can either combine the data from all of your data sources in a single report, adding one more column to indicate from where this data comes from, and then filter on this new column. Or create/modify ETL process (for example dataflows can be used for this) to combine these data sources into a single one.

flatbuffers: Using add_myTable(table) to encode data

I am trying to use the following method of building a table, as taken from the flatbuffers tutorial:
MonsterBuilder monster_builder(builder);
But having done this for my root table I am unsure if I need to call .Finish() before adding it to the table that then contains the table above.
Is anyone able to provide me with an example of how usage of the add_member commands may be used in nested tables?
You call .Finish() on any tables you create with a table builder. You call .Finish(root) on your FlatBufferBuilder instance only once at the end to finish construction of the buffer.

libpq: get data type

I am coding a cpp project with the database "postgreSQL".
I created a table in my database its type is character varying(40).
Now I need to SELECT these data FROM the table in my cpp project. I knew that I should use the library libpq, this is the interface of "postgreSQL" for c/cpp.
I have succeeded in selecting data from the table. Now I am considering if it's possible to get the data type of this table. For example, here I want to get character varying(40).
You need to use PQftype.
As described here:
And just take a look here about decoding return values:
You must also use PQfsize to get field size.

List updating when shouldnt?

I am using a static class in my application. It basically uses an access database, and copies itself to various lists.
When the user modifies some data, the data is updates in the list, using LINQ, if there is no entry in the list for the modification then it will add a new item to the list.
This all works fine.
However on the 1st data interrogation, I create the original list, basically all records in the users table, so I have a list lstDATABASERECORDS.
What I do after populating this list I do lstDATABASERECORDSCOMPARISON=lstDATABASERECORDS
this enables me to quickly check whether to use an update or append query.
However when I add to lstDATABASERECORDS a record is added in lstDATABASERECORDSCOMPARISON too.
Can anyone advise?
You are assigning two variables to refer to the same instance of a list. Instead, you may want to try generating a clone of your list to keep for deltas (ICloneable is unfortunately not that useful without additional work to define cloneable semantics for your objects), or use objects that implement IEditableObject and probably INotifyPropertyChanged for change tracking (there's a few options there, including rolling your own).
There's nothing built in to the framework (until EF) that replicates the old ADO recordset capability to auto-magically generate update queries that only attempt to modify changed columns.

How to create Set in groovy script for SOAP ui to be able to reuse it in my test cases?

I am testing object coverage for certain reporting solution. I have hundreds of reports and I need to see if set of objects used in those reports covers the set of all possible objects. I figured out that I could use set collection to store distinct object names and then handle it in some way. As I use free version of SOAPui for time being, structure of my test is first invoking method to get XML view of single report, then use Groovy Script to append found object names into a csv file (File append method). However I would like to append those object after I get rid of duplicates. So suitable solution would be a Set variable where I could store object names from all reports and in last step store this set in a file.
How to create such reusable collection? Is there any other way I missed?
You could just declare a set like below
def setOfNames = [] as Set
// set manipulation
Or just declare a list first, manipulate it, then finally make a set out of it
def listOfNames = []
// list manipulation
def setOfNames = listOfNames as Set
Refer for more details