Is Questdb compatible with Grafana 8? - questdb

I've seen some questions, plus an integration guide for Grafana with Questdb, and I'm curious if it supports Grafana 8, including real-time streaming over websocket. Is there a list of features that are supported in this version. I'm using QuestDB 6.0.3 which is the current latest, running it via Docker.

QuestDB doesn't support websockets. The integration with grafana is achieved by using the PostgreSQL plugin and creating a datasource that connects to your QuestDB instance


Does Memorystore for Redis support Redis Modules?

Is Google cloud memory store for Redis support RedisJson, and RedisSearch modules?
Thanks in advance
As per Official docs Memorystore, currently supports Redis versions 6.x but it is not supporting RedisJson, and RedisSearch modules.
A Feature Request was raised to the Google team to enable JSON Redis module support for Memorystore for Redis 6.x and the Product Engineering Team is working on this request. At this moment, there is no ETA to this request.

Migrate Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB

I want to migrate the database from Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB.
I am following this user guide
When I try to create a clone data centre for extraction it throws
If you read through that document, you'll find that the conversion tool supports very old versions of Cassandra: 3.11.2, 3.1.1, 3.0, 2.1.20.
There will be a lot of configuration items in your cassandra.yaml that will not be compatible with the conversion tool including replica_filtering_protection since that property was not added until C* 3.0.22, 3.11.8 (CASSANDRA-15907).
You'll need to engage AWS Support to figure out what migration options are available to you. Cheers!

AWS DocumentDb not support mongodb 4.0

I do not know why AWS DocumentDb does not support MongoDB version that above 3.6? Should I use mongo 3.6 or 4.0 above?
Amazon DocumentDB now supports MongoDB 4.0 compatibility including transactions:
Document DB is compatible with only MongoDB 3.6.
Whether you want to use 3.6 vs 4.0 or even 4.2 or 4.4 is very subjective to what you want to do with the DB.
The pros of using Document DB is that its a managed service and hence you dont have to worry a lot about setting it up.
The con is you will not get features present in version 3.6 onwards example multi document transactions, new operators in the agg pipeline, bug fixes etc.
To figure out the exact changes check -
You can install mongodb on EC2 instances, this will ensure you will get the latest and greatest mongodb. However this comes with the added work of managing the mongodb instance, its backups, High availability considerations etc.
Do note: No matter what you decide I would recommend that you try to use the latest drivers that are present today so that you have the freedom to go to the latest version of self installed mongo or even upgrade document db engine versions as they become available.
AWS DocumentDb uses its own database engine compatible with MongoDB 3.6 API.
MongoDB 4.0 API is not supported as of yet.
We have MongoDB Atlas available in AWS - AWS also supports fully managed database service - MongoDB Atlas -
AWS enables to set up the infrastructure to support MongoDB deployment in a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective manner on the AWS Cloud.

Meteor Framework on AWS

I have an application developed in Meteor Framework.
We are planning to move it to AWS withmulti AZ deployment
need Master Slave configuration for the Mongo DB
My question is how to achieve this, i believe mongo db comes bundled in with the Framework itself,
never worked on it so any help will be appriciated.
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
Mongo is bundled into the development environment, but not the server.
It is normal to host the database either on a different server of your own, or using a database service (there are many around, such as, Mongolab etc) So Mongo can be set up for load balancing and scaling independently of the app itself.

DC/OS service development with Akka

First of all, I'm new to DC/OS ...
I installed DC/OS locally with Vagrant, everything worked fine. Then I installed Cassandra, Spark and I think to understand the container concept with Docker, so far so good.
Now it's time to develop an Akka service and I'm a little bit confused how I should start. The Akka service should simply offer a HTTP REST endpoint and store some data to Cassandra.
So I have my DC/OS ready, and Eclipse in front of me. Now I would like to develop the Akka service and connect to Cassandra from outside DC/OS, how can I do that? Is this the wrong approach? Should I install Cassandra separately and only if I’m ready I would deploy to DC/OS?
Because it was so simple to install Cassandra, Spark and all the rest I would like to use it for development as well.
While slightly outdated (since it's using DC/OS 1.7 and you should be really using 1.8 these days) there's a very nice tutorial from codecentric that should contain everything you need to get started:
It walks you through setting up DC/OS, Cassandra, Kafka, and Spark
It shows how to use Akka reactive streams and the reactive kafka extension to ingest data from Twitter into Kafka
It shows how to use Spark to ingest data Cassandra
Another great walkthrough resource is available via Cake Solutions:
It walks you through setting up DC/OS, Cassandra, Kafka, and Marathon-LB (a load balancer)
It explains service discovery for Akka
It shows how to expose a service via Marathon-LB