Narrow the field Buttons Adding - powerbi

I create a hierarchy matrix table but can't figure it out where "narrow the field" buttons are.
Recent view:
and how I'd like to see is like this:
How can i Turn on/off those buttons?
Thanks in advance

Solution to your first question is:-
To adjust the column width you can follow below steps:
Put your cursor on the line between both column
Press your mouse key and move width of column according to your requirement
Solution to your second question is:-
You can turn on/off +/- icons properties so those button will display if its on or will not display if it off


Wrong stem position in balloon-style tooltips in report list-view

I'd like to change the default style of the list-view control's tooltips to balloon.
I first called ListView_GetToolTips() to get the HWND of the list-view's tooltips control, and then used GetWindowLongPtr()/SetWindowLongPtr() to add the TTS_BALLOON style.
I handle LVN_GETINFOTIP to customize the tooltip for the items (first column) in the list-view: the tooltip texts that appear for the first column items are actually a copy of the text of the third column. The other columns (subitems) are managed automatically by the list-view.
The balloon-style tooltips for the first column items seem OK; their stems are correctly positioned:
But the tooltips for the second column seem drawn wrongly, e.g. the balloon is drawn as if it was referred to a subitem in a row below the actual row pointed by the mouse cursor.
In the following picture, the "star" indicates the position in which the mouse cursor was when the tooltip appeared, but the tooltip's stem points to a row below, marked with an ellipse:
The strange thing is that the tooltips for the third column seem drawn correctly.
Is this a bug in the list-view control? (I'm using Windows 7.)
Or what am I missing here?
The ListView uses a tracking tooltip and positions it to unfold and reveal the hidden text in a column that's too small. It's not expecting its tooltip to be a balloon and so doesn't compensate for that.
You'd need to sub-class the tooltip itself, watch for TTM_TRACKPOSITION messages from the ListView, and adjust the coordinates.
Your second question - the shaded background comes from the system theme. You should be able to get it by calling SetWindowTheme on the tooltip (I'm not sure why the ListView disables themes for the tip).

Add Four buttons in a panel in MFC Ribbon

I want to add 4 navigation button in a panel. For Go to First page , previous page, next page, last page [<< < >> >]. I want these buttons in a row but MFC automatically put them in a column. Is there a work around to achieve this.
Did you associate these buttons with large (32x32) images? Otherwise, the MFC Ribbon is always trying to put them into the column. In addition, you've to call SetAlwaysLargeImage method for each button to prevent button size decreasing when the frame is being resized.

Infragistics Ultragrid Design Mode Keeps Adding RowScrollRegions

I've got a multi-band ultragrid with an ultragridrowedittemplate per band.
In Design view the ultragrid is showing several horizontal lines - which can each be dragged downwards to show a view of the ultragrid bands. After much searching I discovered they are row scroll regions and I've added in some code into the form initialisation procedure to remove these row scroll regions.
That was fine at first, but the ultragrid, over time has added more and more row scroll regions to itself - and when the application is now loaded it takes more and more time for the code to run to remove all these regions.
Is there a setting in the Design mode that stops these row scroll regions being added? I haven't noticed a pattern to when they are added. If someone could explain/help this will be much appreciated!
Thank you
In design mode drag the divider to the top of the grid to remove them. To create them there should be a handle just above the scroll bar that you can grab and drag down. If you want to prevent them from being created at design time or run time, set DisplayLayout.MaxRowScrollRegions to 1.
Note that you may also want to set DisplayLayout.MaxColScrollRegions to 1 as well if you don't want either row or col scroll regions. To remove ColScrollRegions, drag the divider to the left of the grid to remove them. There is a handle to the left of the scroll bar if you want to add them back.

Using a CListCtrl, how can I make selection color entire row?

I currently have NM_CUSTOMDRAW message calling a function to color the rows of a listctrl in report mode. I can detect when a row is selected and color it myself, but this method doesn't get called for the cell that is selected, so I can't color that cell. So my question is 1) is there a way to have windows call my custom draw method for every cell whether it is selected or not? 2) If not what is the easiest way to make a selection span entire row.
I found the answer, and Microsoft made it easier than I guess it used to be.
When an item is selected, the item and all its subitems are highlighted. This style is available only in conjunction with the LVS_REPORT style.

How to edit columns in-place with CListCtrl?

I want to have CListCtrl.EditLabel() for any column of the list. How can I implement such a feature?
This is doable but it does require a fair bit of stuffing around with mouse clicks and focus events.
In a nutshell you trap the left mouse button down message and convert it into a cell hit details (i.e a row and column index).
With these cell details you can not determine the size and location of the list view cell and also the text value that it contains.
Now create a CEdit control directly over this cell by using size and location details from the previous step and give it the text value of the cell.
The final step is to handle the focus and keyboard enter events for the CEdit so that the text details of the CEdit can be put back into the list view cell.
It does take a fair amount of coding but when done right it does work well as an alternative to a grid control.
Don't attempt with CListCtrl.
Use the MFC Grid Control. We deploy it in an off-the-shelf app with success. It offers in-place edit, checkbox, spin, etc for all cells, as well as column and row headers, auto-size, auto-expand, colors, drag-drop.