Pattern match for (length)%code with before length - regex

I have a pattern like x%c, where x is a single digit integer and c is an alphanumeric code of length x. % is just a token separator of length and code
For instance 2%74 is valid since 74 is of 2 digits. Similarly, 1%8 and 4%3232 are also valid.
I have tried regex of form ^([0-9])(%)([A-Z0-9]){\1}, where I am trying to put a limit on length by the value of group 1. It does not work apparently since the group is treated as a string, not a number.
If I change the above regex to ^([0-9])(%)([A-Z0-9]){2} it will work for 2%74 it is of no use since my length is to be limited controlled by the first group not a fixed digit.
I it is not possible by regex is there a better approach in java?

One way could be using 2 capture groups, and convert the first group to an int and count the characters for the second group.
\b Word boundary
(\d+) Capture group 1, match 1+ digits
% Match literally
(\d+) Capture group 2, match 1+ digits
\b Word boundary
Regex demo | Java demo
For example
String regex = "\\b(\\d+)%(\\d+)\\b";
String string = "2%74";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
String strings[] = { "2%74", "1%8", "4%3232", "5%123456", "6%0" };
for (String s : strings) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
if (matcher.find()) {
if (Integer.parseInt( == {
System.out.println("Match for " + s);
} else {
System.out.println("No match for " + s);
Match for 2%74
Match for 1%8
Match for 4%3232
No match for 5%123456
No match for 6%0


How to match in a single/common Regex Group matching or based on a condition

I would like to extract two different test strings /i/int/2021/11/18/019e1691-614c-4402-a8c1-d0239ad1ac45/,640-1_999899,480-1_999899,960-1_999899,1280-1_999899,1920-1_999899,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?set-segment-duration=responsive
with a single RegEx and in Group-1.
By using this RegEx ^.[i,na,fm,d]+\/(.+([,\/])?(\/|.+=.+,\/).+\/[,](live.([^,]).).+_)?.+(640).*$ I can get the second string to match the desired result int/2021/11/25/,live_20211125_215206_
but the first string does not match in Group-1 and the missing expected test string 1 extraction is int/2021/11/18/019e1691-614c-4402-a8c1-d0239ad1ac45
Any pointers on this is appreciated.
If you want both values in group 1, you can use:
The pattern matches:
^ Start of string
/ Match literally
(?:[id]|na|fm) Match one of i d na fm
/ Match literally
( Capture group 1
[^/\s]*/ Match any char except a / or a whitespace char, then match /
\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/ Match a date like pattern
\S*? Match optional non whitespace chars, as few as possible
) Close group 1
(?:/,|[^_]+_) Match either /, or 1+ chars other than _ and then match _
640 Match literally
(?:\D|$) Match either a non digits or assert end of string
See a regex demo and a go demo.
We can't know all the rules of how the strings your are matching are constructed, but for just these two example strings provided:
package main
import (
func main() {
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(\/i/int/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/.*)(?:\/,|_[\w_]+)640`)
var str = `
match := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(str, -1)
for _, val := range match {

Regex that does not accept sub strings of more than two 'b'

I need a regex that accepts all the strings consisting only of characters a and b, except those with more than two 'b' in a row.
For example, these should not match:
I came up with this, but it's not working
Here is my code:
int main() {
string input;
regex validator_regex("\b(?:b(?:a+b?)*|(?:a+b?)+)\b");
cout << "Hello, "<<endl;
cout << "please enter your choice of regEx :"<<endl;
cout<<input+" is not a valid input"<<endl;
cout<<input+" is valid "<<endl;
Your pattern [a-b]+b{2,}[a-b]* matches 1 or more a or b chars until you match bb which is what you don't want. Also note that the string should be at least 3 characters long due to this part [a-b]+b{2,}
To not match 2 b chars in a row you can exclude those matches using a negative lookahead by matching optional chars a or b until you encounter bb
Note that [a-b] is the same as [ab]
\b A word boundary
(?![ab]*?bb) Negative lookahead, assert not 0+ times a or b followed by bb to the right
[ab]+ Match 1+ occurrences of a or b
\b A word boundary
Regex demo
Without using lookarounds, you can match the strings that you don't want by matching a string that contains bb, and capture in group 1 the strings that you want to keep:
Regex demo
Or use an alternation matching either starting with b and optional repetitions of 1+ a chars followed by an optional b, or match 1+ repetitions of starting with a followed by an optional b
Regex demo
The simplest regex is:
See live demo.
This regex works by adding a negative look ahead (anchored to start) for bb appearing anywhere within input consisting of a or b.
If zero length input should match, change [ab]+ to [ab]*.

Scala regex : capture between group

In below regex I need "test" as output but it gives complete string which matches the regex. How can I capture string between two groups?
val pattern = """\{outer.*\}""".r
println(pattern.findAllIn(s"try {outer.test}") =>
Input : "try {outer.test}"
expected Output : test
current output : {outer.test}
You may capture that part using:
val pattern = """\{outer\.([^{}]*)\}""".r.unanchored
val s = "try {outer.test}"
val result = s match {
case pattern(i) => i
case _ => ""
The pattern matches
\{outer\. - a literal {outer. substring
([^{}]*) - Capturing group 1: zero or more (*) chars other than { and } (see [^{}] negated character class)
\} - a } char.
NOTE: if your regex must match the whole string, remove the .unanchored I added to also allow partial matches inside a string.
See the Scala demo online.
Or, you may change the pattern so that the first part is no longer as consuming pattern (it matches a string of fixed length, so it is possible):
val pattern = """(?<=\{outer\.)[^{}]*""".r
val s = "try {outer.test}"
// => test
See this Scala demo.
Here, (?<=\{outer\.), a positive lookbehind, matches {outer. but does not put it into the match value.

java regex pattern.compile Vs matcher

Im trying to find whether a word contains consecutive identical strings or not, using java.regex.patterns, while testing an regex with matcher, It returns true. But if I only use like this :
System.out.println("test:" + scanner.hasNext(Pattern.compile("(a-z)\\1")));
it returns false.
public static void test2() {
String[] strings = { "Dauresselam", "slab", "fuss", "boolean", "clap", "tellme" };
String regex = "([a-z])\\1";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
for (String string : strings) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
if (matcher.find()) {
this returns true. which one is correct.
The pattern ([a-z])\\1 uses a capturing group to match a single lowercase character which is then followed by a backreference to what is captured in group 1.
Ih you have Dauresselam for example, it would match the first s in the capturing group and then matches the second s. So if you want to match consecutive characters you could use that pattern.
The pattern (a-z)\\1 uses a capturing group to match a-z literally and then then uses a backreference to what is captured in group 1. So that would match a-za-z
It depends on what you want. Here you use parenthesis:
Here you use Square brackets inside pareanthesis:
String regex = "([a-z])\\1";
To compare, you should obviously use the same pattern.

Regular expression that matches string equals to one in a group

E.g. I want to match string with the same word at the end as at the begin, so that following strings match:
aaa dsfj gjroo gnfsdj riier aaa
sdf foiqjf skdfjqei adf sdf sdjfei sdf
rew123 jefqeoi03945 jq984rjfa;p94 ajefoj384 rew123
This one could do te job:
/ : regex delimiter
^ : start of string
( : start capture group 1
\w+ : one or more word character
\b : word boundary
) : end of group 1
.* : any number of any char
\b : word boundary
\1 : group 1
$ : end of string
/ : regex delimiter
M42's answer is ok except degenerate cases -- it will not match string with only one word. In order to accept those within one regexp use:
Also matching only necessary part may be significantly faster on very large strings. Here're my solutions on javascript:
function areEdgeWordsTheSame(str) {
var m = str.match(/^(\w+)\b/);
return (new RegExp(m[1]+'$')).test(str);
function areEdgeWordsTheSame(str) {
var idx = str.indexOf(' ');
if (idx < 0) return true;
return str.substr(0, idx) == str.substr(-idx);
I don't think a regular expression is the right choice here. Why not split the the lines into an array and compare the first and the last item:
In c#:
string[] words = line.Split(' ');
return words.Length >= 2 && words[0] == words[words.Length - 1];