Cdo operation error of invalid character at position 1! in nc file - cdo-climate

I am trying to execute the command
cdo subc,
but I'm getting this error:
cdo subc (Abort): Float parameter >< contains invalid character at position 1!
The file was originally in curvillinear grid format and was interpolated to regular grid using remapbil in cdo. Where could be the problem as the interpolation returned satisfactory results?

The command subc mean "subtract a constant" and needs a float or integer argument after it, e.g. the following command would subtract 273.15 from the field contained in and put the result in the output file (note that the meta data is not changed, however):
cdo subc,273.15
If you want to subtract the field in from the field in, then the correct command is sub
cdo sub
the last name is the output


Hi guys, i have one column as "Input" and their data as A,B,B,C,D,D,D,E (8 records totally).Final output should be A1,B2,C1,D3,E1(using informatica)

In Informatica using which transformation we can get this problem to be solved
I tried introducing count column in aggregate transformation but output is like 2columns A 1,B 2,C 1,D 3,E 1...i need the output to be in 1 column alone
After the Aggregator, you can add an Expression transformation. In this transformation you convert the count into a string and concatenate it with the first field.

Format timestamp inside a set-column sentence

I'm developing a data fusion pipeline. It contains a wrangler node where I'm trying to create a new field that will contain the system date in timestamp format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-ss).
I've tried using the sentence:
set-column :sysdate (${logicalStartTime(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-ss)})
But I receive the error:
Caused by: io.cdap.wrangler.api.DirectiveParseException: Error encountered while parsing 'set-column' : Error encountered while compiling '( 2022 -12-01T16-29-32 ) ' at line '1' and column '14'. Make sure a valid jexl transformation is provided.
Which would be the correct sentence?
I've tried:
set-column :sysdate (${logicalStartTime(yyyy-MM-ddHH-mm-ss)})
Which will result in something like "1877", as it substracts the numbers, and also tried:
set-column :sysdate (${logicalStartTime(yyyyMMddHHmmss)})
but the format isn't correct and can only be written if the field is a String.
You have the correct method, just incorrect syntax. The syntax you are looking for is set-column :sysdate ${logicalStartTime(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-ss)}, you have to remove (). Then you can convert the string in datetime pattern in this format parse-as-datetime :sysdate "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-ss".

How to convert text field with formatted currency to numeric field type in Postgres?

I have a table that has a text field which has formatted strings that represent money.
For example, it will have values like this, but also have "bad" invalid data as well
over 10,000
my money
I want to convert this to a numeric field but maintain the actual numbers that can be retained, and for any that can't , convert to null.
I was using this function originally which did convert clean numbers (numbers that didn't have any formatting). The issue was that it would not convert $5.55 as an example and set this to null.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.cast_text_to_numeric(
v_input text)
RETURNS numeric
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
declare v_output numeric default null;
v_output := v_input::numeric;
exception when others then return null;
return v_output;
I then created a simple update statement which removes the all non digit characters, but keeps the period.
update public.numbertesting set field_1=regexp_replace(field_1,'[^\w.]','','g')
and if I run this statement, it correctly converts the text data to numeric and maintains the number:
alter table public.numbertesting
alter column field_1 type numeric
using field_1::numeric
But I need to use the function in order to properly discard any bad data and set those values to null.
Even after I run the clean up to set the text value to say 5.55
my "cast_text_to_numeric" function STILL sets this to null ? I don't understand why this sets it to null, but the above statement correctly converts it to a proper number.
How can I fix my cast_text_to_numeric function to properly convert values such as 5.55 , etc?
I'm ok with disgarding (setting to NULL) any values that don't end up with numbers and a period. The regular expression will strip out all other characters... and if there happens to be two numbers in the text field, with the script, they would be combined into one (spaces are removed) and I'm good with that.
In the example of data above, after conversion, the end result in numeric field would be:
FYI, I am on Postgres 11 right now

Datetime object through 'datetime.strptime is not iterable'

i have a csv file containing years of data, and i need to calculate the difference between the max date and the min date, i am facing a real problem in how can i determine the max value of dates.
So, i am doing this to convert my dates into datetime object
Temps = datetime.strptime(W['datum'][i]+' '+W['timestamp'][i],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
Printing this line, gives me the exact result i want, but when i try to extract the max values of these dates using this line of code :
start = max(Temps)
I got this error : datetime.strptime' object is not iterable
where am i mistaken ?
The expression
datetime.strptime(W['datum'][i]+' '+W['timestamp'][i],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
produces a single value (a scalar). When you assign it to Temps this variable become a scalar not a list. It contains only one value.
Then when you try to evaluate max(Temps) max is expecting to find something with multiple values as its argument but, unfortunately, it finds what Temps was assigned most recently.
This was a single value, which is not 'iterable'.

How to smooth numbers from a file as many times as wanted in Python 2.7?

I'm trying to create a code that will open a file with a list of numbers in it and then take those numbers and smooth them as many times as the user wants. I have it opening and reading the file, but it will not transpose the numbers. In this format it gives this error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'float'. I also need to figure out how to make it transpose the numbers the amount of times the user asks it to. The list of numbers I used in my .txt file is [3, 8, 5, 7, 1].
Here is exactly what I am trying to get it to do:
Ask the user for a filename
Read all floating point data from file into a list
Ask the user how many smoothing passes to make
Display smoothed results with two decimal places
Use functions where appropriate
Never change the first or last value
Compute new values for all other values by averaging the value with its two neighbors
Here is what I have so far:
filename = raw_input('What is the filename?: ')
inFile = open(filename)
data =
print data
data2 = data[:]
print data2
print data2
print data2
print data2
You almost certainly don't want to be manually indexing the list items. Instead, use a loop:
data2 = data[:]
for i in range(1, len(data)-1):
data2[i] = sum(data[i-1:i+2])/3.0
data = data2
You can then put that code inside another loop, so that you smooth repeatedly:
smooth_steps = int(raw_input("How many times do you want to smooth the data?"))
for _ in range(smooth_steps):
# code from above goes here
Note that my code above assumes that you have read numeric values into the data list. However, the code you've shown doesn't do this. You simply use data = which means data is a string. You need to actually parse your file in some way to get a list of numbers.
In your immediate example, where the file contains a Python formatted list literal, you could use eval (or ast.literal_eval if you wanted to be a bit safer). But if this data is going to be used by any other program, you'll probably want a more widely supported format, like CSV, JSON or YAML (all of which have parsers available in Python).