Django Rest Framework and the Frontend - django

I want to use Django Rest Framework as an API and am looking for a way to "couple" the frontend / HTML/CSS/JS to it.
To put it in perspective, I am used to the way Django "usually" does it, by naming HTML templates and 'rendering' them when going to a particular URL.
Now, with DRF, it appears that this functionality has fallen away and everywhere I look it's just "react.js or vue.js" as the answers to consume the API.
What are my options for the front end? Can I not just do it all within the 'usual' Django framework, simply, as it was done before. And why do no resources talk about this?
Thanks, let me know if you require further info.

DRF is just additional layer for Django which help to implement API. You can use Django for render html on server side and serve it to browser. You don't need use DRF for it. But if you assume that you frontend app will be interactive, dynamic and complicated then it is not best way to solve it.
More popular approach suggest to separate it on frontend application (react or vue) and backend with REST API for interact with. It allow move all things related with UI on frontend app and only keep state on server.
By the way Django was developed for generate html on server and for site like this but world changing. Resources talk just about popular things


Django&REST-framework architecture

Hello I am tasked with translating a current Excel tool to a web application. I decided to use Python and Django. Lately I studied the Django REST framework. I have the following related questions.
Is it for such an application a good idea to first write a web REST API so that I
firstly only need to focus on the backbone of the web application. I.e. implement the PUT, POST, GET and DELETE methods and the Django models.
The second step would be to implement the user interface... But if this is a valid method how can I reuse the REST views??? I followed the REST tutorials, but they don't show how to build a nice slick user-interface on top of the REST API.
Since REST views inherit from Django, I think it's maybe not such a good idea to write a Django view which inherits from a REST Apiview? Or can I directly use an API endpoint in a template. If so where can I get some nice examples?
Writing the back-end separately using Django REST Framework is a great idea.
There is a strong architecture based on the idea of decoupling the back-end from the front-end. After you finish the project's backbone, as you are calling it, you can start creating you front-end but your don't have to use Django template rendering in that case.
You can take the pros of using REST APIs and you can use one of the good front-end frameworks or libraries as Angular and React.js.
Another advantage of this that the same API can work with mobile development and so on.
So you develop one back-end and multiple front-ends depends on your need.
Also you can read a discussion about your question on Quora:

Why are people using Django templates with webpack to connect DRF with ReactJS?

Am I missing something?
But I am really not getting the rationale behind most online blogs and tutorials suggesting to use a base Django template to render a ReactJS bundle (bundled from webpack).
In my mind, the point of using Django Rest Framework in the first place is to completely isolate the frontend from the backend and have something like Nginx serving an html file that would import the ReactJS library (like any other stndard html/js project). The ReactJS layer would then get or manipulate data solely through the DRF REST API.
It is like most developers treat ReactJS as a completely novel beast, when it can be simply treated as standard JS (with added steroids) that runs on the browser.
Can someone therefore explain to me what are the advantages of using the methods depicted by blogs such as Jonathan Cox and Owaislone ?
On one part, you're right. One of React's principles is to make it function like a Mobile app(that consumes REST API) which also compliments React-Native, so there's not much for the programmer to learn and pick up and can quickly develop an app if they are familiar with React. This way, you'd build the back-end to serve both the web app and the native mobile app without much rewriting or customizing.
Usually, people like keeping their code together, front-end and the back-end if they're just developing for the web. It's a common practice. Since Django is widely used and is also an open source framework amongst a lot of web-developers, there's a big community to develop tools or plugins for it. This way, they'd just have one server instance running and configure the backend to serve just the index.html page, and the routing is handled by the browser.
I, on the other hand, prefer the latter part, work on a team with backend engineers and mobile developers. We heavily rely on RESTful calls for our apps. So we keep our code base neat and isolate our backend from our front-end so each of us can work independently.
It's just a matter of preference really, Jonathan Cox and Owaislone both don't preach about the right way to develop React apps, they just demonstrated one of the ways React can be used.
Also, some backends have a lot of security and need to be configured to allow certain headers for making requests. It could make you look at your computer screen for days while you sit there wondering how to work around the problem and you're diving deep into the documentation for web requests. CORS is one of the problems when you isolate your front end and back end code. It's something that can totally be avoided if Django is serving the files.
I'd say you can go ahead and pick one that suits your need, isolate your React code from the backend if you'd want the back end to work on mobile apps too, saves a lot of time.

using backbone/ember makes django being a simple REST API?

I have read a couple of articles about using new JS frameworks like Backbone.js or Ember.js
I have come up to this statement:
If I use a JS framework like Backbone.js/Ember.js, I then move the logic from the back-end (Django) to the front-end.
Therefore, will Django actually be used only for its Models?
Does that mean that Django Views and Django Template are not needed anymore and the Django back-end is kinda turn into a "basic" REST API that will be consumed by the front end.
Do you agree? Is it then the purpose of Django in this case?
Is turning the django backend into a REST API one of the most suitable use case when using a framework like Backbone.js/Ember.js for the front-end?
Django is perfectly fine to be used this way, you still get the admin, the models, the orm and all the third-party plugins. However, it isn't blazingly fast, so if you're doing simple document level, non-relational REST mapping, you might wan't to look into node.js and mongoDB for instance.
If you're sticking with django (like we are, we like the structure it gives us), you can use one of the REST plugins:
Django Rest Framework A perfect match since DRF 2.0, under very active development!
Django Tastypie (checkout backbone-tastypie.js for integration)
Django Piston (might be a bit stale or has development picked up lately?)
If you only want to work with frontend development, checkout the Backend-as-a-Service places like or that handle all backend stuff for you, for a price of course.
Django may seem unnecessary once you start thinking about single page solutions and Javascript applications, but if you want your site to be 'fail proof' it wouldn't be impossible to develop both a client side Javascript version of the site as well as a backend django side incase the user, or your site's javascript, fails at some level. Of course this requires creating your site twice, and probably isn't needed in the age of modern browsers, but such would be one of the few instances where you would mix the two for a complete solution.
Yes, that's about it. You can use it to manage authentication to resources and such and maybe use a main view for your application but you won't need to use the server side templating since these frameworks are made to work with json/xml response.
That's why a lot of people are moving to lighter backend/backbone or ember combo instead of a complete solution like django. You can also use your django for caching json response which makes your application appears faster.
We are doing that and use django-piston to make it easier on you.
Normally you make your entire website under Django and only one page will be a "single app page" using backbone.js, usually that page is a very interactive page, with lots of small updates that occur frequently and need to be shown very fast to the user. This page, because of the large number of changes and user interactions is constructed on the client-side so that you are using his PC resources and not the server's, the rest of the pages can use django because it offers you a very stable and secure framework for the server-side

Appropriate back-end for a single-page web application?

Historically I've mainly written web apps in Django, but now I'm increasingly finding that I want to write single-page web apps using Backbone.js or a similar JavaScript framework, with a back-end that solely consists of a database and an API.
My questions is this. If my application structure looks like this:
1. Database
2. API methods
3. Single-page front-end written with Backbone
and I'm most comfortable in Django - but also keen to learn new things too, such as NoSQL and Node, if they are appropriate - what would people recommend I use for (2)?
Typically I would use Django with Piston as the API app, but it seems rather heavyweight to have all of Django and only use it as an API provider. Perhaps I shouldn't be worrying, though.
If you use Django, which is an MVC framework, and use Backbone, you might be comfortable setting up your app in pure Node.js or Express.js, with additional modules for connecting to your choice of database.
With Express, if you plan to serve only JSON via RESTful interface, you don't even need to use Views, which is handy. You would only need to set up models and routes (that also serve as controllers).
Any server side framework or lang that is capable of supporting or providing for RESTful APIs should work. I myself as using Slim PHP right now. But seeing that you are from a Django/Python background perhaps this post would be helpful to you.
Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework?

Django app as REST-based service

According to the documentation, an app is a module which deals a well defined operation.
Is it correct to think about an app as a REST-based service? or is it mandatory to use some framework like piston or tastypie to create a RESTful web service around an app?
Generally, no. Django app is really just a python module, with some interfaces to django internals like models, urls, admin discovery etc.
To implement REST, you still have to manage network communications via views, and this is where you either write your own code or use the help of tastypie/piston/etc.
Please do have a look at django-rest-framework, I just stepped over from tastypie to this new framework, works great!
Especially the class based views and the browsable api! and may other advantages (e..g. to upload images)
And to answer your question:
The rest-base service is an extra entry to your webapp.
I made some api's for some projects using the django-rest-framework, most project members were surprised they got a webapp as an extra, while it was actually the other way around. You make a django app (with views models and urls) and on top off that you make the api.