Pricing on google calendar API quota increase - google-cloud-platform

My google calendar usage already exceeded the "Queries per minute" quota, which is 10,000. And my application hits 20,000 requests per minute for the moment, so I'm expecting to increase the quota to 200,000. When I tried to do it I was asked to create a billing account, which I'm going to do, but I need to know the pricing before that.
Despite my effort I was unable to find the exact information on pricing. Please help me understand the pricing involved with increasing the quotas of google calendar API.
To give more information about the application, this is a backup application where we backup all the Google workspace data including the calendar events using service accounts. So all the payment for calendar service will be done by my company.
Thank you.


Getting Quota Exceeded on calling the Google Photos API. What are the actual quotas?

I am uploading photos to Google Photos and placing them in Albums via the Photos Library API.
Every now and then, I get an error "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write requests per minute per user' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:XXXXXXX'.
The documentation states 10,000 requests per project per day. But then it says In addition to these limits there are other quotas that exist to protect the reliability and integrity of our systems. I am assuming it's referring to the "per minute per user" that I am receiving.
So what is the actual limit? How many times can I call the API per minute?
P.S. There is a API quote page for Google Sheets API, which states that the limit is 60 requests per minute. Does that limit also apply to other Google APIs?
P.P.S. There is a similar question from 2018, but the issue was too much bandwidth - doesn't apply to my situation.

Weekly Billing reports in AWS

I am looking to configure a weekly billing report in AWS. It should contain the basic information like for last 7 days, $x is charged for the account. If is shows the services also, it will be good, but main focus is on the charged amount. The weekly billed amount should be sent over mail or SMS to inform users about the charges. Eg: $10 has been charged to your AWS acc id xyz in last week.
Is there any inbuilt AWS service which can be used or we need to write a custom script?
For now I have created a daily budget, using which I have set budget report to be sent every week. But that is not sufficient. Let me know if there is more sophisticated way present.
You could check out the AWS Cost Explorer and build your own, custom report, that might look like this:
Go to your AWS Account -> Billing -> Cost Explorer -> Launch Cost Explorer.
NOTE: If you're running it for the first time, you need to enable it and wait approx. 24 hours for the initial data.
As of now, there's no out-of-the-box solution from AWS that sends the report as an email, but anyone interested might want to explore this repository - AWS Cost Explorer Report.

What API can I use to see my GCP bill amount?

I would like to see my current bill on my GCP project. I tried using the Billing API and the Budget API but they just give me meta data information. No bill with costs on it. I would like to know the current bill cost for the month.
I know there is a Pub/Sub way to do this, but I don't want to get notified of the billing cost. I would like to see the bill cost when on demand.
At this moment as per the list of available 'Cloud billing APIs', GCP don't have such an API to view usage/total cost of a project. Here is the Feature Request for this.
As per the PIT there is no such API that would provide real-time billing cost and this is Feature Request as billing Engineering team working on this.

Google Vision AI set monthly quotas

Is there any way to set a monthly quota for Google Vision AI?
Right now I'm able to find quotas only for:
requests per minute;
requests per user per minute.
I just want to be sure that I won't spend more than a predefined number of dollars for this API.
You can set up billing alerts so that you are notified. You can break it down by Product, including Vision API.
There's no way to have Vision API automatically block all requests once reaching a certain dollar amount. However you could listen for budget alerts and have your app react accordingly.

Signed up for Google Compute Engine without knowing

Hello Community Support
I signed up for the Google Compute Engine and did not realise that I would be charged $1000. The payment did not go through as there is not enough money on my credit card and I cannot pay the balance.
I didnt want to phone Google Support as they may hassle me for payment
Can you make any suggestions for a way to resolve this?
Google provides free support for Google Cloud billing questions - contact them.
Google Cloud Billing Support
I signed up for the Google Compute Engine and did not realise that I
would be charged $1000.
Google Cloud will automatically charge your card when you reach thresholds. The default for new accounts is $100.00 USD. Were you charged $100.00?
Additionally Google implements quotas for Compute resources. What type of resouce did you create that incurred $1,000.00 in charges? This would have exceeded your new account quota limit, so I wonder how you accomplished this ...
There is something odd about your first credit card charge being $1,000 USD as you should have received a number of charges for $100.00 each. After a credit card payment fails, you will receive billing payment notices. None of this would have happened mysteriously unless you do not read your email or SPAM filters blocked the notices.
Always take the time to learn what cloud resources cost. Understand that pricing, billing, resources and usage are important items not to be overlooked. Google, like most companies, is in the business to provide services and products that customers want and to make a profit while doing so.