Models and versions not accessible through Method: projects.models.list - google-cloud-ml

In this link, there is a "try this API" section.
I have given my project details and clicked on execute, it is not returning the versions or models in my project. it is only giving 200 as the response. I have given ML Engine Admin and ML engine developer as the roles to the IAM. what additional configuration should we do?

It may not have anything to do with your question,
I use "Vertex AI", not "AI Platform".
I was able to get a list of models below.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
(I thought you wouldn't get it back with code 200 if it was a permission issue.)

The issue is not with the permissions, because if it was it wouldn't return 200 (HTTP is OK). Moreover, the roles that you have assigned havethe sufficient permissions to use that service, which is ml.models.list.
I have tested the Try this API section and it also gave me the 200 response without any model(s) on the response body. I went ahead and called the API directly and it succeeded on giving me the models and versions. You can use the following command:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)<YOUR-PROJECT>/models
It seems to be something with the call that the Try this API section is doing, however the API seems to be working as expected.


Google Cloud Storage API: can't generate access token, access denied

I'm new to Google APIs and I've been trying for days to use a service account to upload content to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. I'm able to accomplish this, but only with a temporary access token obtained from the Google API playground, and I need to be able to get new access tokens so the service account can always upload content.
I've been experimenting with the following, but I keep getting access denied, even though the account in question has 'owner' permissions.
curl -X POST / -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ -d #Documents/request.json \
{ "error": { "code": 403, "message": "The caller does not have permission", "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED" } }
When I run gcloud config list I get the correct project, and the account is my work email, which is also in Google Cloud as an owner.
Thanks in advance!
DISCLAIMER - my solution works for Workload Identity Federation
related problems.
I've had hard time with this error, but finally found it!
For me it was wrong attribute mapping.
I was following some tutorial (which probably went outdated) and mapping was different than from official github action task documentation (here)
I had repository_owner and aud. Changed it for repository and...
It works!
To sum up my mapping looks like this:
"google.subject" = "assertion.sub"
"" = ""
"attribute.repository" = "assertion.repository"
So if you got here because of same tutorial... you've been served!
Your curl command is attempting to use a service account identity to generate an Access Token. The command is failing because you do not have permission.
Add the role roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator to the identity running the command.

Using nested authentication with Google IAP

I deployed a 3rd party webapp which uses basic authentication for access on Google Cloud Run. I additionally wanted to protect the endpoint by allowing only Google-authenticated users of the organization access. Both these methods use the Authorization header of the request and I cannot get it to work.
I tried following this post, providing both credentials in one field. My reasoning was, that GCP should select the strongest credential mechanism it supports - bearer - and leave the basic credentials for the webap. I have no idea if the webapp could have dealt with it because Google's reverse proxy already barred my access.
curl "-HAuthorization: bearer ${bearer_token}, basic ${base64_userpw}"
-> 401 Unauthorized
I also tried Proxy-Authorization with no different result.
curl "-HProxy-Authorization: bearer ${bearer_token}" "-HAuthorization: basic ${base64_userpw}"
Is there a way to get nested authentication to work with Google's reverse proxy? I was able to get past the reversed proxy by only supplying the bearer but naturally hit the wall at the service. With deactivated authentication on proxy side I was able to authenticate with the service using the basic credentials.
I am not using a browser to access the webapp but command line tools.
You cannot mix Authorization mechanisms with IAP. Everything after the bearer keyword is considered the token string.
One solution is to change your Basic Authorization HTTP header from using Authorization to a custom HTTP header. Something like X-MyApp-Authorization. Then your app processes the custom header to handle the Basic Authorization mechanism.
[Update 2021-08-17]
My original answer is partially wrong. Google's solution is currently broken.
Cloud Run is behind Google Cloud IAP. The client making a request can use two HTTP Authorization headers:
Authorization: <application authorization token>
Proxy-Authorization: Bearer <IDENTITY_TOKEN>
If a valid ID token is found in a Proxy-Authorization header, IAP authorizes the request with it. After authorizing the request, IAP passes the Authorization header to your application without processing the content.
Authenticating from Proxy-Authorization Header
This means the OP was on the right track using the Proxy-Authorization header. However, this feature does not work.
Create an Identity Token:
Use curl to verify that the token works with a Cloud Run endpoint that requires the Invoker role:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $endpoint
That works. Now try the Proxy-Authorization header:
curl -H "Proxy-Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $endpoint
That fails with a 403.
Now try both headers:
curl -H "Proxy-Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Authorization: Bearer $ANOTHER_TOKEN" $endpoint
That fails with 401 "The access token could not be verified"
gcloud auth print-identity-token
I am using documented methods to use two authorization headers, but this feature does not work.
The PHP SDK did not have the proxy-authorization header support added until June 25, 2021. I created a test application from Google's example. That also failed with the same errors.
June 25, 2021 Patch
Does it happen to work if you send two Authorization headers, like curl -H "Authorization: bearer foo" -H "Authorization: basic bar" ?
--Matthew, Google Cloud IAP engineering

Service account key creation in GCP using rest API

Hello I am using below rest api commamd to create a service account key in GCP. Running the command from cloud shell though not sure doing it correctly.
curl POST generated by API Key credentials
I am a service account admin but when I run this command in cloud shell I get below error. Idealy I have all access for service account still says list permisssion is required. Can anybody help?
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: POST { "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Permission iam.serviceAccountKeys.list is required to perform this operation on service account projects/", "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED" } }
There are two parts to your error. The first:
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: POST
Is telling you that the curl command cannot look up the hostname "POST" because you omitted the -X parameter, the first part of your command should read:
curl -X POST
Next, the URL you have is not quite the right format, as there should be no URL parameters (in this case the ?key=key portion), as it is a POST request -- the parameters from the API would be included in the body of the request.
However, I suspect even in that case you will have a permission denied error, as curl will not manage the oauth authentication and authorization that is necessary for this request to work -- you're effectively appearing to the API as unauthenticated. I'd recommend in this case that you use one of the client libraries to do the request, or use the gcloud command directly instead of curl. These will both greatly simplify the management of the authentication.
There are examples in C#, Go, Node, Python and others in the documentation for the API itself, take a look here:
The documentation for using gcloud to accomplish this is here:
That said, if you really want to do this with curl from cloud shell (where you have an authenticated gcloud session) this is the sequence of commands you need:
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
If you aren't on a cloud shell machine, you need to make sure you have gcloud auth first:
gcloud auth login
It looks like your service account that's making the request doesn’t have the required permissions. You should either give the SA the required IAM roles described in [1], or you can use your own user by doing gcloud auth login to make the call.
You’ll also need the Service Account Key Admin, as SA Admin doesn’t have iam.serviceAccountKeys.list [2].

How to use / implement a created Google Cloud API

I would be very happy if you could help me.
My problem is after using AutoML Vision UI to train my machine
I would like to implement my custom model but do not know how to do that.
In detail, I would like to use the result of PREDICT tab, which is in AutoML Vision UI, as a function namely function A. After that, I have some code in C# which will call function A to use.
Following is what I tried:
In Google Cloud Platform Console, at (PROJECT_NAME)$ directory,
add request.json file (the content of this file was generated by AutoML Vision UI after training model)
run curl command
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \ -d #request.json
And here is the message that I got
your application has authenticated using end user credentials from the Google Cloud SDK or Google Cloud Shell which are not supported by the We recommend that most server application use service accounts instead. For more information about service accounts and how to use them in your appllication, see
Please kindly tell me what I should do.
Thanks & Best Regards,

What permissions are needed to create an api using the REST API?

Using wso2am-2.1.0 we'd like to create an API using the REST services, such as
To use the services to search, create and publish an API the access token needs scope apim:api_view apim:api_createapim:api_publish
Seeing the publisher-api.yaml seems the full admin role is required to access these services.
We woudn't like to use the main admin user used by the services risking compromise of a user account with all privileges and mainly the admin user.
Assigning a different user to the admin role doesn't seem to work, tokens created don't hold necessary requested scopes (subsequence calls to the publisher's servicess causes 401 Unauthenticated request). Im I missing something?
It should work. I just did it and here is the output.
bhathiya#bhathiya-x1:/data/products/am/resources$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d #payload.json https://localhost:9443/client-registration/v0.11/register -k
{"clientId":"ryUqrib4UAiKtbEt8_HxadTcubYa","clientName":"admin_rest_api_publisher","callBackURL":"","clientSecret":"Q1sTqqd175da8fLaESY6z9h5nuca","isSaasApplication":true,"appOwner":"admin","jsonString":"{\"grant_types\":\"password refresh_token\",\"redirect_uris\":\"\",\"client_name\":\"admin_rest_api_publisher\"}"}
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22:29:11
bhathiya#bhathiya-x1:/data/products/am/resources$ curl -k -d "grant_type=password&username=bhathiya&password=admins&scope=apim:api_view apim:api_create" -u ryUqrib4UAiKtbEt8_HxadTcubYa:Q1sTqqd175da8fLaESY6z9h5nuca https://localhost:8243/token
{"access_token":"1e3f7460-e186-3ded-b4d9-c093e1ceb9df","refresh_token":"be66fe42-2d34-3a34-8576-f7e24388be00","scope":"apim:api_create apim:api_view","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":3600}
And you can also change roles in publisher-api.yaml.