Writing to .txt with WriteFile() C++ - c++

(Using C++, Windows 10, Microsoft Visual Studio 2017)
Hello, I am new to serial ports but trying to learn how to open, close, read, and write with them
Right now, I am trying to use the CreateFile() and WriteFile() functions to write to a txt file.
I created a .txt file called "write.txt" and saved it in my Documents folder. Then I added it to my project's source files via "Add" --> "Existing Item". The file is empty.
I wrote the program below, hoping I could write to the file, but after running then checking on the file, the file is still empty. The program compiles but I am guessing I have an error somewhere. Am I going about writing to a file correctly?
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
HANDLE write;
if (write == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD errorWrite = GetLastError();
printf("Error in opening file\n");
printf("Error = 0x%x\n", errorWrite);
else {
printf("Opening file successful\n");
WriteFile(write, "hello", 5, 0, 0);
return 0;
The output says the file was opened successfully, but the write.txt file remains empty. Any advice?
Thank you in advance :D

You are not accessing the text file that is located in your Documents folder. You are accessing a text file that is located at the root of the drive where the calling process's current working directory is currently pointing at.
You need to explicitly query the OS for the path to the Documents folder (ie, via SHGetFolderPath() or SHGetKnownFolderPath()), and then append your filename to that path.
Also, you are calling WriteFile() incorrectly. In particular, the lpNumberOfBytesWritten parameter is wrong:
A pointer to the variable that receives the number of bytes written when using a synchronous hFile parameter. WriteFile sets this value to zero before doing any work or error checking. Use NULL for this parameter if this is an asynchronous operation to avoid potentially erroneous results.
This parameter can be NULL only when the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL.
And, you are not doing any error handling on WriteFile(), either:
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero (TRUE).
If the function fails, or is completing asynchronously, the return value is zero (FALSE). To get extended error information, call the GetLastError function.
Try something more like this instead:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Shlobj.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
TCHAR path[MAX_PATH] = {};
if (FAILED(hRes)) {
printf("Can't get Documents folder path\nError = 0x%08x\n", hRes);
else {
PathAppend(path, TEXT("write.txt"));
if (write == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD errorWrite = GetLastError();
printf("Can't open file\nError = %u\n", errorWrite);
else {
printf("File opened successful\n");
DWORD written;
if (!WriteFile(write, "hello", 5, &written, NULL)) {
DWORD errorWrite = GetLastError();
printf("Can't write to file\nError = %u\n", errorWrite);
} else {
printf("File written successful\n");
return 0;


Dll Injector not detecting Dll

I recently coded an injector where as long as the dll is in the same directory as the exe injector it will inject but even when the dLL is in the same path it still returns with the error file not found.
Very new to c++ so not exactly sure how to fix it, only this I know that the problem must lie in the dll_name
The c++ code is listed here
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <libloaderapi.h>
using namespace std;
void get_proc_id(const char* window_title, DWORD &process_id)
GetWindowThreadProcessId(FindWindow(NULL, window_title), &process_id); // Find Process ID by using title of window
void error(const char* error_title, const char* error_message)
MessageBox(NULL, error_message, error_title, NULL);
//if error occurs output false
bool file_exists(string file_name) // Makes sure file exists
struct stat buffer;
return (stat(file_name.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
//Information goes through buffer if = 0 , it worked
//Creates random buffer of stat sturc doesnt matter what goes in - making sure function is successful, gets info about file and checks if it workeed
int main()
DWORD proc_id = NULL;
char dll_path[MAX_PATH];
const char* dll_name = "TestDll2.dll"; //Name of Dll
const char* window_title = "Untitled - Paint"; //Must Match Title Name
if (!file_exists(dll_name));
error("file_exists", "File does not exist");
if (!GetFullPathName(dll_name, MAX_PATH, dll_path, nullptr))
error("GetFullPathName", "Failed to get full file path");
get_proc_id(window_title, proc_id);
if (proc_id == NULL)
error("get_proc_id", "Failed to get process ID");
HANDLE h_process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, proc_id);
if (!h_process)
error("OpenProcess", "Failed to open handle to process");
void* allocated_memory = VirtualAllocEx(h_process, nullptr, MAX_PATH, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); //Calling Virutal Allocation, passing handle to process - reserving memory by going thru reserve and need to commit to it so we can write
if (!allocated_memory)
error("VirtualAllocEx", "Failed to allocate memory");
if (!WriteProcessMemory(h_process, allocated_memory, dll_path, MAX_PATH, nullptr)) // Write DLL path into the target program
error("WriteProcessMemory", "Failed to write process memory");
//If above works we call loadlibarya which is where the dll is stored
HANDLE h_thread = CreateRemoteThread(h_process, nullptr, NULL, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE(LoadLibraryA), allocated_memory, NULL, nullptr);
if (!h_thread)
error("CreateRemoteThread", "Failed to create remote thread");
VirtualFreeEx(h_process, allocated_memory, NULL, MEM_RELEASE);
MessageBox(0, "Successfully Injected!", "Sucess", 0);
} ```
Try to use C++ STL function or Windows native API:
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib")
bool IsExists(const std::string &FilePathName)
return std::filesystem::exists(FilePathName);
bool IsExists(const std::string &FilePathName)
return PathFileExistsA(FilePathName.c_str());
The file is being searched in the current directory, not in the directory of the exe file. These might not be the same. You have to find the path to the exe file in order to search for files in its directory. On Windows you could do something like this:
#include <psapi.h>
// ....
FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId() );
if ( Handle ) {
if ( GetModuleFileNameEx( Handle, 0, buffer, MAX_PATH ) ) {
std::filesystem::path exePath( buffer ); // TODO this might need encoding conversion
auto exeDir = exePath.parent_path();
auto dllPath = exeDir / "TestDll2.dll";
if ( std::filesystem::exists( dllPath ) ) {
// ...
You can also try GetProcessImageFileName if GetModuleFileNameEx does not work. Apparently it does not work in 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system (see comments in this answer).

Win32 GUI C(++) app redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file on disk

I'm creating a Windows service, which cannot have an associated console. Therefore I want to redirect stdout and stderr to a (the same) file. Here is what I discovered so far:
Redirecting cout and cerr in C++ can be done by changing the buffers, but this does not affect C I/O like puts or Windows I/O handles.
Hence we can use freopen to reopen stdout or stderr as a file like here, but we cannot specify the same file twice.
To still use the same file for both we can redirect stderr to stdout using dup2 like here.
So far so good, and when we run this code with /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE (project properties → Linker → System) everything works fine:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
void doit()
FILE *stream;
if (_wfreopen_s(&stream, L"log.log", L"w", stdout)) __debugbreak();
// Also works as service when uncommenting this line: if (_wfreopen_s(&stream, L"log2.log", L"w", stderr)) __debugbreak();
if (_dup2(_fileno(stdout), _fileno(stderr)))
const auto err /*EBADF if service; hover over in debugger*/ = errno;
// Seemingly can be left out for console applications
if (!SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(_fileno(stdout))))) __debugbreak();
if (!SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(_fileno(stderr))))) __debugbreak();
if (_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_WTEXT) == -1) __debugbreak();
if (_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_WTEXT) == -1) __debugbreak();
std::wcout << L"1☺a" << std::endl;
std::wcerr << L"1☺b" << std::endl;
fputws(L"2☺b\n", stderr);
const std::wstring a3(L"3☺a\n"), b3(L"3☺b\n");
if (!WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), a3.c_str(), a3.size() * sizeof(wchar_t), nullptr, nullptr))
if (!WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), b3.c_str(), b3.size() * sizeof(wchar_t), nullptr, nullptr))
int main() { doit(); }
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, PWSTR, int) { return doit(), 0; }
This nicely writes the following text to log.log:
(Of course we want emoji, so we need some sort of unicode. In this case we use wide characters, which means we need to use setmode or else everything will mess up. You may also need to save the cpp file in an encoding that MSVC understands, e.g. UTF-8 with signature.)
But now back to the original problem: doing this as a service without console, or, equivalent but easier to debug, a GUI app (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS).
The problem is that in this case dup2 fails because fileno(stderr) is not a valid file descriptor, because the app initially has no associated streams. As mentioned here, fileno(stderr) == -2 in this case.
Note that when we first open stderr as another file using freopen, everything works fine, but we created a dummy empty file.
So now my question is: what is the best way to redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file in an application which initially has no streams?
Just to recap: the problem is that when stdout or stderr is not associated with an output stream, fileno returns -2, so we cannot pass it to dup2.
(I do not want to change the code used for the actual printing, because that might mean that some output produced by external functions will not be redirected.)
Here's an example of a program that creates a file for writing and then uses CreateProcess and setting stdout and stderr for the process to the HANDLE of the created file. This example just starts itself with a dummy argument to make it write a lot of things to stdout and stderr that will be written to output.txt.
// RedirectStd.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
struct SecAttrs_t : public SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
SecAttrs_t() : SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES{ 0 } {
nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
bInheritHandle = TRUE;
operator SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* () { return this; }
struct StartupInfo_t : public STARTUPINFO {
StartupInfo_t(HANDLE output) : STARTUPINFO{ 0 } {
cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
hStdOutput = output;
hStdError = output;
operator STARTUPINFO* () { return this; }
int cppmain(const std::string_view program, std::vector<std::string_view> args) {
if (args.size() == 0) {
// no arguments, create a file and start a new process
SecAttrs_t sa;
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(L"output.txt",
sa, // lpSecurityAttributes
CREATE_ALWAYS, // dwCreationDisposition
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // dwFlagsAndAttributes
NULL // dwFlagsAndAttributesparameter
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1;
StartupInfo_t su(hFile); // set output handles to hFile
std::wstring commandline = L"RedirectStd.exe dummy";
BOOL bCreated = CreateProcess(
NULL, // lpProcessAttributes
NULL, // lpThreadAttributes
TRUE, // bInheritHandles
0, // dwCreationFlags
NULL, // lpEnvironment
NULL, // lpCurrentDirectory
su, // lpStartupInfo
if (bCreated == 0) return 2;
CloseHandle(pi.hThread); // no need for this
WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); // wait for the process to finish
else {
// called with an argument, output stuff to stdout and stderr
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
std::cout << "stdout\n";
std::cerr << "stderr\n";
return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return cppmain(argv[0], { argv + 1, argv + argc });
I found a solution that works and does not create a temporary file log2.log. Instead of this file, we can open NUL (Windows's /dev/null), so the code becomes:
FILE *stream;
if (_wfreopen_s(&stream, L"log.log", L"w", stdout)) __debugbreak();
if (freopen_s(&stream, "NUL", "w", stderr)) __debugbreak();
if (_dup2(_fileno(stdout), _fileno(stderr))) __debugbreak();
if (!SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(_fileno(stdout))))) __debugbreak();
if (!SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(_fileno(stderr))))) __debugbreak();
if (_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_WTEXT) == -1) __debugbreak();
if (_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_WTEXT) == -1) __debugbreak();
This makes sure that _fileno(stderr) is not -2 anymore so we can use dup2.
There might be a more elegant solution (not sure), but this works and does not create a dummy empty file (also not one named NUL).

Why the file could be written after changing the attribute to readonly under windows?

Given one normal file, it could be read and written. Then I change this file attribute to Read-only through
However, this file still could be written through file handler. Here are my codes
std::string name("test.txt");
HANDLE hfile = ::CreateFile(name.c_str(),
if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
hfile = ::CreateFile(name.c_str(),
if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
printf("so sad, invalid file handler....");
return -1;
int i = 0;
char rbuf[] = "you are";
DWORD bytesWritten;
do {
bytesWritten = 0;
BOOL bret = ::WriteFile(hfile, rbuf, strlen(rbuf), &bytesWritten, NULL);
if (bret == FALSE) {
printf("Cannot write bytes into file.....");
DWORD err = GetLastError();
printf("The error code is %d\n", err);
printf("write %d bytes to file\n", bytesWritten);
DWORD ret = GetFileAttributes(name.c_str());
printf("The file attribute is %d\n", ret);
} while (i < 10000);
The file attribute is 32 before I change it to Read-only, but it will be 33 after this file is Read-only.
I want to know why the file could be written after change it to Read-only? Is there any issue in my test codes?
PS: test it in VS2015 under windows 7.
Sorry, I get your meaning finally. I guess you are talking about creating a file first, setting it readonly without closing the program. The READONLY attribute check only happens in CreateFile routine.
In Windows kernel, every object is assigned a temporary access right list once created, unless explicitly refreshed, a thing seldom happens on actual files on fixed disks. So even if you deny all rights after CreateFile using NTFS access control, your program will behave just as when CreateFile is called.
In conclusion, it is natural your program can still write to the file, after your hot-changing it into READONLY, which only writes information onto disk, not changing kernel access table.

Crash when calling ReadFile after LockFileEx

I have several processes that try to read and write the same file. I want each of them to lock the file so that only one of them accesses it at a time.
I tried this (edit: this is a complete test code this time):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Windows.h"
bool test()
const char* path = "test.txt";
HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(path,
printf("ERROR: Cannot open file %s\n", path);
return false;
// Lock the file
OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0};
BOOL res = LockFileEx(hFile, LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, 0, ~0, ~0, &overlapped);
if (!res)
printf("ERROR: Cannot lock file %s\n", path);
return false;
DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
if (fileSize > 0)
char* content = new char[fileSize+1];
// Read the file
BOOL res = ReadFile(hFile, content, fileSize, NULL, NULL);
if (!res)
printf("ERROR: Cannot read file %s\n", path);
delete[] content;
const char* newContent = "bla";
int newContentSize = 3;
// Write the file
BOOL res = WriteFile(hFile, newContent, newContentSize, NULL, NULL);
if (!res)
//int err = GetLastError();
printf("ERROR: Cannot write to file\n");
// Unlock the file
OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0};
UnlockFileEx(hFile, 0, ~0, ~0, &overlapped);
return true;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
bool res = test();
return 0;
This works fine on my computer, which has Windows 8. But on my colleague's computer, which has Windows 7, it crashes. Specifically, the calls to ReadFile and WriteFile crash, always.
Note that it never enters the code paths with the error printfs. This code triggers no error except for a write at location 0x00000000 in ReadFile (when run on Windows 7).
We tried to also pass the overlapped struct to the ReadFile and WriteFile calls. It prevents the crash but the lock doesn't work anymore, the file is all scrambled (not with this test code, with the real code).
What am I doing wrong?
Looks like your problem is:
lpNumberOfBytesRead [out, optional] argument is null in your call.
This parameter can be NULL only when the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL.
Heres your problem :
You are missing a necessary struct-member and:
0 and ~0 and {0} are all bad code, constant expressions like these will always produce unepected results -- WINAPI doesnt work like libc, parameters are not always compared against constants, instead they are tested against/via macros and other preprocessor-definitions themselves so passing constant values or initializing WINAPI structs with constants will often lead to errors like these.
After years of experimenting i have found that there is only one surefire way of avoiding them, i will express it in corrected code :
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent( ........... ); // put valid parameters here!
UnlockFileEx(hFile, 0 /*"reserved"*/, ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX, &overlapped);
please read this carefully : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365716%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

C++ WriteFile only writing 4 bytes

Here's what I'm trying to achieve; I'm hooking onto the HttpSendRequest function (on Xbox it's XHttp) and trying dump the certificate that's in pcszHeaders which has the size of 0x1F0E.
Now the problem; it only seems to write 4 bytes, I've even tried allocating extra memory and setting each bit to 0 to see if it's the size of Headers and it continues to only write 4 bytes. I've been able to dump pcszHeaders remotely because I got the address whilst debugging but I need to dump it at run-time.
Something I notice whilst debugging - The address of pcszHeaders only shows in locals until it reaches;
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "Creating Certificate.bin...");
Once it reaches the printf() above the address changes to 0x00000000 (bad ptr) but it still writes the first byte of correct data of pcszHeaders correctly but nothing more.
Here is the entire hook;
const CHAR *pcszHeaders,
DWORD dwHeadersLength,
const VOID *lpOptional,
DWORD dwOptionalLength,
DWORD dwTotalLength,
DWORD_PTR dwContext)
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "Creating Certificate.bin...");
// Setup expansion
doMountPath("Hdd:", "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1");
//create our file
//does file exist?
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "Writing to file...");
DWORD wfbr;
//write to our file
if(WriteFile(fileHandle, pcszHeaders, 0x2000, &wfbr, NULL))
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "File written!");
printf("%s\n", "Request has ended.");
return XHttpSendRequest(hRequest, pcszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, lpOptional, dwOptionalLength, dwTotalLength, dwContext);
EDIT: I've changed the code slightly and I've copied pcszHeaders data into another section of memory that I've created and my pointers seems to have all the correct data and I've tried Writing it to file and it still only writes 4 bytes. I've even used sizeof() instead of hard-coded 0x2000.
pcszHeaders is a char* pointer. sizeof(pcszHeaders) is 4 in a 32bit app (8 in a 64bit app). You need to use the dwHeadersLength parameter instead, which tells you how many characters are in pcszHeaders.
Also, your GetLastError() check after CreateFile() is wrong. If CreateFile() fails for any reason other than ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, you are entering the code block and thus writing data to an invalid file handle. When using CREATE_NEW, CreateFile() returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if the file already exists. You don't need to check GetLastError() for that, checking for INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE by itself is enough. If you want to overwrite the existing file, use CREATE_ALWAYS instead.
You are also leaking the file handle if WriteFile() fails.
And you are calling the original HttpSendRequest() only if you successfully write headers to your file. If there are no headers, or the create/write fails, you are not allowing the request to proceed. Is that what you really want?
Try this instead:
const CHAR *pcszHeaders,
DWORD dwHeadersLength,
const VOID *lpOptional,
DWORD dwOptionalLength,
DWORD dwTotalLength,
DWORD_PTR dwContext)
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Creating Certificate.bin...\n");
// Setup expansion
doMountPath("Hdd:", "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1");
//create our file
//is file open?
if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Writing to file...\n");
DWORD wfbr;
//write to our file
if (WriteFile(fileHandle, pcszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, &wfbr, NULL))
printf("XHttpSendRequest: File written!\n");
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Error writing to file: %u\n", GetLastError());
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Error creating file: %u\n", GetLastError());
printf("Request has ended.\n");
return XHttpSendRequest(hRequest, pcszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, lpOptional, dwOptionalLength, dwTotalLength, dwContext);
Finally the problem has been solved!
First I created an empty array for the data to be stored.
CHAR xtoken[0x2000];
memset(xtoken, 0, 0x2000);
The first part of the hook is to store the header data.
DWORD bufferLength = dwHeadersLength;
memcpy(xtoken, pcszHeaders, bufferLength);
I then write the data to file
WriteFile(fileHandle, (void*)&xtoken, bufferLength, &wfbr, NULL))
Success! I guess the problem was that parameter 2 of WriteFile() was incorrect.