What is the best way to search log in AWS cloudwatch - amazon-web-services

I'm running AWS lambda. And I should find some informations from the Cloudwatch logs.
And What am I doing seems to too inefficient. But I don't know how to work.
I want to know more efficient way.
What am I doing is...
I have some ids
Search for specific messages with id in AWS log insight conolse
fields #timestamp, #logStream ,#message
| filter #message like /myId/
| sort #timestamp desc
| parse #message '"myId" : "*"' as my_id
| filter my_id like /1111-1111-111/
Download result csv file.
Parse #logStream with python
with open('1111-1111-111.csv') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
print(str(i) +": " +row['#logStream'])
get logStreams and search again in logInsight console
Search again with logStreams and get what I really want.
fields #timestamp, #logStream ,#message
| filter #logStream='2021/06/05/[$LATEST]1111111111111'
| filter #message like /file_name/
| parse #message "'file_name': '*'" as file_name
After getting file_name, I should search again inside file with myId. Because I'm not sure because of same logStreams.
If I do this manually, This is too hard. And If I do this with aws boto3 it's also hard for me because I'm not familiar with boto3 logs client wait process and result. Also I think there would be better way.
Could you suggest to me better workflow?


Parse message in Log Insight

I want to parse this message :
[2021-08-30T14:01:01.443908+00:00] technical.INFO: Webhook
"239dfb55-c8f3-4ae2-8974-22dadb7417ba" (wallet.create) has been
To have :
UUID (here : 239dfb55-c8f3-4ae2-8974-22dadb7417ba)
The words in brackets (here: wallet.create)
I can get the UUID but not the terms in brackets.
I think my regex is correct but, it doesn't work on Log Insight :(
My query :
fields #message
| filter #message like /technical.INFO: Webhook "/
| parse #message /(?<webhookId>\b[0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12}\b)/
| parse #message /(?<#endpt_get>\(([^)]+)\)/
| sort #timestamp desc
| limit 5
My regex for word in brackets :
If i comment this line of my query :
parse #message /(?<#endpt_get>\(([^)]+)\)/
enter image description here
I have the good result
The line of code I commented above blocks the result, I return nothing.
Could you please help me?
if your log messages are all going to have this same format, you can use glob instead of regex (and for something complex like this, that may be easier)
fields #message, #timestamp
| parse #message "technical.INFO: Webhook \"*\" (*) has been handle" as uuid, term_to_catch
| sort #timestamp by desc
| display #timestamp, uuid, term_to_catch
if some of the sections of the message (like technical.INFO ) would change, you can always * them and put a dummy variable to catch but then do nothing with it
| parse #message "*: Webhook \"*\" (*) has been handle" as type, uuid, term_to_catch
| display #timestamp, uuid, term_to_catch
alternatively - if you insist on your regex - then the reason is most likely because you are not storing the parsed results as their own variable, and so they are overwriting each other
| parse #message /your*regex/ as uuid
| parse #message /your*second.regex/ as term_to_catch
may get what you need as well.

trying to showcase ratios in AWS Logs Insight query not working

I am trying to generate a graph that will display the success/failure rate of an operation. In my application I am pushing log events in the following format:
[loggingType] loggingMessage.
I want to create a pie chart that shows the ratio of success/failure but its not working. I am running the following:
filter #logStream="RunLogs"
| parse #message "[*] *" as loggingType, loggingMessage
| filter loggingType in ["pass","fail"]
| stats count(loggingType="pass")/count(loggingType="fail") as ratio by bin(12w)
It seems like the condition inside count does not work and grabs everything. It returns 1 every time :(
I came across a similar scenario; but, super weirdly I believe, if you change the query to use sum instead of count it works. Not sure why AWS query execution interprets in this way.
filter #logStream="RunLogs"
| parse #message "[*] *" as loggingType, loggingMessage
| filter loggingType in ["pass","fail"]
| stats sum(loggingType="pass")/sum(loggingType="fail") as ratio by bin(12w)

AWS CloudWatch filter #LogStream in Logs Insights

Is there a way to filter in a widget only the #LogStream s which do not contain a specific log message?
I tried to use a Log table with some filters as presented in:
As I understand the filters apply to messages, but I need a way to filter and select at Log stream level.
Tried something like this:
fields #logStream, strcontains(#logStream, "[INFO] - My message") as found
| filter found=0
| display #logStream
| limit 20
But the filter is not working, it's displaying all the messages.
Thank you!
Your strcontains(#logStream, "[INFO] - My message") as found part of your query looks incorrect to me. I think you meant for this to be: strcontains(#message, "[INFO] - My message") as found?
you can filter by logstream:
filter #logStream = 'xxx/yyy/5d4d93708e4e42a1924fb4a1f7003ccd'
| fields #timestamp, #message

AWS Logs Insights parse regexp always empty

I have a log string:
F, [2021-02-24T09:06:30.428708 #9] FATAL -- : [3c25b3e6-fa19-48c8-93c7-5661dc2ec338]
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/api/jsonws/invoke"):
I want to extract the path /api/jsonws/invoke as a parsed field with this request:
fields #timestamp, #message
| limit 300
| parse #message /.*No route matches [[A-Z]{3,7}] "(?<path>.*)".*/
I expect to see /api/jsonws/invoke in the output in column path, but instead my path column in the output is always empty.
I've tested the regexp expression with an online tool and it seem to work as I expect. I'm also sure that there are matching logs in the output.
Is there any mistake in my Log Insights query?
Regexp didn't work out, so I ended up doing this:
fields #timestamp, #message
| parse #message "(No route matches [*] \"*\"):" as method, path
| filter ispresent(path)
| stats count(*) as count by path, method
| sort count desc

How to get additional lines of context in a CloudWatch Insights query?

I typically run a query like
fields #timestamp, #message
| filter #message like /ERROR/
| sort #timestamp desc
| limit 20
Is there any way to get additional lines of context around the messages containing "ERROR"? Similar to the A, B, and C flags with grep?
For example, if I have a given log with the following lines
DEBUG Line 1
DEBUG Line 2
ERROR message
DEBUG Line 3
DEBUG Line 4
Currently I get the following result
ERROR message
But I would like to get more context lines like
DEBUG Line 2
ERROR message
DEBUG Line 3
with the option to get more lines of context if I want.
You can actually query the #logStream as well, which in the results will be a link to the exact spot in the respective log stream of the match:
fields #timestamp, #message, #logStream
| filter #message like /ERROR/
| sort #timestamp desc
| limit 20
That will give you a column similar to the right-most one in this screenshot:
Clicking the link to the right will take you to and highlight the matching log line. I like to open this in a new tab and look around the highlighted line for context.
I found that the most useful solution is to do your query and search for errors and get the request id from the "requestId" field and open up a second browser tab. In the second tab perform a search on that request id.
fields #timestamp, #message
| filter #requestId like /fcd09029-0e22-4f57-826e-a64ccb385330/
| sort #timestamp asc
| limit 500
With the above query you get all the log messages in the correct order for the request where the error occurred. This is an example that works out of the box with lambda. But if you push logs to CloudWatch in a different way and there is no requestId i would suggest creating a requestId per request or another identifier that is more useful for you use case and push that with your log event.