How to mass / bulk PutObjectAcl in Amazon S3? - amazon-web-services

I am looking for a way to update several objects ACL in one (of few request) to the AWS API.
My web application contains several sensitive objects stored in AWS S3. This object have a default ACL to "private". I sometimes need to update several objects ACL to "public-read" for some time (a couple of minutes) before going back to "private".
For a couple of objects, one request per object to PutObjectAcl is ok. But when dealing with several objects (hundreds), the operation requires to much time.
My question is : how can I "mass put object acl" or "bulk put object acl" ? The AWS API doesn't contain a specific answer, like DeleteObjects (which allows to delete several objects at once). But may be I didn't look in the right place ?!
Any tricks or way to work around that would be of great value !

Mixing private and public objects inside a bucket is usually a bad idea. If you only need those objects to be public for a couple of minutes, you can create a pre-signed GET URL and set a desired expiration time.


Storing S3 Urls vs calling listObjects

I have an app that has an attachments feature for users. They can upload documents to S3 and then revisit and preview and/or Download said attachments.
I was planning on storing the S3 urls in DB and then pre-signing them when the User needs them. I'm finding a caveat here is that this can lead to edge cases between S3 and the DB.
I.e. if a file gets removed from S3 but its url does not get removed from DB (or vice-versa). This can lead to data inconsistency and may mislead users.
I was thinking of just getting the urls via the network by using listObjects in the s3 client SDK. I don't really need to store the urls and this guarantees the user gets what's actually in S3.
Only con here is that it makes 1 API request (as opposed to DB hit)
Any insights?
Using a database to store an index to files is a good idea, especially once the volume of objects increases. The ListObjects() API only returns 1000 objects per call. This might be okay if every user has their own path (so you can use ListObjects(Prefix='user1/'), but that's not ideal if you want to allow document sharing between users.
Using a database will definitely be faster to obtain a listing, and it has the advantage that you can filter on attributes and metadata.
The two systems will only get "out of sync" if objects are created/deleted outside of your app, or if there is an error in the app. If this concerns you, then use Amazon S3 Inventory, to provide a regular listing of objects in the bucket and write some code to compare it against the database entries. This will highlight if anything is going wrong.
While Amazon S3 is an excellent NoSQL database (Key = filename, Value = contents), it isn't good for searching/listing a large quantity of objects.

How to build an index of S3 objects when data exceeds object metadata limit?

Building an index of S3 objects can be very useful to make them searchable quickly : the natural, most obvious way is to store additional data on the object meta-data and use a lambda to write in DynamoDB or RDS, as described here:
However, this strategy is limited by the amount of data one can store in the object metadata, which is 2KB, as described here: Suppose you need to build a system where every time an object is uploaded on S3 you store need to add some information not contained in the file and the object name to a database and this data exceeds 2KB:you can't store it in the object metadata.
What are viable strategies to keep the bucket and the index updated?
Implement two chained API calls where each call is idempotent: if the second fails when the first succeed, one can retry until success. What happens if you perform a PUT of an identical object on S3, and you have versioning activated? Will S3 increase the version? In this case, implementing idempotency requires a single writer to be active at each time
Use some sort of workflow engine to keep track of this two-step behaviour, such as AWS Step. What are the gotchas with this solution?

AWS S3 object with data sensitive object names

We name the S3 object name with the birthday of the employees. It is stupid. We want to avoid creating object name with sensitive data. Is it safe to store the sensitive data using S3 user-defined metadata or Add an S3 bucket policy that denies the action S3:Getobject. Which will work?
As you mentioned; its not a good idea to create object name with sensitive data; but its ok... Not too bad also.. I will suggest to remove listAllObjects() permissions in the S3 policy. Policy should only allow getObject() which means anyone can get the object ONLY when they know object name; i.e. when calling api already knows DOB of the user.
With listAllObjects() permissions; caller can list all the objects in the bucket and get DOB of users.
Object keys and user metadata should not be used for sensitive data. The reasoning behind object keys is readily apparent, but metadata may be less obvious;
metadata is returned in the HTTP headers every time an object is fetched. This can't be disabled, but it can be worked around with CloudFront and Lambda#Edge response triggers, which can be used to redact the metadata when the object is downloaded through CloudFront; however,
metadata is not stored encrypted in S3, even if the object itself is encrypted.
Object tags are also not appropriate for sensitive data, because they are also not stored encrypted. Object tags are useful for flagging objects that contain sensitive data, because tags can be used in policies to control access permissions on the object, but this is only relevant when the object itself contains the sensitive data.
In the case where "sensitive" means "proprietary" rather than "personal," tags can be an acceptable place for data... this might be data that is considered sensitive from a business perspective but that does not need to be stored encrypted, such as the identification of a specific software version that created the object. (I use this strategy so that if a version of code is determined later to have a bug, I can identify which objects might have been impacted because they were generated by that version). You might want to keep this information proprietary but it would not be "sensitive" in this context.
If your s3 bucket is used to store private data and your allowing public access to the bucket this is always a bad idea - it's basically security by obscurity.
Instead of changing your existing s3 structure you could lock down the bucket to just your app then you serve the data via cloudfront signed urls?
Basically in your code where you currently inject the s3 url You can instead call the aws api to create a signed url from the s3 url and a policy and send this new url to the end user. This would mask the s3 url, and you can enforce other restrictions like how long the link is valid, enforce requiring a specific header or limit access to a specific ip etc. You also get cdn edge caching and reduced costs as side benefits.

Is AWS S3 read guaranteed to return a newly created object?

I've been reading the docs regarding read-after-write consistency with AWS S3 but I'm still unsure about this.
If I write an object to S3 and after getting a successful response from my write operation, I immediately attempt to read it, is the read operation guaranteed to return the object?
In other words, is it possible that the read operation will fail because it can't find the object? Because the read happened too soon after the write?
I'm only talking about new PUTs here, not updates to existing objects.
Yes guaranteed to return the object (only for new objects) with one caveat:
As per AWS documentation:
Amazon S3 provides read-after-write consistency for PUTS of new
objects in your S3 bucket in all regions with one caveat. The caveat
is that if you make a HEAD or GET request to the key name (to find if
the object exists) before creating the object, Amazon S3 provides
eventual consistency for read-after-write.
Amazon S3 offers eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and DELETES
in all regions.
EDIT: credits to #Michael - sqlbot, more on HEAD (or) GET caveat:
If you send a GET or HEAD before the object exists, such as to check whether there's an object there before you upload, then the upload is not immediately consistent for read requests even after the upload is complete, because S3 has already made the only immediately consistent internal query it's going to make for that object, discovering, authoritatively, that there's no such key. The object creation becomes eventually consistent, since the creation has to "overwrite" the previous lookup that found nothing.
Based on following table provided in the link, "consistent reads" will never be stale.
Above provided link has nice example regarding how "read-after-write consistency" & "eventual consistency" works.
I would like to add this caution note to this answer to make things more clear:
Amazon S3 achieves high availability by replicating data across multiple servers within Amazon's data centers. If a PUT request is successful, your data is safely stored. However, information about the changes must replicate across Amazon S3, which can take some time, and so you might observe the following behaviors:
A process writes a new object to Amazon S3 and immediately lists keys
within its bucket. Until the change is fully propagated, the object
might not appear in the list.

Top level solution to rename AWS bucket item's folder names?

I've inherited a project at work. Its essentially a niche content repository, and we use S3 to store the content. The project was severely outdated, and I'm in the process of a thorough update.
For some unknown and undocumented reason, the content is stored in an AWS S3 bucket with the pattern web_cl_000000$DB_ID$CONTENT_NAME So, one particular folder can be named web_cl_0000003458zyxwv. This makes no sense, and requires a bit of transformation logic to construct a URL to serve up the content!
I can write a Python script using the boto3 library to do an item-by-item rename, but would like to know if there's a faster way to do so. There are approximately 4M items in that bucket, which will take quite a long time.
That isn't possible, because the folders are an illusion derived from the strings between / delimiters in the object keys.
Amazon S3 has a flat structure with no hierarchy like you would see in a typical file system. However, for the sake of organizational simplicity, the Amazon S3 console supports the folder concept as a means of grouping objects. Amazon S3 does this by using key name prefixes for objects. (emphasis added)
The console contributes to the illusion by allowing you to "create" a folder, but all that actually does is create a 0-byte object with / as its last character, which the console will display as a folder whether there are other objects with that prefix or not, making it easier to upload objects manually with some organization.
But any tool or technique that allows renaming folders in S3 will in fact be making a copy of each object with the modified name, then deleting the old object, because S3 does not actually support rename or move, either -- objects in S3, including their key and metadata, are actually immutable. Any "change" is handled at the API level with a copy/overwrite or copy-then-delete.
Worth noting, S3 should be able to easily sustain 100 such requests per second, so with asynchronous requests or multi-threaded code, or even several processes each handling a shard of the keyspace, you should be able to do the whole thing in a few hours.
Note also that the less sorted (more random) the new keys are in the requests, the harder you can push S3 during a mass-write operation like this. Sending the requests so that the new keys are in lexical order will be the most likely scenario in which you might see 503 Slow Down errors... in which case, you just back off and retry... but if the new keys are not ordered, S3 can more easily accommodate a large number of requests.