Problem with filepath and rendering a stargazer table - r-markdown

a newbe here.
I'm writing an essay in Rmarkdown and I want to render a PDF. When I try to import an excel sheet with the commands:
dat1 <- read.xlsx("Seminararbeit.xlsx", 2L)
and then create a table with stargazer, I keep on getting this Error:
Error in basename(filePath) :
unable to translate 'my-file-path-goes-here' to native encoding
It looks like the table is actually created with stargazer, but it doesn't show up when I knit the file. I tried to Reinstall R and Rstudio (I believe I have the newest version of both) but nothing worked. Is the file path too long? I have a MacOS, is that the problem?
Please help, it's driving me nuts!


Read-in df from csv before launching main app | Dash

I am trying to get my first dashboard with python dash running.
The whole thing is very similar to this
At the beginning a Dataframe is read in from a csv. My problem seems to be quite easy to solve but somehow I am not succeeding:
I want to create a initial window that allows the user to select (from e.g. dropdown) the csv file (or accordingly the path) that is read in. All the .csv files look the same but just have different values.
When using the modal components I get problems with the install of bootstrap and I thought there must be an easier way?
Thanks for your help!

rmarkdown when I print table in a loop adds "Loading [MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js" to my pdf

I am trying to make a pdf with tables using a loop in rmarkdown.
But I get this "Loading [MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js" added to the bottom of the pdf.
How do I get rid of this message?
Here is my rmd code
title: "Some tables"
output: html_document
for(i in 1:2){
mytable = kbl(head(mtcars))
cat( print(mytable))
I make the pdf by typing the following in the console (typically I run this from another R program).
How do I get rid of the loading message?
When I just use
I don't get the message but I want to print out lots of tables with a loop.
I know Rmd can do pdfs, but I get an error about running pdflatex.exe from
I don't have administrative rights to execute this. If you have suggestions about this they are much appreciated.
Also I have a 64 bit windows 10 computer and I'm running R in 64.
Thank you so much,
I figured it out, I need to just use cat(mytable) not cat(print(mytable))

Extracting Outlook Attachment from Saved Email

I have an analysis project that is requiring me to extract the 'current state' of a PDF that houses our report that is sent out 4 times daily. I have the code written to scrape my PDF but I need to figure out how to extract the PDF from the email so I can step through it with my code.
I tried using the code below
import win32com.client
import os
location = r'C:\Users\myusername\OneDrive - companyinfo\Department Projects\TestEmails'
files = [f for f in os.listdir(location)]
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.msg'):
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
msg = outlook.OpenSharedItem(file)
att = msg.Attachments
for i in att:
i.SaveAsFil`e(os.path.join(r'C:\Users\username\OneDrive - companyname\Department Projects\TestPDF', i.FileName))
The error it produces is:
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (4096, u'Microsoft Outlook', u"We can't open 'Stats Report.msg'. It's possible the file is already open, or you don't have permission to open it.\n\nTo check your permissions, right-click the file folder, then click Properties.", None, 0, -2147287038), None)
I am only currently testing with one saved test.msg file but I have over 1400 I need to parse through. Maybe this isn't the best technique as I know VBA could do something similar within outlook, but I don't have much skills in the VBA region.
I have outlook 2016 installed on Windows 7 computer running python 2.7. Is this error something easy to fix? Is there a better technique to take an attached PDF and save it to a folder so my other program can grab the necessary data?
Desired output: PDF Attachment is Extracted and Saved into a separate folder.
Thank you for your help and expertise,
So I figured out the answer and how simple and stupid it was makes me unreasonably frustrated.....
My working directory was wrong even though I grabbed the file, the file name was the only item created.
I created a true_location variable that gave it the true full working directory and it worked like a charm.
true_location = location + '\\' + file
Enter that in the for loop under the if clause and it works like a charm.

Aspose and umlauts (ä, ö, ü)

I use Aspose.Cells for java to convert excel documents to html. But there is problem with umlauts.
there is the code I use to save excel documents to html
com.aspose.cells.Workbook workbook = new com.aspose.cells.Workbook(stream);, com.aspose.cells.SaveFormat.HTML);
is there some way to resolve this?
This type of issues might occur due to missing fonts. Since Aspose.Cells needs the underlying fonts (used in the workbook) to be installed on the system for rendering to PDF, HTML or image, so you got to make sure all the underlying fonts are there on the pc and your application should access to that folder. You can also find the needed fonts for your workbook using Workbook.getFonts() method. You may put all the font files (.ttf files) in some folder and set the fonts directory at the start before using your original code.
Sample code:
String MyFontDir = "your_fonts_folder_path";
// Setting the fonts folder with setFontFolder method
FontConfigs.setFontFolder(MyFontDir, true);
//Your code goes here.
I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.

Can't save figure as .eps [gswin32c is not recognized]

I'm using Enthought Canopy with PyLab(64-bit). For my report I need to use Latex (XeLaTex) and the plots are done with matplotlib.
To have an first idea I just copied the second example from and compiled it. It looks fine and I can save it as a normal png without problems. However if i try to save it as .eps it does not work and an error appears:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: "
Additionaly in the Pylab shell it shows:
'gswin32c' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file'.
If I save it as .pdf I have no problems except the text is all black instead of being red and blue. This is a problem because in my plots I have two axes and I need them colorized for better readability.
If I then try to delete some lines from the example given (all text) I still cannot save it as .eps nor .ps. I can't figure out the problem and all the other topics related to this have not given me an insight. So I really need your help because I can't use .png for my report.
Thank you in advance!!!
I finally managed to solve this problem. It might look weird but maybe other people can benefit from it.
The solution might depend upon the software you use. I use Enthought Canopy (Python) and MikTeX 2.9 under W8 64bit.
If you want to output .ps and .eps files with matplotlib using the 'text.usetex': True option then you will encounter the problem posted above.
Download and install Ghostscript (32bit) from
Download from The proceeding is given in the manual, however I like to point out the part with the environment variables. In this last step you need to go to Control Panel --> System --> Advanced system settings. Then click on the header 'Advanced' and on the bottom of the window you see 'Environment Variables' on which you click. Then you use the 'New'-Button for User Variables for USERNAME. Then you type in as variable name 'ps2eps' and for variable value you type in the actual path where you have saved the file. In my case this is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ps2eps\bin\'. You can check if you type 'ps2eps' in the command-window.
Download from You only need the file 'pdftops.exe'. However I could not assign a path like in step 2. I solved this by putting the 'pdftops.exe' in the MikTeX 2.9 folder. The exact location for me was 'C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64'.
I was then able to save figures as .ps and have no more any error messages. Remember to use the settings proposed on under 'postscript options'.
In myself used the following settings:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rc('font', **{'family':'serif', 'serif':['Computer Modern Roman'],
'monospace':['Computer Modern Typewriter']})
params = {'backend': 'ps',
'text.latex.preamble': [r"\usepackage{upgreek}",
'axes.labelsize': 18,
#'axes.linewidth': 1,
'legend.fontsize': 10,
'xtick.labelsize': 13,
#'xtick.major.width' : 0.75,
'ytick.labelsize': 13,
'figure.figsize': [8.8,6.8],
#'figure.dpi': 120,
'text.usetex': True,
'axes.unicode_minus': True,
'ps.usedistiller' : 'xpdf'}
(whereas many of the params are just for my own purpose later in the plots)
As a beginner I am not well informed about the dependence from the 'backend' used if you are running a script from your python console. I however used this without any --pylab settings in before and I do not know if one needs to switch the backend manually if he is working already in a console with a specific matplotlib backend.
I had the same problem and my problem was a font adjustment in the python code that is :
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)
when I remove this iit works fine and now i can save eps.
So be sure that any shortest working example is working for you or not then check the font and other style edits in your code. This may help.