C++: Why/How a Break Statement Works In This Code? - c++

I have started to use C++ programming language as a complete beginner. With the aim of becoming a better programmer for my STEM degree and with the goal of competitive programming in mind. I have started Functions and Loops in C++ recently and there was a problem I was not sure how to approach.
The probelem: "Write a function to check whether a number is prime"
My Approach:
-> I wanted to implement it on my own so I didn't want to copy paste code online where others have used functions with return type bool.
-> Here is the final version of my code that works:
void prime(int k){
for(int k1=2;k1<k;k++){
cout<<"int is not prime"<<endl;
cout<<"int is prime"<<endl;
->I would then call this in int Main() and get the user to input integers and so on.
-> The above code was due to many trial-and-errors on my part and my thought process was as follows: 1)if i don't include the "break;" statement my code results in an infinite loop 2)I needed a way to stop my code from going toward an infinite loop 3) I remember a topic covered in the functions segment of this website , where we can use it to terminate a loop at will. Thats why i incorporated it into my code to produce the final version
My Question:
Can someone explain how the break; statement is working in the context of my code? I know it produces my desired effect but I still haven't gotten an intuition as to how this would do my work.
Many online resources just cite the break statement as something that does so and so and then gives examples. Without going through the code mechanics. Like how a loop would be going through its conditions and then when it encounters the break; statement what does it do? and as a consequence of that what does it do to help my code?
Any advice would be helpful. I still couldn't wrap my head around this the first time I encountered it.

In your case if k % k1 does not show that the k1 being a factor of the k, the loop is broken after the print statement. If the k % k1 does show that the k1 being a factor of the k, it also breaks out of the loop.
So, either of the break statements leads to the loop termination on the first iteration here. If you test for whether a number is being a prime, it does not work.
In essence, you don't need either of the break statements here. They are mostly forced here. Take a look at the following approach:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
bool prime(unsigned k){
if (k != 2) { // Direct check, so to remain similar to the OP's structure of the code
unsigned up_to = sqrt(k) + 1; // Calculate the limit up to which to check
for (unsigned i = 2; i < up_to; ++i) {
if (k % i == 0) {
std::cout << "Is not prime" << std::endl;
return false;
else std::cout << "Checking..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Is prime" << std::endl;
return true;
// Note, we can check just up to the square root of a k
A note on the behavior of the break
The fact that it breaks out the the closest loop to it - has crucial nature for nested loops (all of them: for, while, and do while):
while (/* condition 1 */) // Outer loop
while (/* condition 2 */) // Inner loop
if (/* condition 3 */) break;
Here if the condition 3 is satisfied, the break will lead to break out of the Inner loop but the Outer loop will still continue to iterate.
For more, you may be interested in "How to exit nested loops?" thread. It addresses your second question.

Analogy... I found it in the last place I looked... like always!
Looking for your keys is the LOOP you are in... when you find them... you BREAK out and move on to another task... like maybe getting into your car...
SO if you are IN your car and know your car is where you left your keys... then you are in the PROCESS of getting prepared to drive away... BUT that process requires keys... THUS you change modes/focus and begin a cyclic process of looking for keys... when found to BREAK that searching process IMMEDIATLY and resume what your were doing.
MANY people would make use of the RETURN instrucion in your code pattern... in place of the break! Both do the same thing... however the RETURN is more descriptive english... and one should be concerned with the programmer behind him... Also a bit of digging might show how one is more efficient than the other...


Difference in while and do-while loops

Can someone explain the purpose of having two different types of while loops? I am new to programming. Also supply example situations with the proper while loop if possible.
I understand how to use a while loop. This is what I made:
bool myBool = true;
int i = 0;
while (myBool) {
if (i > 10) {
myBool = false;
i = i + 1;
A while loop will only execute when the boolean condition is true.
while (true) {
std::cout << "boolean condition is true - inside my while loop";
A do while whill check the boolean condition after the loop executes once.
do {
std::cout << "inside my while loop regardless of boolean condition";
} while (true);
Explicitly: the do while loop is guaranteed to execute at least once, whereas the while loop is not guaranteed to execute at all.
while (false) {
std::cout << "this will never execute";
will never execute and
do {
std::cout << "this will execute only once";
} while (false);
will execute once.
The do while loops are control flow statements, they execute a block of code at least once and then the iteration of loops depends on the condition which is checked at the bottom of the loop, They are best to use when you want at least once the loop to be executed, for ex
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int c = 50;
/* The do will be executed */
do {
printf("value of c: %d\n", c);
c = c + 1;
}while( c < 20 );//It will depend on the condition
printf("any string");
return 0;
Here is a Flow diagram of do while loop
Simple answer is while loop will execute only if condition inside of while statement is true.
do while loop will execute once regardless of the while statement condition.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int i = 1;
while( i < 1){ // this loop will never execute as 1 is not smaller then 1
i++; // if the loop was working we would get print 2 here
cout << i << endl;
cout << i << endl; // this one will print outside of loop value 1
i++; // increase i to 2
cout << i << endl; // this will print 2
} while (i < 1); // This loop will execute at least once and as the condition of 2 is not smaller then 1 it will exit after one execution
return 0;
The difference between while and do-while is that in
while (<condition>)
we can control whether to enter the loop by using the test condition.
Whereas in
} while (<condition>);
the code has to enter the loop at least once before it can exit by using the condition.
So if we want to enter the loop at least once we should use do-while whereas if we want to test and decide whether to enter the loop or not, we have to use while.
To explicitly answer your first question:
Why does C++ have different kinds of loops? -> Legacy. Other languages (in particular, C) before C++ had this feature, so C++ chose to have it.
Why did other languages have it? -> This gets muddy, but a good explanation is that early languages often did not have optimizing compilers, so your code mapped quite directly to machine code. Providing various loop syntaxes allowed programmers to write structured code that still generates good machine code for their particular case.
In practice, it is rare to see a true do {} while () loop. This may be because for (or range-based for) and while () {} have strictly greater capabilities than do {} while (): An unconditional first loop iteration is possible with every loop, but the reverse is not true. In the very common case of iterating over a (possibly empty) sequence, having a guaranteed loop body execution like do {} while () is actually wrong.
There are plenty of answers with examples and explanations about the loops, so I won't bother repeating this here. I will add though that the most that I personally have seen do {} while () used is, ironically, not for looping but for this.
do-while loop performs the task before the condition in while(). It is for situations when you are trying to prompt the same thing for every wrong action (i.e., user authentication, wrong menu entry). On the other hand, a simple while loop performs till a condition is true (Note: In most cases people use for loops instead of while to define counter, initialize, set condition and increment/decrement - all in the same line).

Clean coding: how to break loops from inside a function call inside a loop

Clean coding principles generally include a rule that functions must be small and single-purpose.
From Robert Martin's book, Clean Code: "The first rule of functions is that they should be small. The second rule of functions is that they should be smaller than that."
This is difficult to adhere to if I have a function with a complicated loop that contains branches that can break the loop. For example, this code in a chess variant is meant to allow a unit to attack by leaping over another unit on the board:
for (arow = row, acol = col - 1, found_obstacle = false; acol >= 0; --acol) {
if (!found_obstacle) {
if (cellHasUnit(arow, acol)) found_obstacle = true;
} else {
if (cellHasUnit(arow, acol)) {
if (!cellHasAlly(arow, acol))
_dangerzones.insert(std::make_pair(arow, acol));
I understand that you cannot break a loop from inside a function, where the function is called inside that loop.
What is a good way to handle complicated break conditions inside loops in order to maintain clean code with short functions? I can imagine using a special function with a return value to indicate if breaks are necessary, but that still means that each break needs its own function. If I have many break conditions that means the function containing the main loop would still be quite big.
Edit: I am asking the general question of whether it is practical and desirable (from a clean coding perspective) to modularize within-loop code that has a number of break conditions.
As a programmer with above 15 years of programming in several programming languages, I can first tell you that the quote you brought is very nice, you should follow it in order to make modular code, but it doesn't mean each function should be 10 lines of code. That's impossible.
Regarding your code, it is OK. Not complicated. You use functions inside the loop and it looks modular. A break is also OK.
I have one comment, though, using continue looks redundant. You could do:
if (cellHasUnit(arow, acol)) {
found_obstacle = true;
else {
Some discourage continue altogether because it can confuse. I don't follow this recommendation and sometimes use continue but I do try to avoid both break and continue on the same loop because they have somewhat opposite meanings.
Maybe at the break; statement, set acol = -1 and then continue; so that on the next iteration, you break out of the loop?
You may find this form more expressive. It inverts the tests and therefore avoids 2 call sites for the cellHasUnit test:
#include <map>
std::map<int, int> _dangerzones;
bool cellHasUnit(int, int);
bool cellHasAlly(int, int);
void handleAlly(int arow, int acol)
if (!cellHasAlly(arow, acol))
_dangerzones.insert(std::make_pair(arow, acol));
void test(int row, int col)
int arow = row;
bool found_obstacle = false;
for (int acol = col - 1 ; acol >= 0 ; --acol)
if (cellHasUnit(arow, acol))
if (found_obstacle)
return handleAlly(arow, acol);
else // not strictly necessary
found_obstacle = true;
The return statement is used to indicate that in this example, the breaking of the loop is also necessarily the end of the test function.
If the real function is longer, then you could write this instead:
if (found_obstacle)
handleAlly(arow, acol);
else ...

While function doesn't work like I want it to

Had a new problem with the while function. As easy as it sounds, I still can't wrap my head around it.
Like my last program, this one closes unexpectedly after the correct and wrong messages.
I want this to loop after entering a number, so that the program won't stop.
Thanks for the help, if any.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int X = 0; //setting the first variable
int num; //setting the second
while (X == 0) //this should happen whenever X is equal to 0
cout << "Type a number bigger than 3. "; //output
X++; //This should increase X, so that the next while function can happen
while (X == 1) //again, since I increased x by one, (0+1=1 obviously) this should happen
cin >> num; //standard input
if (num > 3) //if function: if num is bigger than three, then this should happen
cout << "Correct! Try again!" <<endl; //output
X--; //Here I'm decreasing x by one, since it was 1 before, now it becomes 0. This should make the "while (X == 0)" part happen again, so that another number bigger than three can be entered
if (num <= 3) //if function: if num is lesser than or equal to 3, this should happen
cout << "Wrong! Try again!" <<endl; //output
X--; //This is supposed to work like the "X--;" before, repeating the code from "while (X==0)"
now it becomes 0. This should make the "while (X == 0)" part happen again
Nope. While loops don't magically take effect at any point during execution of the program. You only enter a while loop when you've reached it from code above. Programs are executed top-to-bottom, generally.
You would need a loop around the entire program if you want to keep going round and round. Those whiles you have now should probably be ifs.
Merge the two while loops into one, while(true).
Put each previous while body into an if state with the clause from the old while in it.
while(true) {
if (X==0) {
// the X==0- case
} else if (X==1) {
// the X==1 case
in order to end your loop, do a break;.
You have to think of C++ programs as a sequence of instructions, like a recipe. while just means a loop: you check the condition. If true, you run the body. After running the body, you check only that condition again, and run the body if true. Whenever the condition is false at the start or end of the body of the while (the {} enclosed code after it), you end the loop and proceed to the next one.
The first loop runs, finishes, then the second loop runs in your code. Once the first loop exits, you do not go back into it just because the condition becomes true.
Understanding flow control is one of the "hard" steps of learning to program, so it is ok if you find this tricky.
There are many improvements you can do your code beyond getting it working -- there is, actually, little need for X at all. But baby steps! Once you get it working, you can ponder "how could I remove the variable X?".
Before making such fundamental changes to your program, you should get it working, and save a copy of it so you can "go back" to the last working version.
You want to wrap all that code in it's own while loop:
while (true /* or something */)
while (X == 0) //this should happen whenever X is equal to 0
// ...
At least put your second while loop inside the first one to get it working as intended. Otherwise your program has no reason to go back again.
Nevertheless it's not a good design.

Possible segmentation fault: Am I using the "this->" operator correctly?

I am doing a homework problem that I have a question about. If you don't feel comfortable assisting with a homework problem, I should say that my instructor has encouraged us to ask for help on this site when we are completely stumped. Also, I have completed the basic portion of the assignment on my own, and am now doing an optional challenge problem. Anyway, on to the problem!
Being new to OOP and C++ in general, I am having trouble understanding the "this->" operator. We haven't covered it in class, but I have seen it elsewhere and I am sort-of guessing how it is meant to be used.
For the assignment, I have to create a console based Tic-Tac-Toe game. Only the challenge portion of the assignment wants us to create an AI opponent, and we don't get any extra credit for doing the challenge, I just want to know how to do it. I am studying things like minimax and game trees, but for now I just wanted to create a "pick a random, open spot" function.
I have a class called TicTacToe which is basically the entire program. I will post it below with the parts that are relevant to the question, but part that is giving me an error is this subroutine:
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove(){
int row = rand() % 3 + 1;
int col = rand() % 3 + 1;
if(this->isValidMove(row, col)){
this->makeMove(row, col);
The only thing that this function is meant to do is make a move on the board, assuming that it is open. The board is set up like:
char board[4][4];
and when I print it, it looks like:
1 2 3
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
The problem, is that on occasion a move is made by the computer that gives me an error that is difficult to track down because of the random nature of the function. I believe it is a segfault error, but I can't tell because I can't replicate it in my debugger.
I think that the "this->" operator functions as a pointer, and if a pointer is NULL and it is accessed it could give me this problem. Is this correct? Is there a way to fix this?
I understand that this may be a very low-level question to many of the members of the community, but I would appreciate your help as long as it doesn't come with snide remarks about how trivial this is, or how stupid I must be. I'm LEARNING, which means that I am going to have some silly questions sometimes.
Here is more of my .cpp file if it helps:
for(int row = 0; row < kNumRows; row++){
for(int col = 0; col < kNumCols; col++){
if(col == 0 && row == 0){
board[row][col] = ' ';
}else if(col == 0){
board[row][col] = static_cast<char>('0' + row);
}else if(row == 0){
board[row][col] = static_cast<char>('0' + col);
board[row][col] = '-';
currentPlayer = 'X';
char TicTacToe::getCurrentPlayer(){
return currentPlayer;
char TicTacToe::getWinner(){
//Check for diagonals (Only the middle square can do this)
char middle = board[2][2];
if(board[1][1] == middle && board[3][3] == middle && middle != '-'){
return middle;
}else if(middle == board[3][1] && middle == board[1][3] && middle != '-'){
return middle;
//Check for horizontal wins
for(int row = 1; row < kNumRows; row++){
if(board[row][1] == board[row][2] && board[row][2] == board[row][3] && board[row][1] != '-'){
return board[row][1];
//Check for vertical wins
for(int col = 1; col < kNumCols; col++){
if(board[1][col] == board[2][col] && board[2][col] == board[3][col] && board[1][col] != '-'){
return board[1][col];
//Otherwise, in the case of a tie game, return a dash.
return '-';
void TicTacToe::makeMove(int row, int col){
board[row][col] = currentPlayer;
if(currentPlayer == 'X'){
currentPlayer = 'O';
}else if(currentPlayer == 'O'){
currentPlayer = 'X';
//TODO: Make sure this works after you make the make-move function
bool TicTacToe::isDone(){
bool fullBoard = true;
//First check to see if the board is full
for(int col = 1; col < kNumCols; col++){
for(int row = 1; row < kNumRows; row++){
if(board[row][col] == '-'){
fullBoard = false;
//If the board is full, the game is done. Otherwise check for consecutives.
return true;
//Check for diagonals (Only the middle square can do this)
char middle = board[2][2];
if(board[1][1] == middle && board[3][3] == middle && middle != '-'){
return true;
}else if(middle == board[3][1] && middle == board[1][3] && middle != '-'){
return true;
//Check for horizontal wins
for(int row = 1; row < kNumRows; row++){
if(board[row][1] == board[row][2] && board[row][2] == board[row][3] && board[row][1] != '-'){
return true;
//Check for vertical wins
for(int col = 1; col < kNumCols; col++){
if(board[1][col] == board[2][col] && board[2][col] == board[3][col] && board[1][col] != '-'){
return true;
//If all other tests fail, then the game is not done
return false;
bool TicTacToe::isValidMove(int row, int col){
if(board[row][col] == '-' && row <= 3 && col <= 3){
return true;
//cout << "That is an invalid move" << endl;
return false;
void TicTacToe::print(){
for(int row = 0; row < kNumRows; row++){
for(int col = 0; col < kNumCols; col++){
cout << setw(3) << board[row][col];
cout << endl;
A general preface: you almost never need to use this explicitly. In a member function, in order to refer to member variables or member methods, you simply name the variable or method. As with:
class Foo
int mN;
int getIt()
return mN; // this->mN legal but not needed
I think that the "this->" operator functions as a pointer, and if a
pointer is NULL and it is accessed it could give me this problem. Is
this correct? Is there a way to fix this?
this is a pointer, yes. (Actually, it's a keyword.) If you call a non-static member function of a class, this points to the object. For instance, if we were to call getIt() above:
int main()
Foo f;
int a = f.getIt();
then this would point to f from main().
Static member functions do not have a this pointer. this cannot be NULL, and you cannot change the value of this.
There are several cases in C++ where using this is one way to solve a problem, and other cases where this must be used. See this post for a list of these situations.
I could reproduce the bug on coliru's g++4.8.1 when not compiling with optimizations. As I said in a comment, the problem is the srand combined with time and the recursion:
The return value of time is often the Unix time, in seconds. That is, if you call time within the same second, you'll get the same return value. When using this return value to seed srand (via srand(time(NULL))), you'll therefore set the same seed within this second.
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove(){
int row = rand() % 3 + 1;
int col = rand() % 3 + 1;
if(this->isValidMove(row, col)){
this->makeMove(row, col);
If you don't compile with optimizations, or the compiler otherwise needs to use stack space to do an iteration of makeAutoMove, each call will occupy a bit of the stack. Therefore, when called often enough, this will produce a Stack Overflow (luckily, you went to the right site).
As the seed doesn't change within the same second, the calls to rand will also produce the same values within that second - for each iteration, the first rand will always produce some value X and the second always some value Y within that second.
If X and Y lead to an invalid move, you'll get infinite recursion until the seeding changes. If your computer is fast enough, it might call makeAutoMove often enough to occupy enough stack space within that second to cause a Stack Overflow.
Note that it's not required to seed the Pseudo-Random Number Generator used by rand more than once. Typically, you do only seed once, to initialize the PRNG. Subsequent calls to rand then produce pseudo-random numbers.
From cppreference:
Each time rand() is seeded with srand(), it must produce the same sequence of values.
cppreference: rand, srand
Here is the first pass:
Arrays start counting from zero. So you do not need the +1 in lines like rand() % 3 + 1;
Indeed this is a point to the current object. Usually you do not need to use it. i.e. this->makeMove(row, col); and makeMove(row, col); work the same
char board[4][4];1 should bechar board[3][3];` as you want a 3x3 board. See 1) above
board[row][col] = static_cast<char>('0' + row); - You do not need the static cast '0' + row will suffice
You need to take account of (1) in the rest of your code
If you get segmentation problems it is best to use the debugger. A very skill to learn
Anyway - Good luck with your studies. It is refreshing to get a new poster on this web site that is keen to learn
Just a side note about recursion, efficiency, robust coding and how being paranoid can help.
Here is a "cleaned up" version of your problematic function.
See other answers for explanations about what went wrong with the original.
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove() {
// pick a random position
int row = rand() % 3;
int col = rand() % 3;
// if it corresponds to a valid move
if (isValidMove(row, col)){
// play it
makeMove(row, col);
// try again
makeAutoMove(); // <-- makeAutoMove is calling itself
In plain English you could describe what the code does as:
pick a random (row, col) couple.
if this couple represents a valid move position, play that move
else try again
Calling makeAutoMove() is indeed a very logical way of trying again, but a not so efficient one programming-wise.
Each new call will cause some memory allocation on the stack:
4 bytes for each local variable (8 bytes in total)
4 bytes for the return address
So the stack consumption will look like:
makeAutoMove <-- 12 bytes
makeAutoMove <-- 24
makeAutoMove <-- 36
makeAutoMove <-- 48
<-- etc.
Imagine for a second that you inadvertently call this function in a situation where it cannot succeed (when a game has ended and no more valid moves are available).
The function will then call itself endlessly. It will be only a matter of time before stack memory gets exhausted and the program crashes. And, given the computing power of your average PC, the crash will occur in the blink of an eye.
This extreme case illustrates the (hidden) cost of using recursive calls. But even if the function eventually succeeds, the cost of each retry is still there.
The things we can learn from there:
recursive calls have a cost
they can lead to crashes when the termination conditions are not met
a lot of them (but not all of them) can easily be replaced by loops, as we will see
As a side note within the side note, as dyp duly noted, modern compilers are so smart they can, for various reasons, detect some patterns within the code that allow them to eliminate such kind of recursive calls.
Nevertheless, you never know if your particular compiler will be smart enough to remove banana peels from under your sloppy feets, so better avoid slopiness altogether, if you ask me.
Avoiding recursion
To get rid of that naughty recursion, we could implement the try again like so:
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove() {
int row = rand() % 3;
int col = rand() % 3;
if (isValidMove(row, col)){
makeMove(row, col);
goto try_again; // <-- try again by jumping to function start
After all, we don't really need to call our function again. Jumping back to the start of it will be enough. That's what the goto does.
Good news is, we got rid of the recursion without changing much of the code.
Not so good news is, we used an ugly construct to do so.
Preserving regular program flow
We don't want to keep that ungainly goto since it breaks the usual control flow and makes the code very difficult to understand, maintain and debug *.
We can, however, replace it easily with a conditional loop:
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove() {
// while a valid move has not been found
bool move_found = false;
while (! move_found) {
// pick a random position
int row = rand() % 3;
int col = rand() % 3;
// if it corresponds to a valid move
if (isValidMove(row, col)){
// play it
makeMove(row, col);
move_found = true; // <-- stop trying
The good: bye bye Mr goto
The bad : hello Mrs move_found
Keeping the code sleek
We swapped the goto for a flag.
It's already better (the program flow is not broken anymore), but we have added some complexity to the code.
We can relatively easily get rid of the flag:
while (true) { // no way out ?!?
// pick a random position
int row = rand() % 3;
int col = rand() % 3;
// if it corresponds to a valid move
if (isValidMove(row, col)){
// play it
makeMove(row, col);
break; // <-- found the door!
The good: bye bye Mrs move_found
The bad : we use a break, that is little more than a tamed goto (something like "goto the end of the loop").
We could end the improvements there, but there is still something annoying with this version: the exit condition of the loop is hidden within the code, which makes it more difficult to understand at first glance.
Using explicit exit conditions
Exit conditions are especially important to figure whether a piece of code will work or not (the reason why our function gets stuck forever is precisely that there are some cases where the exit condition is never met).
So it's always a good idea to make exit conditions stand out as clearly as possible.
Here is a way to make the exit condition more apparent:
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove() {
// pick a random valid move
int row, col;
do {
row = rand() % 3;
col = rand() % 3;
} while (!isValidMove (row, col)); // <-- if something goes wrong, it's here
// play it
makeMove(row, col);
You could probably do it a bit differently. It does not matter as long as we achieve all of these goals:
no recursion
no extraneous variables
meaningful exit condition
sleek code
When you compare the latest refinement with the original version, you can see that it has mutated to something significantly different.
Code robustness
As we have seen, this function can never succeed in case no more legal moves are available (i.e. the game has ended).
This design can work, but it requires the rest of your algorithm to make sure end game conditions are properly checked before this function is called.
This makes your function dependent on external conditions, with nasty consequences if these conditions are not met (a program hangup and/or crash).
This makes this solution a fragile design choice.
Paranoia to the rescue
You might want to keep this fragile design for various reasons. For instance, you might prefer to wine & dine your g/f rather than dedicating your evening to software robustness improvements.
Even if your g/f eventually learns how to cope with geeks, there will be cases when the best solution you can think of will have inherent potential inconsistencies.
This is perfectly OK, as long as these inconsistencies are spotted and guarded against.
A first step toward code robustness is to make sure a potentially dangerous design choice will be detected, if not corrected altogether.
A way of doing so is to enter a paranoid state of mind, imagining that every system call will fail, the caller of any of your function will do its best to make it crash, every user input will come from a rabid Russian hacker, etc.
In our case, we don't need to hire a rabid Russian hacker and there is no system call in sight. Still, we know how an evil programmer could get us in trouble, so we will try to guard against that:
void TicTacToe::makeAutoMove() {
// pick a random valid move
int row, col;
int watchdog = 0; // <-- let's get paranoid
do {
row = rand() % 3;
col = rand() % 3;
assert (watchdog++ < 1000); // <-- inconsistency detection
} while (!isValidMove (row, col));
// play it
makeMove(row, col);
assert is a macro that will force a program exit if the condition passed as parameter is not met, with a console message and/or popup window saying something like assertion "watchdog++ < 1000" failed in tictactoe.cpp line 238.
You can see it as a way to bail out of a program if a fatal algorithmic flaw (i.e. the kind of flaw that will require a source code overhaul, so there is little point in keeping this inconsistent version of the program running) has been detected.
By adding the watchdog, we make sure the program will explicitely exit if it detects an abnormal condition, indicating gracefully the location of the potential problem (tictactoe.cpp line 238 in our case).
While refactoring your code to eliminate inconsistencies can be difficult or even impossible, detecting inconsistencies is most often very easy and cheap.
The condition have not to be very precise, the only point is to make sure your code is executing in a "reasonably" consistent context.
In this example, the actual number of trials to get a legit move is not easy to estimate (it's based on cumulative probabilities to hit a cell where a move is forbidden), but we can easily figure that failing to find a legit move after 1000 tries means something went seriously wrong with the algorithm.
Since this code is just there to increase robustness, it does not have to be efficient. It's just a means to go from the "why the hell does my program hang?!?" situation to the "dang, I must have called makeAutoMove after end game" (near) immediate realization.
Once you've tested and proved your program, and if you have really good reasons for that (namely, if your paranoid checks cause serious performance issues) you can take the decision to cleanup that paranoid code, leaving very explicit comments in your source about the way this particular piece of code shall be used.
Actually there are means to keep the paranoid code live without sacrificing efficiency, but that's another story.
What it boils down to is:
get used to notice potential inconsistencies in your code, especially when these inconsistencies can have serious consequences
try to make sure as many pieces of your code as possible can detect inconsistencies
sprinkle your code with paranoid checks to increase your chances of detecting wrong moves early
Code refactoring
In an ideal world, each function should give a consistent result and leave the system in a consistent state. That rarely happens in real life, unless you accept some limitations to your creativity.
However, it could be interesting to see what you could achieve if you designed a tic-tac-toe 2.0 with these guidelines in mind. I'm sure you would find a lot of helpful reviewers here on StackOverflow.
Feel free to ask if you found some points of interest in all these rants, and welcome to the wonderful world of geeks :)
(kuroi dot neko at wanadoo dot fr)
* goto might look harmless enough in such a small example, but you can trust me on this: abusing goto will lead you to a world of pain. Just don't do it unless you have a very, very good reason.

C++ simple If statement making the rest of the program not execute

I have an assignment where I must read from a file and perform various calculations on it and write the answer to an output file. Everything was going great until I came to this step:
"Reread the file and compute the sum of the integers in the file as long as the sum does not exceed 1000. Use a flag controlled loop structure."
My code snippet is as follows:
sum = 0;
while(sum < 1000)
dataFile2 >> num;
sum = sum + num;
if(sum > 1000)
sum = sum - num;
answers << "The sum of the integers not exceeding 1000 is " << sum << endl;
cout << "The sum of the integers not exceeding 1000 is " << sum << endl;
return 0;
My variables have already been declared. when I take out the if statement the sum adds the last number and the sum then exceeds 1000. When the If statement is left in, the answers and cout statements are not executed and there are no compiler warnings or errors.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Since no one seems to want to give you a correct answer... (and
to be fair, it's hard to give a correct answer without actually
doing your work for you).
There are two issues in you code. The first is the requirement
that you use a flag. As I said in my comment, the idiomatic
solution would not use a flag, but there's no problem using one.
A flag is a boolean variable which will be tested in the
while, and will be set in a conditional in the loop, when you
find something that makes you want to leave the loop.
The second issue is that you are using num without checking
that the input has succeeded. You must check after the >>
operator. The idiomatic way of checking (and the only thing
that should ever be used by someone not experienced in the
language) is to treat the stream as if it were a boolean:
dataFile2 >> num;
if ( dataFile2 ) {
// Input succeeded...
} else {
// Input failed for some reason, maybe end of file
Since all operations on a stream return a reference to the
stream, it is usual to merge the test and the input:
if ( dataFile2 >> num ) {
// succeeded
} else {
// failed
(Personally, I find the idea of modifying state in the condition
of an if or a while horrible. But this idiom is so
ubiquitous that you should probably use it, for the simple
reason that that's what everyone expects.)
In pedagogical environments, it's probably acceptable to
consider any failure to be end of file, and just move the test
up into the while (except, of course, that you've been asked
to use a flag). In other contexts, you'll want to take into
account the fact that the failure could be due to a syntax error
in the input—someone inserted "abc" into the file where
you were expecting a number. There are a number of ways of
handling this, all of which are beyond the scope of what you are
trying to do, but be aware that after you've detected failure,
you can interogate the stream to know why. In particular, if
dataFile2.eof() is true, then the failure was (probably) due
to you having read all of the data, and everything is fine. (In
other words, failure to read a data is not necessarily an error.
It can be simply end of file.)
You don't seem to be using a flag variable, which could help in this case. Something like this should fix it:
sum = 0;
bool sumUnder1000 = true; //Or the C++ equivalent, I'm a bit rusty
sumUnder1000 = false; //We've reached end of file or an error has occurred
dataFile2 >> num;
sum = sum + num;
else if(sum > 1000){
sum = sum - num;
sumUnder1000 = false;