Elasticsearch scoring on multiple indexes: dfs_query_then_fetch returns the same scores as query_then_fetch - django

I have multiple indices in Elasticsearch (and the corresponding documents in Django created using django-elasticsearch-dsl). All of the indices have these settings:
settings = {'number_of_shards': 1,
'number_of_replicas': 0}
Now, I am trying to perform a search across all the 10 indices. In order to retrieve consistent scoring between the results from different indices, I am using dfs_query_then_fetch:
search = Search(index=['mov*'])
search = search.params(search_type='dfs_query_then_fetch')
objects = search.query("multi_match", query='Tom & Jerry', fields=['title', 'actors'])
I get bad results due to inconsistent scoring. A book called 'A story of Jerry and his friend Tom' from one index can be ranked higher than the cartoon 'Tom & Jerry' from another index. The reason is that dfs_query_then_fetch is not working. When I remove it or substitute with the simple query_then_fetch, I get absolutely the same results with the identical scoring.
I have tested it on URI requests as well, and I always get the same scores for both search types.
What can be the reason for it?
UPDATE: The results are actually not the same, but they are only really slightly different, e.g. a score of 50.1 with dfs and 50.0 without dfs, while the same model within one index has a score of 80.0.

If the number of shards is 1, then dfs_query_then_fetch and query_then_fetch will return the same result. DFS query will do a query to all shards and then show you results based on the scores computed, but in this case there is only one shard.
Regarding the scoring, you might wanna have a look at your actors field too. Also, do let us know what are the analyzer and tokenizer if you have used custom ones?


Slow insertion using Neptune and Gremlin

I'm having problems with the insertion using gremlin to Neptune.
I am trying to insert many nodes and edges, potentially hundred thousands of nodes and edges, with checking for existence.
Currently, we are using inject to insert the nodes, and the problem is that it is slow.
After running the explain command, we figured out that the problem was the coalesce and the where steps - it takes more than 99.9% of the run duration.
I want to insert each node and edge only if it doesn’t exist, and that’s why I am using the coalesce and where steps.
For example, the query we use to insert nodes with inject:
properties_list = [{‘uid’:’1642’},{‘uid’:’1322’}…]
.coalesce(__.unfold(), __.addV(label).property(Cardinality.single,'uid','1')))
With 1000 nodes in the graph and properties_list with 100 elements, running the query above takes around 30 seconds, and it gets slower as the number of nodes in the graph increases.
Running a naive injection with the same environment as the query above, without coalesce and where, takes less than 1 second.
I’d like to hear your suggestions and to know what are the best practices for inserting many nodes and edges (with checking for existence).
Thank you very much.
If you have a set of IDs that you want to check for existence, you can speed up the query significantly by also providing just a list of IDs to the query and calculating the intersection of the ones that exist upfront. Then, having calculated the set that need updates you can just apply them in one go. This will make a big difference. The reason you are running into problems is that the mid traversal V has a lot of work to do. In general it would be better to use actual IDs rather than properties (UID in your case). If that is not an option the same technique will work for property based IDs. The steps are:
Using inject or sideEffect insert the IDs to be found as one list and the corresponding map containing the changes to conditionally be applied in a separate map.
Find the intersection of the ones that exist and those that do not.
Using that set of non existing ones, apply the updates using the values in the set to index into your map.
Here is a concrete example. I used the graph-notebook for this but you can do the same thing in code:
ids = "['1','2','9998','9999']"
data = "[['id':'1','value':'XYZ'],['id':'9998','value':'ABC'],['id':'9999','value':'DEF']]"
we can do something like this:
which correctly finds the ones that do not already exist:
{'id': 9998, 'value': 'ABC'}
{'id': 9999, 'value': 'DEF'}
You can use this pattern to construct your conditional inserts a lot more efficiently (I hope :-) ). So to add the new vertices you might do:
As a side note, we are adding two new steps to Gremlin - mergeV and mergeE that will allow this to be done much more easily and in a more declarative style. Those new steps should be part of the TinkerPop 3.6 release.

Vector embeddings to mimic a ranking algorithm

Consider a search system where the user submits a query ‘query’ and retrieves products based on some ranking algorithm. Assume that these products are ordered according to their quality such that p_0, p_1, …, p_10 and so on.
I would like to generate vector embeddings that mimic this ranking algorithm. The closest product vector to a query vector should ideally be p_0, the next one should be p_1 and so on.
I have tried to building word2vec embeddings for products by feeding products that have appeared in the same search session as sentences. Then, I have calculated the weighted average of product vectors to find query vectors to make the query vector closer to the top result. Although the closest result is usually the best result for a given query, the subsequent results include some results that would never appear as a top result.
Is there a trick that the word2vec can learn the ranking algorithm or any other techniques that I can try? I have looked into multi-dimensional vector scaling with non-metric distances but it did not seem scalable to me for more than 100Ks of products.
There's no one trick – just iteratively improving your representations, & training set, & ranking methods to better meet your goals.
Word2vec-based representations can often help, but are still fairly simple & centered on individual words – whose senses may vary based on context & position in ways that a simple weighted-average-of-tokens fails to capture.
You may want to represent 'products' by more than just a string-of-word-tokens – to include other properties, as well. These could be scalar values like prices or various other kinds of ratings/properties, or extra synthetic labels, such as the result of other salient groupings (whether hand-edited or learned).
And even if just working with natural-language product descriptions – like product names, or descriptions, or reviews – there are other more-sophisticated text-representations that can be trained or used – such as sentence/document embeddings using deeper-networks than plain word2vec.
Most generically, if you have a bunch of quantitative representations of candidate results, and a query, and want to use some initial examples of "good" results to bootstrap more generalizable rules for scoring top results, you are attempting a "learning-to-rank" process:
To suggest more specific steps would require a more specific description of inputs/outputs/goals, & what's been tried, and how what's been tried has failed.
For example, are your queries always just textual product names? In such a case, maybe plain keyword search is the central technology required – with things like word-vector-modelling just a tweak for handling some tough cases, like expanding the results, or adding more contrast to the rankings, when results are too few or to many.
Or, can you detect key gaps in the modeling related to exactly those cases where "results include some results that would [ideally] never appear as a top result"? If certain things like rare (poorly-modeled) words, or important qualities not yet captured in the model, seem to be to blame for such cases, that will guide the potential set of corrective changes.

Applying word2vec to find all words above a similarity threshold

The command model.most_similar(positive=['france'], topn=100) gives the top 100 most similar words to "france". However, I would like to know if there is a method which will output the most similar words above a similarity threshold to a given word. Is there a method like the following?:
model.most_similar(positive=['france'], threshold=0.9)
No, you'd have to request a large number (or all, with topn=0) then apply the cutoff yourself.
What you request could theoretically be added as an option.
However, the cosine-similarity absolute magnitudes don't necessarily have a stable meaning, like "90% similar" across different model runs. Their distribution can vary based on model training parameters, such as the vector size, and they are most-often interpreted only in ranked-comparison to other pairwise values from the same model.
For example, the composition of the top-100 most-similar words for 'cold' may be very similar in models with different training parameters, but the range of absolute similarity values for the #1 to #100 words can be quite different. So if you were picking an absolute threshold, you'd likely want to vary the cutoff based on observing the model, or along with other model training metaparameters.
Well, let's say you can. Try the following code:
def find_most_similar(model, wrd, threshold=0.75):
res = [item for item in model.wv.most_similar(wrd, topn=len(model.wv.vocab)) if item[1] > threshold]
return res

Ordering by sum of difference

I have a model that has one attribute with a list of floats:
values = ArrayField(models.FloatField(default=0), default=list, size=64, verbose_name=_('Values'))
Currently, I'm getting my entries and order them according to the sum of all diffs with another list:
def diff(l1, l2):
return sum([abs(v1-v2) for v1, v2 in zip(l1, l2)])
list2 = [0.3, 0, 1, 0.5]
entries = Model.objects.all()
entries.sort(key=lambda t: diff(t.values, list2))
This works fast if my numer of entries is very slow small. But I'm afraid with a large number of entries, the comparison and sorting of all the entries will get slow since they have to be loaded from the database. Is there a way to make this more efficient?
best way is to write it yourself, right now you are iterating over a list over 4 times!
although this approach looks pretty but it's not good.
one thing that you can do is:
have a variable called last_diff and set it to 0
iterate through all entries.
iterate though each entry.values
from i = 0 to the end of list, calculate abs(entry.values[i]-list2[i])
sum over these values in a variable called new_diff
if new_diff > last_diff break from inner loop and push the entry into its right place (it's called Insertion Sort, check it out!)
in this way, in average scenario, time complexity is much lower than what you are doing now!
and maybe you must be creative too. I'm gonna share some ideas, check them for yourself to make sure that they are fine.
assuming that:
values list elements are always positive floats.
list2 is always the same for all entries.
then you may be able to say, the bigger the sum over the elements in values, the bigger the diff value is gonna be, no matter what are the elements in list2.
then you might be able to just forget about whole diff function. (test this!)
The only way to makes this really go faster, is to move as much work as possible to the database, i.e. the calculations and the sorting. It wasn't easy, but with the help of this answer I managed to actually write a query for that in almost pure Django:
class Unnest(models.Func):
function = 'UNNEST'
class Abs(models.Func):
function = 'ABS'
class SubquerySum(models.Subquery):
template = '(SELECT sum(%(field)s) FROM (%(subquery)s) _sum)'
x = [0.3, 0, 1, 0.5]
pairdiffs = Model.objects.filter(pk=models.OuterRef('pk')).annotate(
pairdiff=Abs(Unnest('values')-Unnest(models.Value(x, ArrayField(models.FloatField())))),
entries = Model.objects.all().annotate(
diff=SubquerySum(pairdiffs, field='pairdiff')
The unnest function turns each element of the values into a row. In this case it happens twice, but the two resulting columns are instantly subtracted and made positive. Still, there are as many rows per pk as there are values. These need to be summed, but that's not as easy as it sounds. The column can't be simply be aggregated. This was by far the most tricky part—even after fiddling with it for so long, I still don't quite understand why Postgres needs this indirection. Of the few options there are to make it work, I believe a subquery is the single one expressible in Django (and only as of 1.11).
Note that the above behaves exactly the same as with zip, i.e. the when one array is longer than the other, the remainder is ignored.
Further improvements
While it will be a lot faster already when you don't have to retrieve all rows anymore and loop over them in Python, it doesn't change yet that it results in a full table scan. All rows will have to be processed, every single time. You can do better, though. Have a look into the cube extension. Use it to calculate the L1 distance—at least, that seems what you're calculating—directly with the <#> operator. That will require the use of RawSQL or a custom Expression. Then add a GiST index on the SQL expression cube("values"), or directly on the field if you're able to change the type from float[] to cube. In case of the latter, you might have to implement your own CubeField too—I haven't found any package yet that provides it. In any case, with all that in place, top-N queries on the lowest distance will be fully indexed hence blazing fast.

WEKA: how to get the score from classifyInstance?

I'm using a FilteredClassifier.classifyInstance() to classify my instances in weka.
I have 2 classes (true and false) and I have many positives, so I actually need to know the score of each isntance to get the best positive.
You know how I could get the score from my weka classifier ?
Update: I've also tried to use distributionForInstance, but for each instance I always get an array with [1.0, 0.0].
I actually need to compare several instances to see which one is the most reliable, which one has more changes to have been classified correctly.
distributionForInstance(Instance anInstance) is the method you need. It gives you a Double array showing the confidence for each of your classes. I am using Weka 3.6. and it works well for me. If you always get the same values, your classifier is not trained well and not discriminative at all. In that case, you should always get the same class predicted. Did you balance your training set?
distributionForInstance(Instance anInstance) seems right.
Maybe it is not working for you because the classifier doesn't know you'd need the confidence values? For example for LibSVM on Weka Java, you need to set setProbabilityEstimates to true, in order to use the scores.
After you have run the classifier on your data, you can visualize the data by right clicking on the test in the " Result list " There are lots of other funcitons on this right click menu that will allow you to gain scores from weka classifiers.
Suppose that your model is already trained.
Then, you can make predictions with distributionForInstance. This command produces an array consisting of two items (because there are two classes on your dataset: true and false)
double[] distributions = model.distributionForInstance(new_instance);
After then, index of the greatest item in distributions array would be classification result.
Assume that distributions = {0.9638458988630731, 0.03615410113692686}. In this case, your new instance would be classified as class_0 because 1st item is greater than 2nd item in distributions array.
You can also get this index with classifyInstance command.
double classifiedIndex = model.classifyInstance(new_instance);
classifiedIndex value would be 0 for distributions = {0.9638458988630731, 0.03615410113692686}.
Finally, you can get the class name as true or false instead of class index.
new_instance.setClassValue(classifiedIndex); //firstly, assigned classified index to new_instance.
String classifiedText = new_instance.stringValue(new_instance.numAttributes());
This code block produces false.
You might examine this GitHub project for both regression and classification.