Calculated Column for first 5 working days in each month - powerbi

I wanted to do calculated column in my calendar table in Power BI. The calculated column should show "1" for the first 5 working days in each month in the calendar table, the rest of the days should be "0" . I tried to come out with the formula shown below
tick = CALCULATE(COUNT('Calendar'[Weekend - weekday]), 'Calendar'[IsWorkingDay] = TRUE)
But it shows "1" for all the working days but the desire output is the first 5 working days of each month. Anyone could help me

Suppose this is your original table with new column for Weekday-weekend, you can calculate the new column to display 0 for first five working days using rankx & If, followed by 0 and blank for other case, here is the dax formula:
Remark: Both 1 and 0 need to with quotation mark, as using with "" without convert to string will cause Data is variant type error.
tick1 =
var rank1 = RANKX(FILTER(Sheet1,Sheet1[Weekday-Weekend] = "Weekday" && Sheet1[Period] = EARLIER(Sheet1[Period]) ),Sheet1[Day],,ASC)
IF(Sheet1[Weekday-Weekend] = "Weekday" && rank1 >=1 && rank1 <=5, "1",
IF(Sheet1[Weekday-Weekend] = "Weekday", "0",""))
The table with add column


Power BI Measure to return date if the condition is true

I am struggling in writing a measure which returns me the list of dates if the condition is true.
For example, Last 7 days, I was able to do it in calculated column as below
Last 7 days = if(DateTime[Datetime]<=TODAY(),DateTime[DateTime])
The problem with the calculated column is when I am using this column as a filter, It is showing the dates that are not the last 7 days as blanks which I dont want. Please help.
Since you want to return a list of dates you need a Calculated Table:
Last 7 days =
'Datetime'[Datetime] > TODAY() - 7,
'Datetime'[Datetime] <= TODAY()
You can use this table to filter your other data.

DAX measure to extract summed quantity values for selected weeks only

I have production figures which sum the quantity of parts produced by each workstation on a weekly basis. These are shown in a matrix with workstation number on the rows and week numbers across the columns.
I want to be able to select 2 weeks and then
Display all the weeks in the range selected by a slicer.
Show the quantity values for only the first and last selected weeks.
The first part is working using a simple Week Slicer.
The second part, however, always shows the totals for all the selected weeks rather than the 2 individual week quantities.
In this example I have selected weeks 4 and 9 and therefore the expected values for quantities are 11,505 and 49,425 as shown in the Good Qty data with red frames.
The measures to extract the fist and last selected week numbers are working:
SelWeek1 = FIRSTNONBLANK(VALUES(vLink[Week]),0)
SelWeek2 = LASTNONBLANK(VALUES(vLink[Week]),0)
My measures for the week quantities are:
CALCULATE([Sum vGood Qty],FILTER(vLink, vLink[Week] = [SelWeek1])),
SelWeek2 Qty =
CALCULATE([Sum vGood Qty],FILTER(vLink, vLink[Week] = [SelWeek2])),
What am I missing?
Try to use below measures:
SelWeek1 = MIN(vLink[week])
Measure =
VAR _selWeek = [SelWeek1]
VAR result =
[Sum vGood Qty],
vLink[Week] = _selWeek
and for selected week 2 change min to max in the first measure and _selWeek variable in the second measure respectively.

Power BI - setup day 1 based on value in another column

I have table in Power BI with following columns: Country, Date and event. I would like to add measure or new column if needed with 'Start Day'. 'Start Day' assignes value '1' at the first day that value greater than 0 apears in column 'event' and starts counting days from this date. In example below for country UK value 1 in column 'event' apears on 19/03/2020 and in column 'Start Day' value 1 is assigned. Next date 20/03/2020 has value 2 assigned and so on. What is the best way to do this in Power BI?
You need to create an extra column as this is static data.
You can do this by first getting the start date of that country and then take the datediff between the dates.
In the CALCULATE function, I get all rows where the country is equal and where the event = 0. From those rows, I get the max date (firstD). This was the most important step as we can now use the DATEDIFF to calculate the days.
I used the max function once more because you want to have 0 in the rows before the startdate.
Start Day =
var country = events[Country]
var firstD = CALCULATE(MAX(events[Date]);FILTER(events;events[Country] = country && events[event]=0))
return max(DATEDIFF(firstD;events[Date];DAY);0)

How to Calculate 3 Month Rolling Average with my current dataset in Power BI?

I'm new to power BI and i require your assistance. I want to create a visualisation showing the average number of tickets from the previous 3 months and compare it with the current month. Is there any easy way to do this?
I have tried many solutions online but it dosen't work. I think it is because my dataset may not suit the solution.
My data:
Tickets | Date
1 | 6/30/2019
1 | 6/10/2019
1 | 7/1/2019
0 | 7/2/2019
1 | 6/30/2019
There are many more columns and rows. The value of ticket is either 1 or 0 and the date can be repeated. This is the data i received from an API.
This is what i currently have
The data would get bigger and bigger as time goes by.
I would want to add a 3month rolling average line in this current visualization that i have.
Thank you!
Here we go:
First I created a column FirstDayMonth,this I use to group all data of the same month
FirstDayMonth = EOMONTH(Tickets[Date];-1)+1
My table looks like:
Next I create a summarized table grouped by the FirstDayMonth
TicketsMonth = SUMMARIZE(Tickets;Tickets[FirstDayMonth];"Amount"; SUM(Tickets[Tickets]))
I add a column Ave3PrevMonth
Ave3PrevMonth =
var totalMonths = YEAR(TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth]) * 12 + MONTH(TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth]) - 3
var periodStart = DATE(totalMonths/12;MOD(totalMonths;12);1)
var periodEnd = TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth]
FILTER(TicketsMonth; TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth] >= periodStart && TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth] < periodEnd))/3
This is the tricky bit as Power bi is not strong with dates..
I added an extra column PeriodStart to show the date from where average is taken:
PeriodStart =
var totalMonths = YEAR(TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth]) * 12 + MONTH(TicketsMonth[FirstDayMonth]) - 3
return DATE(totalMonths/12;MOD(totalMonths;12);1)
End result:

Need to compare current month with average of last 3 months in power bi

I have a data with Dept name and its corresponding Amount for each Dept for each Month like below :
Table1 :
Dept name Amount Period
XXX 20 Jan,2018
XXX 30 Feb,2018
XXX 50 Mar,2018
XXX 70 April,2018
YYYY 20 Jan,2018
YYYY 30 Feb,2018
YYYY 50 Mar,2018
YYYY 70 April,2018
I need to calculate the Average of Last 3 months (Ex. For Dept XXXX, If I select April Month, It needs to calculate the average Amount of (Jan,Feb,Mar)(20+30+50)/3 =33.33) and Compare the same with current (April) month (70)
I've created a calculated column for Last 3month Average as below (I have also created a Calender Table in Power BI)
AVG3mth =
(But it just dividing the current month by 3 and not the Last 3 Mnths.)
and when comparing If the Average of Last 3 months greater than current month I should highlight it as "YES" since the Amount is dropped when comparing to last 3 months. I have added another column as "Dropped?" for the same.
Dropped? = IF(VALUES('Table1'[Amount])<[AVG3mth], "Yes", "No")
And also If I choose the Particular month (Period) in slicer I need to get those Month, Amount, Last 3 months average and Dropped YES/NO alone in my Report.
Attached my current report screenshot (You will get clear idea if you look into this)
Report Screenshot
To do this, you will need 1 Calculated Column and 3 Measures.
First, I created a new column called as MonthDiff (Calculated Column)
MonthDiff = DATEDIFF(MIN(Table1[Period]),Table1[Period],MONTH)
So afterwards, I created the Average for last 3 months Measure
Average Last 3 Months =
Var selectedmonth = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[MonthDiff])
Var startingMonth = (selectedmonth - 4)
Var selecteddepartment = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Dept name])
Return CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Table1[Amount]), FILTER(ALL(Table1), Table1[MonthDiff] > startingMonth && Table1[MonthDiff] < selectedmonth),FILTER(ALL(Table1),Table1[Dept name] = selecteddepartment))
So, then you can create the current selected value Measure
SelectedAmount = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Amount])
Then you can create the drop Measure
Drop = var currentvalue = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Amount])
Var selectedmonth = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[MonthDiff])
Var startingMonth = (selectedmonth - 4)
Var selectedDepartment = SELECTEDVALUE(Table1[Dept name])
Var averagevalue = CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Table1[Amount]), FILTER(ALL(Table1), Table1[MonthDiff] > startingMonth && Table1[MonthDiff] < selectedmonth), FILTER(All(Table1),Table1[Dept name] = selectedDepartment))
Return if(averagevalue > currentvalue, "Yes", "No")
This is my final output,
Do let me know, if this helps or not.
My Best Practice
When you are dealing with Measures that involves multiple filters,
it's best to declare them using Var and test it by returning the
output on the card visual as you develop the measure.