How to uncapture string in regex? - regex

I would like to capture the date and time from the text below.
! 16/Oct/2020 10:11:14 12/Nov/2020 11:21:32
! 17/Oct/2020 10:11:14
! 18/Oct/2020 11:00:00 21/Oct/2020 12:00:00
My regex query:
However, for the second row it is capturing the exclamation mark and hyphen as well. How can I uncapture those things?

Use the following regex. This is more specific than just the generic [^\s].
Side note, [^\s] can be replaced with \S.
You can make the end date and time optional by wrapping them in a non-capturing group (?:) and then adding a question mark after it to make that group optional: (?:)?
(?<=!\s) # Look behind if starts with "! "
(?: # non capturing group
)? # Make this group optional
This will also match invalid dates from 32 - 39 and time hours from 24 - 29. If that matters, you'll need to add more regex with the | operator.

You should make your capture groups optional (at least the end time/date).
Here I make the EndDate and EndTime capture groups optional and also explicitely exclude exclamation marks (this is another avenue to explore, making the capture groups more specific to match only a date/time and not any non-whitespace characters).
For example, the dates can be matched with
and the times with

A pretty similar RegExp of yours
with a lookbehind (?<=) and an optional non-capturing group (?:)?:
Description and example at:


Regex : how to optional capture a group

I'm trying to make an substring optional.
Here is the source :
Movie TOTO S09 E22 2022 Copyright
I want to optionally capture the substring : S09 E22
What I have tried so far :
The problem is that it ends up by matching S09 E22 2022 Copyright instead of just S09 E22 :
Match 1 : 0-33 Movie TOTO S09 E22 2022 Copyright
Group 1 : 0-5 Movie
Group 2: 5-33 TOTO S09 E22 2022 Copyright
Is there anyway to fix this issue ?
You get that match because the .* is greedy and will first match until the end of the string.
Then your (S\d\d\s*E\d\d)? is optional so this will stay matched and does not backtrack.
If you don't want partial matches for S09 or E22 and the 4 digits for the year are not mandatory and you have movies longer than 1 word, with pcre you could use:
\b(Movie)\b Capture the word Movie
( Capture group
(?: Non capture group to repeat as a whole part
(?!\h+[SE]\d+\b). Match any character if either the S01 or E22 part is not directly to the right (where [SE] matches either a S or E char, and \h matches a horizontal whitespace char)
)* Close the non capture group and optionall repeat it
) Close capture group
(?:\h(S\d+\h+E\d+)) Optionally capture the S01 E22 part (where \d+ matches 1 or more digits)
Regex demo
Another option with a capture group for the S01 E22 part, or else match the redt of the line
Regex demo
With your shown samples and attempts please try following regex.
Here is the Online Demo for used regex.
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for used regex above.
^Movie\s+\S+\s+ ##Matching string Movie from starting of value followed by spaces non-spaces and spaces.
(S\d{2}\s+E\d{2} ##Creating one and only capturing group where matching:
##S followed by 2 digits followed by spaces followed by E and 2 digits.
(?=\s+\d{4}) ##Making sure by positive lookahead that previous regex is followed by spaces and 4 digits.
) ##Closing capturing group here.
An idea to make the dot lazy .*? and force it to match up to $ end if other part doesn't exist.
See this demo at regex101 (further I added some \s* spaces around captures)
There are several errors in your regex:
Blank space after Movie is not considered.
(.*) matches everything after Movie.
Try online at

Pick only the alphabets and not the description from a given string

I am a newbie to Regex and require help with the following:
I have strings like - B - Comp-Band Disk,C - Check Oncoming Private,D - DL Procurement Outer. Is there a Regex expression which I could use to change string to B,C,D?
You can use
Regex Explanation
(?: Non-capturing group
(?: Non-capturing group
^|, Match start of the string or ,
) Close non-capturing group
( Capturing group
\w Match any word character
) Close group
) Close non-capturing group
See the demo

Validate string # followed by digits but # increases after every occurance

I have a string looks like this
It starts with # and followed by any digits, every time the # appears, the number of # increases, first time 1, second time 2, etc.
It's similar to this regex, but since I don't know how long this pattern goes, so it's not very useful.
I'm using PCRE regex engine, it allows recursion (?R) and conditions (?(1)...) etc.
Is there a regex to validate this pattern?
I tried ^(?(1)(?|(#\1)|(#))\d+)+$ but it doesn't seem to work at all
You can do this using PCRE conditional sub-pattern matching:
RegEx Demo
RegEx Details:
^: Start
(?:: Start non-capture group
(: Start capture group #1
(?(1)\1): if/then/else directive that means match back-reference \1 only if 1st capture group is available otherwise match null
#: Match an additional #
): End capture group #1
\d+: Match 1+ digits
)++: End non-capture group. Match 1+ of this non-capture group.
$: End
One option could be optionally matching a backreference to group 1 inside group 1 using a possessive quantifier \1?+# adding # on every iteration.
^ Start of string
(?: Non capture group
(\1?+#)\d+ Capture group 1, match an optional possessive backreference to what is already captured in group 1 and add matching a # followed by 1+ digits
)++ Close the non capture group and repeat 1+ times possessively
$ End of string
Regex demo
I think you can use forward-referencing here:
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string
(?:((?:\1(?!^)|^)#)\d+)+ - one or more occurrences of
((?:\1(?!^)|^)#) - Group 1 (the \1 value): start of string or an occurrence of the Group 1 value if it is not at the string start position
\d+ - one or more digits
$ - end of string.
NOTE: This technique does not work in regex flavors that do not support forward referencing, like ECMAScript based flavors (e.g. JavaScript, VBA, C++ std::regex)
Despite there are already working answers, and inspired by Wiktor's answer, I came up this idea:
Which is also quite short and effective(also works for non pcre environment).
See the test cases

Regex doesn't ignore the optionnals groups

I'm trying the create a regex to catch my url and his, optionnals, groups. The regex works fine if the url is complete. The optionnals groups are not optionnals at all.
Regex :
Urls to catch :
As you can see, the third line is catched. But i'd like the first and second too.
I thought the ?: will be enought to do that, but i missed something...
Thanks a lot for your help !
EDIT and answer
Thanks in the comments for helping me. Here the great regex (the one i expected) :
Indeed ?: is about ignoring a match, not made him optionnal.
Your pattern consists of capturing and non capturing groups. The (?: denotes a non capturing group.
If you want to match all 3 lines, you could use match the part starting from the first forward slash and make the part starting from the second forward slash optional.
^ Start of string
/[^\s/]+ Match / and match 1+ times any char except a whitespace or /
(?: Non capturing group
/[^\s/]+ Match / and match 1+ times any char except a whitespace or /
)? Close non capturing group and make it optional
$ End of string
Regex demo
If you want to have capturing groups, but don't want to match /taxi?coordinates=7542 you could nest the groups and make them optional as well.
^ Start of string
/\w+ Match / and 1+ word chars
( Capture group 1
/\w+ Match / and 1+ word chars
( Capture group 2
\?\S* Match ? and 0+ times a non whitespace char
)? Close group 2
)? Close group 1
$ End of string
Regex demo

How can I match everything between 2 commas?

I want to match basically any text that has a comma separated list of weekdays.
(?i)(every (mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)[A-Za-z]{3,5}, .*+,
Above is what what I have and I want to make it match the following strings. I don't need help in the case that only 2 weekdays are supplied.
Every mon, tue, wednesday
Every wed, Saturday, Friday, sun.
Try pattern: (?<=,|^)[^,\n]+
(?<=,|^) - positive lookbehind: assert what preceeds is comma , or beginning of the string ^
[^,\n]+ - match one or more characters other than comma , or newline \n
You might list the abbreviations and optionally match the full name by listing them using an alternation followed by a comma and a space.
Add that to a group and repeat that 0+ times. After that add the group without a comma to make sure you match at least a single day.
(?i)\bevery (?:(?:mon(?:day)?|tue(?:sday)?|wed(?:nesday)?|thu(?:rsday)?|fri(?:day)?|sat(?:urday)?|sun(?:day)?), )*(?:mon(?:day)?|tue(?:sday)?|wed(?:nesday)?|thu(?:rsday)?|fri(?:day)?|sat(?:urday)?|sun(?:day)?)\b
(?i)\bevery Case insensitive modifier
(?: No capturing group
(?:mon(?:day)?|tue(?:sday)?|wed(?:nesday)?|thu(?:rsday)?|fri(?:day)?|sat(?:urday)?|sun(?:day)?), Match any of the listed followed by a comma and space
)* Close non capturing group and repeat 0+ times
(?: Non capturing group
mon(?:day)?|tue(?:sday)?|wed(?:nesday)?|thu(?:rsday)?|fri(?:day)?|sat(?:urday)?|sun(?:day)? Match any of the listed
)\b Close non capturing group and add a word boundary to prevent being part of a larger word
Regex demo
To not match only multiple days, you could update the * quantifier for the first non capturing groupe to for example + or {2,}.