C++ thread writes continuously and read at unknown time - c++

I am trying to get the following scenario to work, but have not been successful so far.
I have 2 threads, a worker (that writes) and a reader.
The worker continuously modifies the values of a class "someClassToModify".
The Reader makes a read access every x seconds (unknown) and reads the current state of the class someClassToModify.
How do I make sure that the Reader reads someClassToModify immediately, without delay, when it "wants" to and the Worker continues immediately afterwards ?
What is important here is that the reader always gets immediate access when it needs it to take a "snapshot" of someClassToModify .
At the moment, the Writer seems to be always "faster", and sometimes several more "Writes" are made before it is the reader's turn. That is, the reader then does not get the actual value that he wanted.
SomeClass someClassToModify; //Class to modify and read
std::thread Worker([this] {
while(true) {
// work work work (write)
// modify someClassToModify
std::thread Reader([this] {
while(true) {
//at an unknown time (random) read value from someClassToModify
thanks for your help here

So, first of all you should note that threads switch at random. That means that worker can do something multiple times before even a single reader gets chance to do anything.
Second thing is that reader can access function and for example come to 3rd line and then the context switch happens. You want to avoid that.
The way to avoid that is by using lock or semaphore.
That means that your class someClassToModify method should disable context switch while reading. It doesnt need to have anything special for explicit switch as it will sleep afterwards for X seconds and during that time the modifier will work.
You should check std::lock.
Basically you would want something like this, wrap this inside your class
#include <chrono>
int i = 0;
int x = 1000;
//this is mutex for waiting
std::mutex myLock;
void read() {
while (true) {
//you lock the function, so it will not change context
std::cout << i << std::endl;
std::cout << "reader" << std::endl;
//once it is finish you can unlock it
//wait for x miliseconds
void write() {
while (true) {
//writer also has lock so you dont end up with bad values on i
std::cout << "writer" << std::endl;
int main() {
std::thread th1(read);
std::thread th2(write);
return 0;


How to guarantee lock acquisition

I have some struct Foo that is continuously updated by a thread. Let's call this "Thread B"
while (true) {
// Do some work for about 300 ms
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(some_mutex);
// update Foo
Then on the main thread (call it Thread A) I have a function that I can call at any time (given user input) to get the latest information in Foo as soon as some conditions are met.
while (true) {
std::getchar() // Wait for a user to request this service
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(some_mutex);
if (/* check some things in Foo */) {
// Read the data in Foo and do some relatively quick processing
return some_data;
I didn't originally have that sleep_for in there but I realised that the program would sometimes hang indefinitely, and I supposed it was because Thread A just kept reacquiring the lock without giving Thread B a chance to update Foo. The sleep did fix the problem but now I find myself worrying about whether it's a guaranteed fix. Is it? If so, what's the minimum amount of sleep I need so that Thread A doesn't hog the lock? Is there a more explicit way of solving this problem?

C++ thread from thread

Please consider this code:
#include <stdio>
int myInt = 10;
bool firstTime = true;
void dothings(){
/*repeatedly check for myInt here*/
while(true) {
if(myInt > 200) { /*send an alert to a socket*/}
void launchThread() {
if (firsttime) {
std::thread t2(dothings);
firsttime = false;
} else {
/* update myInt with some value here*/
int main() {
/* sleep for 4 seconds */
while(true) {
std::thread t1(launchThread);
I have to call launchthread - there is no other way around to update a value or to start the thread t2 - this is how a third party SDK is designed.
Note that launchThread is exiting first. Main will keep on looping.
To my understanding, however, dothings() will continue to run.
My question is - can dothings still access the newly updated values of myInt after subsequent calls of launchThread from main?
I can't find a definite answer on google - but I believe it will - but it is not thread safe and data corruption can happen. But may be experts here can correct me. Thank you.
About the lifetime of myInt and firsttime
The lifetime of both myInt and firstime will start before main() runs, and end after main() returns. Neither launchThread nor doThings manage the lifetime of any variables (except for t2, which is detached anyway, so it shouldn't matter).
Whether a thread was started by the main thread, or by any other thread, doesn't have any relevance. Once a thread starts, and specially when it is detached, it is basically independent: It has no relation to the other threads running in the program.
Thou shalt not access shared memory without synchronization
But yes, you will run into problems. myInt is shared between multiple threads, so you have to synchronize acesses to it. If you don't, you will eventually run into undefined behavior caused by simultaneous access to shared memory. The simplest way to synchronize myInt is to make it into an atomic.
I'm assuming only one thread is running launchThread at each given time. Looking at your example, though, that may be not the case. If it is not, you also need to synchronize firsttime.
However, your myInt looks a lot like a Condition Variable. Maybe you want to have doThings be blocked until your condition (myInt > 200) is fulfilled. An std::condition_variable will help you with that. This will avoid a busy wait and save your processor some cycles. Some kind of event system using Message Queues can also help you with that, and it will even make your program cleaner and easier to maintain.
Following is a small example on using condition variables and atomics to synchronize your threads. I've tried to keep it simple, so there's still some improvements to be made here. I leave those to your discretion.
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
std::mutex cv_m; // This mutex will be used both for myInt and cv.
std::condition_variable cv;
int myInt = 10; // myInt is already protected by the mutex, so there's not need for it to be an atomic.
std::atomic<bool> firstTime{true}; // firstTime does need to be an atomic, because it may be accessed by multiple threads, and is not protected by a mutex.
void dothings(){
while(true) {
// std::condition_variable only works with std::unique_lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cv_m);
// This will do the same job of your while(myInt > 200).
// The difference is that it will only check the condition when
// it is notified that the value has changed.
cv.wait(lock, [](){return myInt > 200;});
// Note that the lock is reaquired after waking up from the wait(), so it is safe to read and modify myInt here.
std::cout << "Alert! (" << myInt << ")\n";
myInt -= 40; // I'm making myInt fall out of the range here. Otherwise, we would get multiple alerts after the condition (since it would be now true forever), and it wouldn't be as interesting.
void launchThread() {
// Both the read and the write to firstTime need to be a single atomic operation.
// Otherwise, two or more threads could read the value as "true", and assume this is the first time entering this function.
if (firstTime.exchange(false)) {
std::thread t2(dothings);
} else {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cv_m);
myInt += 50;
// Value of myInt has changed. Notify all waiting threads.
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { // I'm making this a for loop just so I can be sure the program exits
std::thread t1(launchThread);
// We sleep only to wait for anything to be printed. Your program has an infinite loop on main() already, so you don't have this problem.
See it live on Coliru!

Check if a thread is finished to send another param to it

I wanna to check if a thread job has been finished to call it again and send another parameter to that. The code is sth like this:
void SendMassage(double Speed)
cout << "Speed:" << Speed << endl;
int main() {
int Speed_1 = 0;
thread f(SendMassage, Speed_1);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
if (?)
another call of thread // If last thread done then call it again, otherwise not.
How should I do it?
Use, e.g., an atomic flag to indicate that the thread has finished:
std::atomic<bool> finished_flag{false};
void SendMassage(double Speed) {
cout << "Speed:" << Speed << endl;
finished_flag = true;
int main() {
int Speed_1 = 0;
thread f(SendMassage, Speed_1);
while (Speed_1 < 50) {
if (finished_flag) {
finished_flag = false;
f = std::thread(SendMassage, Speed_1);
Working example: https://wandbox.org/permlink/BrEMHFvlInshBy5V
Note that I assumed that, according to your code, you don't want to block when checking whether the thread f has finished. Otherwise, simply call f.join().
If you want to wait untill a thread has finished it's job without using Sleep, you neeed to call it's join method, like so
thread t(SendMassage, Speed_1);
//Code here will start executing after returning from join
You can read more about it here http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/thread/join
About sending another parameter, I think the best way would be splitting it into another function that you would call after this thread has been joined, if you need some information about something that's known only inside the function, you could create a class that would store that information in it's fields, and use it in the function you're threading.
The possibly most simple way of doing so is just joining the thread. Nothing clever, but...
OK, but why would you then want to have another thread at all if your main thread passes all its time sleeping anyway, so you quite sure are looking for something cleverer.
I personally like the principle of queues; you could use e. g. a std::deque for:
Your producer thread places in some values, your consumer thread just takes them out. Of course, you need to protect your queue via a std::mutex (or by other appropriate means) against race conditions...
The consumer would be running in an endless loop, processing the queue, if entries are available, or sleep if this is not the case. Have a look at this response for how to do the waiting...
There is the danger, though, that your queue runs full, so you might define some threshold when you stop or at least slow down producing new values, if you discover your producer being too fast. The queue has another advantage, though: If your producer is too fast, you might have more than one consumer, all serving the same queue (depending on your needs, putting together the results might need some extra efforts to keep ordering of correct).
Admitted, that's quite some work to do, it might be worth the effort, it might be overkill. If simpler approaches fit your needs already, Daniel's answer is fine, too...

Tricky situation with race condition

I have this race condition with an audio playback class, where every time I start playback I set keepPlaying as true, and false when I stop.
The problem happens when I stop() immediately after I start, and the keepPlaying flag is set to false, then reset to true again.
I could put a delay in stop(), but I don't think that's a very good solution. Should I use conditional variable to make stop() wait until keepPlaying is true?
How would you normally solve this problem?
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
class AudioPlayer
bool keepRunning;
thread thread_play;
AudioPlayer(){ keepRunning = false; }
~AudioPlayer(){ stop(); }
void play()
// keepRunning = true; // A: this works OK
thread_play = thread(&AudioPlayer::_play, this);
void stop()
keepRunning = false;
if (thread_play.joinable()) thread_play.join();
void _play()
cout << "Playing: started\n";
keepRunning = true; // B: this causes problem
cout << "Playing: stopped\n";
int main()
AudioPlayer ap;
return 0;
$ ./test
Playing: started
(pause indefinitely...)
Here is my suggestion, combining many comments from below as well:
1) Briefly synchronized the keepRunning flag with a mutex so that it cannot be modified while a previous thread is still changing state.
2) Changed the flag to atomic_bool, as it is also modified while the mutex is not used.
class AudioPlayer
thread thread_play;
AudioPlayer(){ }
keepRunning = false;
void play()
unique_lock<mutex> l(_mutex);
keepRunning = false;
if ( thread_play.joinable() )
keepRunning = true;
thread_play = thread(&AudioPlayer::_play, this);
void stop()
unique_lock<mutex> l(_mutex);
keepRunning = false;
void _play()
cout << "Playing: started\n";
while ( keepRunning == true )
cout << "Playing: stopped\n";
atomic_bool keepRunning { false };
std::mutex _mutex;
int main()
AudioPlayer ap;
return 0;
To answer the question directly.
Setting keepPlaying=true at point A is synchronous in the main thread but setting it at point B it is asynchronous to the main thread.
Being asynchronous the call to ap.stop() in the main thread (and the one in the destructor) might take place before point B is reached (by the asynchronous thread) so the last thread runs forever.
You should also make keepRunning atomic that will make sure that the value is communicated between the threads correctly. There's no guarantee of when or if the sub-thread will 'see' the value set by the main thread without some synchronization. You could also use a std::mutex.
Other answers don't like .join() in stop(). I would say that's a design decision. You certainly need to make sure the thread has stopped before leaving main()(*) but that could take place in the destructor (as other answers suggest).
As a final note the more conventional design wouldn't keep re-creating the 'play' thread but would wake/sleep a single thread. There's an overhead of creating a thread and the 'classic' model treats this as a producer/consumer pattern.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
class AudioPlayer
std::atomic<bool> keepRunning;
std::thread thread_play;
~AudioPlayer(){ stop(); }
void play()
keepRunning = true; // A: this works OK
thread_play = std::thread(&AudioPlayer::_play, this);
void stop()
if (thread_play.joinable()){
void _play()
std::cout<<"Playing: started\n";
std::cout<<"Playing: stopped\n";
int main()
AudioPlayer ap;
return 0;
(*) You can also detach() but that's not recommended.
First, what you have here is indeed the definition of a data race - one thread is writing to a non-atomic variable keepRunning and another is reading from it. So even if you uncomment the line in play, you'd still have a data race. To avoid that, make keepRunning a std::atomic<bool>.
Now, the fundamental problem is the lack of symmetry between play and stop - play does the actual work in a spawned thread, while stop does it in the main thread. To make the flow easier to reason about, increase symmetry:
set keepRunning in play, or
have play wait for the thread to be up and running and done with any setup (also eliminating the need for the if in stop).
As a side note, one way to handle cases where a flag is set and reset in possibly uneven order is to replace it with a counter. You then stall until you see the expected value, and only then apply the change (using CAS).
Ideally, you'd just set keepPlaying before starting the thread (as in your commented out play() function). That's the neatest solution, and skips the race completely.
If you want to be more fancy, you can also use a condition_variable and signal the playing thread with notify_one or notify_all, and in the loop check wait_until with a duration of 0. If it's not cv_status::timeout then you should stop playing.
Don't make stop pause and wait for state to settle down. That would work here, but is a bad habit to get into for later.
As noted in the comment, it is undefined behavior to write to a variable while simultaneously reading from it. atomic<bool> solves this, but wouldn't fix your race on its own, it just makes the reads and writes well defined.
I modified your program a bit and it works now. Let's discuss problems first:
Problem 1: using plain bool variable in 2 threads
Here both threads update the variable and it might lead to a race condition, because it is highly dependent which thread comes first and even end up in undefined behaviour. Undefined behaviour especially might occur when write from one thread is interrupted by another. Here Snps brought up links to the following SO answers:
When do I really need to use atomic<bool> instead of bool?
trap representation
In addition I was searching if write can be interrupted for bool on x86 platforms and came across this answer:
Can a bool read/write operation be not atomic on x86?
Problem 2: Caching as compiler optimization
Another problem is that variables are allowed to be cached. It means that the «playing thread» might cache the value of keepRunning and thus never terminate or terminate after considerable amount of time. In previous C++ version (98, 2003) a volatile modifier was the only construct to mark variables to prevent/avoid caching optimization and in this case force the compiler to always read the variable from its actual memory location. Thus given the «playing thread» enters the while loop keepRunning might be cached and never read or with considerable delays no matter when stop() modifies it.
After C++ 11 atomic template and atomic_bool specialization were introduced to make such variables as non-cachable and being read/set in an uninterruptible manner, thus adressing Problems 1 & 2.
Side note: volatile and caching explained by Andrei Alexandrescu in the Dr. Dobbs article which addresses exactly this situation:
Caching variables in registers is a very valuable optimization that applies most of the time, so it would be a pity to waste it. C and C++ give you the chance to explicitly disable such caching. If you use the volatile modifier on a variable, the compiler won't cache that variable in registers — each access will hit the actual memory location of that variable.
Problem 3: stop was called before _play() function was even started
The problem here is that in multi-threaded OSs scheduler grants some time slice for a thread to run. If the thread can progress and this time slice is not over thread continues to run. In «main thread» all play() calls were executed even before the «play threads» started to run. Thus the object destruction took place before _play() function started running. And there you set the variable keepRunning to true.
How I fixed this problem
We need to ensure that play() returns when the _play() function started running. A condition_variable is of help here. play() blocks so long until _play() notifies it that it has started the execution.
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
class AudioPlayer
atomic_bool keepRunning;
thread thread_play;
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable play_started;
: keepRunning{false}
~AudioPlayer(){ stop(); }
void play()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
thread_play = thread(&AudioPlayer::_play, this);
void stop()
keepRunning = false;
cout << "stop called" << endl;
if (thread_play.joinable()) thread_play.join();
void _play()
cout << "Playing: started\n";
keepRunning = true; // B: this causes problem
cout << "Playing: stopped\n";
int main()
AudioPlayer ap;
return 0;
Your solution A is actually almost correct. It's still undefined behavior to have one thread read from non-atomic variable that another is writing to. So keepRunning must be made an atomic<bool>. Once you do that and in conjunction with your fix from A, your code will be fine. That is because stop now has a correct post condition that no thread will be active (in particular no _play call) after it exits.
Note that no mutex is necessary. However, play and stop are not themselves thread safe. As long as the client of AudioPlayer is not using the same instance of AudioPlayer in multiple threads though that shouldn't matter.

C++ Semaphore Confusion?

So, I'm writing a sort of oscilloscope-esque program that reads the the serial port on the computer and performs an fft on this data to convert it to the frequency spectrum. I ran into an issue though with the layout of my program which is broken up into a SerialHandler class (utilizing boost::Asio), an FFTHandler class, and a main function. The SerialHandler class uses the boost::Asio`` async_read_some function to read from the port and raise an event called HandleOnPortReceive which then reads the data itself.
The issue was that I couldn't find a way to pass that data from the event handler, being raised by an io_service object on another thread, to the FFTHandler class, which is on yet another thread. I was recommended to use semaphores to solve my problem, but I have next to no knowledge on semaphore.h usage, so my implementation is now rather broken and doesn't do much of anything it's supposed to.
Here's some code if that makes it a little clearer:
using namespace Foo;
//main function
int main(void){
SerialHandler serialHandler;
FFTHandler fftHandler;
sem_t *qSem_ptr = &qSem;
sem_init(qSem_ptr, 1, 0);
//create separate threads for both the io_service and the AppendIn so that neither will block the user input statement following
serialHandler.StartConnection(tempInt, tempString); //these args are defined, but for brevity's sake, I ommitted the declaration
t2= new boost::thread(boost::bind(&FFTHandler::AppendIn, &fftHandler, q, qSem));
//allow the user to stop the program and avoid the problem of an infinite loop blocking the program
char inChar = getchar();
if (inChar) {...some logic to stop reading}
namespace Foo{
boost::thread *t1;
boost::thread *t2;
sem_t qSem;
std::queue<double> q;
boost::mutex mutex_;
class SerialHandler{
char *rawBuffer; //array to hold incoming data
boost::asio::io_service ioService;
boost::asio::serial_port_ptr serialPort;
void SerialHandler::StartConnection(int _baudRate, string _comPort){
//some functionality to open the port that is irrelevant to the question goes here
AsyncReadSome(); //starts the read loop
//create thread for io_service object and let function go out of scope
t1 = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &ioService));
void SerialHandler::AsyncReadSome(){
//there's some other stuff here for error_catching, but this is the only important part
serialPort->async_read_some (
boost::asio::buffer(rawBuffer, SERIAL_PORT_READ_BUF_SIZE),
this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred, q));
void SerialHandler::HandlePortOnReceive(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred, std::queue<double>& q){
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
//more error checking goes here, but I've made sure they aren't returning and are not the issue
for (unsigned int i =0; i<bytes_transferred; i++){
unsigned char c = rawBuffer[i];
double d = (double) c; //loop through buffer and read
if (c==endOfLineChar){
} else //if not delimiting char, push into queue and post semaphore
//cout << d << endl;
cout << q.front() << endl;
cout << "size is: " << q.size() << endl;
//loop back on itself and start the next read
class FFTHandler{
double *in; //array to hold inputs
fftw_complex *out; //holds outputs
int currentIndex;
bool filled;
const int N;
void AppendIn(std::queue<double> &q, sem_t &qSem){
while(1){ //this is supposed to stop thread from exiting and going out of scope...it doesn't do that at all effectively...
cout << "test" << endl;
sem_wait(&_qSem); //wait for data...this is blocking but I don't know why
double d = _q.front();
in[currentIndex]=d; //read queue, pop, then append in array
if (currentIndex == N){ //run FFT if full and reset index
currentIndex = N-overlap-1;
filled = true;
That debug line in FFTHandler::AppendIn(..) is indeed firing, so the thread is being created, but it's immediateley going out of scope it seems and destructing the thread, because it seems I've set up the while to respond incorrectly to the semaphore.
TLDR: That was a long explanation to simply say, "I don't understand semaphores but need to somehow implement them. I tried, failed, so now I'm coming here to hopefully receive help on this code from somebody more knowledgeable than me.
UPDATE: So after playing around with some debug statements, it seems that the issue is that the while(1){...} statement is indeed firing, but, the sem_wait(&_qSem); is causing it to block. For whatever reason it is waiting indefinitely and despite the fact that the semaphore is being posted, it continues to wait and never progress beyond that line.
Since you're already using boost::mutex and its scoped lock type, I suggest you use boost::condition_variable instead of a POSIX semaphore. Otherwise you're mixing C++11-style synchronisation with POSIX synchronisation.
You lock the mutex when adding to the queue, but I don't see anything locking the mutex to read from the queue. It also looks like you're looping back to call AsyncReadSome while the mutex is still locked.
Pick a single form of synchronisation, and then use it correctly.
The initial value of the semaphore is 0 which is valid for this case. So it needs a sem_post for FFTHandler::AppendIn() to be unblocked. But I dont see the code that invokes SerialHandler::AsyncReadSome() for the first time for the serial port to be read and the push to happen into the queue. If you fix that part of the code, I think sem_post would happen and the FFTHandler thread would run. As the first step you can have debug prints one after the sem_wait and one inside AsyncReadSome() function, and my guess is that both wont get executed.
So, essentially you would want to ensure that 'reading' gets initiated and is kept alive as part of the main thread or a different thread.