How do you print or capture the current module name? - d

I want to print the module name of my main source file in that source file. I tried this:
import std.stdio;
import std.traits; // moduleName template
int main(string[] args)
writeln("The module name is: ",moduleName!moduleName);
return 0;
However, it prints:
The module name is: std.traits

The moduleName template description is:
Get the module name (including package) for the given symbol.
So moduleName!moduleName should give std.traits.
Just replace the template argument with any other symbol to get it's module name.
For example writeln(moduleName!main).
Another way is using writeln(__MODULE__).

Using __MODULE__ is the way to go. It's a special token, like __FILE__ and __LINE__, which means it'll get expanded at the call site. See the specs for some example.


Get content from txt file and put it in a list Flutter/Dart

this is my first question here on stackoverflow. Before i get into the question itself, i want to point out that i'm a beginner on Flutter and Dart and have no previous experience in mobile development.
Now, as the title says i'm having some issues while trying to extract the content of a text file and store the individual names inside the indexes of a list. The end goal of my application is to print a never ending list of these names, each separated to another by a comma. For example:
top model,
tour operator,
The text file, named jobs.txt contains more than a 1000+ italian job names. After several hours searching, all i have here is this (got from another user):
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
void main(List<String> arguments) {
try {
final _jobs = File('jobs.txt');
List<String> lines = _jobs.readAsLinesSync(encoding: ascii);
for (var l in lines) print(l);
} catch (Exception) {
jobs.txt is inside the same directory as the dart file, which is bin.
While trying to give the _jobs variable the relative path:
FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'binjobs.txt' (OS Error: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
, errno = 2)
With absolute path:
FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'C:UsersUserDesktopdartdart_application_injobs.txt' (OS Error: La sintassi del nome del file, della directory o del volume non è corretta.
, errno = 123)
For reasons i don't know, if that even matters, in the path specified in the error message, the \ look like they don't even exist.
By the way, this is my project structure:
project structure
If your solution includes the usage of the Future class or async-await keywords, i'll be thankful if you could explain me how they work.
UPDATE: Look in the comments for the full solution to this issue. The verified answer isn't the full solution.
Create an assets folder in your project, in your pubspec.yaml specify the asset (make sure it's in your assets folder, that the file exists and is readable)
- assets/jobs.txt
Now you can access your text file like so -
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
Future<String> loadAsset() async {
return await rootBundle.loadString('assets/jobs.txt');
When the function returns your text, you can split it by commas and loop through all the jobs as you wish
try using rootBundle
- text_file/
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
Future<String> getData() async {
try {
return await rootBundle.loadString('text_file/four_words.txt');
} catch (e) {
throw (e.toString());

Importing a specific function from a module

I have a module called which contains a function and other statements, like this:
def func(a,b,c)
return output
var = input('input')
I'm trying to call just the function func from a different module like this:
from prog1 import func
N = input('input2')
for i in range(N)
func(x,y,z) # with x,y,z already defined
So when executing instead of asking for my input2, it asks for my input from I can move from prog1 import func to my for loop but I don't want it to ask for the other input. Is there a way to call func without using whatever else is in
The top level code of a module is executed upon import and there is no way around this.
If you don't want the line
var = input('input')
to be executed, remove it, put it in a function or guard it with
if __name__ == '__main__'
var = input('input')
(usually at the end of the module).

How to pass multiple arguments to custom written Robot Framework Keyword?

Custom Keyword written in python 2.7:
#keyword("Update ${filename} with ${properties}")
def set_multiple_test_properties(self, filename, properties):
for each in values.split(","):
each = each.replace(" ", "")
key, value = each.split("=")
self.set_test_properties(filename, key, value)
When we send paremeters in a single line as shown below, its working as expected:
"Update sample.txt with "test.update=11,timeout=20,delay.seconds=10,maxUntouchedTime=10"
But when we modify the above line with a new lines (for better readability) it's not working.
Update sample.txt with "test.update = 11,
Any clue on this please?
I am not very sure whether it will work or not, but please try like this
Update sample.txt with "test.update = 11,
... timeout=20,
... delay.seconds=10,
... maxUntouchedTime=10"
Your approach is not working, cause the 2nd line is considered a call to a keyword (called "timeout=20,"), the 3rd another one, and so on. The 3 dots don't work cause they are "cell separators" - delimiter b/n arguments.
If you are going for readability, you can use the Catenate kw (it's in the Strings library):
${props}= Catenate SEPARATOR=${SPACE}
... test.update = 11,
... timeout=20,
... delay.seconds=10,
... maxUntouchedTime=10
, and then call your keyword with that variable:
Update sample.txt with "${props}"
btw, a) I think your keyword declaration in the decorator is without the double quotes - i.e. called like that ^ they'll be treated as part of the argument's value, b) there seems to be an error in the py method - the argument's name is "properties" while the itterator uses "values", and c) you might want to consider using named varargs (**kwargs in python, ${kwargs} in RF syntax) for this purpose (sorry, offtopic, but couldn't resist :)

Load 2 different input models in Acceleo

I'd like to load 2 different input models (a .bpel and a .wsdl) in my main template of Acceleo.
I loaded the ecore metamodels for both bpel and wsdl and I'd like to be able to use something like this:
[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
[module generate('http:///org/eclipse/bpel/model/bpel.ecore','')/]
[import org::eclipse::acceleo::module::sample::files::processJavaFile /]
[template public generate(aProcess : Process, aDefinition : Definition)]
[comment #main /]
Process Name : []
Def Location : [aDefinition.location/]
but when I run the acceleo template I get this error:
An internal error occurred during: "Launching Generate".
Could not find public template generate in module generate.
I think I have to modify the java launcher ( because right now it can't take 2 models as arguments. Do you know how?
** EDIT from Kellindil suggestions:
Just to know if I understood it right, before I get to modify stuff:
I'm trying to modify the Generate() constructor.
I changed it in:
public Generate(URI modelURI, URI modelURI2, File targetFolder,
List<? extends Object> arguments) {
initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);
In the generic case, I can see it calls the AbstractAcceleoGenerator.initialize(URI, File, List>?>), shall I call it twice, once per each model? like:
initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);
initialize(modelURI2, targetFolder, arguments);
Then, to mimic in my Generate() constructor the code that is in the super-implementation:
Map<String, String> AbstractAcceleoLauncher.generate(Monitor monitor) {
File target = getTargetFolder();
if (!target.exists() && !target.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("target directory " + target + " couldn't be created."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
AcceleoService service = createAcceleoService();
String[] templateNames = getTemplateNames();
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < templateNames.length; i++) {
result.putAll(service.doGenerate(getModule(), templateNames[i], getModel(), getArguments(),
target, monitor));
return result;
what shall I do? Shall I try to mimic what this method is doing in my Generate() constructor after the initialize() calls?
What you wish to do is indeed possible with Acceleo, but it is not the "default" case that the generated launcher expects.
You'll have to mark the "generate" method of the generated java class as "#generated NOT" (or remove the "#generated" annotation from its javadoc altogether). In this method, what you need to do is mimic the behavior of the super-implementation (in AbstractAcceleoLauncher) does, loading two models instead of one and passing them on to AcceleoService#doGenerate.
In other words, you will need to look at the API Acceleo provides to generate code, and use it in the way that fits your need. Our generated java launcher and the AcceleoService class are there to provide an example that fits the general use case. Changing the behavior can be done by following these samples.
You should'nt need to modify the class. By default, it should allow you to perform the code generation.
You need to create a launch config and provide the right arguments (process and definition) in this launch config, that's all.
I don't understand the 'client.xmi' URI that is the 1st argument of your module. It looks like it is your model file, if so remove it from the arguments, which must only contain your metamodels URIs.

Embedded Python: Getting func obj from imported module

I have a Python module that I import from my C++ code (I'm embedding Python). This module contains a function create() that I want to get a hold of in my C++ code (i.e. store it in a boost::python::object instance).
Here's what I tried. A run-time error occurs on the indicated line in my C++ code. The error occurs because it is unable to find the "hero.create" function inside the main namespace.
C++ code
namespace python = boost::python;
// Standard Boost.Python code
// Here I just create objects for the main module and its namespace
python::object main_module(
python::object main_namespace(main_module.attr("__dict__"));
// This is my code
python::exec("import hero", main_namespace, main_namespace);
python::object func(main_namespace["hero.create"]); // Run-time error
Entity ent = python::extract<Entity>(func());
// I also tried doing this, but it didn't work either...
// python::object func(main_namespace["hero"].attr("__dict__")["create"]);
// However, if I do this, all works fine...
// python::exec("from hero import create", main_namespace, main_namespace);
// python::object func(main_namespace["create"]); // No error
Python code (
from entity import Entity
def create():
ent = Entity()
# ...
return ent
You need to do main_namespace["hero"].attr("create"). Import creates only one name in the namespace, and it's a module object. Names cannot have dots in them — . is a getattr operator — so hero.create is the same as getattr(hero, 'create').
You could also use boost::python::import directly, instead of execing import statement.