Any commercial grade web site built using emweb Wt C++ toolkit? [closed] - c++

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Wt C++ webtool kit ( has been in existence for a decade. I want to know if any commercial grade website, apart from their homepage, that is in existence today that I can access to ascertain its capability.
I seeking to know the useage Wt in a commercial grade website, preferably in financial domain. Earlier there was one MusicPlyr website which was supposed to be based on Wt (the only one that I know of from published information). It was from a for profit company. Now that site is down. I want to know if there are other similar sites (apart from, of course, the wt homepage). There are some webpages listed in the Wt site. But are best simple webpages, but none full blown website.
Further Gwan (, a c based web framework, provides the performance bench mark under heavy load condition. I have searched for a similar performance benchmark numbers for Wt. Till date I haven't got it. Please provide me sites where I can get performance benchmarks of Wt (with their built in webserver).
I am looking for a convincing case to use this framework to design and code a full blown financial commercial website. Please help me to get the above information.
Rathnadhar K V

From their github
Demos, examples
The homepage itself a Wt application, contains also various examples


TO become sitecore developer, what do I need to know? .net MVC or just c#? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to software industry. I am into sitecore field now. I have just basic C# knowledge. I want your help to learn. Could you please help with good ASP.NET mvc tutorial and tutorial for sitecore?
I'd suggest starting with the site and go through the Learn & Get Started section, particularly on training. The e-Learning will help you get an idea of what working with Sitecore is like.
From there, get involved in the community (, Slack, etc.) so you have people you can reach out to for help.
Regarding primary language, from Sitecore Stack Exchange:
Sitecore uses either ASP.NET Web Forms or ASP.NET MVC to generate the
final HTML pages. This means developers can use any programming
language of the .NET Framework. C# is one of the most popular with
VB.NET but any other .NET Framework language like F# can be used.
That being said, most if not all Sitecore developers use C#.
In addition, there is a list of resources for those learning:

C++ - most popular framework for interacting with SQL? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a computer science student and I want to do a personal project demonstrating some skills that I have learned. Recently I learned how to use SQL with PHP. Since PHP isn't as relevant as it once was, I was hoping someone could point me towards a more commonly used back-end tool where I still interact with my database through SQL queries. In my question, I specifically asked about a C++ framework since I am most comfortable with C++, but if there are much more common frameworks for what I'm looking for that use Java or Python, that would work as well.
Doing a quick google search gave me a very very large list of potential frameworks, so I was hoping someone with more knowledge in the field can point me towards one that employers would find the most relevant.
On a side note, I was also wondering if a framework is completely necessary, or if I can create my back-end just using native c++? If so, is this a valuable skill to look into?
Thanks for the help.
check out QT for the C++ GUI & MySQL for the backend...

Tools for making web applets [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Iv written a program in C++ that takes a set of n points and two double variables as input and output a graph with some special properties. I also wrote some OpenGL codes to visualize this graph. I showed the result to my teacher and he liked it and asked me if I can build an applet so he can put it in his web site so the other students can use it. I almost know nothing about making an applet. What are my options? is it possible to do such thing?
note that the C++ program itself is not simple.
an output of my program looks like this.
You could make your C++ program some specialized web server, using HTTP server libraries like libonion or Wt; you might also use FastCGI (i.e. make your program become a FastCGI server application), or, if your program is quasi-static and produce simple output and if you accept having a crude web interface, perhaps make it use old CGI
Of course you need to learn more about Web technologies (e.g. on w3schools - which is not perfect). You need to learn HTML5 with a bit of HTTP, Javascript (perhaps with JQuery) & Ajax, Html5 Canvas, perhaps WebGL. Google browsers also have Native Client (NaCl).
But all this requires a significant amount of work (weeks or perhaps months; if you do it, please publish your software as free software)
BTW, you might be interested in graphviz ...

Autonomy developer info sources [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does anyone know some site where I can find information about autonomy??
I'm looking after code samples, architecture posts, and things like that, both about
autonomy IDOL search engine
autonomy interwoven content management server
side note:
I cannot understand why there're so many barriers to access theese product's developer resources. I thought that HP would change autonomy's policy about this but It stills the same: there's absolutely NO access to libraries, code samples, etc... you're forced to have a partner account...
If I could I'd move to opener alternatives... but it's not completly in my hand ;-(
There is little public information available about Autonomy's products.
The best way forward is to build your own network of people who know the product and have had experience with implementations.
The information that is shipped with the product can also help. Specifically regarding the Autonomy IDOL server and the calls you can make - some resources
The IDOL Administrator manual: Probably the most complete document available. It will help you understand the components which make up an IDOL architecture. However, it will not go into too much detail on complex architectures.
The Online Help: (http://:/a=help) Most components have an online help which documents all the calls and parameters.
The GRL: (http://:/a=grl) Gives you the most recent commands sent to a component. The best way to 'reverse engineer' how to components are interacting with each other.
I found that most active discussions regarding Autonomy's product suite can be found here.

SharePoint alternatives? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi, I want to develop a site with the features similar to SharePoint but without using any SharePoint services.
Please advise me which are the tools I have to use to achieve this.
The alternative should be free and customizable.
If your question is: What is an alternative to sharepoint? then one answer would be "alfresco". Although I'm not a fan of Alfresco as a user, it has many features similar to sharepoint: different accessing methods for shared files (WebDAV, HTTP, FTP, SMB), authorization groups and file versioning / history.
Of course it lacks the tight office integration of Sharepoint.
Edit: I'm not a fan of Sharepoint either.
Depends on what you want to with SharePoint. If you are only using 1 functionality you probably have tons of alternatives. (Wordpress, wikipedia, Drupal,..). All with their own pro's and cons.
If you want the complete package. Collaboration , search, publishing, wiki, blog, office integration, etc... The choices are limited. I'm not a great fan of DotNetNuke but it's one possibility. More in the Java camp you find Alfresco.
Have a look here,
And there are some alternatives in this thread as well Open Source SharePoint?