Using django template tags from one app in another - django-views

I have many apps in my django project. I have a template_tag in one of the app. The purpose of this template tag is to load the count of items for the side menu.
The side menu appears in many other apps as well.
So, I want to use single template tag from one app in other apps so that the side menu appears with the numbers without rewriting the code.
Currently when I use
{% load my_profile_sidemenu_tag %}
and then I write
{% my_profile_sidemenu_tag %}
it throws
expected 'endblock'. Did you forget to register or load this tag?
Any suggestions?


Is it possible to display the HTML provided by the admin panel app on-site?

I've built a site where I can create new posts (essays) by the admin panel. The output is visible to users. But when I place some HTML as content in the form it doesn't render itself on the page.
Output on the page (with marked unrendered HTML):
I would like to know how to fix it and also, how to name the topic I want to know ( I couldn't find anything related to my problem, probably because I don't know how to express it).
Additionally, I just start to wonder if there is one more problem nested inside. How to link CSS from the static folder having this HTML mentioned above?
Django offer the autoescape template in the builtins tags
{% autoescape off %}
{{ myhtml }}
{% endautoescape %}
But your logic seems wrong, you don't need to create a new page with the doctype, just create a base template and use the block content tag to insert your article.
In your base template replace the description and title of your page by variables that will be populated by the article data.
You need to learn the basic of Django trust me you won't regret it !

How to share a plugin (the content in a sidebar widget) in several templates in Django-CMS?

I want to add a common sidebar for all my templates on my site. Let's say, I want a picture and some text, that the final user could modify whenever she feels like without having to mess with my base.html template (the base class of all my templates).
To be clear, I know that I can put plugin place holders with the template tag:
{% placeholder sidebar %}
My problem is that if I have five 5 templates and the content of the sidebar is the same for all of them, the user have to go through all the pages and change them one by one.
On the other hand, it cannot be static because I want the user to be able to modify the content through the admin.
Specifically, I am trying to do this with the cmsplugin-contact which saves me the troubles of configuring forms and emails.
You can create a special page that isn't published and add a "sidebar" placeholder to the template. You then use the {% show_placeholder %} template tag to render that sidebar placeholder in the base template that each of your 5 other pages are using

Django CMS - Call a cmsplugin in a template tag

My problem
With Django CMS 2.3.3, when creating a Page I use cmsplugin_picture* next to a couple of other cmsplugins. In my cms template, instead of doing:
{% placholder "content" %} //calling the Django Page including all plugins...
I would like to call each cmsplugin seperately, but how would I do that?
I looked at Django tag template (filters) here and also studied Django CMS template tags here, but neither seem to suggest that possibility. I have to say I am a beginner so I might not have connected the dots...
What I try to achieve:
In my template I have a IMG tag (outside of the {% placeholder "content" %} tag) which I want to populate with an image url that I define in my Page/cmsplugin_picture. So I am looking for a placeholder tag that allows me to grab that image. In my wildest dreams I would name it:
{% show_placeholder "content" request.current_page.get_cmsplugin_picture %}
Obviously the above doesn't work, but does something like this exist?
**I have also tried cmsplugin_filer, but to me it isn't necessarely more beneficial to fix this particular problem.*
What I mean by Page/cmsplugin_picture -> In a Django CMS Page you can select between your installed cmsplugins to add to a Page. In my case I select cmsplugin_picture and upload an image (within that plugin). This image I want to 'call' in my Django Template. So it is a not a static url, but dynamic.
You should make a second placeholder where your img tag is (and optionally limit the types and amount of plugins using CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF (

How can two apps respond to the same URL in Django?

I think I'm missing a basic concept here. In the stereotypical Django project, you'd have two apps responding to different urls:
But what mechanisms exist to handle cases where the two apps are complementary - say one provides content, and the other provides presentation? Or maybe one is content and the other is a kind of static, side-wide content that should appear on every page.
In particular, I don't understand how both apps can use template inheritance to extend the same template. Imagine there's a base app "baseapp" with a template "base.html":
<div blah blah>
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
App1 extends it:
{% extends "baseapp/templates/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
... here's the actual content...
{% endblock %}
App2 adds a little banner or something:
{% extends "baseapp/templates/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="banner">Please support our site!</div>
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
So what are the ways that both templates can get displayed? I can think of:
app1 could extend app2's templates. But this seems wrong: app1 is the content provider, and shouldn't be dependent on something as trivial as app2.
app2 could extend app1's templates. But this seems wrong: now the URL scheme would have to funnel every URL through app2 (if I understand correctly)
As I said, I'm probably missing something very basic. Or I'm making some very faulty assumptions that I don't know about. (This question is my third attempt, after Embed an optional Django application in another page, if that app is present and How to capture and display information external to my webapp, but relevant to users of it? - I'm having trouble framing the issue.)
App doesn't respond to an URL, a view does. View is a function that can use models, forms and other object from any app. There isn't any problem here.
If you want to add something to template, inheritance isn't the only way. You'd better use custom context processor or custom template tag.
I think what I was actually missing here:
Apps can override templates just by including a template of the right name in the right subdirectory. The Django docs don't make this very clear, that I can see: they refer to this functionality in the context of Admin templates
When overriding a template as above, you can't extend it, but:
This snippet lets you both override a template and extend it:
Here's a closely related question: Django: Overriding AND extending an app template

Django - Admin - Mandatory fields with ' * '

At present, Django admin will show all the mandatory fields with a bold labels. Is it possible mark with * in the label instead of bold labels?
The Django admin uses templates to render the add/edit page for a model. It is possible to replace that template with one of your own (which extends from the original template) overriding the template blocks you need to in order to make the changes you want to.
Check out the Django docs regarding overriding admin templates for more information.
It's the admin/change_form.html template which you would need to alter in some way (since this template renders the page shown when you add a new instance or edit an existing one). The existing templates already apply a required class to the appropriate labels, so I would create a new template which looks like this:
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% block extrastyle %}
{{ block.super }}
<style type="text/css">
/* add an asterisk using CSS */
.required:after {
content: " *";
{% endblock %}
Apply to a Single Model
You should use a model admin class if you want this template to be used for specific models, setting the change_form_template attribute, as described in this section of the docs to the location of the template file you have created.
Apply to a Single App
If you want template to apply to models in an entire app create a templates folder inside the root of the app. Django will automatically look for templates there, so if you create a folder called admin and place a file in there called change_form.html it will automatically override the default Django template of that name (admin/change_form.html).
Project Wide
In order to apply this template project wide create a folder somewhere (not inside an app) called templates. Again place your new template in this directory at admin/change_form.html.
Next edit the template directories Django setting specifying the location of this directory in order to allow Django to find the template and override the default templates in the same way as before only project wide and not just app wide.
This is quite a complex set of things to do, especially for such a simple change and you may find it tricky if you have not worked with admin templates before (or even if you have).
Hopefully you now understand what is required to change an admin template, its actually fairly elagant (as is Django) but in my opinion not worth the effort just to change to some asterisks.