cannot publish my github page at the correct address - github-pages

I am trying to set up my personal page on Github.
However, my page is only published at:, while the desired address is
Could you please let me know how to fix this?

Issue addressed. The repository name should be "" instead of "xuxy09".
That is described in "Types of GitHub Pages sites"
To publish a user site, you must create a repository owned by your user account that's named <username>
Unless you're using a custom domain, project sites are available at http(s)://<username><repository>
In your case, a repo named xuxy09 is a Project site.
While would be, indeed, a User site.


How to list all pages of a github organization

I am new to a GitHub Organization, and some of the document/guides is Not on, but on GitHub Pages. So
Is there any way to list all available GitHub Pages on this GitHub Organization?
I've tried gh/git CLI, and GitHub GUI, not none of them could achieve it.
A user site or an organisation site would be a repository named <username> or <organization>, so that is easy enough to check.
But a project site would be any repository with a 'has_pages' attribute set to true.
That means you can list org repositories, focusing on that attribute, to filter out the ones which does have pages
gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" /orgs/ORG/repos --jq '.[].has_pages'

Issue when trying to register an app for consent screen in google oauth

I am trying to register my app for Oauth consent screen, so that I can create a OAuth client ID. I keep getting this validation error at end of the form, even though I have submitted everything correctly.
An error occurred while saving your app
And this error does not state which input in the form is invalid. Also in the network tab of development tools window, everytime I submit the request, I can see a POST request being initiated and it fails with following error.
{"error":{"code":3,"message":"The request failed because one of the field of the resource is invalid.","details":[{"#type":"","violations":[{"type":"client_auth_config","subject":"?error_code=9&error_field_name=UpdateBrandWithMaskRequest.brand_id&error_field_value=0"}]}]}}.
Any suggestions on how to fix this is highly appreciated. I have contacted the google support about this issue as well, but as of now they're saying everything works on their end and clear cache and cookies but it doesn't work. I have attached here a capture of consent config wizard I'm using as well.
Put the Project ID in App Name
Try adding your support email to Firebase console. Go to firebase console->settings->General->Support Email->Add Email. Now while creating oAuth consent screen add same email id developer contact information as well as support email. It worked for me.
To expand on the top answer, there are numerous underlying reasons why this step of the app registration would fail. In the case where the application name is not valid (fails any of the checks that Google Cloud Platform enforces), then setting the application name to the project ID is guaranteed to fix the problem, as the project ID will always happen to be a valid application name.
It may be worth digging into the underlying validation error, which can be achieved by inspecting the network request that is sent upon submitting the form. In the "Network" tab of the Developer Tools, select the POST request that is captured after clicking the "SAVE AND CONTINUE" button. The "Response" tab (shown below for my case) should display an error object with a more descriptive message.
In my case, it seems that the application name was deemed abusive:
The request has been classified as abusive and was not allowed to proceed.
which I suspect is because it contains the word "Google".
What #Kalind said helped me to resolve the problem.
So login to firebase console, chose the project you are trying to create an OAuth Consent too. And then click settings-> General-> Support Email-> Add Email from dropdown.
Now when I go back to google cloud console under the Oauth consent screen, I can see that I have one registered to that project.
I had the same problem, indeed your App name must be identical to your Project ID that you chose when creating the project
I got the exact same error, probably an issue on their end :/
Thanks for reporting this everyone. I've also had the same problem for different apps and #Kalind suggestion fixes the problem. On Firebase project's settings there's a new field now called "Support email" where you can select your support email address. This will fix your issue like #Kalind and #Kasper said. I'm just adding a screenshot to make it more clear for those with the same problem.
For me there was an email in there already (owner of account email).
I had to invite another email > accept invite > change email > save > then change back > then I could proceed with the OAuth Consent Screen.
To change the support email on the Firebase Console you go to: > select Cog > Project Settings > General tab > Support Email
I reached this page is because of testing Google Login.
I faced this issue creating "OAuth consent screen".
But I didn't need this to create.
Just go to "Domain verification" page and "Add Domain".
There you may need to add 'txt record' in DNS Setting to prove you owned the domain.
After adding domain, go to "Credentials" page.
It is ready to choose the "Application type" like google guide
!!! pls enjoy !!!
I used the app Id as my App Name in the OAuth consent screen setup page.
If you are trying to use group email from gsuite in App consent/Firebase support, you must be the group owner, and do not need that group email address on any IAM role.
I believe the name of the application requesting access simply needs to be different from the name of the Google project.
This Error was come due to the project name is the same as the app name. So your app name and project name must be differnet
to expand on the helpful post of #zr0gravity7
I checked the 'response' in the developer con{"error":
At least one field must be updated."}}
I simply changed one field, and the save now succeeded.
(This is a very disappointing design of the form error checking)
The app name must be unique across Google. Modify the app name a bit.

Create second GitHub account to choose name of gh-pages blog

I have a small personal blog created for free on I'd like to convert it into static blog (powered by pelican) and move it to GitHub pages.
The wordpress blog already has a name, which I'd like to save. Unfortunately, my personal account's name is completely unrelated to the name of the blog. So I cannot achieve what I want due to fixed naming scheme {username}
I wonder: is it OK for me to create second GitHub account for the only purpose of hosting my gh-pages blog on it? Or it goes against GitHub rules?
P.S. I know that it is possible to buy and use a custom domain outside of GitHub.
I recommend migrating to GitHub and then using Netlify's free hosting plan. It's easy to host your GitHub repo. on Netlify. Once you've done that, you can change the Site Name property in the Netlify settings. Then your new URL would be https://{your-blog-name} assuming it wasn't taken.
As to your question, here are the relevant Terms of Service from GitHub:
Your login may only be used by one person — i.e., a single login may not be shared by multiple people. A paid organization account may create separate logins for as many users as its subscription allows.
Overall, the number of Users must not exceed the number of accounts you've ordered from us.
It looks like it isn't against their terms. Tons of people do it and I don't think they really care.
I recommend against making multiple GitHub accounts because it makes things confusing especially when differentiating between which account you're using to develop locally.

Change sitecore admin url /sitecore

Is it possible to change the admin url from /sitecore to anything else so that not anyone know the admin access url of site. If yes then how it can be done.
I don't recommend you to change admin url.
You can restrict access to Sitecore Client in different ways.
Please check official Sitecore document about restricting access to the Sitecore client interface.
You should not change that URL. It will be better if you will split your environments into Content Delivery and Content Management.
Content Management should not be accessible for someone outside your company.
Content Delivery does not have /sitecore login page.
It means that if you will use correct architecture for your environment You will no have to change the url of login page.
Restricting access via IIS config is the way to go here, renaming the folder is not advised.
This might be what you're looking for:
Add to your redirect in the .config file as mentioned in the link. And remove the old one.

Liferay User Private Pages has no inheritance

within a project I encountered a problem with the Liferay inheritance/propagation. I added 3 pages to the "User private pages" Site template (as child pages of an already existing page, if that matters). I expected, that all users would have these pages available. But in fact, they have not. When opening one of the new pages, it says page not found. I can solve this by manually going to the private pages root page of that user, which seems to activate the propagation which leads to a generation of the new pages.
I wasn't able to find something related on the web. Is this a known bug? Am I just unable to find the correct settings?
Please help.
LifeRay BugTracker, STATUS: Under Development, AGE: 11 weeks, 1 day
I recommend using the GIT to set LifeRay Portal to commit ID f5ce41ae4424e47230e7222294559f94656acd22.
This feature is reported to work under that commit ID. I am performing a GIT bisection to replicate this issue on my system, and attempt to fix it by applying the patch I will find at the commit ID captioned above.