Spread JS (GrapeCity) How to handler Sheet same name error - spreadjs

When I change same name for a sheet.
It appear unexpected message popup.
I don't sure about lib's bug or have custom in source code. But have any way to handler error(Spread JS GrapeCity ) message when change sheet name existed? thanks

I am a member of GrapeCity's Technical Engagement team for SpreadJS.
The reason you are seeing this pop-up is because two worksheets in the same workbook cannot have the same name. I do see that this pop-up is not explaining this reason in the dialogue so this has been escalated to our team modify and be updated in a future release. (Internal Tracking SJS-8948)


How do I invoke an ActiveX control's property page?

I have created an ActiveX control that uses five different colors. I would like to the control's property page to let the user choose the R, G and B values for each of the five colors. That won't be a problem. My problem is: how do I display the property page? For the sake of this question, let's say I want to connect it to the control's double-click event. The user would double-click on the control and the property page dialog box would appear. What code would have to be in the event handler to do that?
And yes, I know I'm working with antique technology. So is the rest of my company, and far too many other companies.
In case it matters, I'm writing the control in C++ using Visual Studio 2012.
As I was about to ask this question over on reddit since I don't have an answer here yet, it occurred to me that one would want to invoke a control's property page from the control's container, not the control itself. So, I went to my test application, typed my instance's variable name, and Intellisense showed me that the control has a property named ShowPropertyPages().

No results message using display templates

I have a sharepoint 2013 site with a page that uses the CSWP and a custom display template. When there are no results, I want to display a message that says "Share What's Going On". I tried setting the $noResults variable in the display template, but nothing displays. When I set a breakpoint on that same line, the browser doesn't break.
How do I display a "no results" message?
You'll need to set the EmptyMessage web part property value. The property is hidden so you'll have to set it programmatically or by exporting the web part and editing the .webpart file.
Think this link have your answer:
Link for changing $noResults

Sitecore Broken Links and Content Editor Issues

We've been noticing an increase in number of broken links on our sitecore website.
Some it is due to
User Training
Publishing Issues (linked page is not yet published)
Maybe content editor issues
It's been hard to verify some of these but sometimes the link might have the authoring page URL (which means someone didn't follow the SOP), sometimes they have a strange url like /shell/Content Editor/...
So we are trying to proactively fix these before the pages go live.
I had a couple ideas like writing a Handler that would look through all "Rich Text Fields" and looking for inconsistencies (like authoring server URL). Also using a crawler-type of validator could help us (http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html#Description) but we were wondering what the community was doing to address this issue.
The "internal link checker" usually works well but doesn't detect many of this erroneous setups (as I believe it sees them as 'external links').
Your input is greatly appreciated!
If you have RichText fields and create internal links, your internal link looks like this in the HTML view: "a href="~/link.aspx?_id=EB3AD128E7BF4F3C9F3812F701D7724E&_z=z" and when you hover with your mouse over it, is show "/Sitecore/Shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/" before the ~/link.aspx. This is normal behavior. This link is modified to a normal link during rendering of the RTE field.
However, be sure to use the Sitecore controls like to render these RTE fields and to render links. Also using sc:fld() in XSLT instead of sc:field() can create strange links because sc:fld is rendering the raw value of the field.
In all of the Sitecore projects I have been working on, I didn't have much issues with broken links.
There is a known bug with copy-pasting links from a rich text editor, where path info is appended to the link (generating the /shell/Content Editor/ stuff).
Sitecore have a fix for it here:
I would suggest a new Validation Action added to the workflow command before the items are finalized. Then you could actively stop them from being published and give immediate feedback. If you're not using workflows, you could add a new item level validator, but those often get ignored in my experience -- too many false positives on the existing validators.

Sitecore item will not go into edit mode; any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?

I have several Sitecore items (whose template is connected to an approval workflow) that will not go into Edit mode when clicking "Edit" from the "Review" tab. The same workflow is used elsewhere on the site successfully (the site is more than 3 years old), but clicking Edit in this case doesn't seem to affect the workflow state.
I've turned on verbose logging, which provides a lot of detail, but nothing to indicate any error conditions. I've been comparing how this template is configured with other "working" templates for a couple of days and everything looks Kosher, but surely I'm missing something obvious.
EDIT: The item(s) in question are imported by a data provider, and I've confirmed that for some reason Sitecore is not setting the "Workflow" and "State" system standard fields with a default value. That appears to be at least part of the issue.
EDIT 2: Followed the steps in this thread http://sdn.sitecore.net/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=45991 to use Sitecore Rocks to update all of the items to the correct Workflow State, but the update did not stick. For some reason workflow changes are not persisted for imported items.
EDIT 3: Clicking the Edit dropdown button under the Home tab displays the message "The item is currently not part of a workflow."
Standard values set correctly? Only have one Standard Values item for this template?
Generally, almost every time I run into a situation where X works on certain items, but not on others... it's a permissions issue. You've tested this as an Administrator I hope?
Sorry my suggestions are so vague, but it's hard to be specific here. We need some more information from you... When you click on Edit what exactly are you expecting to happen? I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "Edit mode" here. In Content Editor, all items are essentially in edit mode all the time... In my configuration, when I click on Edit, I am just locking the item. It does not change workflow state or create a new version.
These items are coming from a data provider... is your data provider handling Lock/Unlock calls properly? I know it's possible to use a data provider without implementing the entire Item API.

property sheet data validation

When the user clicks the OK or APPLY button on a property sheet and the program determines data on some page is invalid, how can I cause the page containing the error to be displayed along with a message box describing the error?
Currently the procedure doing the validation does the following while processing the PSN_APPLY notification.
MessageBox (hDlg, "Data must be positive!", "Error", MB_OK);
This works ok if the page doing the validation (A) is currently displayed but if some other page (B) is being displayed, the message box appears with that page (B) being displayed, then when the message box is answered, the page with the validation error (A) is displayed. I thought about setting some flag so that when that page (A) gets the PSN_SETACTIVE notification it displays the message box but that seems kind of hokey.
Win32 API in c++, no MFC, no NET, nothing fancy.
I think the problem is in the design of your validation and it's presentation.
Am I right in thinking that you iterate through your property sheets, validate them and display a message box if something is awry? Because of course, what you have witnessed will happen, if I am on property page 3 and I wrote crap in to a field on property page 1.
The easiest solution is, when validating, note which property page the field in question is, and set that one active if the user has written crap in to one of your fields. This seems the fastest way possible.
Also, rather than spring up an annoying message box, reserve some room beneath the property pages to display a textual (red or otherwise) warning as to why, and then change to the appropriate property page, and highlight the offending control. Your validation routine can do this nice and easily as it loops through.
Even better, don't stop at the first error. One thing I HATE is correcting one field that I think is the only issue, only to be told every time I hit "OK" or "SUBMIT" that there's something else I missed.
I seriously think you should consider going the extra mile here... loop through ALL controls, and add all invalid ones to a list. Then change each offending control's background colour, tab colour etc... Then the user can work through and correct, no matter how many errors he or she made.