How to open a second QMainWindow from my first/original MainWindow? - c++

I am creating a desktop app with Qt6 and C++ and I have my original MainWindow class. Using Qt Creator I generated ui,h,cpp for a new SummaryClass (QMainWindow).
I want to be able to click a button located in MainWindow so that I can open the SummaryWindow.
void MainWindow::openSummary()
SummaryWindow window;;
I understand that at the end of the function the window instance falls out of scope and gets destroyed. (the destructor generated by Qt Creator gets automatically called) since the window appears then disappears quickly.
If I were to simply execute
SummaryWindow window = new SummaryWindow();;
The window would show successfully but then that creates a memory leak.
Are there workarounds/solutions for what I want to achieve?
To be clear, I want to open the window and keep both windows visible.

one alternative is that you define a list of pointers to the summaryClass and you create and show as many instances of the summary as you need in the slot for the button in the mainWindow
your mainwindow.h
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QList<SummaryClass*> l;
and the slot of the button
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
SummaryClass* sm = new SummaryClass(this);
as soon as you do this:
new SummaryClass(this);
every summary class will be destroyed when the mainWin is destroyed....

In the constructor of the SummaryWindow write:
SummaryWindow::SummaryWindow() {
That makes the trick. Now
auto window = new SummaryWindow();
does not cause a memory leak. (To ensure, you can add some debug printing into ~SummaryWindows()).


QDockWidgets merging incorrectly

I have a QDockWidget class and a QMainWindow:
// docker.hpp
class Docker : public QDockWidget
Docker(QString title, QWidget* parent = 0);
// docker.cpp
Docker::Docker(QString title, QWidget* parent): QDockWidget(title, parent)
QWidget* widget = new QWidget(this);
widget.setMinimumSize(200, 200);
widget->setStyleSheet("border:5px solid gray;");
// mainwindow.hpp
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget* parent);
private slots:
void createDockers();
// mainwindow.cpp
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent): QMainWindow(parent)
setDockOptions(dockOptions() |
QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks |
// The following line of code does not change the situation.
// setTabPosition(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, QTabWidget::East);
// There are some other codes which connect a button to the void createDockers() method
void createDockers()
Docker* dock = new Docker("Docker", this);
I am able to create two Dockers with clicks of the button mentioned above.
However, when I drag one QDockWidget onto the other, the border disappears and no tabs show up:
I am expecting the following to happen: (Achieved by spawning several QDockWidgets)
I am also noticing that one of the QDockWidgets did not vanish. Instead, it merged back to the MainWindow. This only happens if they are the "first two" QDockWidgets.
What caused this problem and how to solve it? I am trying to mimic this project.
I guess it's linked to the QMainWindow::GroupedDragging option. I'm pretty sure it should work well without it (I mean for the not showing tab issue). Do you have restrictions on dock position somewhere else? The documentation implies it could create issues:
For the style issue, you may need to redefine it on tab event, because once tabbed, the widget may inherit the tab style instead of the dock widget style you defined (not certified at all ^^)
Last guess/thing you can try, is to start with the dock tabbed and not floating to see if you have any new bahaviour, it was what I was doing in a previous project and it was working pretty well.
Sorry but no other ideas for the moment.

Keep QDialog open when parent is minimized?

I have a QMainWindow opening a QDialog (not modal). When I minimize the main window, the dialog is closed as well. Can I somehow keep it open? (the other way round as in Keep QMainWindow minimized when QDialogs show() ).
One thing I have tried is to ignore the event, but to my surprise I never see such a state. Actually I only see ActivationChange (0n99) there.
void CMyDialog::changeEvent(QEvent *evt)
QEvent::Type t = evt->type();
if (t == QEvent::WindowStateChange)
Question in Qt center dealing with a similar topic:
Here I create it as member:
QScopedPointer<MyDialog> m_navigator{new MyDialog(this)}; // this here is the main application window
It is displayed by a public slot:
void MyDialog::toogleNavigator()
and is a QDialog derived class:
class MyDialog : public QDialog { ...
---- Edit 2 ------
First Wouter has mentioned it , then Alexander. It is like you guys say, if I pass no parent (as in Alexander`s minimal example), the dialog stays open - with parent it is minimized along with its parent. My apologizes Wouter.
However, in my case it does not work like that. So I did not turn Wouter`s comment without checking or in bad intention. Now it is my duty to find out why. I suspect some utility classes to alter the dialog. I will report back here when I have found the root cause.
Ok, it is the windows flags. If the dialog is a tool window, it is always minimized, as normal window it depends on the parent.
Try to create MyDialog without this(MainApplication) like parent
and may be play with a second parameter of the constructor.
new MyDialog(0/*, ?*/);
Addition It is working code
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QScopedPointer<Dialog> dialog;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
dialog(new Dialog(0))
delete ui;
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()

Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget

Everywhere only just "before QPaintDevice" questions and nowhere is my error. So, here we go.
I need an extern QWidget to be able to get access to it from outside (because I don't know any other ways to do it). Basically, I need this: Create 2 QWidgets from 1 window, go to first window and from there hide main window and show second window created by main window (although main window is not main(), it is QWidget too).
I added
extern QWidget *widget = new QWidget
everywhere and everyhow in possible ways, and I still got this message. I suppose, it means that I need to create my QApplication (in main.cpp) and only then declare any QWidgets. But then HOW can I access those QWidgets from another QWidgets?
Code is here:
P.S. The final goal is to be able show and hide both gamewindow.cpp and world.cpp from battle.cpp (just regular class)
And btw, adding Q_OBJECT and #include both don't work.
Anyway, if I cannot use functions from one window to another, than what's the point? I can have one window in another, and then another in that one, and then one in that another... but I can't do anything from the last to the previous. After years on Delphi that seems strange to me.
Don't use extern or otherwise static variables which lead to creation of the widget before the QApplication is created in main. The QApplication must exist before the constructor of the QWidget is executed.
Instead of sharing the variable via extern, either make the other windows members of the main window, and then make the windows known to each other by passing around pointers, or keep them private in MainWindow and request the actions from the subwindows e.g. via signal/slots. As a generic rule, don't use global variables but class members.
In the following FirstWindow (which is supposed hide main window and secondWindow) gets the main window and the second window passed via pointers and then just calls show/hide on them directly.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainWindow;;
return app.exec();
In main window, have two members for the two other windows, say FirstWindow and SecondWindow:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow {
FirstWindow *m_firstWindow;
SecondWindow *m_secondWindow;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) {
m_firstWindow = new FirstWindow; //not pass this as parent as you want to hide the main window while the others are visible)
m_secondWindow = new SecondWindow;
m_firstWindow->show(); //Show first window immediately, leave second window hidden
MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
//Manual deletion is necessary as no parent is passed. Alternatively, use QScopedPointer
delete m_firstWindow;
delete m_secondWindow;
FirstWindow, inline for brevity:
class FirstWindow : public QWidget {
explicit FirstWindow(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWidget(parent) {}
void setMainWindow(MainWindow *mainWindow) { m_mainWindow = mainWindow); }
void setSecondWindow(SecondWindow *secondWindow) { m_secondWindow = secondWindow; }
private Q_SLOTS:
void somethingHappened() { //e.g. some button was clicked
MainWindow* m_mainWindow;
SecondWindow* m_secondWindow;
Maybe not helping the former author, but others facing the problem.
I simply got this error by mistaking a debug-library with a release one. So check your linker settings, if you are sure the implementation is done right (first instancing application and then using widgets).

Adding custom QWidget during runtime

I'm trying to implement a custom widget hierarchy:
QMainWindow -> QFrame -> MyWidget -> QFrame -> MySubWidget
Here is how MyWidget class looks like:
class MyWidget : public QWidget {
MyWidget(QWidget *parent = 0, ...);
public slots:
void SlotFunction(int i);
MySubWidget *sub_w;
QFrame *sub_frame;
If I try to create an MySubWidget during MyWidget constructor, then all MySubWidget elements are shown as intended:
MyWidget::MyWidget (...) : QWidget(parent) {
sub_frame = new QFrame(this);
sub_w = new MySubWidget(sub_frame); // commented out on a runtime test
But if I try to add subwidget during runtime, sub_frame remains blank. I.e. signal reaction:
void MyWidget::SlotFunction(int i) {
sub_w = new MySubWidget(sub_frame); // update, repaint, show and hide methods aren't helphul
I know this is an old question, but I was having a very similar issue and it turned out to be a lack of call to the QWidget::show(). Perhaps that was your problem as well?
My question here: Dynamically add instance inherited from QWidget
Are you reaching your function?
At the top of your function before making a new instance of MySubWidget put:
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
Is the slot connected properly?
Qt will let you know if it is unable to connect a slot using a runtime warning. Look at the debug output that shows up in Qt Creator and it may mention a reason why the slot was never reached.
Is subframe visible?
If the parent of your object isn't visible, then showing or hiding the child object will only affect it when the parent is shown.
Hope that helps. Good luck.

Accessing a widget from outside of its class?

In Qt Creator, I have a couple of widgets declared like so:
Header File:
class MapViewer : public QGraphicsView
explicit MapViewer(QGraphicsScene *scene, QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
// Declaration for the map editor window.
class MapEditor : public QMainWindow
explicit MapEditor(QWidget *parent = 0);
QLayout *editorLayout;
QPushButton *btn;
QGraphicsScene *mapScene;
MapViewer *mapView;
Ui::MapEditor *ui;
CPP File:
MapEditor::MapEditor(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MapEditor)
this->setWindowTitle("2DXY :: Map Editor");
editorLayout = new QVBoxLayout; // Create a new layout
this->setLayout(editorLayout); // Set the widget's layout to our newly created layout.
mapScene = new QGraphicsScene(); // Create a new graphics scene to draw upon.
mapView = new MapViewer(mapScene,this); // Create a new graphics view to display our scene - set its parent to 'this' so that it doesn't open in a new window.
mapView->setGeometry(20,20,1178,546); // Width first, then height.
void MapViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
// Show an empty message box, just to check that the event handler works!
QMessageBox *notification = new QMessageBox();
// Some how access the same QGraphicsScene and View (mapScene, mapView) as above, so
// I can update their contents on the open form / window.
And as you can see, I wish to access the Graphics Scene again to update it, then redraw it (or whatever). But I'm not able to access the graphics scene at all, despite a few hours of trial and error with declaring widgets in different ways.
I know that the listener itself works, because if it's set to open a new message box, or output to the debug window, then it works, it's just that I can't access the widgets I've already defined.
I feel that there is a (relatively) easy solution to this problem, and that I'm just missing something obvious.
You passed the QGraphicsScene to your MapRender object's constructor. What do you do with the scene within its constructor? Ideally, you should be storing it as a data member of MapRender. For example:
class MapRender {
MapRender(QGraphicsScene* scene)
: scene_(scene)
public slots:
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
QGraphicsScene* scene_;
Now in your implementation of mousePressEvent, you can access to the scene member:
void MapRender::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
int CursorX = event->globalX();
int CursorY = event->globalY();
QGraphicsRectItem *clickedBox = new QGraphicsRectItem(40,40,32,32);
Keep in mind you should ideally be putting the implementation of the constructor in your cpp file, but my example does it in the declaration for brevity.
void MapViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
// Show an empty message box, just to check that the event handler works!
QMessageBox *notification = new QMessageBox();
// To add something whenever the user clicks, you don't need the view,
// just the scene.
scene()->addItem( new MyItem() );
Remember MapViewer derives from QGraphicsView and the view must know about the scene it belongs to - so it has a scene() method to return it, which you inherited.