Check resource before and after the lock - c++

I've run into code that simplified looks like this
inline someClass* otherClass::getSomeClass()
if (m_someClass)
return m_someClass.get();
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(m_lock);
if (m_someClass)
return m_someClass.get();
m_someClass= std::make_unique<someClass>(this);
return m_someClass.get();
So it seems it's a pattern to be sure thread safety of creation of someClass object. I don't have much experience in multithreading, but this code doesn't look nice to me. Is there some other way to rewrite this or it's a way it should be?

The biggest problem here is that you are violating the C++ memory model. In the C++ memory model, a write operation and a read operation to the same data must be synchronized.
The m_someClass at the front is reading what is written to in the mutex.
It is possible that the operator bool on m_someClass is atomic somehow.
Also, your code doesn't handle the object ever being destroyed.
If it is atomic, then you should possibly be using atomic operations to update it and not a lock. Such a pattern can result in "wasted" objects being created; often this is worth the cost of removing the lock.
make m_someClass be std::atomic<std::shared_ptr<someClass>>.
Return std::shared_ptr<someClass> from getSomeClass.
auto existing = m_someClass.load();
if (existing)
return existing;
auto created = std::make_shared<someClass>(this);
if (
m_someClass.compare_exchange_strong(existing, created)
) {
return created;
} else {
return existing;
Two threads can both create a new someClass if they both try to get at the same time, but only one will persist, the other will be discarded, and the function will return the one that persists.


Is fetch_sub really atomic?

I have the following code (written in C++):
Code in StringRef class:
inline void retain() const {
m_refCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline void release() const {
if(m_refCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release) == 1){
Code in InternedString:
inline InternedString(){
m_ref = nullptr;
inline InternedString(const InternedString& other){
m_ref = other.m_ref;
inline InternedString(InternedString&& other){
m_ref = other.m_ref;
other.m_ref = nullptr;
inline InternedString& operator=(const InternedString& other){
if(&other == this)
return *this;
m_ref = other.m_ref;
return *this;
inline InternedString& operator=(InternedString&& other){
if(&other == this)
return *this;
m_ref = other.m_ref;
other.m_ref = nullptr;
return *this;
/*! #group Destructors */
inline ~InternedString(){
inline InternedString(const StringRef* ref){
m_ref = ref;
When i execute this code in multiple threads deleteFromParent() gets called more than once for the same object. I don't understand why... Even if i am over releasing i should still not get this behaviour, i guess...
Can somebody help me? What am i doing wrong?
fetch_sub is as atomic as can be, but that's not the problem.
Try modifying your code like so:
if(m_refCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release) == 1){
and see what happens.
If your destructor gets preempted by a thread that makes use of your InternedString operators, they will happily and unknowingly get a reference to an object on the verge of deletion.
This means the rest of your code is free to reference deleted objects, leading to all sorts of UBs, including the possible re-incrementing of your perfectly atomic reference count leading to multiple perfectly atomic destructions.
Assuming anybody could copy references around without locking the destructor first is plain wrong, and only made worse if you bury it under the textbook perfect litany of operators needed to hide reference juggling from the end user.
If any task is free to delete your objects anytime, a bit of code like InternedString a = b; will simply have no way to know whether b is a valid object or not.
The reference count mechanism will work as intended only if all references have been set at a time the object was indeed valid.
What you can do is create as many InternedStrings as you want in code sections where no deletion can occur in parallel (be it during init or through plain mutex locking), but once destructors are on the loose, that's it for reference juggling.
The only way to make that work without using mutexes or other synchronization objects would be to add a mechanism for acquiring a reference that would let the user know that the object has been deleted. Here is an example of how that could be done.
Now if you try to hide it all under a carpet of rule of five operators, the only remaining solution is to add some kind of valid attribute to your InternedString, that every bit of code would have to check before trying to access the underlying string.
This would amount to dumping the multitasking problems on the desk of your interface's end user, who would in the best case end up using mutexes to prevent other bits of code from deleting objects from under his feet, or maybe just tinker with the code until implicit synchronizations apparently took care of the problem, planting so many ticking time bombs in the application.
Atomic counters and/or structures are no replacement for multitasking synchronization. Except for some experts who can design ultra smart algorithms, atomic variables are just a huge pitfall coated in tons of syntactic sugar.

Concurrently processing data. What do I need to watch out for?

I have a routine that is meant to load and parse data from a file. There is a possibility that the data from the same file might need to be retrieved from two places at once, i.e. during a background caching process and from a user request.
Specifically I am using C++11 thread and mutex libraries. We compile with Visual C++ 11 (aka 2012), so are limited by whatever it lacks.
My naive implementation went something like this:
map<wstring,weak_ptr<DataStruct>> data_cache;
mutex data_cache_mutex;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> ParseDataFile(wstring file_path) {
auto data_ptr = make_shared<DataStruct>();
/* Parses and processes the data, may take a while */
return data_ptr;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> CreateStructFromData(wstring file_path) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(data_cache_mutex);
auto cache_iter = data_cache.find(file_path);
if (cache_iter != end(data_cache)) {
auto data_ptr = cache_iter->second.lock();
if (data_ptr)
return data_ptr;
// reference died, remove it
auto data_ptr = ParseDataFile(file_path);
if (data_ptr)
data_cache.emplace(make_pair(file_path, data_ptr));
return data_ptr;
My goals were two-fold:
Allow multiple threads to load separate files concurrently
Ensure that a file is only processed once
The problem with my current approach is that it doesn't allow concurrent parsing of multiple files at all. If I understand what will happen correctly, they're each going to hit the lock and end up processing linearly, one thread at a time. It may change from run to run the order which the threads pass through the lock first, but the end result is the same.
One solution I've considered was to create a second map:
map<wstring,mutex> data_parsing_mutex;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> ParseDataFile(wstring file_path) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(data_parsing_mutex[file_path]);
/* etc. */
But now I have to be concerned with how data_parsing_mutex is being updated. So I guess I need another mutex?
map<wstring,mutex> data_parsing_mutex;
mutex data_parsing_mutex_mutex;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> ParseDataFile(wstring file_path) {
unique_lock<mutex> super_lock(data_parsing_mutex_mutex);
lock_guard<mutex> lock(data_parsing_mutex[file_path]);
/* etc. */
In fact, looking at this, it's not going to avoid necessarily double-processing a file if it hasn't been completed by the background process when the user requests it, unless I check the cache yet again.
But by now my spidey senses are saying There must be a better way. Is there? Would futures, promises, or atomics help me at all here?
From what you described, it sounds like you're trying to do a form of lazy initialization of the DataStruct using a thread pool, along with a reference counted cache. std::async should be able to provide a lot of the dispatch and synchronization necessary for something like this.
Using std::async, the code would look something like this...
map<wstring,weak_ptr<DataStruct>> cache;
map<wstring,shared_future<shared_ptr<DataStruct>>> pending;
mutex cache_mutex, pending_mutex;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> ParseDataFromFile(wstring file) {
auto data_ptr = make_shared<DataStruct>();
/* Parses and processes the data, may take a while */
return data_ptr;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> CreateStructFromData(wstring file) {
shared_future<weak_ptr<DataStruct>> pf;
shared_ptr<DataStruct> ce;
auto ci = cache.find(file);
if (!(ci == cache.end() || ci->second.expired()))
return ci->second.lock();
auto fi = pending.find(file);
if (fi == pending.end() || fi.second.get().expired()) {
pf = async(ParseDataFromFile, file).share();
pending.insert(fi, make_pair(file, pf));
} else {
pf = pi->second;
ce = pf.get();
auto ci = cache.find(file);
if (ci == cache.end() || ci->second.expired())
cache.insert(ci, make_pair(file, ce));
auto pi = pending.find(file);
if (pi != pending.end())
return ce;
This can probably be optimized a bit, but the general idea should be the same.
On a typical computer there is little point in trying to load files concurrently, since disk access will be the bottleneck. Instead, it's better to have a single thread load files (or use asynchronous I/O) and dish out the parsing to a thread pool. Then store the results in a shared container.
Regarding preventing double work, you should consider if this is really necessary. If you are only doing this out of premature optimization, you'd probably make users happier by focussing on making the program responsive, rather than efficient. That is, make sure the user gets what they ask for quickly, even if it means doing double work.
OTOH, if there is a technical reason for not parsing a file twice, you can keep track of the status of each file (loading, parsing, parsed) in the shared container.

Proper compiler intrinsics for double-checked locking?

When implementing double-checked locking, what is the proper way to do the memory and/or compiler barriers when implementing double-checked locking for initialization?
Something like std::call_once isn't what I want; it's way too slow. It's typically just implemented on top of pthread_mutex_lock and EnterCriticalSection respective to OS.
In my programs, I often run into initialization cases where the initialization is safe to repeat, as long as exactly one thread gets to set the final pointer. If another thread beats it to setting the final pointer to the singleton object, it deletes what it created and makes use of the other thread's. I also often use this in cases where it doesn't matter which thread "wins" because they all come up with the same result.
Here's an unsafe, overly-contrived example, using Visual C++ intrinsics:
MyClass *GetGlobalMyClass()
static MyClass *const UNSET_POINTER = reinterpret_cast<MyClass *>(
static MyClass *volatile s_object = UNSET_POINTER;
if (s_object == UNSET_POINTER)
MyClass *newObject = MyClass::Create();
if (_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&s_object, newObject,
// Another thread beat us. If Create didn't return null, destroy.
if (newObject)
newObject->Destroy(); // calls "delete this;", presumably
return s_object;
On a weakly-ordered memory architecture, my understanding is that it's possible that the new value of s_object is visible to other threads before other variables written inside MyClass::Create or MyClass::MyClass are visible. Also, the compiler itself could arrange the code this way in the absence of a compiler barrier (in Visual C++, _WriteBarrier, but _InterlockedCompareExchange acts as a barrier).
Do I need like a store fence intrinsic function in there or something in order to ensure that MyClass's variables are visible to all threads before s_object becomes somethings besides -1?
Fortunately, the rules in C++ are very simple:
If there is a data race, the behaviour is undefined.
In you code the data race is caused by the following read, which conflicts with the write operation in __InterlockedCompareExchangePointer.
if (s_object.m_void == UNSET_POINTER)
A thread-safe solution without blocking might look as follows. Note that on x86 a load operation with sequential consistency has basically no overhead compared to a regular load operation. If you care about other architectures, you can also use acquire release instead of sequential consistency.
static std::atomic<MyClass*> s_object{nullptr};
MyClass* o = s_object.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
if (o == nullptr) {
o = new MyClass{...};
MyClass* expected = nullptr;
if (!s_object.compare_exchange_strong(expected, o, std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
delete o;
o = expected;
return o;
For a proper C++11 implementation any function-local static variable will be constructed in a thread-safe fashion by the first thread passing through this variable.

Thread-Safe implementation of an object that deletes itself

I have an object that is called from two different threads and after it was called by both it destroys itself by "delete this".
How do I implement this thread-safe? Thread-safe means that the object never destroys itself exactly one time (it must destroys itself after the second callback).
I created some example code:
class IThreadCallBack
virtual void CallBack(int) = 0;
class M: public IThreadCallBack
bool t1_finished, t2_finished;
M(): t1_finished(false), t2_finished(false)
startMyThread(this, 1);
startMyThread(this, 2);
void CallBack(int id)
if (id == 1)
t1_finished = true;
t2_finished = true;
if (t1_finished && t2_finished)
delete this;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
M* MObj = new M();
Obviously I can't use a Mutex as member of the object and lock the delete, because this would also delete the Mutex. On the other hand, if I set a "toBeDeleted"-flag inside a mutex-protected area, where the finised-flag is set, I feel unsure if there are situations possible where the object isnt deleted at all.
Note that the thread-implementation makes sure that the callback method is called exactly one time per thread in any case.
Edit / Update:
What if I change Callback(..) to:
void CallBack(int id)
if (id == 1)
t1_finished = true;
t2_finished = true;
bool both_finished = (t1_finished && t2_finished);
if (both_finished)
delete this;
Can this considered to be safe? (with mMutex being a member of the m class?)
I think it is, if I don't access any member after releasing the mutex?!
Use Boost's Smart Pointer. It handles this automatically; your object won't have to delete itself, and it is thread safe.
From the code you've posted above, I can't really say, need more info. But you could do it like this: each thread has a shared_ptr object and when the callback is called, you call shared_ptr::reset(). The last reset will delete M. Each shared_ptr could be stored with thread local storeage in each thread. So in essence, each thread is responsible for its own shared_ptr.
Instead of using two separate flags, you could consider setting a counter to the number of threads that you're waiting on and then using interlocked decrement.
Then you can be 100% sure that when the thread counter reaches 0, you're done and should clean up.
For more info on interlocked decrement on Windows, on Linux, and on Mac.
I once implemented something like this that avoided the ickiness and confusion of delete this entirely, by operating in the following way:
Start a thread that is responsible for deleting these sorts of shared objects, which waits on a condition
When the shared object is no longer being used, instead of deleting itself, have it insert itself into a thread-safe queue and signal the condition that the deleter thread is waiting on
When the deleter thread wakes up, it deletes everything in the queue
If your program has an event loop, you can avoid the creation of a separate thread for this by creating an event type that means "delete unused shared objects" and have some persistent object respond to this event in the same way that the deleter thread would in the above example.
I can't imagine that this is possible, especially within the class itself. The problem is two fold:
1) There's no way to notify the outside world not to call the object so the outside world has to be responsible for setting the pointer to 0 after calling "CallBack" iff the pointer was deleted.
2) Once two threads enter this function you are, and forgive my french, absolutely fucked. Calling a function on a deleted object is UB, just imagine what deleting an object while someone is in it results in.
I've never seen "delete this" as anything but an abomination. Doesn't mean it isn't sometimes, on VERY rare conditions, necessary. Problem is that people do it way too much and don't think about the consequences of such a design.
I don't think "to be deleted" is going to work well. It might work for two threads, but what about three? You can't protect the part of code that calls delete because you're deleting the protection (as you state) and because of the UB you'll inevitably cause. So the first goes through, sets the flag and aborts....which of the rest is going to call delete on the way out?
The more robust implementation would be to implement reference counting. For each thread you start, increase a counter; for each callback call decrease the counter and if the counter has reached zero, delete the object. You can lock the counter access, or you could use the Interlocked class to protect the counter access, though in that case you need to be careful with potential race between the first thread finishing and the second starting.
Update: And of course, I completely ignored the fact that this is C++. :-) You should use InterlockExchange to update the counter instead of the C# Interlocked class.

Deleting pointer sometimes results in heap corruption

I have a multithreaded application that runs using a custom thread pool class. The threads all execute the same function, with different parameters.
These parameters are given to the threadpool class the following way:
// jobParams is a struct of int, double, etc...
jobParams* params = new jobParams;
params.value1 = 2;
params.value2 = 3;
int jobId = 0;
threadPool.addJob(jobId, params);
As soon as a thread has nothing to do, it gets the next parameters and runs the job function. I decided to take care of the deletion of the parameters in the threadpool class:
ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() {
for (int i = 0; i < this->jobs.size(); ++i) {
delete this->jobs[i].params;
However, when doing so, I sometimes get a heap corruption error:
Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap
The strange thing is that in one case it works perfectly, but in another program it crashes with this error. I tried deleting the pointer at other places: in the thread after the execution of the job function (I get the same heap corruption error) or at the end of the job function itself (no error in this case).
I don't understand how deleting the same pointers (I checked, the addresses are the same) from different places changes anything. Does this have anything to do with the fact that it's multithreaded?
I do have a critical section that handles the access to the parameters. I don't think the problem is about synchronized access. Anyway, the destructor is called only once all threads are done, and I don't delete any pointer anywhere else. Can pointer be deleted automatically?
As for my code. The list of jobs is a queue of a structure, composed of the id of a job (used to be able to get the output of a specific job later) and the parameters.
getNextJob() is called by the threads (they have a pointer to the ThreadPool) each time they finished to execute their last job.
void ThreadPool::addJob(int jobId, void* params) {
jobData job; // jobData is a simple struct { int, void* }
job.ID = jobId;
job.params = params;
// insert parameters in the list
jobData* ThreadPool::getNextJob() {
// get the data of the next job
jobData* job = NULL;
// we don't want to start a same job twice,
// so we make sure that we are only one at a time in this part
WaitForSingleObject(this->mutex, INFINITE);
if (!this->jobs.empty())
job = &(this->jobs.front());
// we're done with the exclusive part !
return job;
Let's turn this on its head: Why are you using pointers at all?
class Params
int value1, value2; // etc...
class ThreadJob
int jobID; // or whatever...
Params params;
class ThreadPool
std::list<ThreadJob> jobs;
void addJob(int job, const Params & p)
ThreadJob j(job, p);
No new, delete or pointers... Obviously some of the implementation details may be cocked, but you get the overall picture.
Thanks for extra code. Now we can see a problem -
in getNextJob
if (!this->jobs.empty())
job = &(this->jobs.front());
After the "pop", the memory pointed to by 'job' is undefined. Don't use a reference, copy the actual data!
Try something like this (it's still generic, because JobData is generic):
jobData ThreadPool::getNextJob() // get the data of the next job
jobData job;
WaitForSingleObject(this->mutex, INFINITE);
if (!this->jobs.empty())
job = (this->jobs.front());
// we're done with the exclusive part !
return job;
Also, while you're adding jobs to the queue you must ALSO lock the mutex, to prevent list corruption. AFAIK std::lists are NOT inherently thread-safe...?
Using operator delete on pointer to void results in undefined behavior according to the specification.
Chapter 5.3.5 of the draft of the C++ specification. Paragraph 3.
In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the operand is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the operand’s dynamic type and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined. In the second alternative (delete array) if the dynamic type of the object to be deleted differs from its static type, the behavior is undefined.73)
And corresponding footnote.
This implies that an object cannot be deleted using a pointer of type void* because there are no objects of type void
All access to the job queue must be synchronized, i.e. performed only from 1 thread at a time by locking the job queue prior to access. Do you already have a critical section or some similar pattern to guard the shared resource? Synchronization issues often lead to weird behaviour and bugs which are hard to reproduce.
It's hard to give a definitive answer with this amount of code. But generally speaking, multithreaded programming is all about synchronizing access to data that might be accessed from multiple threads. If there is no long or other synchronization primitive protecting access to the threadpool class itself, then you can potentially have multiple threads reaching your deletion loop at the same time, at which point you're pretty much guaranteed to be double-freeing memory.
The reason you're getting no crash when you delete a job's params at the end of the job function might be because access to a single job's params is already implicitly serialized by your work queue. Or you might just be getting lucky. In either case, it's best to think about locks and synchronization primitive as not being something that protects code, but as being something that protects data (I've always thought the term "critical section" was a bit misleading here, as it tends to lead people to think of a 'section of lines of code' rather than in terms of data access).. In this case, since you want to access your jobs data from multiple thread, you need to be protecting it via a lock or some other synchronization primitive.
If you try to delete an object twice, the second time will fail, because the heap is already freed. This is the normal behavior.
Now, since you are in a multithreading context... it might be that the deletions are done "almost" in parallel, which might avoid the error on the second deletion, because the first one is not yet finalized.
Use smart pointers or other RAII to handle your memory.
If you have access to boost or tr1 lib you can do something like this.
class ThreadPool
typedef pair<int, function<void (void)> > Job;
list< Job > jobList;
HANDLE mutex;
void addJob(int jobid, const function<void (void)>& job) {
jobList.push_back( make_pair(jobid, job) );
Job getNextJob() {
struct MutexLocker {
HANDLE& mutex;
MutexLocker(HANDLE& mutex) : mutex(mutex){
WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE);
~MutexLocker() {
Job job = make_pair(-1, function<void (void)>());
const MutexLocker locker(this->mutex);
if (!this->jobList.empty()) {
job = this->jobList.front();
return job;
void workWithDouble( double value );
void workWithInt( int value );
void workWithValues( int, double);
void test() {
ThreadPool pool;
pool.addJob( 0, bind(&workWithDouble, 0.1));
pool.addJob( 1, bind(&workWithInt, 1));
pool.addJob( 2, bind(&workWithValues, 1, 0.1));