Use argument shortest in C++ code in FFMPEG - c++

I need to set up the argument "-shortest" but in c++ code. I know that I can set up an argument with value for example:
av_opt_set(codecContext, "crf", "28", 0);
But here is the thing, there is a value, but in shortest no value.
So how can I set up shortest in c++ code
Thanks in advance

I got an answer here:
-shortest is a part of ffmpeg binary. Not available when working with the libav* libs.
You can set "fflags", "shortest" and "max_interleave_delta", "100M" on the AVFormatContext.


How to convert python log normal distribution code to c++ code

I have a python code to calculate the probability using lognormal distribution function and want to convert it to c++. I tried the boost library but it does not provide the required functionality (as per my findings, please correct me if I am wrong).
df['prob'] = (1 - scipy.stats.lognorm(s=sd, loc=0, scale=math.exp(mean)).cdf(df.cum_size))**exponent
Can anyone help with this?

Extracting LBPFeatures in OpenCV

I am trying to extract the LBPFeatures of an image using OpenCV and C++, but there seems to be no in-built function to extract the features.
Can anyone help me?
I need to find the feature points and not the histogram.
The LBP authors give an optimized C code in one of their papers: here is the link.
you can find an old implementation of OpenCV in
That libraries are included in newer versions of OpenCV, but the link have an example implementation

DFS shortest path of a maze in C++

I'm having trouble figuring out how exactly to get this to work... I'm attempting to get the shortest path to the goal using a DFS. I know that BFS is better but I was asked to use DFS for this. As you can see, I attempt to make a comparison between all stacks that lead to the end to find the goal, but it does not work, only the first stack that leads to the goal is ever printed... I know somewhere I need to unvisit nodes, but I cannot figure out exactly how. Right now I do get a path to the goal, but not the shortest one. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Writing a non-recursive DFS is possible by using your own stack, but I find the recursive solution to be more elegant. Here is a sketch of one:
visited[vertex] = true
if we found the exit
output path
for each neighbor v of vertex
if not visited[v]
visited[vertex] = false

Error after mosaicing face in opencv and c++

Following my previous post Mosaicing face problems in opencv , everything was working fine until I tried it again today and I get this error . Everything seems to be alright but I am confused why I am getting this error. Can anybody help please?
The error says that the source vector or the destination vector of some algorithm does not have enough data required by a particular algorithm present in imgwarp.cpp
As I have no idea of your code, I assume that you may be using getAffineTransform or perspective transform.
Probably the assertion failure must be from getAffineTransform. It must require 3 points for its input and output. Have a look at the code on how these points are selected.
As you mentioned that the code was previously working, there is a possibility that the input images are changed, mostly the new one is with a different dimension.

How do you remove directory qualifiers to simplify pathname using the Win32 API?

If you have a path like "C:\foo\.\bar\.." is there an easy way using the Win32 API to remove the directory qualifiers in order to simplify it to "C:\foo" ?
Update: It seems to be a more complicated issue. On this simple example of "C:\foo\.\bar\..", it works with both PathCanonicalize() and GetFullPathName() to get "C:\foo" as a result.
However, the path I'm passing has a symbolic link. So let's say I'm passing in "C:\NaNa\Boo\Bin\.." and "C:\NaNa" is a link to "D:\Apple". Then I get "C:\NaNa\Boo\Bin\.." back ratener than "C:\NaNa\Boo"
I would assume the functions work with just the strings but there seems to be a difference when using the symbolic link :-(
Update #2: It appears I had a line break character (0x0d) in the string that was passed in and this kept the function from working properly!
Take a look at shlwapi's PathCanonicalize()