can not build a Container using a Dockerfile - google-cloud-platform

I am working on VM instances from the Google Cloud Platform and I am using Docker for the first time, so please bear with me. I am trying to follow steps to build a container because it is supposed to be a certain way for a project. I am stuck here:
Create the directory named ~/keto (~/ refers to your home directory)
Create a file ~/keto/Dockerfile
Add the following content to ~/keto/Dockerfile and save
#Pull the keto/ssh image from Docker hub
FROM keto/ssh:latest
# Create a user and password with environment variables
#Copy a ssh public key from ~/keto/ to spock .ssh/authorized_keys
COPY ./ /home/spock/.ssh/authorized_keys
I was able to Pull the keto/ssh image from the Docker hub
with no issues, but my problem is that I am unable to create the directory and I am also stuck when it comes to creating the environment variable. Can anyone guide me to what is the correct approach to:
A-build a directory and B- after I am done with the directory to create environment variables I would really appreciate it a lot. thank you

#Pull the keto/ssh image from Docker hub
FROM keto/ssh:latest
# Create a user and password with environment variables
# Create keto directory:
RUN mkdir ~/keto
#Copy a ssh public key from ~/keto/ to spock .ssh/authorized_keys
ADD ./ /home/spock/.ssh/authorized_keys
You may find useful the Docker’s official documentation on how to create a Dockerfile or to check how ENV variable has to be set.
I recommend always having a look at Dockerfile's hub, for this case is keto's ssh because it usually contains some guidance about the image we are going to build.


MQ Custom Docker Image - MQM Group Not Found

Description: Getting the following error when running a docker build. I thought mqm group would be automatically created by default. Doesn't mention otherwise in the site link below. Can someone else try this?
System Notes:(VS Code- Docker build), windows machine.
useradd: group 'mqm' does not exist
Reference site for instructions:
IBM MQ Customer Docker Image Instructions
Docker File:
FROM ibmcom/mq
USER root
RUN useradd alice -G mqm && \
echo alice:passw0rd | chpasswd
USER mqm
COPY 20-config.mqsc /etc/mqm/
Duplicate of ibmcom/mq docker image backward compatibility issue
From 9.1.5 the container does not use OS based users or groups. This is to conform to cloud best practices. Instead a file based system is being used. This is so that when you roll-out the container in a cloud into production you can switch to an LDAP based system.
The 9.1.5 container uses htpasswd, with the relevant file in /etc/mqm/
For development, if you are not going to create new users, then you can use the 9.1.5 container. If you want to create new users, then you can use 9.1.4 or earlier, or use htpasswd with bcrypt to create the users.
I was using a deprecated site apparently that's in the docker repo link. I guess its a problem with docker and they can`t remove it. Please follow the instructions here. I had no issue.

Copy an ssm path with other name

We keep environment information (endpoints, passwords,etcs) under an ssm tree, lets call it /qa/ and we'd like to find a simple way to copy it over to /qa01/ /qa02/ etcs, and in the process modify some variables.
We have dumped the current content with:
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path "/qa/"
to a file but I can not find a way to modify and upload it under a new path.
The idea being we will set environment variables using
chamber export qa --fortmat=dotenv > .env
at build time and
chamber exec qa -- node server
at runtime under ECS.
Is it a good way to keep environment information out of git?

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - .ebextensions

My app currently uses a folder called "Documents" that is located in the root of the app. This is where it stores supporting docs, temporary files, uploaded files etc. I'm trying to move my app from Azure to Beanstalk and I don't know how to give permissions to this folder and sub-folders. I think it's supposed to be done using .ebextensions but I don't know how to format the config file. Can someone suggest how this config file should look? This is an ASP.NET app running on Windows/IIS.
Unfortunately, you cannot use .ebextensions to set permissions to files/folders within your deployment directory.
If you look at the event hooks for an elastic beanstalk deployment:
You'll find that commands run before the ec2 app and web server are set up, and
container_commands run after the ec2 app and web server are setup, but before your application version is deployed.
The solution is to use a wpp.targets file to set the necessary ACLs.
The following SO post is most useful
Can Web Deploy's setAcl provider be used on a sub-directory?
Given below is the sample .ebextensions config file to create a directory/file and modify the permissions and add some content to the file
====== .ebextensions/custom_directory.config ======
command: mkdir C:\inetpub\AspNetCoreWebApps\backgroundtasks\mydirectory
command: cacls C:\inetpub\AspNetCoreWebApps\backgroundtasks\mydirectory /t /e /g username:W
content: |
This is my Sample file created from ebextensions
ebextensions go into the root of the application source code through a directory called .ebextensions. For more information on how to use ebextensions, please go through the documentation here
Place a file 01_fix_permissions.config inside .ebextensions folder.
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user tmp/
Following that you can set your folder permissions as you want.
See this answer on Serverfault.
There are platform hooks that you can use to run scripts at various points during deployment that can get you around the shortcomings of the .ebextension Commands and Platform Commands that Napoli describes.
There seems to be some debate on whether or not this setup is officially supported, but judging by comments made on the AWS github, it seems to be not explicitly prohibited.
I can see where Napoli's answer could be the more standard MS way of doing things, but wpp.targets looks like hot trash IMO.
The general scheme of that answer is to use Commands/Platform commands to copy a script file into the appropriate platform hook directory (/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks or C:\Program Files\Amazon\ElasticBeanstalk\hooks\ ) to run at your desired stage of deployment.
I think its worth noting that differences exist between platforms and versions such as Amazon Linux 1 and Linux 2.
I hope this helps someone. It took me a day to gather that info and what's on this page and pick what I liked best.
Edit 11/4 - I would like to note that I saw some inconsistencies with the File .ebextension directive when trying to place scripts drirectly into the platform hook dir's during repeated deployments. Specifically the File directive failed to correctly move the backup copies named .bak/.bak1/etc. I would suggest using a Container Command to copy with overwriting from another directory into the desired hook directory to overcome this issue.

Get elastic beanstalk environment variables in docker container

So, i'm trying not to put sensitive information on the dockerfile. A logical approach is to put the creds in the ebs configuration (the GUI) as a ENV variable. However, docker build doesn't seem to be able to access the ENV variable. Any thoughts?
FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook
USER root
I assume that for every deployment you create a new file with the correct docker image tag for that deployment. At deployment stage, you can inject environment values which will then be used in docker run command by EB agent. So your docker containers can now access to these environment variables.
Putting sensitive information (for a Dockerfile to use) can be either for allowing a specific step of the image to run (build time), or for the resulting image to have that secret still there at runtime.
For runtime, if you can use the latest docker 1.13 in a swarm mode configuration, you can manage secrets that way
But the first case (build time) is typically for passing credentials to an http_proxy, and that can be done with --build-arg:
docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=http://...
This flag allows you to pass the build-time variables that are accessed like regular environment variables in the RUN instruction of the Dockerfile.
Also, these values don’t persist in the intermediate or final images like ENV values do.
In that case, you would not use ENV, but ARG:
ARG <name>[=<default value>]
The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the docker build command using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag

Set Opsworks Deployment recipes personalized for multiple apps

I have the standard PHP layer in OpsWorks Stack.
There are two application on this layer:
app1, on the domain
app2, on the domain
The applications run on the same servers.
I have a git repo with my deployment recipes. Everything works fine.
But now I need to personalize the deployment recipes for each app.
For example:
i need that the folder 'folder_1' of the app 'app1' is writable 777
i need that the folder 'folder_1' of the app 'app2' is readable 644
Now, I have only the recipe that runs in all the deployed apps. How can i personalize my deployment recipe to run in different ways for different apps?
Thank you in advance
Edit: here what i'd like to do:
node[:deploy].each do |app_name, deploy|
[IF APPLICATION ONE (how can i grab application variable?)]:
script "change_permissions" do
interpreter "bash"
user "root"
cwd "#{deploy[:deploy_to]}/current"
code <<-EOH
chmod -R 777 uploads
mv .htaccess_production .htaccess
script "change_permissions" do
interpreter "bash"
user "root"
cwd "#{deploy[:deploy_to]}/current"
code <<-EOH
chmod -R 755 uploads
rm .htaccess_production
If you have only two apps settings to apply, try make one as default setup and use either a chef tag or node attribute to do a switch case. I also had experience using environment variable to differentiate the route for implementation but that may not be necessary if the change is local on an instance.
Now if the change involved is significant, you should consider to place them in separate recipes and run individual one in the switch case block. It is easier to maintain later on. Hope this helps.