I have trouble when using my USRP b200 mini. Indeed, I wasn’t able to use it in transmitter mode. I work with two b100 and one b200.
Until now, if I use one USRP b100 in transmitter mode and another one in receiver mode, everything works. If I use one USRP b100 in transmitter mode and my USRP b200 in receiver mode everything still works. But if I do the opposite, I am not able to detect my transmitted signal anymore.
Can someone could help me please ?
I use these C++ code lines to parameter my USRP:
void Radio_Tx_Rx::initialize(int TX){
if (TX){
string usrp_addr("type=b200");
usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(usrp_addr);
usrp->set_tx_gain(20); //I tested gain from 0 to 80 with a step of 10
tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);
cout << " " << string(50, '-') << endl;
} else {
string usrp_addr("type=b100");
usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(usrp_addr);
rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);
cout << " " << string(50, '-') << endl;
printf("%s", KNRM);
i am trying to generate a class for reading from a specific serial device.
For the start process it is necessary to send a char '1', then i have to wait for a response (254 and 255).
Within a period of 10 milliseconds i must sent the next command to the device, but this time the command length is 5 char.
When the communication hasn´t been send in the correct time, the device will run into a timeout and is sending me 255,255,255,2,4.
So i need different sizes of reading and the most importing thing for me is a timeout for the communication, cause otherwise the system will stop working by missing some values.
Therefore i have tried to generate a class using boost::asio::async_read.
It is working in the correct way, i can define the timeout,also the size of bytes to be read. When the device isn´t sending the correct size, the routine is going to be left.
But only the first time, when i try it a second time, the device isn´t sending me something. I have tried to use .open again, but it isn´t solving the issue. Also deactivating the close-function isn´t solving the issue, then the routine is running into an error.
Can someone give me a small tip for my issue. Maybe i am to blind to see my problem.... Bernd
ConnectionWithTimeout::ConnectionWithTimeout(int timeout_)
: timer_(io_service_, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(timeout_))
, serial_port_(io_service_) {
void ConnectionWithTimeout::ReadNumberOfChars(int numberOfCharactersToRead_)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCharactersToRead_; ++i) {
std::cout << "Clear Buffer[" << i << "]" << std::endl;
buffer_[i] = 0;
timer_.async_wait(boost::bind(&::ConnectionWithTimeout::Stop, this));
//async read from serial port
boost::asio::async_read(serial_port_, boost::asio::buffer(buffer_),
boost::bind(&ConnectionWithTimeout::ReadHandle, this,
void ConnectionWithTimeout::Stop() {
std::cout << "Connection is being closed." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Connection has been closed." << std::endl;
void ConnectionWithTimeout::ReadHandle(const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
if (ec) {
std::cout << "The amount of data is to low: " << ec << std::endl;
for (std::vector<char>::iterator it = buffer_.begin();
it != buffer_.end(); ++it)
std::cout << int(*it) << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "The amount of data is correct: " << ec << std::endl;
for (std::vector<char>::iterator it = buffer_.begin(); it !=
buffer_.end(); ++it)
std::cout << int(*it) << std::endl;
I am writing a simple user interface to communicate with an In-Circuit Serial Programmer. The intention is to remove the need for the end-user to type over a dozen cryptic commands via PuTTY, and in fact to remove the need for typing altogether as the user is inevitably wearing keyboard-unfriendly gloves. The process requires interaction with the user, so a simple batch script is not feasible.
I can find the correct COM port and successfully open it. I can send data, but the response is only ever the equivalent of "unknown command".
I shall refrain from posting the whole code as nobody will be able to recreate my circumstances. However, I can always add everything if necessary.
I open comms using CreateFile() and use WriteFile() or ReadFile() to communicate. For example:
if (!WriteFile(hSerial, "r rc.all\r\n", 10, &bytesRead, NULL))
cout << "Error sending message (" << GetLastError() << ")" << endl;
if (!ReadFile(hSerial, msgBuffer, 15, &bytesRead, NULL))
cout << "No message received" << endl
cout << "Bytes rcvd = " << bytesRead << endl;
for (int x=0; x<bytesRead; x++)
cout << (unsigned int) msgBuffer[x] << " ";
No matter what message I send (either "r rc.all" or "foobar") I always get the same response:
Bytes rcvd = 3
62 13 10
Which is >\r\n. I have tried slowing down the sending of characters to simulate them being typed, but this invokes the same response from the ICSP:
DWORD bytesWritten;
char writeBuff[2];
writeBuff[1] = '\0';
for (UINT x = 0; x <= strnlen(MESSAGE, 64); x++)
cout << MESSAGE[x];
writeBuff[0] = MESSAGE[x];
if (!WriteFile(*hSERIAL, writeBuff, 1, &bytesWritten, NULL))
cout << "\t\tERROR! (character '" << MESSAGE[x] << "', error " << GetLastError() << ")" << endl;
writeBuff[0] = '\n';
if (!WriteFile(*hSERIAL, writeBuff, 1, &bytesWritten, NULL))
cout << "\t\tERROR! (character 'LF', error " << GetLastError() << ")" << endl;
writeBuff[0] = '\r';
if (!WriteFile(*hSERIAL, writeBuff, 1, &bytesWritten, NULL))
cout << "\t\tERROR! (character 'CR', error " << GetLastError() << ")" << endl;
cout << endl;
return true;
I have set the parameters of the serial connection to match the settings in PuTTY - Byte length, stop bit, parity, flow control, etc. The fact that I get a response at all suggests the connections is not at fault.
What is wrong?
The problem turned out to be the \r\n combination sent at the end of the message.
Sending just \r or just \n does not work. However, sending (char) 13 does - even though that should be the same as \r.
There also needs to be a pause between the sending of each character; 1ms is sufficient.
Here is my code:
#include "MyClass.h"
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
QList<QextPortInfo> ports = QextSerialEnumerator::getPorts();
int counter=0;
QString portName = ports[counter].portName;
QString productId= ports[counter].productID;
QString physicalName = ports[counter].physName;
QString vendorId = ports[counter].vendorID;
QString friendName = ports[counter].friendName;
string convertedPortName = portName.toLocal8Bit().constData();
string convertedProductId = productId.toLocal8Bit().constData();
string convertedPhysicalName = physicalName.toLocal8Bit().constData();
string convertedVendorId = vendorId.toLocal8Bit().constData();
string convertedFriendName = friendName.toLocal8Bit().constData();
cout << "Port Name: " << convertedPortName << endl;
cout << "Product ID:" << convertedProductId << endl;
cout << "Physical Name: " << convertedPhysicalName << endl;
cout << "Vendor Id: " << convertedVendorId << endl;
cout << "Friend Name: " << convertedFriendName << endl;
cout << endl;
I have connected "Dreamcheeky Thunder Missile Launcher" USB toy, but I am unable to get it's Vendor ID or product ID or atleast anything related to it! See the following image
But using USBDView software, I can get all the details. See the following image
What is matter with My code? Or if it is simply not suitable?
Just running the installer for the toy and checking what it comes up with, it doesn't describe any API or documentation for accessing it as a serial port.
If you used some sort of monitoring program on their program you could maybe reverse engineer how it commands the device.
It may be easier just to interface with their UI directly. Using a program like AHK or calling SendInput() to coordinates relative to the upper left corner of their UI, you could command the directions of the device.
EDIT: More links related to this:
Because the USB device doesn't get listed as a COM# (how serial port shows up), and it is a HID device, you need a library that can talk to that. Here are some links that should help you get there:
It also looks like the guys at Robo Realm have done it already:
Hope that helps.
I've been working on an assignment that asks us to implement some code provided to us that allows the creation of a server and client that can communicate. I was to fork a process in main, and then test the various request options available, and then measure the difference in time it took to do this via the child process, or locally using a function. I'm unsure if I've interpretated the requirements correctly though. On top of this, all the timing functions return 0 seconds. Not sure if this is correct or not. I'll post a small portion of the code.
Homework statement (only a small portion):
Measure the invocation delay of a request (i.e. the time between the
invocation of a request until the response comes back.) Compare that
with the time to submit the same request string to a function that
takes a request and returns a reply (as compared to a separate process
that does the same). Submit a report that compares the two.
The function declared before main:
string myfunc(string request){
//string myreq = request;
RequestChannel my_func_channel("control", RequestChannel::CLIENT_SIDE);
string reply1 = my_func_channel.send_request(request);
return reply1;
And how I interpreted the directions in code:
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
//time variables
time_t start, end;
double time_req_1, time_req_func;
cout << "client.C Starting...\n" << flush;
cout << "Forking new process...\n " << flush;
pid_t childpid = fork();
if(childpid == -1)
cout << "Failed to fork.\n" << flush;
else if(childpid == 0){
cout << "***Loading Dataserver...\n" << flush;
//Load dataserver
RequestChannel my_channel("control", RequestChannel::CLIENT_SIDE);
cout << "***Dataserver Loaded.\n" << flush;
string reply1 = my_channel.send_request("hello");
cout << "***Reply to request 'hello' is '" << reply1 << "'\n" << flush;
time_req_1 = difftime(end,start);
cout <<"\n\nRequest 1 took : "<< time_req_1 << flush;
string s = myfunc("hello");
time_req_func = difftime(end,start);
cout <<"\nmyfunc Request took: "<< time_req_func << "\n" << flush;
This is an abbreviated version of my code, but contains everything you should need to figure out whats going on. Have I done what the directions stated? Also, is it likely that my 0 seconds results are correct?
The time it takes to do it once may be (probably is) too small to measure, so time how long it takes to do it many times and then work out how long each one took.
I am attempting to read from/write to an RS-232 capable device. This works without issue on Linux. The device is connected via a Digitus USB/Serial Adapter.
The device shows up in Device Manager as COM4.
void PayLife::run() {
this->sendingData = 0;
this->running = true;
qDebug() << "Starting PayLife Thread";
this->port = new AbstractSerial();
QByteArray ba;
if (port->open(AbstractSerial::ReadWrite| AbstractSerial::Unbuffered)) {
if (!port->setBaudRate(AbstractSerial::BaudRate19200)) {
qDebug() << "Set baud rate " << AbstractSerial::BaudRate19200 << " error.";
goto end_thread;
if (!port->setDataBits(AbstractSerial::DataBits7)) {
qDebug() << "Set data bits " << AbstractSerial::DataBits7 << " error.";
goto end_thread;
if (!port->setParity(AbstractSerial::ParityEven)) {
qDebug() << "Set parity " << AbstractSerial::ParityEven << " error.";
goto end_thread;
if (!port->setStopBits(AbstractSerial::StopBits1)) {
qDebug() << "Set stop bits " << AbstractSerial::StopBits1 << " error.";
goto end_thread;
if (!port->setFlowControl(AbstractSerial::FlowControlOff)) {
qDebug() << "Set flow " << AbstractSerial::FlowControlOff << " error.";
goto end_thread;
while(this->running) {
if ((port->bytesAvailable() > 0) || port->waitForReadyRead(900)) {
ba = port->read(1024);
qDebug() << "Readed is : " << ba.size() << " bytes";
else {
qDebug() << "Timeout read data in time : " << QTime::currentTime();
this->running = false;
On Linux, I don't use QSerialDevice, just regular serial reading/writing.
No matter what, I always get:
Starting PayLife Thread
Readed is : 0 bytes
Timeout read data in time : QTime("16:27:43")
Timeout read data in time : QTime("16:27:44")
Timeout read data in time : QTime("16:27:45")
Timeout read data in time : QTime("16:27:46")
I am not exactly sure why.
Note, I tried first to use regular Windows API reading and writing with the same results, i.e. it just doesn't ready any data from the device.
I am 100% sure that there is always something to read from the device, as it spams ENQ across the connection.
You should generate the doxygen documentation of QSerialDevice if you haven't already done so. The problem seems to be explained there.
On Windows in unbuffered mode:
Necessary to avoid the values of CharIntervalTimeout and
TotalReadConstantTimeout equal to 0. In theory, it was planned that at
zero values of timeouts method AbstractSerial::read() will read the
data which are in the buffer device driver (not to be confused with
the buffer AbstractSerial!) and return them immediately. But for
unknown reasons, this reading always returns 0, not depending on
whether or not a ready-made data in the buffer.
Because read waits for the data in unbuffered mode, I guess waitForReadyReady doesn't do anything useful in that mode.