How to force re-create view in SwiftUI? - swiftui

I made a view which fetches and shows a list of data. There is a context menu in toolbar where user can change data categories. This context menu lives outside of the list.
What I want to do is when user selects a category, the list should refetch data from backend and redraw entire of the view.
I made a BaseListView which can be reused in various screens in my app, and since the loadData is inside the BaseListView, I don't know how to invoke it to reload data.
Did I do this with good approaching? Is there any way to force SwiftUI recreates entire of view so that the BaseListView loads data & renders subviews as first time it's created?
struct ProductListView: View {
var body: some View {
rowView: { ProductRowView(product: $0, searchText: $1)},
destView: { ProductDetailsView(product: $0) },
dataProvider: {(pageIndex, searchText, complete) in
return fetchProducts(pageIndex, searchText, complete)
.toolbar {
.onReceive(self.userSettings.$selectedCategory) { category in
//TODO: Here I need to reload data & recreate entire of view.
extension ProductListView{
private func fetchProducts(_ pageIndex: Int,_ searchText: String, _ complete: #escaping ([Product], Bool) -> Void) -> AnyCancellable {
let accountId = Defaults.selectedAccountId ?? ""
let pageSize = 20
let query = AllProductsQuery(id: accountId,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
pageSize: pageSize,
search: searchText)
return Network.shared.client.fetchPublisher(query: query)
.sink{ completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
} receiveValue: { response in
if let data ={
let canLoadMore = (data.count ?? 0) > pageSize * pageIndex
let rows = data.rows
complete(rows, canLoadMore)
ProductCategory is a separated view:
struct ProductCategories: View {
#EnvironmentObject var userSettings: UserSettings
var categories = ["F&B", "Beauty", "Auto"]
var body: some View{
Menu {
ForEach(categories,id: \.self){ item in
Button(item, action: {
userSettings.selectedCategory = item
Defaults.selectedCategory = item
label: {
Text(self.userSettings.selectedCategory ?? "All")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
}.onAppear {
userSettings.selectedCategory = Defaults.selectedCategory
Since my app has various list-view with same behaviours (Pagination, search, ...), I make a BaseListView like this:
struct BaseListView<RowData: StringComparable & Identifiable, RowView: View, Target: View>: View {
enum ListState {
case loading
case loadingMore
case loaded
case error(Error)
typealias DataCallback = ([RowData],_ canLoadMore: Bool) -> Void
#State var rows: [RowData] = Array()
#State var state: ListState = .loading
#State var searchText: String = ""
#State var pageIndex = 1
#State var canLoadMore = true
#State var cancellableSet = Set<AnyCancellable>()
#ObservedObject var searchBar = SearchBar()
#State var isLoading = false
let rowView: (RowData, String) -> RowView
let destView: (RowData) -> Target
let dataProvider: (_ page: Int,_ search: String, _ complete: #escaping DataCallback) -> AnyCancellable
var searchable: Bool?
var body: some View {
.if(searchable != false){view in
print("On appear")
.debounce(for: 0.8, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.sink { text in
print("Search bar updated")
self.state = .loading
self.pageIndex = 1
self.searchText = text
}.store(in: &cancellableSet)
private var content: some View{
switch state {
case .loading:
return Spinner(isAnimating: true, style: .large).eraseToAnyView()
case .error(let error):
return Text("Unable to load data").eraseToAnyView()
case .loaded, .loadingMore:
list(of: rows)
private func list(of data: [RowData])-> some View{
let filteredData = rows.filter({
searchText.isEmpty || $0.contains(string: searchText)
ForEach(filteredData){ dataItem in
//Row content:
if let target = destView(dataItem), !(target is EmptyView){
NavigationLink(destination: target){
//LoadingMore indicator
if case ListState.loadingMore = self.state{
if self.rows.isLastItem(dataItem){
Seperator(color: .gray)
LoadingView(withText: "Loading...")
private func row(_ dataItem: RowData) -> some View{
rowView(dataItem, searchText).onAppear(){
//Check if need to load next page of data
if rows.isLastItem(dataItem) && canLoadMore && !isLoading{
isLoading = true
state = .loadingMore
pageIndex += 1
print("Load page \(pageIndex)")
private func loadData(){
dataProvider(pageIndex, searchText){ newData, canLoadMore in
self.state = .loaded
rows.append(contentsOf: newData)
self.canLoadMore = canLoadMore
isLoading = false
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

In your BaseListView you should have an onChange modifier that catches changes to userSettings.$selectedCategory and calls loadData there.
If you don't have access to userSettings in BaseListView, pass it in as a Binding or #EnvironmentObject.


Update and Pass published variable value to view after click of Button

I have a list loaded from an API. Each list item have a button. On click of button, a unique ID associated with the list item is sent to server which in response provides a pdf directly there is no other response just a pdf file, the api is like :
I have created the list and also able to download the pdf in documentDirectory by calling download task. However, I am unable to open the pdf automatically in app itself after downloading. I have created DisplayPDF struct which uses PDFKit to display as follows:
struct DisplayPDF: View {
var url:URL
var body:some View
struct PDFKitRepresentedView: UIViewRepresentable{
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context:
UIViewRepresentableContext<PDFKitRepresentedView>) {
let url: URL
init(_ url:URL)
self.url = url
func makeUIView(context:
UIViewRepresentableContext<PDFKitRepresentedView>) ->
PDFKitRepresentedView.UIViewType {
let pdfView = PDFView()
pdfView.document = PDFDocument(url: self.url)
pdfView.autoScales = true
return pdfView
I need to pass the url into the above struct. The url can be the saved location or API directly. However, the url is not passed when the DisplayPDF view is called.
What I have tried so far
1> Pass the DisplayPDF into navigationlink in ReportList(where list is loaded) struct and than either call getFile func in onAppear in DisplayPDF struct or ReportRow struct.
2> Call getFile() on ReportRow in onAppear and pass the url in DisplayPDF() there.
3> Call getFile() on DisplayPDF() onAppear and pass the url there
4> Also tried, sheet method blank sheet pops up
All failed, no value is sent to DisplayPDF(url) the moment it is called from any of the listed method.
ReportList struct
import SwiftUI
struct ReportList: View {
#ObservedObject var reportLink : ReportViewModel
var body: some View {
{report in
VStack {
ReportRow(report: report)
Text("No Report Found")
ReportRow struct:
struct ReportRow: View {
var report : ReportResponse
#StateObject var pdfDownload = PDFDownload()
var body: some View {
.font(.system(size: 16))
}.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
.font(.system(size: 14))
.font(.system(size: 14))
Button(action: {
pdfDownload.uniqueReportId = report.uniqueID
pdfDownload.patientName =
}, label:
.font(.system(size: 14))
}).frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .trailing)
I have made this PDFDownload model in which openURL is declared a published var which should provide updated url to a view(like DisplayPDF() view):
class PDFDownload : UIViewController, ObservableObject
#Published var uniqueReportId:String = String()
#Published var patientName:String = String()
#Published var isNavigate:Bool = false
#Published var openURL:URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "")
func getFile()
var urlComponents = URLComponents()
urlComponents.scheme = "http" = "myHost"
urlComponents.port = 80
urlComponents.path = "/api/Reports/DownloadReport"
urlComponents.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "uniquePackageId",
value: uniqueReportId)]
let url = urlComponents.url
let downloadTask = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url!)
urlOrNil, responseOrNil, errorOrNil in
guard let fileURL = urlOrNil else {return}
let documentURL = try FileManager.default.url(for:
.documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor:
nil, create: false)
let savedURL = documentURL.appendingPathComponent("\
try FileManager.default.moveItem(at: fileURL, to:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.openURL = savedURL
print("Error while writting")
So what is the correct way of solving this problem that the correct URL can be passed to DisplayPDF() view.
Extra: ReportResponse model:
struct DownReport : Codable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let success : Bool
let message : String
let reportResponse : [ReportResponse]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey{
case success = "IsSuccess"
case message = "Message"
case reportResponse = "ResponseData"
struct ReportResponse : Codable, Identifiable {
var id:String {uniqueID}
let patientID : String
let name : String
let status : String
let crmNo : String?
let recordDate : String
let uniqueID : String
let testCount : Int
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case patientID = "PatientId"
case name = "Name"
case status = "Status"
case crmNo = "CrmNo"
case recordDate = "RecordDate"
case uniqueID = "UniquePackageId"
case testCount = "NoOfTests"
The above response is from POST request which is sent to generate list. To get pdf only unique id as Query is sent as I have posted on top.
The above structure successfully downloads the file but fail to open the file automatically. How to do that?
Here is some sample code that shows how to download a pdf document (wikipedia),
copy it to a local file, and display it on the screen by passing the savedURL to the View. You should be able to adapt the sample code for your purpose.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import PDFKit
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var downloader = PDFDownload()
var body: some View {
VStack (spacing: 30) {
Button("download1", action: {
downloader.patientName = "patient-1"
downloader.uniqueReportId = "astwiki-Homo_heidelbergensis-20200728.pdf/astwiki-Homo_heidelbergensis-20200728.pdf"
Button("download2", action: {
downloader.patientName = "patient-2"
downloader.uniqueReportId = "rowiki-Biban_european-20200728.pdf/rowiki-Biban_european-20200728.pdf"
if downloader.isDownloading { ProgressView("downloading ...") }
.fullScreenCover(item: $downloader.openURL) { siteUrl in
DisplayPDF(url: siteUrl.url)
struct DisplayPDF: View {
#Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
let url: URL
var body:some View {
VStack {
#if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
Button("Done", action: {dismiss()})
PDFViewer(url: url)
struct PDFViewer: UIViewRepresentable {
let url: URL
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> PDFView {
let pdfView = PDFView()
pdfView.document = PDFDocument(url: url)
pdfView.autoScales = true
return pdfView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: PDFView, context: Context) { }
class PDFDownload : ObservableObject {
#Published var uniqueReportId = ""
#Published var patientName = ""
#Published var isNavigate = false
#Published var openURL: SiteURL?
#Published var isDownloading = false
func getFile() {
isDownloading = true
var urlComponents = URLComponents()
urlComponents.scheme = "https" = ""
urlComponents.path = "/0/items/\(uniqueReportId)" // <-- just for testing
// urlComponents.port = 80
// urlComponents.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "uniquePackageId", value: uniqueReportId)]
guard let url = urlComponents.url else {return}
let downloadTask = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) { urlOrNil, responseOrNil, errorOrNil in
guard let fileURL = urlOrNil else { return }
do {
let documentURL = try FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
let savedURL = documentURL.appendingPathComponent("\(self.patientName)_\(UUID().uuidString).pdf")
try FileManager.default.moveItem(at: fileURL, to: savedURL)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.openURL = SiteURL(url: savedURL)
self.isDownloading = false
catch {
print("Error \(error)")
struct SiteURL: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var url: URL
Updated Answer with your update question: the row will update when the file is downloaded, it will then be a navigation link to display pdf
struct DownReport : Codable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let success : Bool
let message : String
let reportResponse : [ReportResponse]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey{
case success = "IsSuccess"
case message = "Message"
case reportResponse = "ResponseData"
struct ReportResponse : Codable, Identifiable {
var id:String {uniqueID}
let patientID : String
let name : String
let status : String
let crmNo : String?
let recordDate : String
let uniqueID : String
let testCount : Int
// This URL is only set when report has been downloaded and it does not need to be part of the response
var localFileUrl: URL?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case patientID = "PatientId"
case name = "Name"
case status = "Status"
case crmNo = "CrmNo"
case recordDate = "RecordDate"
case uniqueID = "UniquePackageId"
case testCount = "NoOfTests"
class ReportViewModel: ObservableObject {
// some dummy value
#Published var trackReport: [ReportResponse] = [ReportResponse(patientID: "0001", name: "patient-1", status: "status", crmNo: nil, recordDate: "today", uniqueID: "010001", testCount: 1),ReportResponse(patientID: "0002", name: "patient-2", status: "status", crmNo: nil, recordDate: "today", uniqueID: "010002", testCount: 3)]
// Update the report in the array ussing report unique ID
func updateReport(withId reportId: String, url: URL) {
guard let index = trackReport.firstIndex(where: {$0.uniqueID == reportId}) else {return}
var report = trackReport[index]
report.localFileUrl = url
trackReport[index] = report
// no need for any observation on pdfDownload object as the completion will do the jobs
class PDFDownload {
var uniqueReportId: String
var patientName: String
init(uniqueReportId:String, patientName:String) {
self.uniqueReportId = uniqueReportId
self.patientName = patientName
func getFile(completion: #escaping (URL) -> ())
var urlComponents = URLComponents()
urlComponents.scheme = "http" = "myHost"
urlComponents.port = 80
urlComponents.path = "/api/Reports/DownloadReport"
urlComponents.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "uniquePackageId",value: uniqueReportId)]
let url = urlComponents.url
// print(url?.absoluteString)
let downloadTask = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url!)
urlOrNil, responseOrNil, errorOrNil in
// Simulation of downloading
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completion(URL(fileURLWithPath: "report\(self.patientName).pdf"))
guard let fileURL = urlOrNil else {return}
let documentURL = try FileManager.default.url(for:
.documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor:
nil, create: false)
let savedURL = documentURL.appendingPathComponent("\(self.patientName)_\(UUID().uuidString).pdf")
try FileManager.default.moveItem(at: fileURL, to:
// Update the report url
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Error while writting")
struct ReportList: View {
#ObservedObject var reportLink : ReportViewModel
var body: some View {
ForEach(reportLink.trackReport) { report in
if let url = report.localFileUrl {
NavigationLink {
DisplayPDF(url: url)
} label: {
} else {
ReportRow(report: report, updateReport: updateReport)
// Moved out of ForEach
Text("No Report Found")
func updateReport(withId reportId: String, url: URL) {
reportLink.updateReport(withId: reportId, url: url)
struct ReportRow: View {
var report: ReportResponse
var updateReport: (String, URL) -> ()
var body: some View {
.font(.system(size: 16))
}.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
.font(.system(size: 14))
.font(.system(size: 14))
Button(action: {
let pdfDownload = PDFDownload(uniqueReportId: report.uniqueID, patientName:
pdfDownload.getFile(completion: updateReportUrl)
}, label:
.font(.system(size: 14))
}).frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .trailing)
func updateReportUrl(url: URL) {
updateReport(report.uniqueID, url)
struct DisplayPDF: View {
var url:URL
var body:some View
// Stub as I can not download
// PDFKitRepresentedView(url)
struct PDFKitRepresentedView: UIViewRepresentable{
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context:
UIViewRepresentableContext<PDFKitRepresentedView>) {
let url: URL
init(_ url:URL)
self.url = url
func makeUIView(context:
UIViewRepresentableContext<PDFKitRepresentedView>) ->
PDFKitRepresentedView.UIViewType {
let pdfView = PDFView()
pdfView.document = PDFDocument(url: self.url)
pdfView.autoScales = true
return pdfView

SwiftUI: stay on same TextField after on commit?

is it possible in SwiftUI to keep the typing cursor on the same Textfield even after the user taps on Return key on keyboard ?
Here is my code:
struct RowView: View {
#Binding var checklistItem: ChecklistItem
#ObservedObject var checklist = Checklist()
#ObservedObject var viewModel: ChecklistViewModel
var body: some View {
HStack {
Button {
} label: {
.strokeBorder(checklistItem.isChecked ? checklistSelected : contentPrimary, lineWidth: checklistItem.isChecked ? 6 : 2)
.frame(width: 16, height: 16)
// swiftlint:disable trailing_closure
text: $,
onCommit: {
do {
if ! {
self.viewModel.updateChecklist(checklistItem) =
// swiftlint:enable trailing_closure
.foregroundColor(checklistItem.isChecked ? contentTertiary : contentPrimary)
So after the user taps on return key on keyboard, TextField() onCommit should be activated normally but the cursor stays in that same textfield so the user can keep typing in new elements.
iOS 15+
You can use #FocusState and, on commit, immediately set the TextField to have focus again.
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var text = "Hello world!"
#FocusState private var isFieldFocused: Bool
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("Field", text: $text, onCommit: {
isFieldFocused = true
I was able to achieve this in iOS 14 by creating a custom TextField class:
struct AlwaysActiveTextField: UIViewRepresentable {
let placeholder: String
#Binding var text: String
var focusable: Binding<[Bool]>?
var returnKeyType: UIReturnKeyType = .next
var autocapitalizationType: UITextAutocapitalizationType = .none
var keyboardType: UIKeyboardType = .default
var isSecureTextEntry: Bool
var tag: Int
var onCommit: () -> Void
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UITextField {
let activeTextField = UITextField(frame: .zero)
activeTextField.delegate = context.coordinator
activeTextField.placeholder = placeholder
activeTextField.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
activeTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(
string: placeholder,
attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor(contentSecondary)]
activeTextField.returnKeyType = returnKeyType
activeTextField.autocapitalizationType = autocapitalizationType
activeTextField.keyboardType = keyboardType
activeTextField.isSecureTextEntry = isSecureTextEntry
activeTextField.textAlignment = .left
activeTextField.tag = tag
// toolbar
if keyboardType == .numberPad { // keyboard does not have next so add next button in the toolbar
var items = [UIBarButtonItem]()
let spacer = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil)
let toolbar: UIToolbar = UIToolbar()
let nextButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Next", style: .plain, target: context.coordinator, action: #selector(Coordinator.showNextTextField))
items.append(contentsOf: [spacer, nextButton])
toolbar.setItems(items, animated: false)
activeTextField.inputAccessoryView = toolbar
// Editin listener
activeTextField.addTarget(context.coordinator, action: #selector(Coordinator.textFieldDidChange(_:)), for: .editingChanged)
return activeTextField
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UITextField, context: Context) {
uiView.text = text
if let focusable = focusable?.wrappedValue {
if focusable[uiView.tag] { // set focused
} else { // remove keyboard
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
final class Coordinator: NSObject, UITextFieldDelegate {
let activeTextField: AlwaysActiveTextField
var hasEndedViaReturn = false
weak var textField: UITextField?
init(_ activeTextField: AlwaysActiveTextField) {
self.activeTextField = activeTextField
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
self.textField = textField
guard let textFieldCount = activeTextField.focusable?.wrappedValue.count else { return }
var focusable: [Bool] = Array(repeating: false, count: textFieldCount) // remove focus from all text field
focusable[textField.tag] = true // mark current textField focused
activeTextField.focusable?.wrappedValue = focusable
// work around for number pad
func showNextTextField() {
if let textField = self.textField {
_ = textFieldShouldReturn(textField)
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
hasEndedViaReturn = true
guard var focusable = activeTextField.focusable?.wrappedValue else {
return true
focusable[textField.tag] = true // mark current textField focused
activeTextField.focusable?.wrappedValue = focusable
return true
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
if !hasEndedViaReturn {// user dismisses keyboard
guard let textFieldCount = activeTextField.focusable?.wrappedValue.count else { return }
// reset all text field, so that makeUIView cannot trigger keyboard
activeTextField.focusable?.wrappedValue = Array(repeating: false, count: textFieldCount)
} else {
hasEndedViaReturn = false
func textFieldDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) {
activeTextField.text = textField.text ?? ""
and use in in the SwiftUI view by adding this #State variable:
#State var fieldFocus: [Bool] = [false]
and add the Textfield code it self anywhere waiting the view body:
placeholder: "Add...",
text: $newItemName,
focusable: $fieldFocus,
returnKeyType: .next,
isSecureTextEntry: false,
tag: 0,
onCommit: {
print("any action you want on commit")

How to update Navigation Link subscript with an array of views inside a ForEach Loop?

I am utilizing a search bar from a Kavsoft Tutorial here: "", I'm wondering on how to add navigation links to each of the items, I decided on embedding the itemView inside a navigation link with an array of views to loop through but it seems that it doesn't accept the index as a parameter giving "Cannot convert value of type 'item' to expected argument type 'Int'", instead I incremented the subscript on appear in the navigation link, although that updates the variable, but it doesn't seem to work for the different views themselves only navigating to the first view.
I've linked all the code needed to reproduce the problem but due to my incredibly limited experience in reproducing the problem in as less code as possible, I am not able to do so. Below the main issue of concern is the block starting from the VStack. Starting the program can be done by just adding Search_Bar() to content view body.
struct Home: View {
let views : [AnyView] = [ AnyView(untitled_Skull()), AnyView(dogs()), AnyView(cats()) ]
#Binding var filteredItems : [item]
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false) {
var i = 0
VStack(spacing: 15){
ForEach(filteredItems){index in
NavigationLink(destination: views[i]
) {
itemView(item: index)
}.onAppear() {
i = i + 1
func add(value: Int) -> Int {
let value = value + 1
return value
struct itemView: View {
var item: item
#State var show = false
var body: some View {
HStack(spacing: 15){
VStack {
let colorArray: [Color] = [.yellowLichtenstien, .redHaring, .orangeBasquiat, .pinkWarhol]
HStack {
HStack {
.foregroundColor (.white)
.frame(width: 5, height: 5)
.foregroundColor (.white)
struct item: Identifiable {
var id = UUID().uuidString
// both Image And Name Are Same....
var name: String
// since all Are Apple Native Apps...
var color: Int
var subText: String
var subText2: String
var searchItems = [
item(name: "Untitled (Skull)", color: 0, subText: "1983", subText2: "yay"),
item(name: "Dogs", color: 1, subText: "1972", subText2: "wow"),
item(name: "Cats", color: 2, subText: "1968", subText2: "oof")
struct Search_Bar: View {
#State var filteredItems = searchItems
var body: some View {
CustomNavigationView(view: AnyView(Home(filteredItems: $filteredItems)), placeHolder: "Museums, Art or anything else.", largeTitle: true, title: "Search",
onSearch: { (txt) in
if txt != ""{
self.filteredItems = searchItems.filter{$}
self.filteredItems = searchItems
}, onCancel: {
// Do Your Own Code When Search And Canceled....
self.filteredItems = searchItems
struct Search_Bar_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
import SwiftUI
struct CustomNavigationView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
return CustomNavigationView.Coordinator(parent: self)
// Just Change Your View That Requires Search Bar...
var view: AnyView
// Ease Of Use.....
var largeTitle: Bool
var title: String
var placeHolder: String
// onSearch And OnCancel Closures....
var onSearch: (String)->()
var onCancel: ()->()
// requre closure on Call...
init(view: AnyView,placeHolder: String? = "Search",largeTitle: Bool? = true,title: String,onSearch: #escaping (String)->(),onCancel: #escaping ()->()) {
self.title = title
self.largeTitle = largeTitle!
self.placeHolder = placeHolder!
self.view = view
self.onSearch = onSearch
self.onCancel = onCancel
// Integrating UIKit Navigation Controller With SwiftUI View...
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UINavigationController {
// requires SwiftUI View...
let childView = UIHostingController(rootView: view)
let controller = UINavigationController(rootViewController: childView)
// Nav Bar Data...
controller.navigationBar.topItem?.title = title
controller.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = largeTitle
// search Bar....
let searchController = UISearchController()
searchController.searchBar.placeholder = placeHolder
// setting delegate...
searchController.searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator
// setting Search Bar In NavBar...
// disabling hide on scroll...
// disabling dim bg..
searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
controller.navigationBar.topItem?.hidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false
controller.navigationBar.topItem?.searchController = searchController
return controller
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UINavigationController, context: Context) {
// Updating Real Time...
uiViewController.navigationBar.topItem?.title = title
uiViewController.navigationBar.topItem?.searchController?.searchBar.placeholder = placeHolder
uiViewController.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = largeTitle
// search Bar Delegate...
class Coordinator: NSObject,UISearchBarDelegate{
var parent: CustomNavigationView
init(parent: CustomNavigationView) {
self.parent = parent
func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
// when text changes....
func searchBarCancelButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
// when cancel button is clicked...
Letting the random view below for the array being for example:
import SwiftUI
struct cats: View {
var body: some View {
Text("cats") //replacing this with dogs or untitled skull as an example.
struct cats_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
You can use ForEach getting the item and its index in the closure :
ForEach(Array(filteredItems.enumerated()), id: \ { index, item in
NavigationLink(destination: views[index]){
For example :
struct ListItem: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
struct SwiftUIView17: View {
#State private var filteredItems = ["John", "Bob", "Maria"].map(ListItem.init)
let views = [AnyView(Text("John destination")), AnyView(Text("Bob destination")), AnyView(Text("Maria destination"))]
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
ForEach(Array(filteredItems.enumerated()), id: \ { index, item in
NavigationLink(destination: views[index]){
But it would be better not to use AnyView but a ViewBuilder :
struct SwiftUIView17: View {
#State private var filteredItems = ["John", "Bob", "Maria"].map(ListItem.init)
#ViewBuilder func destination(for itemIndex: Int) -> some View {
switch itemIndex {
case 0: Text("John destination")
case 1: Text("Bob destination").foregroundColor(.red)
case 2: Rectangle()
default: Text("error")
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
ForEach(Array(filteredItems.enumerated()), id: \ { index, item in
NavigationLink(destination: destination(for: index)){

TabView SwiftUI return to Home page on click [duplicate]

Starting point is a NavigationView within a TabView. I'm struggling with finding a SwiftUI solution to pop to the root view within the navigation stack when the selected tab is tapped again. In the pre-SwiftUI times, this was as simple as the following:
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) {
let navController = viewController as! UINavigationController
navController.popViewController(animated: true)
Do you know how the same thing can be achieved in SwiftUI?
Currently, I use the following workaround that relies on UIKit:
if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: UIHostingController(rootView: MyCustomView() // -> this is a normal SwiftUI file
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, context)))
navigationController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: "My View 1", image: nil, selectedImage: nil)
// add more controllers that are part of tab bar controller
let tabBarController = UITabBarController()
tabBarController.viewControllers = [navigationController /* , additional controllers */ ]
window.rootViewController = tabBarController // UIHostingController(rootView: contentView)
self.window = window
Here is possible approach. For TabView it gives the same behaviour as tapping to the another tab and back, so gives persistent look & feel.
Tested & works with Xcode 11.2 / iOS 13.2
Full module code:
import SwiftUI
struct TestPopToRootInTab: View {
#State private var selection = 0
#State private var resetNavigationID = UUID()
var body: some View {
let selectable = Binding( // << proxy binding to catch tab tap
get: { self.selection },
set: { self.selection = $0
// set new ID to recreate NavigationView, so put it
// in root state, same as is on change tab and back
self.resetNavigationID = UUID()
return TabView(selection: selectable) {
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")
private func tab1() -> some View {
NavigationView {
NavigationLink(destination: TabChildView()) {
Text("Tab1 - Initial")
}.id(self.resetNavigationID) // << making id modifiable
private func tab2() -> some View {
struct TabChildView: View {
var number = 1
var body: some View {
NavigationLink("Child \(number)",
destination: TabChildView(number: number + 1))
struct TestPopToRootInTab_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Here's an approach that uses a PassthroughSubject to notify the child view whenever the tab is re-selected, and a view modifier to allow you to attach .onReselect() to a view.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
enum TabSelection: String {
case A, B, C // etc
private struct DidReselectTabKey: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: AnyPublisher<TabSelection, Never> = Just(.Mood).eraseToAnyPublisher()
private struct CurrentTabSelection: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: Binding<TabSelection> = .constant(.Mood)
private extension EnvironmentValues {
var tabSelection: Binding<TabSelection> {
get {
return self[CurrentTabSelection.self]
set {
self[CurrentTabSelection.self] = newValue
var didReselectTab: AnyPublisher<TabSelection, Never> {
get {
return self[DidReselectTabKey.self]
set {
self[DidReselectTabKey.self] = newValue
private struct ReselectTabViewModifier: ViewModifier {
#Environment(\.didReselectTab) private var didReselectTab
#State var isVisible = false
let action: (() -> Void)?
init(perform action: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
self.action = action
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.onAppear {
self.isVisible = true
}.onDisappear {
self.isVisible = false
}.onReceive(didReselectTab) { _ in
if self.isVisible, let action = self.action {
extension View {
public func onReselect(perform action: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> some View {
return self.modifier(ReselectTabViewModifier(perform: action))
struct NavigableTabViewItem<Content: View>: View {
#Environment(\.didReselectTab) var didReselectTab
let tabSelection: TabSelection
let imageName: String
let content: Content
init(tabSelection: TabSelection, imageName: String, #ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
self.tabSelection = tabSelection
self.imageName = imageName
self.content = content()
var body: some View {
let didReselectThisTab = didReselectTab.filter( { $0 == tabSelection }).eraseToAnyPublisher()
NavigationView {
.navigationBarTitle(tabSelection.localizedStringKey, displayMode: .inline)
}.tabItem {
Image(systemName: imageName)
.environment(\.didReselectTab, didReselectThisTab)
struct NavigableTabView<Content: View>: View {
#State private var didReselectTab = PassthroughSubject<TabSelection, Never>()
#State private var _selection: TabSelection = .Mood
let content: Content
init(#ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) {
self.content = content()
var body: some View {
let selection = Binding(get: { self._selection },
set: {
if self._selection == $0 {
self._selection = $0
TabView(selection: selection) {
.environment(\.tabSelection, selection)
.environment(\.didReselectTab, didReselectTab.eraseToAnyPublisher())
Here's how I did it:
struct UIKitTabView: View {
var viewControllers: [UIHostingController<AnyView>]
init(_ tabs: [Tab]) {
self.viewControllers = {
let host = UIHostingController(rootView: $0.view)
host.tabBarItem = $0.barItem
return host
var body: some View {
TabBarController(controllers: viewControllers).edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
struct Tab {
var view: AnyView
var barItem: UITabBarItem
init<V: View>(view: V, barItem: UITabBarItem) {
self.view = AnyView(view)
self.barItem = barItem
struct TabBarController: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
var controllers: [UIViewController]
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UITabBarController {
let tabBarController = UITabBarController()
tabBarController.viewControllers = controllers
tabBarController.delegate = context.coordinator
return tabBarController
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UITabBarController, context: Context) { }
extension TabBarController {
func makeCoordinator() -> TabBarController.Coordinator {
class Coordinator: NSObject, UITabBarControllerDelegate {
var parent: TabBarController
init(_ parent: TabBarController){self.parent = parent}
var previousController: UIViewController?
private var shouldSelectIndex = -1
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
shouldSelectIndex = tabBarController.selectedIndex
return true
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) {
if shouldSelectIndex == tabBarController.selectedIndex {
if let navVC = tabBarController.viewControllers![shouldSelectIndex].nearestNavigationController {
if (!(navVC.popViewController(animated: true) != nil)) {
extension UIViewController {
var nearestNavigationController: UINavigationController? {
if let selfTypeCast = self as? UINavigationController {
return selfTypeCast
if children.isEmpty {
return nil
for child in self.children {
return child.nearestNavigationController
return nil
extension UIViewController {
func scrollToTop() {
func scrollToTop(view: UIView?) {
guard let view = view else { return }
switch view {
case let scrollView as UIScrollView:
if scrollView.scrollsToTop == true {
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0.0, y:, animated: true)
for subView in view.subviews {
scrollToTop(view: subView)
scrollToTop(view: view)
Then in ContentView.swift I use it like this:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
view: FirstView().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.top),
barItem: UITabBarItem(title: "Tab1", image: UIImage(systemName: "star"), selectedImage: UIImage(systemName: "star.fill"))
view: SecondView().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.top),
barItem: UITabBarItem(title: "Tab2", image: UIImage(systemName: "star"), selectedImage: UIImage(systemName: "star.fill"))
Note that when the user is already on the root view, it scrolls to top automatically
Here's what I did with introspect swiftUI library.
struct TabBar: View {
#State var tabSelected: Int = 0
#State var navBarOne: UINavigationController?
#State var navBarTwo: UINavigationController?
#State var navBarThree: UINavigationController?
var body: some View {
return TabView(selection: $tabSelected){
NavView(navigationView: $navBarOne).tabItem {
Label("Home1",systemImage: "bag.fill")
NavView(navigationView: $navBarTwo).tabItem {
Label("Orders",systemImage: "scroll.fill" )
NavView(navigationView: $navBarThree).tabItem {
Label("Wallet", systemImage: "dollarsign.square.fill" )
// Image(systemName: tabSelected == 2 ? "dollarsign.square.fill" : "dollarsign.square")
}.onTapGesture(count: 2) {
switch tabSelected{
case 0:
self.navBarOne?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
case 1:
self.navBarTwo?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
case 2:
self.navBarThree?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
import SwiftUI
import Introspect
struct NavView: View {
#Binding var navigationView: UINavigationController?
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Detail view")) {
Text("Go To detail")
}.introspectNavigationController { navController in
navigationView = navController
This actually isn't the best approach because it makes the entire tab view and everything inside of it have the double-tap gesture which would pop the view to its root. My current fix for this allows for one tap to pop up root view haven't figured out how to add double tap
struct TabBar: View {
#State var tabSelected: Int = 0
#State var navBarOne: UINavigationController?
#State var navBarTwo: UINavigationController?
#State var navBarThree: UINavigationController?
#State var selectedIndex:Int = 0
var selectionBinding: Binding<Int> { Binding(
get: {
set: {
if $0 == self.selectedIndex {
popToRootView(tabSelected: $0)
self.selectedIndex = $0
var body: some View {
return TabView(selection: $tabSelected){
NavView(navigationView: $navBarOne).tabItem {
Label("Home1",systemImage: "bag.fill")
NavView(navigationView: $navBarTwo).tabItem {
Label("Orders",systemImage: "scroll.fill" )
NavView(navigationView: $navBarThree).tabItem {
Label("Wallet", systemImage: "dollarsign.square.fill" )
// Image(systemName: tabSelected == 2 ? "dollarsign.square.fill" : "dollarsign.square")
func popToRootView(tabSelected: Int){
switch tabSelected{
case 0:
self.navBarOne?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
case 1:
self.navBarTwo?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
case 2:
self.navBarThree?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
I took an approach similar to Asperi
Use a combination of a custom binding, and a separately stored app state var for keeping state of the navigation link.
The custom binding allows you to see all taps basically even when the current tab is the one thats tapped, something that onChange of tab selection binding doesn't show. This is what imitates the UIKit TabViewDelegate behavior.
This doesn't require a "double tap", if you just a single tap of the current, if you want double tap you'll need to implement your own tap/time tracking but shouldn't be too hard.
class AppState: ObservableObject {
#Published var mainViewShowingDetailView = false
struct ContentView: View {
#State var tabState: Int = 0
#StateObject var appState = AppState()
var body: some View {
let binding = Binding<Int>(get: { tabState },
set: { newValue in
if newValue == tabState { // tapped same tab they're already on
switch newValue {
case 0: appState.mainViewShowingDetailView = false
default: break
tabState = newValue // make sure you actually set the storage
TabView(selection: binding) {
.tabItem({ Label("Home", systemImage: "list.dash") })
struct MainView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var appState: AppState
var body: {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Hello World")
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(),
isActive: $appState.mainViewShowingDetailView,
label: { Text("Show Detail") })
struct DetailView: View {
iOS 16 / NavigationStack approach with PassthroughSubject
Uses willSet on selectedTab to get the tap event, and uses a PassthroughSubject for sending the event to the children. This is picked up by the .onReceived and calls a function for popping the views from the NavigationStack
Did a full write up here: and created a working demo project here:
class HomeViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var selectedTab: Tab = .tab1 {
willSet {
if selectedTab == newValue {
let subject = PassthroughSubject<Tab, Never>()
enum Tab: Int {
case tab1 = 0
struct HomeView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel: HomeViewModel = .init()
var body: some View {
TabView(selection: $viewModel.selectedTab) {
Tab1View(subject: viewModel.subject)
.tabItem {
Label("Tab 1", systemImage: "1.lane")
Text("Tab 1", comment: "Tab bar title")
struct Tab1View: View {
#StateObject var viewModel: Tab1ViewModel = .init()
let subject: PassthroughSubject<HomeViewModel.Tab, Never>
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $viewModel.path) {
List {
NavigationLink(value: Tab1ViewModel.Route.viewOne("From tab 1")) {
Text("Go deeper to OneView")
NavigationLink(value: Tab1ViewModel.Route.viewTwo("From tab 1")) {
Text("Go deeper to TwoView")
.navigationTitle("Tab 1")
.navigationDestination(for: Tab1ViewModel.Route.self, destination: { route in
switch route {
case let .viewOne(text):
case let .viewTwo(text):
.onReceive(subject) { tab in
if case .tab1 = tab { viewModel.tabBarTapped() }
class Tab1ViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var path: [Route] = []
func tabBarTapped() {
if path.count > 0 {
enum Route: Hashable {
case viewOne(String)
case viewTwo(String)

Custom UITextField wrapped in UIViewRepresentable interfering with ObservableObject in NavigationView

I have created a UIViewRepresentable to wrap a UITextField so that:
it can be set it to become the first responder when the view loads.
the next textfield can be set to become the first responder when enter is pressed
When used inside a NavigationView, unless the keyboard is dismissed from previous views, the view doesn't observe the value in their ObservedObject.
Why is this happening? What can I do to fix this behaviour?
Keyboard from root view not dismissed:
Keyboard from root view dismissed:
Here is the said UIViewRepresentable
struct SimplifiedFocusableTextField: UIViewRepresentable {
#Binding var text: String
private var isResponder: Binding<Bool>?
private var placeholder: String
private var tag: Int
public init(
_ placeholder: String = "",
text: Binding<String>,
isResponder: Binding<Bool>? = nil,
tag: Int = 0
) {
self._text = text
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.isResponder = isResponder
self.tag = tag
func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SimplifiedFocusableTextField>) -> UITextField {
// create textfield
let textField = UITextField()
// set delegate
textField.delegate = context.coordinator
// configure textfield
textField.placeholder = placeholder
textField.setContentHuggingPriority(.defaultHigh, for: .vertical)
textField.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.defaultLow, for: .horizontal)
textField.tag = self.tag
// return
return textField
func makeCoordinator() -> SimplifiedFocusableTextField.Coordinator {
return Coordinator(text: $text, isResponder: self.isResponder)
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UITextField, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<SimplifiedFocusableTextField>) {
// update text
uiView.text = text
// set first responder ONCE
if self.isResponder?.wrappedValue == true && !uiView.isFirstResponder && !context.coordinator.didBecomeFirstResponder{
context.coordinator.didBecomeFirstResponder = true
class Coordinator: NSObject, UITextFieldDelegate {
#Binding var text: String
private var isResponder: Binding<Bool>?
var didBecomeFirstResponder = false
init(text: Binding<String>, isResponder: Binding<Bool>?) {
_text = text
self.isResponder = isResponder
func textFieldDidChangeSelection(_ textField: UITextField) {
text = textField.text ?? ""
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.isResponder?.wrappedValue = true
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.isResponder?.wrappedValue = false
And to reproduce, here is the contentView:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
return NavigationView { FieldView(tag: 0) }
and here's the view with the field and its view model
struct FieldView: View {
#ObservedObject private var viewModel = FieldViewModel()
#State private var focus = false
var tag: Int
var body: some View {
return VStack {
// listen to viewModel's value
// text field
SimplifiedFocusableTextField("placeholder", text: self.$viewModel.value, isResponder: $focus, tag: self.tag)
// push to stack
NavigationLink(destination: FieldView(tag: self.tag + 1)) {
// dummy for tapping to dismiss keyboard
.onAppear {
self.focus = true
public extension View {
func dismissKeyboardOnTap() -> some View {
public struct DismissKeyboardOnTap: ViewModifier {
public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
return content.gesture(tapGesture)
private var tapGesture: some Gesture {
private func endEditing() {
.filter {$0.activationState == .foregroundActive}
.map {$0 as? UIWindowScene}
.filter {$0.isKeyWindow}
class FieldViewModel: ObservableObject {
var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
// diplays
#Published var value = ""
It looks like SwiftUI rendering engine again over-optimized...
Here is fixed part - just make destination unique forcefully using .id. Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4
NavigationLink(destination: FieldView(tag: self.tag + 1).id(UUID())) {