Understanding how to configure pre-commit with repo: local - pre-commit.com

I'm trying to get pre-commit working at work (I have it working on personal computer). Our security setup will not allow pre-commit to reference external repos and pip install external packages from them.
It seems like my options are:
Keep a copy of needed repositories on local git server
Setup .pre-commit-config.yml to use local repo
Before I decide which path to take, I want to know more about how the local repo works, but can't find a lot of documentation on the specifics on the pre-commit website (or elsewhere).
I've got the .pre-commit-config.yml setup like the example below.
- repo: local
- id: isort
name: Run isort
entry: isort
language: system
- id: black
name: Run black
entry: black
language: system
- id: flake8
name: Run flake8
entry: flake8
language: system
- id: pydocstyle
name: Run pydocstyle
entry: pydocstyle
language: system
If I use the above .pre-commit-config.yml, what system versions of the packages are used? Is it the version in the active conda environment (I'm using conda)? I thought that would be the case, but the pre-commit hooks appear to be running even though I don't have isort, black, and flake8 or pydocstyle in the activated conda environment.
That seems odd to me, but I can't find anything online to confirm what system versions of those packages will be used in the local repository setup.
Also, what happens if I use language: python instead of language: system?
I'm also open if anyone else has any ideas about a way to use pre-commit with the security restrictions I face besides what I've outlined.

repository local hooks are documented here
generally they are the escape hatch for the framework and are generally not the route you should be aiming to take (the suggested route being using the reusable repositories)
language: system is an additional escape hatch, in this mode pre-commit does not manage your tools and you must install them all manually (this defeats the purpose of the framework entirely, but it enable some amount of legacy compatibility in some use cases). for language: system it will run the tools as if you're running them in your shell (for example entry: flake8 will use whatever which flake8 returns)
language: python on the other hand is a managed environment, pre-commit will set it up and install it for you. ~generally if you're using language: python with repo: local you'll leverage additional_dependencies to install those things
each of the languages are documented on the website as well
disclaimer: I created pre-commit


Can I load additional libraries in Gitpod without creating my own Docker image?

I have recently tried out Gitpod, which seems to be a quite cool tool.
For testing purposes, I have opened some C++ GitHub repository of mine that uses Boost (among other libraries). Unfortunately, Boost does not seem to be installed in the Docker image, so my code does not compile.
I know about the possibility of creating own Docker images, but I was wondering if there are alternative, easier options as well. Does Gitpod provide any Environment Modules-like option to dynamically load/unload certain "commonly used" libraries or do I always have to provide my own Docker instance in this case?
I work on Gitpod. Thank you for trying it and the compliment :)
We didn't want to invent yet another module system for Gitpod.
Instead, we decided to support Dockerfiles and build them on-demand, because Dockerfiles allow using all those amazing module systems that are already out there: Debian's packages, Alpine's packages, Node Version Manager (NVM), Ruby Version Manager (RVM), SDKman, etc. Basically any Linux-compatible package manager down to simple wget.
You can also use own Docker images, but I find Dockerfiles more convenient because you can check them into git and thereby version them together with your source code. It's dev-environment-as-code and should be shared across the team. Also, you don't need to bother with building and pushing them to a registry (e.g. hub.docker.com).
What Gitpod does offer, hoever, is a selection of Docker images (src). The most prominent one is gitpod/workspace-full, which it Gitpod's default image.
To get back to your question about the easiest way to get the right modules into your Gitpod development environment:
inheriting from gitpod/workspace-full is very convenient.
If you don't want (2), copy'n'pasting sections from gitpod/workspace-full is convenient.
Often, putting RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev into your Dockerfile is enough. This is APT to install the package libboost-all-dev.
Most software projects have documentation on how to build them under Linux. These instructions usually work in Dockerfiles, too.
Search on hub.docker.com for useful Docker images. You can inherit from those images or find their Dockerfiles and copy'n'paste sections from there.

how to use apt-buildpack from cloudfoundry repo

The apt-buildpack is experimental and not yet intended for production use. I guess that's why also no documentation.
Creating container
Successfully created container
Downloading app package...
Downloaded app package (862.7K)
Warning: this buildpack can only be run as a supply buildpack, it can not be run alone
Failed to compile droplet: Failed to compile droplet: exit status 1
Destroying container
Exit status 223
Stopping instance abdfc8d0-699e-4834-9f2d-2b8aec218423
Successfully destroyed container
Can you give me example how to push cf-env sample app and install for example rtorrent and/or openvpn. Is it possible to install gnome for testing purposes?
As far as usage goes it's pretty simple, you just need to include an apt.yml in the root directory of your app. That should contain among other things, the list of packages to install.
- ascii
- libxml
- https://example.com/exciting.deb
The buildpack supports installing package names, deb files, custom APT repositories, and even PPAs.
Please see the README for further instructions.
This message:
Warning: this buildpack can only be run as a supply buildpack, it can not be run alone
Is telling you that the Apt buildpack only functions to supply binaries. It doesn't actually know how to run your app or any application. For more on the supply script, check out the docs here.
The trick to making it work is that you need to use multi buildpack support. Instructions for doing that can be found here. This should work with most apps, but there's a simple example here.
Once your app stages & starts, you can confirm that your packages were installed by running cf ssh apt-test -t -c "/tmp/lifecycle/launcher /home/vcap/app bash ''". Anything that was installed should be on the path, but if you want to see where things are installed it'll be under the /home/vcap/deps/<buildpack-number>/.
That should be about it. Hope that helps!

Tomcat + Hudson and testing a Django Application

I'm using Hudson for the expected purpose of testing our Django application. In initial testing, I would deploy Hudson using the war method:
java -jar hudson.war
This worked great. However, we wanted to run the Hudson instance on Tomcat for stability and better flexibility for security.
However, now with Tomcat running Hudson does not seem to recognize previously-recognized Python libraries like Virtualenv. Here's an output from a test:
+ bash ./config/testsuite/hudson-build.sh
./config/testsuite/hudson-build.sh: line 5: virtualenv: command not found
./config/testsuite/hudson-build.sh: line 6: ./ve/bin/activate: No such file or directory
./config/testsuite/hudson-build.sh: line 7: pip: command not found
virtualenv and pip were both installed using sudo easy_install, where are they?
virtualenv: /usr/local/bin/virtualenv
pip: /usr/local/bin/pip
Hudson now runs under the tomcat6 user. If I su into the tomcat6 user and check for virtualenv, it recognizes it. Thus, I am at a loss as to why it doesn't recognize it there.
I tried removing the commands from a script and placing it line-by-line into the shell execute box in Hudson and still same issue.
Any ideas? Cheers.
You can configure your environment variables globally via Manage Hudson ->
Environment Variables or per machine via Machine -> Configure ->
Environment Variables (or per build with the Setenv plugin). It sounds like
you may need to set the PATH and PYTHONPATH appropriately; at least that's the
simple solution.
Edited to add: I feel as though the following is a bit of a rant, though not really directed at you or your situation. I think that you already have the right mindset here since you're using virtualenv and pip in the first place -- and it's not unreasonable for you to say, "we expect our build machines to have virtualenv and pip installed in /usr/local," and be done with it. Take the rest as you will...
While the PATH is a simple thing to set up, having different build
environments (or relying on a user's environment) is an integration "smell".
If you depend on a certain environment in your build, then you should either
verify the environment or explicitly set it up as part of the build. I put
environment setup in the build scripts rather than in Hudson.
Maybe your only assumption is that virtualenv and pip are in the PATH (because
those are good tools for managing other dependencies), but build
assumptions tend to grow and get forgotten (until you need to set up a new
machine or user). I find it useful to either have explicit checks, or refer to
explicit executable paths that are part of my defined build environment. It is
especially useful to have a explicitly defined environment when you have
legacy builds or if you depend on specific versions of your build tools.
As part of builds where I've had environment problems (especially on Windows
with cygwin), I print the environment as the first build step. (But I tend to
be a little paranoid proactive.)
I don't mean to sound so preachy, I'm just trying to share my perspective.
Just to add to Dave Bacher's comment:
If you set your path in .profile, it is most likely not executed when running tomcat. The .profile (or whatever the name is on your system) is only executed when you have a login shell. To set necessary environment variables, you have to use a different set of file. Sometimes they are called .env and they exist on global and user level. In my environment (AIX), the user level .env file can have a different name (name is set in the env variable either in global environment file (eg. /etc/environment) or by parameter, when starting the shell).
Disclaimer: This is for the IBM AIX ksh, but should be the same for ksh on other systems.
P.S. I just found a nice explanation for .profile and .env from the HP site. Notice that they speak of a login shell (!) when they speak about the execution of the .profile file.

Django + SVN + Deployment

I'm a strong proponent of version control, and am starting work on a Django project. I've done a few before, and have tried a few different approaches, but I haven't yet found a decent structure that I actually feel comfortable with.
Here's what I want:
a) Source code checked into version control
b) Preferably the environment is not checked into version control (something like buildout or pip requirements.txt is fine for setting up the environment)
c) A reasonable "get a new developer going" story
d) A reasonable deployment story - preferably the entire deployment environment could be generated by a script on the server
It seems to me like someone has to have done this before, but many hours of searching have all led to half-baked solutions that don't really address all of these.
Any thoughts on where I should look?
Look at fabric to manage deployments.
This is what I use to manage servers/deployments with fabric: louis (it is just a collection of fabric commands). I keep a louisconf.py file with each project.
I'd recommend using a distributed VCS (git, hg,...) instead of svn. The reason being that the ease of branching allows for several schemes for deployment. You can have, for example, production and staging branches. Then you enforce that the only merges into production happen from staging by convention.
As for getting developers started quickly you have it right with pip and requirements.txt. I think that also means that you are using virtualenv, but if not that's the third piece. I'd recommend getting a basic README in place. Have the first assignment of each developer that joins a project be to update the README.
The rough way to get someone on board is to have her checkout the code, create a virtualenv, and install the requirements.
I'd recommend having a settings.py file that works with sqlite3 and such that a new developer can use to just get going fast (ie after installing the requirements). However, how you manage the different settings files depends on your project layout. There should be some set of default settings for new developers to use, though.
I keep a projects/ directory in my home directory (on Linux). When I need to start a new project, I make a new, shortly-named (that sufficiently describes the project) dir in projects/; that becomes the root of a new virtualenv (with --no-site-packages) for that project.
Inside that dir (after I've installed the venv, sourced it, and installed the copy of django I'll be working with), I "django-admin.py startproject" a subdir, normally by the same short name. That dir becomes the root of my hg repo (with a quick hg init and ci), no matter how small the project.
If there's any chance of sharing the project with other developers (a project for work, for example), I include a pip requirements.txt at the repo root. Only project requirements go in there; django-debug-toolbar and django-extensions, staples for my dev workflow, are not project requirements, for example. South, when we use it, is.
As for the django project, I normally keep the default settings.py, possibly with a few changes, and add the local_settings convention to the end of it (try: from local_settings import *; except ImportError: pass). My and other devs' specific environment settings (adding django-extensions and django-debug-toolbar to installed apps, for example) go in local_settings.py, which is not checked in to version control. To help a new dev out, you could provide a template of that file as local_settings.py.temp, or some other name that won't be used for any other purpose, but I find that this unnecessarily clutters the repo.
For personal projects, I normally include a README if I plan on releasing it publicly. At work, we maintain Trac environments and good communication to get new devs up to speed on a project.
As for deployment, as rz mentioned, I hear fabric is really good for that kind of automated local/remote scripting, though I haven't really taken the chance myself to look into it.
For the uninitiated, a typical shell session for this might look like the following:
$ cd ~/projects/
$ mkdir newproj
$ cd newproj/
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages .
$ source bin/activate
(newproj)$ pip install django django-debug-toolbar django-extensions
... installing stuff ...
(newproj)$ django-admin.py startproject newproj
(newproj)$ cd newproj/
(newproj)$ hg init .; hg ci -A -m "Initial code"

Deploying Django with virtualenv inside a distribution package?

I have to deploy a Django application onto a SuSE Linux Enterprise 11 system. Corporate rules say I need to deploy using RPMs only. While I can use ./setup.py bdist_rpm for each dependency, it's not really sane, since RPM doesn't record all of the dependencies yet. Therefore I'd have no real advantage in using RPMs and managing dependencies manually is somewhat cumbersome and I would like to avoid it.
Now I had the following idea: While building a package, I could create a virtualenv, install all my dependencies via pip there and then package it up with the rest of the code into one solid RPM.
How sensible is this approach?
I've been using this approach for about a year now and it has worked out pretty well.
One gotcha is that you'll want to check out the bang lines in any python scripts written to the virtualenv's bin directory. These will end up being full path names used in your build environment, which probably won't be the same directory where you end up installing the virtualenv. So you may need to add some sed calls in your RPM's postinstall to adjust the paths.