How to ask Roslyn to generate an identifier name for me? - roslyn

As the title says, how do I ask Roslyn to generate an identifier for me, similar to how the pattern matching code fixer or the generate method ones do?

Turns out there is an internal class inside Roslyn that does this, but it does much more than what I need.
Instead, I simply used the semantic model to get the list of visible symbols at the start of my block's span, named my identifier the same as my type (just starting with a lowercase letter) and started adding numbers at the end of it until I get something that's not otherwise visible:
var symbols = new HashSet<string>(semanticModel.LookupSymbols(bes.SpanStart).Select(s => s.Name));
var baseIdentifierName = baseType is PredefinedTypeSyntax pts ? pts.Keyword.ValueText : throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (isArray && !baseIdentifierName.EndsWith("s"))
baseIdentifierName += "s";
if (char.IsUpper(baseIdentifierName[0]))
baseIdentifierName = $"{char.ToLower(baseIdentifierName[0])}{baseIdentifierName.Substring(1)}";
var identifierName = baseIdentifierName;
var index = 0;
while (symbols.Contains(identifierName))
identifierName = baseIdentifierName + ++index;


Scala.js js.Dynamic usage leads to a recursively infinite data structure

I'm trying to use Google Visualizations from Scala.js. I generated the type definitions using TS importer and the relevant portion it generated is:
trait ColumnChartOptions extends js.Object {
var aggregationTarget: String = js.native
var animation: TransitionAnimation = js.native
var annotations: ChartAnnotations = js.native
// ... more
trait TransitionAnimation extends js.Object {
var duration: Double = js.native
var easing: String = js.native
var startup: Boolean = js.native
Now, I'm trying to figure out how to actually use this and came up with:
val options = js.Dynamic.literal.asInstanceOf[ColumnChartOptions]
options.animation = js.Dynamic.literal.asInstanceOf[TransitionAnimation] // comment this and the next line and chart will appear
options.animation.duration = 2000
options.title = "Test Chart"
options.width = 400
options.height = 300
This works if I don't set the animation settings, but fails with the chart showing "Maximum call stack size exceeded" if I do.
I debugged, and found the following:
So animation contains a reference to itself, but I don't feel like this should happen based on the code above.
Ideas how to fix it?
Any other suggestions on how to best use the generated types to provide a type-safe way of creating the JavaScript objects which Google Visualizations expects? I tried new ColumnChartOptions {} which looks cleaner than js.Dynamic but that failed with "A Scala.js-defined JS class cannot directly extend a native JS trait."
P.S. I'd like to note that
options.animation = js.Dynamic.literal(
easing = "inAndOut",
startup = true,
duration = 2000
actually works, but isn't type-safe (a mis-spelling of duration to durration won't be caught).
Your code lacks () when calling literal(), so the fix would be:
val options = js.Dynamic.literal().asInstanceOf[ColumnChartOptions]
options.animation = js.Dynamic.literal().asInstanceOf[TransitionAnimation] // comment this and the next line and chart will appear
In Scala (and therefore in Scala.js), the presence or absence of () is sometimes meaningful. literal is the singleton object literal, whereas literal() calls the method apply() of said object.

How do I query multiple IDs via the ContentSearchManager?

When I have an array of Sitecore IDs, for example TargetIDs from a MultilistField, how can I query the ContentSearchManager to return all the SearchResultItem objects?
I have tried the following which gives an "Only constant arguments is supported." error.
using (var s = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index").CreateSearchContext())
rpt.DataSource = s.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(x => f.TargetIDs.Contains(x.ItemId));
I suppose I could build up the Linq query manually with multiple OR queries. Is there a way I can use Sitecore.ContentSearch.Utilities.LinqHelper to build the query for me?
Assuming I got this technique to work, is it worth using it for only, say, 10 items? I'm just starting my first Sitecore 7 project and I have it in mind that I want to use the index as much as possible.
Finally, does the Page Editor support editing fields somehow with a SearchResultItem as the source?
Update 1
I wrote this function which utilises the predicate builder as dunston suggests. I don't know yet if this is actually worth using (instead of Items).
public static List<T> GetSearchResultItemsByIDs<T>(ID[] ids, bool mustHaveUrl = true)
where T : Sitecore.ContentSearch.SearchTypes.SearchResultItem, new()
Assert.IsNotNull(ids, "ids");
if (!ids.Any())
return new List<T>();
using (var s = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index").CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
predicate = ids.Aggregate(predicate, (current, id) => current.Or(p => p.ItemId == id));
var results = s.GetQueryable<T>().Where(predicate).ToDictionary(x => x.ItemId);
var query = from id in ids
let item = results.ContainsKey(id) ? results[id] : null
where item != null && (!mustHaveUrl || item.Url != null)
select item;
return query.ToList();
It forces the results to be in the same order as supplied in the IDs array, which in my case is important. (If anybody knows a better way of doing this, would love to know).
It also, by default, ensures that the Item has a URL.
My main code then becomes:
var f = (Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField) rootItem.Fields["Main navigation links"];
rpt.DataSource = ContentSearchHelper.GetSearchResultItemsByIDs<SearchResultItem>(f.TargetIDs);
I'm still curious how the Page Editor copes with SearchResultItem or POCOs in general (my second question), am going to continue researching that now.
Thanks for reading,
You need to use the predicate builder to create multiple OR queries, or AND queries.
The code below should work.
using (var s = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index").CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
foreach (var targetId in f.Targetids)
var tempTargetId = targetId;
predicate = predicate.Or(x => x.ItemId == tempTargetId)
rpt.DataSource = s.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(predicate);

Replace expression with subsection using regex?

My IDE PHPstorm allows you to do search and replace using regex, one of the things I find myself often doing is switching the order or action, aka, in function a I will set a value on items from list a using list b as the values.
but then in function b I want to invert it.
so I want to set a value on items from list b using list a as the values.
A proper example is this:
var $clipDetailsGame = $('#clipDetailsGame');
var $clipDetailsTitle = $('#clipDetailsTitle');
var $clipDetailsByline = $('#clipDetailsByline');
var $clipDetailsTeamOne = $('#clipDetailsTeamOne');
var $clipDetailsTeamTwo = $('#clipDetailsTeamTwo');
var $clipDetailsReferee = $('#clipDetailsReferee');
var $clipDetailsDescription = $('#clipDetailsDescription');
var $clipDetailsCompetition = $('#clipDetailsCompetition');
function a(clip){'gameId' , $clipDetailsGame.val());'title' , $clipDetailsTitle.val());'byline' , $clipDetailsByline.val());'team1' , $clipDetailsTeamOne.val());'team2' , $clipDetailsTeamTwo.val());'refereeId' , $clipDetailsReferee.val());'description' , $clipDetailsDescription.val());'competitionId', $clipDetailsCompetition.val());
function b (clip){
$clipDetailsGame .val('gameId'));
$clipDetailsTitle .val('title'));
$clipDetailsByline .val('byline'));
$clipDetailsTeamOne .val('team1'));
$clipDetailsTeamTwo .val('team2'));
$clipDetailsReferee .val('refereeId'));
Excluding the formatting (It's just there to make my point clearer), what kind of regex could I use to do the replacement for me?
Basic regex -- nothing fancy or complex at all
Search for: (clip\.data\('[a-zA-Z0-9]+')\s*, (\$[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.val\()(\)\);)
Replace with: \$2\$1\$3
The only PhpStorm-related thing here is replacement string format -- you have to "escape" $ to have it work (i.e. it has to be \$2 to use 2nd back-trace instead of just $2 or \2 (as used in other engines)).
This will transform this:'gameId' , $clipDetailsGame.val());'title' , $clipDetailsTitle.val());'byline' , $clipDetailsByline.val());'team1' , $clipDetailsTeamOne.val());'team2' , $clipDetailsTeamTwo.val());'refereeId' , $clipDetailsReferee.val());'description' , $clipDetailsDescription.val());'competitionId', $clipDetailsCompetition.val());
into this:
Useful link:
Mopping up (not quite the answer to this question, but another way of organizing the code to make search and replace unnecessary):
var $details = {};
var fields = [
'Game', 'Title', 'Byline', 'TeamOne', 'TeamTwo', 'Referee', 'Description',
for(field in fields) {
$details[field] = $('#clipDetails' + field);
function a(clip) {
for(field in fields) {, $details[fields].val());
function b(clip) {
for(field in fields) {
Yes, I know that there are tiny naming inconsistencies that means that this isn't working out of the box, such as Game versus gameId. This is an excellent occasion to clean that up too :). If you still want to keep the title case for the ids (such as #clipDetailsGame in stead of #clipDetailsgame), keep it in title case in the fields array and use toLowerCase where you need lower case.
By the way, there is an interesting read on what makes DRY a good thing here:

Linq query not matching hrefs

I'm trying to write out all matches found using a regex with the code below:
var source = "<Content><link><a xlink:href=\"tcm:363-48948\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">Read more</a></link><links xlink:href=\"tcm:362-65596\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"/></Content>";
var tridionHref = new Regex("tcm:([^\"]*)");
var elem = XElement.Parse(source);
XNamespace xlink = "";
if (tridionHref.IsMatch(elem.ToString()))
foreach (var Id in elem.Elements().Where(x => x.Attribute(xlink + "href") != null))
Console.WriteLine(Id.Attribute(xlink + "href").Value); //For testing
Id.Attribute(xlink + "href").Value = Id.Attribute(xlink + "href").Value.Replace("value1", "value2"); //Just to show you an example
My console window outputs tcm:362-65596 but not tcm:363-48948. It looks like the code doesn't see the value of xlink:href inside my <a> tag as an attribute? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I need to match ALL instances of tcm:([^\"]*).
The problem is you are not looking in the right place. Your elem.Elements is looking at the link element and the links element. Only one of these has the attribute that you are looking for. You'll need to select the elements you want to check more precisely before looking for the right attribute.
I've got it working. I didn't need a regex I just needed to get the Descendants instead inside my for loop. foreach (var Id in elem.Descendants().Where(x => x.Attribute(xlink + "href") != null))

AS3/Regular Expressions - Replacing segments of a string

I have absolutely no knowledge in Regex whatsoever. Basically what I'm trying to do is have an error class that I can use to call errors (obviously) which looks like this:
package avian.framework.errors
public class AvError extends Object
// errors
public static const LAYER_WARNING:String = "Warning: {0} is not a valid layer - the default layer _fallback_ has been used as the container for {1}.";
* Constructor
* Places a warning or error into the output console to assist with misuse of the framework
* #param err The error to display
* #param params A list of Objects to use throughout the error message
public function AvError(err:String, ...params)
What I want to be able to do is use the LAYER_WARNING like this:
new AvError(AvError.LAYER_WARNING, targetLayer, this);
And have the output be something along the lines of:
Warning: randomLayer is not a valid layer - the default layer _fallback_ has been used as the container for [object AvChild].
The idea is to replace {0} with the first parameter parsed in ...params, {1} with the second, etc.
I've done a bit of research and I think I've worked out that I need to search using this pattern:
var pattern:RegExp = /{\d}/;
You can use StringUtil
var original:String = "Here is my {0} and my {1}!";
var myStr:String = StringUtil.substitute(original, ['first', 'second']);
Using the g flag in RegExp you can create an array containing all of your {x} matches, then loop through this array and replace each of the matches with the appropriate parameter.
var mystring:String = "{0} went to {1} on {2}";
function replace(str:String, ...params):String
var pattern:RegExp = /{\d}/g;
var ar:Array = str.match(pattern);
var i:uint = 0;
for(i; i<ar.length; i++)
str = str.split(ar[i]).join(params[i]);
return str;
trace(replace(mystring, "marty", "work", "friday")); // marty went to work on friday
i'm assuming you want to have several static constants with varying replacement instances ({0}, {1}, {2}, etc.) in each string constant.
something like this should work - sorry, it's untested:
public function AvError(err:String, ...params)
var replacementArray:Array = err.match(new RegExp("{\\d}", "g"));
for (var i:int = 0, i < replacementArray.length, i++)
err = err.replace(new RegExp(replacementArray[i], "g"), params[i]);
if you do have several static constants with varying replacement instances, you'll want to check for an appropriate matching amount of …params that are passed.