iperf3 not working despite allowing port in firewall - google-cloud-platform

I want to test the network speed from my home network because it's taking 16 seconds to download a 1MB file:
I tried running iperf3 -s -p 5201 in the VM and allowed ingress on the same port in the Firewall Google Cloud page. I also allowed the port in Linux UFW.
However, when running iperf3 -c on my PC, it doesn't connect. I tried to do iperf to another network from my PC and it worked.
Are there other settings I need to adjust in GC?


Troubleshooting mount.nfs: Connection timed out for Centos 7 machines

Can somebody help me troubleshoot setting up NFS share between two Centos 7 machines?
I have configured the firewall and the server is working fine, I can mount the shared folder from the different (third) Centos 7 machine.
However, on this other client machine, let's call it I cannot mount:
`mount -t nfs /some/existing/folder`
(I get mount.nfs: Connection timed )
When I run tcpdump alongside, I get:
[root# ~]# tcpdump -i eth0 -n host
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
13:45:35.795666 IP > Flags [S], seq 221559787, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2467213240 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
13:45:36.797428 IP > Flags [S], seq 221559787, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2467214242 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
The client CAN ping the server.
rpcinfo -p
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection timed out
However, I can telnet from the client to both 111 and 2049 ports.
From what I've read this should be a firewall issue, but apparently it is not, as it doesn't work even if I disable the firewall on the server (or even at the client).
How should I troubleshoot this next?
Here's the best workbook I've found for troubleshooting NFS connections:
Follow those instructions slowly and carefully and they should turn up the problem. That doc is a good example of a step-by-step troubleshooting where you check all the connectivity prerequisites before checking the actual service you're trying to test.
Here's some additional info that may help:
Your network sniff output is simple - the server isn't responding to you on the NFS TCP port. I hope the server's IP isn't really, since that's a broadcast address and is unlikely to work reliably.
You may have dropped all the firewalls, but the NFS server has its own permissions control, in the /etc/exports file according to the HowToForge link that you were following. You need to specify ALL the clients, not just a single IP address. You can also use a network range that includes all the clients. "man 5 exports" should tell you more about how to edit this file. Please DON'T put in "*" to match all IP addresses as suggested in the HowToForge link, that is generally a bad idea.
portmapper might be using the TCP wrappers permissions files - /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow - see "man 5 hosts_access" for the format of these files.
look in the syslog files for the IP address of the client to see if there are any messages about that client.
Even though you think you turned the firewall off, run "iptables -vL" to see if there are any rules you overlooked and whether they have any hits.
If you have custom MTU settings on any of the machines (for example, on storage-specific LANs people often set up jumbo packets) make sure that there are no mismatches. This is unlikely to happen on a home network.
Your sniff shows the client is attempting to connect via TCP to the nfs port 2048, it's possible the client is configured for NFSv4 and the server is configured for NFSv3 or lower. You might see this with the rpcinfo command, since it shows the versions of NFS supported by the server.

Not able to connect remote floodlight controller to mininet

I am new to mininet and I was trying to build a mininet topology which uses a remote SDN controller.
I tried using floodlight as the remote controller. I installed it and ran it and it is running on "localhost:6653". But it is also running on (And I have no idea why). is my virbr0 interface's address. In my mininet VM which is in virtualbox i have two network adapters.
Host only adapter
And for host only adapter i have the following configuration.
Adapter settings:
Ipv4 address: and net mask:
DHCP server settings: Sever ip=; net mask=; Lower bound Ip:; Upper bound Ip:
To avoid confusion i have added the screenshots as well.
I tried the following command to build my topology:
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6653
I get the following response from mininet
Unable to contact remote controller
I have tried changing ip to but that also didn't work.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
As per your setup, I guess FLC is running on Host OS and mininet is running in Oracle VM.
Your Host-Only network is useful if you are trying to reach something deployed in VM from your Host Os.
It will not work other way around. Here you want to access FLC running on Host inside your VM.
I would suggest using Floodlight VM for Virtual Box. It has mininet and FLC inbuild.
Once imported. Start VM.
Credentials: floodlight/floodlight
Inside VM start FLC
Do ifconfig ithe n terminal and get IP
change to that IP in this
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6653
and execute, all will work fine.
You can access FLC in Host using above IP

Local Server not loading in Ubuntu VirtualBox

I have laravel app which is running in my windows local server. This laravel app is running port:80. I want to load this app in my Ubuntu VirtualBox.
My IP Config:
IPv4 Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway:
I have config my virtualbox as Bridged Adapter. In my /etc/hosts (ubuntu virtualbox), I have this : localhost asus v2.my.local
I have made a hello word app (node.js) in my local windows which is running on port :3000, and it is running in my VirtualBox by typing v2.my.local:3000, but if I type v2.my.local on my VirtualBox, it is not working (although app is running on windows local machine). it says:
This v2.my.local page can’t be found
Any suggestion? Thanks in Advance.
May be windows firewall blocking connections via port 80. turn off firewall and try it, if it works. Start windows firewall and add firewall rule to allow connections via port 80. If your windows version is 10 then, it will block all virtual box related connections. make sure to add correct rules.

Can get to one guest webserver on VirtualBox, but not to another

I have a VirtualBox setup with Arch Linux. I use it to run various tutorials on Node.js and Redux. The host OS is Windows 8.1. I've mapped guest port 8080 to host 8080. When I run a simple Node.js server on the VM I can access it from the host machine on this port, just as expected.
Now I need to try another test server (webpack-dev-server). I start it in VM and check that it works via curl, but when I try to access it from the host, it says the connection was reset by peer. curl -v shows a pretty standard log: it sends a header and then says Recv failure. So:
one web server on VM works OK and is accessible via the mapped port;
another web server on VM works OK on VM, but is not accessible via the mapped port.
What could be the cause?
I think it's something with VirtualBox, but just in case I label this with webpack-dev-server as well.

Setting up JMeter for Distributed testing in AWS with connectivity issues

I have to do distributed testing using JMeter. The objective is to have multiple remote servers in AWS controlled by one local server send a file download request to another server in AWS.
How can I set up the different servers in AWS?
How can I connect to them remotely?
Can someone provide some step by step instructions on how to do it?
I have tried several things but keep running into connectivity issues across networks.
We had a similar task and we ran into a bunch of issues as well. Here are the details of the whole process and what we did to resolve the issues we encountered. Hope it helps.
We needed to send requests from 5 servers located in various regions of the world. So we launched 5 micro instances in AWS, each in a different region. We chose the regions to be as geographically apart as possible.
Remote (server) JMeters config
Here is how we set up each instance.
Installed java:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install default-jre
Installed JMeter:
$ mkdir jmeter
$ cd jmeter;
$ wget ftp://apache.mirrors.pair.com//jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-2.9.tgz
$ gunzip apache-jmeter-2.9.tgz;tar xvf apache-jmeter-2.9.tar
Edited the jmeter.properties file in the /bin folder of the JMeter installation and uncomment the line containing the server.rmi.localport setting. We changed the port to 50000.
Started JMeter server. Make sure the address and the port the server reports listening to are correct.
$ cd ~/jmeter/apache-jmeter-2.9/bin
$ vi jmeter-server
Local (client) JMeter config
Then we set up JMeter to run tests remotely on these instances on our local client machine:
Ensured to use the same version of JMeter as was running on the servers. Installed Java and JMeter as described above.
Enabled remote testing by editing the jmeter.properties file that can be found in the bin folder of the JMeter installation. The parameter remote_hosts needed to be set with the public DNS of the remote servers we were connecting to.
We were now able to tell our client JMeter instance to run tests on any or all of our specified remote servers.
Issues and resolutions
Here are the issues we encountered and how we resolved them:
The client failed with:
ERROR - jmeter.engine.ClientJMeterEngine: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection - refused to host:
It was due to the server host returning the private IP address as its address because of Amazon NAT.
We fixed this by setting the parameter RMI_HOST_DEF that the /usr/local/jmeter/bin/jmeter-server script includes in starting the server:
Now, the AWS instance returned the server’s external IP, and we could start the test.
When the server node attempted to return the result and tried to connect to the client, the server tried to connect to the external IP address of my local machine. But it threw a connection refused error:
2013/05/16 12:23:37 ERROR - jmeter.samplers.RemoteListenerWrapper: testStarted(host) java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx;
We resolved this issue by setting up reverse tunnels at the client side.
First, we edited the jmeter.properties file in the /bin folder of the JMeter installation and uncommented the line containing the client.rmi.localport setting. We changed the port to 60000:
Then we connected to each of the servers using SSH, and setup a reverse tunnel to port 60000 on the client.
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/54-x-x-x.us-east.pem -R 60000:localhost:60000 ubuntu#54.x.x.x
We kept each of these sessions open, as the JMeter server needs to be able to deliver the test results to the client.
Then we set up the JVM_ARGS environment variable on the client, in the jmeter.sh file in the /bin folder:
export JVM_ARGS="-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost"
By doing this, JMeter will tell the servers to connect to localhost:60000 for delivering their results. This ends up being tunneled back to the client.
The SSH connections to the servers kept dropping after staying idle for a little bit. To prevent that from happening, we added a parameter to each of the SSH tunnel set up directing the client to wait 60 seconds before sending a null packet to the server to keep the connection alive:
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/54-x-x-x.us-east.pem -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 60000:localhost:60000 ubuntu#54.x.x.x
(.ssh/config version of all required SSH settings:
Host 54.x.x.x
HostName 54.x.x.x
Port 22
User ubuntu
ServerAliveInterval 60
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/54-x-x-x.us-east.pem
IdentitiesOnly yes
Just use ssh 54.x.x.x after setting this up.
I just went though this on openstack and found the same issues... no idea why the jmeter remoting documentation only covers half the required steps. You can do it without tunnels or touching the properties files.
You need
All nodes to advertise their public IP - on AWS/OS this defaults to the private IP
Ingress rules for the RMI port which defaults to 1099 - I use this
Ingress rules for the RMI "local" port which defaults to dynamic. Below I use 4001 for the client and 4000 for servers. The port can be the same but note the properties are different.
If you are using your workstation as the client you probably still need tunnels. Above Archana Aggarwal has good tips for tunnels.
Remote servers
Set java.rmi.server.hostname and server.rmi.localport inline or in the properties file.
jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=publicip -Dserver.rmi.localport=4000
Sneaky server on client
You can also run one on the same machine as the client. For clarity I've set java.rmi.server.hostname but left server.rmi.localport as dynamic
jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localip
Set java.rmi.server.hostname and client.rmi.localport inline or in the properties file. Use -R etc like so:
jmeter -n -t Test.jmx -Rremotepublicip1,remotepublicip2 -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=clientpublicip -Dclient.rmi.localport=4001 -GmypropA=1 -GmypropB=2 -lresults.jtl
When you go for distributed testing using JMeter in AWS, I would suggest you to use docker - which will help us with jmeter test infrastructure very quickly. This way we can also ensure that same version of java and jmeter are installed in all the instances of amazon which is very important of JMeter distributed testing.
Ensure that - you set below properties and ports are open for jmeter-server. [they do not have to be 1099,50000 exactly]
for client
java.rmi.server.hostname=SERVER_IP - this step is very important as the container in aws instance will have their own IP address in the docker network - so master and slave can not communicate. So we explicitly set this property
More info: