Unit testing nestjs guards Unknown authentication strategy - unit-testing

Trying to write unit tests as described here but no idea how to get around this error
Exception has occurred: Error: Unknown authentication strategy "test-jwt"
at attempt (/home/user/Workspace/project/node_modules/passport/lib/middleware/authenticate.js:190:39)
at authenticate
auth file
import { Injectable } from "#nestjs/common";
import { AuthGuard } from "#nestjs/passport";
export class MyGuard extends AuthGuard('test-jwt') { }
import { ExecutionContext } from "#nestjs/common";
import { MyGuard } from "./mygaurd";
it('test' () => {
const context: ExecutionContext = {
switchToHttp: () => context,
getRequest: () => {
return {
headers: {
authorization: `bearer ${jwt}`
getResponse: () => { }
} as unknown as ExecutionContext
const guard = new MyGuard()
The actual implementation works fine, I add it to a controller.
export class MyController {
I don't even need to add it as a provider or anything in my setup so not sure what other code to include.
I implemented a custom strategy which may be related
import { Strategy, ExtractJwt } from "passport-jwt";
import { Injectable } from "#nestjs/common";
import { PassportStrategy } from "#nestjs/passport";
export class MyStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, 'test-jwt') {
constructor() {
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
secretOrKey: 'secret'
async validate(payload) {
And of course MyStrategy is added as a provider in my app.
I have unit tests covering my custom strategy already so it is really just the guard left
Trying Jay's suggestion below gets me a little closer but i'm still struggling.
It seems passport.use() expects a name and Strategy rather than a function (so TS compilation fails) so I tried
import passport, { Strategy } from "passport";
passport.use('test-jwt', {
authenticate: (payload) => true
} as Strategy);
and the error disappears, but the test now outputs
Expected value to be true:
Any further suggestions?

This is one of those quirky things with passport that I never thought I'd see. So, passport uses strategy names to determine what authentication method is actually being used, right? All of these strategies get registered to the passport context using passport.use(name, method) in the general scheme of things. In the context of Nest, this happens when you create a custom strategy, extend PassportStrategy and add the strategy as a provider as seen here. Later, the method passport.authenticate(strategy, (err, req, res, next) is called during the AuthGuard#canActivate method (the codes a bit complex, but this is where it happens). Because passport has never seen passport.use('test-jwt', authMethod) in the context of your test, it ends up not knowing what to do other than throwing the error about "Unknown authentication strategy".
Normally, the validate method is what becomes the authMethod, but if you're just needing this for the context of your test you can do something like
it('test' () => {
passport.use('test-jwt', (payload) => true);
const context: ExecutionContext = {
switchToHttp: () => context,
getRequest: () => {
return {
headers: {
authorization: `bearer ${jwt}`
getResponse: () => { }
} as unknown as ExecutionContext
const guard = new MyGuard()
and it should work out all right. You an then modify the value returned from that method, or make it a jest.fn() so that you can check what it was called with and modify what it returns if you need to do extra testing on the guard.


Is it possible to use TypeScript with 'aws-sdk-mock'

I'm writing unit tests for a serverless application in TypeScript, and I'd like to mock the AWS SDK.
Unfortunately I have not found many existing type definitions for popular AWS mocking projects. In particular I'd like to use the aws-sdk-mock library, but without its type definitions I can't.
Theoretically I'd like to be able to do something like:
import 'jest';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { handler } from '../lib/lambda';
import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock';
import { PutItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb';
const mockData: DataType = {
// ...some fields
describe('create data lambda tests', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('returns a success response on creation', () => {
AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', (params: PutItemInput, callback: any) => {
return callback(null, 'Successful creation');
const mockGatewayEvent: any = {
headers: {
Authorization: // some JWT
body: _.clone(mockData)
handler(mockGatewayEvent).then((createdData: DataType) => {
}, () => {
fail('The create request should not have failed');
Here's how we got it working with jest. This tests a lambda function that makes calls to Dynamo using the DynamoDB.DocumentClient.
The warnings about importing the aws-sdk-mock ts definitions go away for me if the file is called *.test.ts or *.spec.ts.
// stubbed.test.ts
// this line needs to come first due to my project's config
import * as AWS from "aws-sdk-mock";
import { handler } from "../index";
// these next two are just test data
import { mockDynamoData } from "../__data__/dynamo.data";
import { mockIndexData } from "../__data__/index.data";
describe("Stubbed tests", () => {
it("should return correct result when Dynamo returns one slice", async () => {
const mockQuery = jest.fn((params: any, cb: any) =>
cb(null, mockDynamoData.queryOneSlice)
AWS.mock("DynamoDB.DocumentClient", "query", mockQuery);
// now all calls to DynamoDB.DocumentClient.query() will return mockDynamoData.queryOneSlice
const response = await handler(mockIndexData.handlerEvent, null, null);

Stubbing vuex getters with sinonjs

On my application, inside a navigation guard used by my router, I have a vuex namespaced getter to check authentication state. The getter do the magic underlaying check if the user is authenticated.
I want to write a simple unit test which check that the redirection is done according to the authenticated state. I'm stucked on stubbing the getter.
My getter is the following :
isAuthenticated (state) {
return state.token !== null
My authentication module is the following :
export default {
namespaced: true,
And my store is the following :
export default new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
My naviguation guard is :
import store from '#/store'
export default (to, from, next) => {
if (store.getters['authentication/isAuthenticated']) {
next({name: 'login'})
I've wrote that unit test :
describe('authenticated-guard.spec.js', () => {
let authenticatedStub
beforeEach(() => {
authenticatedStub = sandbox.stub(store.getters, 'authentication/isAuthenticated')
afterEach(() => {
it('should redirect to login route when the user is not authenticated', () => {
// Given
const to = {}
const from = {}
const next = spy()
// When
authenticatedGuard(to, from, next)
// Then
assert.ok(next.calledWith({name: 'login'}), 'should have redirected to login route')
The unit test trigger the following error : TypeError: Cannot redefine property: authentication/isAuthenticated.
I've tried as an alternative to stub using authenticatedStub.value(false) but the error is the same.
I'm unable to stub the getter to avoid to have store logics on guard tests.
Does someone beeing able to stub any getter outside of components ?
The problem is that vuex sets the getters as non-configurable properties, so they can't be changed.
A way to stub them is to stub the getters object itself so your test could work like this:
describe('authenticated-guard.spec.js', () => {
it('should redirect to', () => {
const authenticatedStub = sandbox.stub(store, 'getters')
// Given
const to = {}
const from = {}
const next = spy()
'authentication/isAuthenticated': false
// When
authenticatedGuard(to, from, next)
// Then
expect(next.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([{name: 'login'}], 'login route when the user is not authenticated')
'authentication/isAuthenticated': true
authenticatedGuard(to, from, next)
expect(next.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([], 'next route when the user is authenticated')

Jest -- Mock a function called inside a React Component

Jest provides a way to mock functions as described in their docs
apiGetMethod = jest.fn().mockImplementation(
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const userID = parseInt(url.substr('/users/'.length), 10);
() => users[userID] ? resolve(users[userID]) : reject({
error: 'User with ' + userID + ' not found.',
However these mocks only seem to work when the function is called directly in a test.
describe('example test', () => {
it('uses the mocked function', () => {
If I have a React Component defined as such how can I mock it?
import { apiGetMethod } from './api';
class Foo extends React.Component {
state = {
data: []
makeRequest = () => {
apiGetMethod().then(result => {
this.setState({data: result});
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
{ this.state.data.map((data) => <li>{data}</li>) }
I have no idea how to make it so Foo component calls my mocked apiGetMethod() implementation so that I can test that it renders properly with data.
(this is a simplified, contrived example for the sake of understanding how to mock functions called inside react components)
edit: api.js file for clarity
// api.js
import 'whatwg-fetch';
export function apiGetMethod() {
return fetch(url, {...});
You have to mock the ./api module like this and import it so you can set the implemenation of the mock
import { apiGetMethod } from './api'
jest.mock('./api', () => ({ apiGetMethod: jest.fn() }))
in your test can set how the mock should work using mockImplementation:
apiGetMethod.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('test1234'))
In case the jest.mock method from #Andreas's answer did not work for you. you could try the following in your test file.
const api = require('./api');
api.apiGetMethod = jest.fn(/* Add custom implementation here.*/);
This should execute your mocked version of the apiGetMethod inside you Foo component.
Here is an updated solution for anyone struggling with this in '21. This solution uses Typescript, so be aware of that. For regular JS just take out the type calls wherever you see them.
You import the function inside your test at the top
import functionToMock from '../api'
Then you indeed mock the call to the folder outside of the tests, to indicate that anything being called from this folder should and will be mocked
[imports are up here]
[tests are down here]
Next we mock the actual function we're importing. Personally I did this inside the test, but I assume it works just as well outside the test or inside a beforeEach
(functionToMock as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(data_that_is_returned);
Now here's the kicker and where everyone seems to get stuck. So far this is correct, but we are missing one important bit when mocking functions inside a component: act. You can read more on it here but essentially we want to wrap our render inside this act. React testing library has it's own version of act. It is also asynchronous, so you have to make sure your test is async and also define the destructured variables from render outside of it.
In the end your test file should look something like this:
import { render, act } from '#testing-library/react';
import UserGrid from '../components/Users/UserGrid';
import { data2 } from '../__fixtures__/data';
import functionToMock from '../api';
describe("Test Suite", () => {
it('Renders', async () => {
(functionToMock as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(data2);
let getAllByTestId: any;
let getByTestId: any;
await act(async () => {
({ getByTestId, getAllByTestId } = render(<UserGrid />));
const container = getByTestId('grid-container');
const userBoxes = getAllByTestId('user-box');
Another solution to mock this would be:
window['getData'] = jest.fn();

What is the point of unit testing redux-saga watchers?

In order to get 100% coverage of my Saga files I'm looking into how to test watchers.
I've been googling around, there are several answers as to HOW to test watchers. That is, saga's that do a takeEvery or takeLatest.
However, all methods of testing seem to basically copy the implementation. So what's the point of writing a test if it's the same?
// saga.js
import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { takeEvery, call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { FETCH_RESULTS, FETCH_COMPLETE } from './actions'
import mockResults from './tests/results.mock'
export function* fetchResults () {
yield call(delay, 1000)
yield put({ type: FETCH_COMPLETE, mockResults })
export function* watchFetchResults () {
yield takeEvery(FETCH_RESULTS, fetchResults)
Test method 1:
import { takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { watchFetchResults, fetchResults } from '../sagas'
import { FETCH_RESULTS } from '../actions'
describe('watchFetchResults()', () => {
const gen = watchFetchResults()
// exactly the same as implementation
const expected = takeEvery(FETCH_RESULTS, fetchResults)
const actual = gen.next().value
it('Should fire on FETCH_RESULTS', () => {
Test method 2: with a helper, like Redux Saga Test Plan
It's a different way of writing, but again we do basically the same as the implementation.
import testSaga from 'redux-saga-test-plan'
import { watchFetchResults, fetchResults } from '../sagas'
import { FETCH_RESULTS } from '../actions'
it('fire on FETCH_RESULTS', () => {
.takeEvery(FETCH_RESULTS, fetchResults)
Instead I'd like to simply know if watchFestchResults takes every FETCH_RESULTS. Or even only if it fires takeEvery(). No matter how it follows up.
Or is this really the way to do it?
It sounds like the point of testing them is to achieve 100% test coverage.
There are some things that you can unit test, but it is questionable if you should.
It seems to me that this situation might be a better candidate for an 'integration' test. Something that does not test simply a single method, but how several methods work together as a whole. Perhaps you could call an action that fires a reducer that uses your saga, then check the store for the resulting change? This would be far more meaningful than testing the saga alone.
I agree with John Meyer's answer that this is better suited for the integration test than for the unit test. This issue is the most popular in GitHub based on up votes. I would recommend reading it.
One of the suggestions is to use redux-saga-tester package created by opener of the issue. It helps to create initial state, start saga helpers (takeEvery, takeLatest), dispatch actions that saga is listening on, observe the state, retrieve a history of actions and listen for specific actions to occur.
I am using it with axios-mock-adapter, but there are several examples in the codebase using nock.
import { takeLatest, call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { actions, types } from 'modules/review/reducer';
import * as api from 'api';
export function* requestReviews({ locale }) {
const uri = `/reviews?filter[where][locale]=${locale}`;
const response = yield call(api.get, uri);
yield put(actions.receiveReviews(locale, response.data[0].services));
// Saga Helper
export default function* watchRequestReviews() {
yield takeLatest(types.REVIEWS_REQUEST, requestReviews);
Test example using Jest
import { takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { types } from 'modules/review/reducer';
import SagaTester from 'redux-saga-tester';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import axios from 'axios';
import watchRequestReviews, { requestReviews } from '../reviews';
const mockAxios = new MockAdapter(axios);
describe('(Saga) Reviews', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should received reviews', async () => {
const services = [
title: 'Title',
description: 'Description',
const responseData = [{
id: '595bdb2204b1aa3a7b737165',
mockAxios.onGet('/api/reviews?filter[where][locale]=en').reply(200, responseData);
// Start up the saga tester
const sagaTester = new SagaTester({ initialState: { reviews: [] } });
// Dispatch the event to start the saga
sagaTester.dispatch({ type: types.REVIEWS_REQUEST, locale: 'en' });
// Hook into the success action
await sagaTester.waitFor(types.REVIEWS_RECEIVE);
type: types.REVIEWS_RECEIVE,
payload: { en: services },

Testing component logic with Angular2 TestComponentBuilder

There are a lot of different approaches to unit test your angular application you can find at the moment. A lot are already outdated and basically there's no real documentation at this point. So im really not sure which approach to use.
It seems a good approach at the moment is to use TestComponentBuilder, but i have some trouble to test parts of my code especially if a function on my component uses an injected service which returns an observable.
For example a basic Login Component with a Authentication Service (which uses a BackendService for the requests).
I leave out the templates here, because i don't want to test them with UnitTests (as far as i understood, TestComponentBuilder is pretty useful for this, but i just want to use a common approach for all my unit tests, and the it seems that TestComponentBuilder is supposed to handle every testable aspect, please correct me if i'm wrong here)
So i got my LoginComponent:
export class LoginComponent {
constructor(private _authService:AuthService, private _router:Router) {
this._authService.isLoggedIn().subscribe(isLoggedIn => {
if(isLoggedIn) {
login():any {
this.errorMessage = null;
this.isLoggingIn = true;
this._authService.login(this.username, this.password)
user => {
this.user = user;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
errorMessage => {
this.password = '';
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
this.isLoggingIn = false;
My AuthService:
export class AuthService {
private _user:User;
private _urls:any = {
constructor( private _backendService:BackendService,
#Inject(APP_CONFIG) private _config:Config,
private _localStorage:LocalstorageService,
private _router:Router) {
this._user = _localStorage.get(LOCALSTORAGE_KEYS.CURRENT_USER);
get user():User {
return this._user || this._localStorage.get(LOCALSTORAGE_KEYS.CURRENT_USER);
set user(user:User) {
this._user = user;
if (user) {
this._localStorage.set(LOCALSTORAGE_KEYS.CURRENT_USER, user);
} else {
isLoggedIn (): Observable<boolean> {
return this._backendService.get(this._config.apiUrl + this._urls.isLoggedIn)
.map(response => {
return !(!response || !response.IsUserAuthenticated);
login (username:string, password:string): Observable<User> {
let body = JSON.stringify({username, password});
return this._backendService.post(this._config.apiUrl + this._urls.login, body)
.map(() => {
this.user = new User(username);
return this.user;
logout ():Observable<any> {
return this._backendService.get(this._config.apiUrl + this._urls.logout)
.map(() => {
this.user = null;
return true;
and finally my BackendService:
export class BackendService {
private _errorCodes = {
constructor( private _http:Http, private _router:Router) {
post(url:string, body:any):Observable<any> {
let options = new RequestOptions();
this._lastErrorCode = 0;
return this._http.post(url, body, options)
.map((response:any) => {
return body.Data;
private _handleError(error:any) {
let errMsg = error.message || 'Server error';
return Observable.throw(errMsg);
Now i want to test the basic logic of logging in, one time it should fail and i expect an error message (which is thrown by my BackendService in its handleError function) and in another test it should login and set my User-object
This is my current approach for my Login.component.spec:
Updated: added fakeAsync like suggested in Günters answer.
export function main() {
describe('Login', () => {
beforeEachProviders(() => [
it('should try and fail logging in',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], fakeAsync((tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
.then((fixture: any) => {
let loginInstance = fixture.debugElement.children[0].componentInstance;
it('should log in',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], fakeAsync((tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
.then((fixture: any) => {
let loginInstance = fixture.debugElement.children[0].componentInstance;
loginInstance.username = 'abc';
loginInstance.password = '123';
selector: 'test-cmp',
template: `<my-login></my-login>`,
directives: [LoginComponent],
providers: [
provide(APP_CONFIG, {useValue: CONFIG}),
provide(Http, {
useFactory: function(backend:ConnectionBackend, defaultOptions:BaseRequestOptions) {
return new Http(backend, defaultOptions);
deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions]
class TestComponent {
There are several issues with this test.
ERROR: 'Unhandled Promise rejection:', 'Cannot read property 'length' of null' I get this for the test of `loginInstance.errorMessage.length
Expected true to be false. in the first test after i called login
Expected undefined to equal <jasmine.any(User)>. in the second test after it should have logged in.
Any hints how to solve this? Am i using a wrong approach here?
Any help would be really appreciated (and im sorry for the wall of text / code ;) )
As you can't know when this._authService.login(this.username, this.password).subscribe( ... ) is actually called you can't just continue the test synchronically and assume the subscribe callback has happened. In fact it can't yet have happened because sync code (your test) is executed to the end first.
You can add artificial delays (ugly and flaky)
You can provide observables or promises in your component that emit/resolve when something you want to test is actually done (ugly because test code added to production code)
I guess the best option is using fakeAsync which provides more control about async execution during tests (I haven't used it myself)
As far as I know there will come support in Angular tests using zone, to wait for the async queue to become empty before the test continues (I don't know details about this neither).