WSO2 API Manager and Analytics doesn't connect on docker - wso2

I am trying to implement WSO2 API manager with the Analytics solution in K8s (local machine- Docker K8s)
I am using the APIM 3.2.0 image the same version image for analytics
Both the API manager and the analytics solution is getting deployed and I could access the analytics dashboard, publisher and devportal. I can create and call APIs from publisher and devportal. However, the analytics solution doesn't hold any of my API data.
I have deployed the Worker, then the API manager, and then the dashboard in the same order as suggested here
After the analytics server is started
I cannot see the below message in the Analytics worker
INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.core.DataBridge} - user admin connected
I have enabled the in my deployment.toml file (as a config map).
enable = true
store_api_url = "https://localhost:7444"
Please throw some insights on the missing part


How to integrate apim with wso2 micro intergrator

Integrate apim with micro integator
How to integrate apim with micro integator without using integration studio
If you have already created a back-end API, then you don't need Micro-integrator, and you can directly expose that API through the API Manager. The API Manager can add schema validation as well.
If you need to implement additional message mediations, message transformations, and service orchestration on top of your existing back-end services, then you can do that using Micro-integrator and expose that as an API using API Manager.
Please see -
Micro Integrator is already embedded with the API Manager 4.1 .If you need to add some transformations to your API that you didn't found in the API Manger ,then you have to do it in the Integration Studio and then publish it to the Publisher Portal using service catalog feature.
You can follow this documentation
Integrating API Manager and Micro-integrator will be done via the Service Catalog by adding the following configurations in MI deployment .toml.
apim_host = "https://localhost:9443"
enable = true
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
Once you have created the integration service and deployed it in the Micro-integrator, you only need to start the two servers (APIM server and the Micro-integrator server).
More information -

how to set one server for wso2 analytics and one sever for wso2 api manager

I want to have a server that visualize api data from my wso2 api manager
can anyone help me pls?
`enter code here`
You can deploy the WSO2 API Manager in a single server and the Analytics in another server and configure both API Manager and Analytics TOML/Yaml configurations to communicate and send data.
Follow the Standard Setup steps provided in WSO2 API Manager Docs for more detailed steps and configurations.

Not able to see any statistics like "REGISTERED APPLICATION USERS" in wso2 analytics dashboard

I am not able to see following statictics like
FAULTY INVOCATIONS PER APPLICATION in Dashboard for APIM Developer statistics.
Only details of "REGISTERED APPLICATION USERS" are shown.
I am using the default H2 database and done "quick setup" of analytics dashboard.
I am using 3.1.0 version for both WSO2 API-M and WSO2 Analytics Dashboard and also enabled the analytics in delployment file in APIM.
check below pointers
is your analytics and APIM 3.1 is under the same folder
start components in order analytics worker -> wso2 APIM -> dashboard
check that in APIM deployment.toml files analytics is enabled
login with the same user in APIM and dashboard

How to set up WSO2 API gateway?

Good day
I have created my ESB project using the enterprise integration studio provided by wso2 and have also downloaded the API manager separately. Meanwhile when I start WSO2 API manager, API Publisher and developer dashboard open.
I just want to create WSO2 API Gateway. How can I achieve this also I want gateway should be access based.
Please assist me how can I proceed for the gateway implementation.
I only want the WSO2 API gateway.
WSO2 APIM is consist of 5 profiles as Gateway, Traffic Manager, Publisher, Store(Devportal in APIM 3.x series) and KM profiles. You can start an APIM with the default profile (if you started as sh and you can work with each profile. But if you want to start APIM as Gateway profile, then you need to start the server with "-Dprofile" mode as follows.
sh -Dprofile=gateway-worker
You can read this document to aware of the profile of wso2 APIM.
And WSO2 has Micro GW product too, you can find more details about that MGW here You can download the form here and test.

WSO2 APIM Analytics not populating Log Analyzer links in Admin Portal

We have setup WSO2 API-M v2.1.0 with API-M Analytics v2.1.0 with Postgresql and HAProxy on CentOS. The API analytics reports are being shown as expected from the Publisher and the Store side and even the api availability from the Admin Portal.
This is a distributed set-up comprising separate publisher, store, key manager, traffic manager, gateway manager/worker and analytics. Consul service discovery is providing local DNS resolution.
On the gateway worker we have enabled log analyzer; also HAProxy is forwarding /portal and /shindig to the Admin Portal publisher node.
Also note the publisher was started on its api-publisher product profile, however this resulted in missing alert configurations, see
jira issue.
This is easily resolved by reverting to the default profile; still none of the log analyzer links are being populated when logged into the Admin Portal application.
When attempting any of the Log analyzer links from the Admin Portal the browsers javascript console is displaying the following errors :
"Failed to preload gadget https://<HOSTNAME>/portal/store/carbon.super/fs/gadget/LiveLogViewer/index.xml."
"Detailed error: 503 Unable to retrieve spec for https://<HOSTNAME>/portal/store/carbon.super/fs/gadget/LiveLogViewer/index.xml. HTTP error 503"
From the analytics carbon console I can validate my gateway log analzyer configuration from the data explorer seen here
The docs seem to suggest the need to edit js code for the log analyzer??