(sml) I'm going to make a function that prints a string tree beautifully in Lisp notation - sml

In fact, I don't know exactly what "lisp notation" means.
So I tried to make it as similar to the list format as possible, but I can't express it like an example because () or (,) looks the same.
How can I represent a list like the example?
my sml code:
datatype 'a Tree = null | Tree of 'a Tree list | leaf of 'a;
fun prettyprint(null) = [] | prettyprint(leaf(v)) = [v] | prettyprint(Tree(h::t)) = prettyprint(h) # prettyprint(Tree(t)) | prettyprint(Tree([])) = []
val ex = Tree [leaf( 2 , 3 ,( 1 , 3 ), 4 ,( ( 3 ) ), 7 )];
Examples to represent:
val it = " ( 2 3 ( 1 3 ) 4 ( ( 3 ) ) 7 ) " : string

This may not be your exact solution. But Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized prefix notation.
When representing source code in Lisp, the first element of an expression is commonly an operator or function name and any remaining elements are treated as arguments. This is called "prefix notation" or "Polish notation". As an example, the Boolean expression written 4 == (2 + 2) in C, is represented as (= 4 (+ 2 2)) in Lisp's prefix notation.
You can find many prefix (or preorder) algorithm in the net and implement it based your program language.


Haskell function that returns a list of elements in a list with more than given amount of occurrences

I tried making a function that as in the title takes 2 arguments, a number that specifies how many times the number must occur and a list that we are working on, I made a function that counts number of appearances of given number in a list and I tried using it in my main function, but I cannot comprehend how the if else and indentations work in Haskell, it's so much harder fixing errors than in other languages, i think that I'm missing else statement but even so I don't know that to put in there
count el list = count el list 0
where count el list output
| list==[] = output
| head(list)==el = count el (tail(list)) output+1
| otherwise = count el (tail(list)) output
moreThan :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
moreThan a [] = []
moreThan a list = moreThan a list output i
where moreThan a list [] 0
if i == length (list)
then output
else if elem (list!!i) output
then moreThan a list output i+1
else if (count (list!!i) list) >= a
then moreThan a list (output ++ [list!!i]) i+1
All I get right now is
parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
You just forgot the = sign and some brackets, and the final else case. But also you switched the order of the internal function declaration and call:
moreThan :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
moreThan a [] = []
moreThan a list = go a list [] 0 -- call
where go a list output i = -- declaration =
if i == length (list)
then output
else if elem (list!!i) output
then go a list output (i+1) -- (i+1) !
else if (count (list!!i) list) >= a
then go a list (output ++ [list!!i]) (i+1) -- (i+1) !
I did rename your internal function as go, as is the custom.
As to how to go about fixing errors in general, just read the error messages, slowly, and carefully -- they usually say what went wrong and where.
That takes care of the syntax issues that you asked about.
As to what to put in the missing else clause, you've just dealt with this issue in the line above it -- you include the ith element in the output if its count in the list is greater than or equal to the given parameter, a. What to do else, we say in the else clause.
And that is, most probably, to not include that element in the output:
then go a list (output ++ [list!!i]) (i+1)
else ---------------------
So, just keep the output as it is, there, instead of the outlined part, and put that line instead of the undefined.
More importantly, accessing list elements via an index is an anti-pattern, it is much better to "slide along" by taking a tail at each recursive step, and always deal with the head element only, like you do in your count code (but preferably using the pattern matching, not those functions directly). That way our code becomes linear instead of quadratic as it is now.
Will Ness's answer is correct. I just wanted to offer some general advice for Haskell and some tips for improving your code.
First, I would always avoid using guards. The syntax is quite inconsistent with Haskell's usual fare, and guards aren't composable in the same way that other Haskell syntax is. If I were you, I'd stick to using let, if/then/else, and pattern matching.
Secondly, an if statement in Haskell is very often not the right answer. In many cases, it's better to avoid using if statements entirely (or at least as much as possible). For example, a more readable version of count would look like this:
count el list = go list 0 where
go [] output = output
go (x:xs) output = go xs (if x == el
then 1 + output
else output)
However, this code is still flawed because it is not properly strict in output. For example, consider the evaluation of the expression count 1 [1, 1, 1, 1], which proceeds as follows:
count 1 [1, 1, 1, 1]
go [1, 1, 1, 1] 0
go [1, 1, 1] (1 + 0)
go [1, 1] (1 + (1 + 0))
go [1] (1 + (1 + (1 + 0)))
go [] (1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + 0))))
(1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + 0))))
(1 + (1 + 2))
(1 + 3)
Notice the ballooning space usage of this evaluation. We need to force go to make sure output is evaluated before it makes a recursive call. We can do this using seq. The expression seq a b is evaluated as follows: first, a is partially evaluated. Then, seq a b evaluates to b. For the case of numbers, "partially evaluated" is the same as being totally evaluated.
So the code should in fact be
count el list = go list 0 where
go [] output = output
go (x:xs) output =
let new_output = if x == el
then 1 + output
else output
in seq new_output (go xs new_output)
Using this definition, we can again trace the execution:
go [1, 1, 1, 1] 0
go [1, 1, 1] 1
go [1, 1] 2
go [1] 3
go [] 4
which is a more efficient way to evaluate the expression. Without using library functions, this is basically as good as it gets for writing the count function.
But we're actually using a very common pattern - a pattern so common, there is a higher-order function named for it. We're using foldl' (which must be imported from Data.List using the statement import Data.List (foldl')). This function has the following definition:
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl' f = go where
go output [] = output
go output (x:xs) =
let new_output = f output x
in seq new_output (go new_output xs)
So we can further rewrite our count function as
count el list = foldl' f 0 list where
f output x = if x == el
then 1 + output
else output
This is good, but we can actually improve even further on this code by breaking up the count step into two parts.
count el list should be the number of times el occurs in list. We can break this computation up into two conceptual steps. First, construct the list list', which consists of all the elements in list which are equal to el. Then, compute the length of list'.
In code:
count el list = length (filter (el ==) list)
This is, in my view, the most readable version yet. And it is also just as efficient as the foldl' version of count because of laziness. Here, Haskell's length function takes care of finding the optimal way to do the counting part of count, while the filter (el ==) takes care of the part of the loop where we check whether to increment output. In general, if you're iterating over a list and have an if P x statement, you can very often replace this with a call to filter P.
We can rewrite this one more time in "point-free style" as
count el = length . filter (el ==)
which is most likely how the function would be written in a library. . refers to function composition. The meaning of this is as follows:
To apply the function count el to a list, we first filter the list to keep only the elements which el ==, and then take the length.
Incidentally, the filter function is exactly what we need to write moreThan compactly:
moreThan a list = filter occursOften list where
occursOften x = count x list >= a
Moral of the story: use higher-order functions whenever possible.
Whenever you solve a list problem in Haskell, the first tool you should reach for is functions defined in Data.List, especially map, foldl'/foldr, filter, and concatMap. Most list problems come down to map/fold/filter. These should be your go-to replacement for loops. If you're replacing a nested loop, you should use concatMap.
in a functional way, ;)
moreThan n xs = nub $ concat [ x | x <- ( group(sort(xs))), length x > n ]
... or in a fancy way, lol
moreThan n xs = map head [ x | x <- ( group(sort(xs))), length x > n ]
mt1 n xs = [ head x | x <- ( group(sort(xs))), length x > n ]

How can I check that the length of a list of custom data types in Haskell?

I'm making a simple sudoku program that only utilises a 9 x 9 grid. To that end, I have a function to check it is 9 x 9 and also checks to make sure the inputted values are Just Num's.
Here's the closest solution I've come to, I'm thinking the issue is in the pattern match I think (correct me if I'm wrong), this is because it compiles but has the logical error of returning False not True when given a perfectly fine test case. Anyways, here's the code dump :D
type Cell = Maybe Int
type Row = [Cell]
data Sudoku = Sudoku [Row]
deriving ( Show, Eq )
rows :: Sudoku -> [Row]
rows (Sudoku ms) = ms
isSudoku :: Sudoku -> Bool
isSudoku (Sudoku [[cs]]) = length [cs] == 9 && length cs == 9
isSudoku (Sudoku _) = False
Many thanks in advance for any advice given!
[x] as a pattern will only match a singleton list (list with exactly one element in it).
To perform the nested lists check, do
isSudokuList cs = length cs == ... &&
and [length c == ... | c <- cs]
You will have to tweak it to fit your types of course.
You could also define
niner [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] = True
and use it.

Ocaml This '(' might be unmatched

new to Ocaml. I've no clue what is happening here and I've been trying to solve this for maybe 2 hours.
Here is the code:
let hailstorm n =
match n with
| (mod n 2 == 0) -> (n/2)
| (mod n 2 == 1) -> (3*n+1);;
When I try to compile it says:
File "./x.ml", line 3, characters 11-12:Error: Syntax error: ')' expected
File "./x.ml", line 3, characters 6-7:
Error: This '(' might be unmatched
The keyword mod is a binary operator (like lsl, lsr, asr, land, lor, lxor and or) . For instance,
let zero = 2 mod 2
Binary operator can be transformed into standard function by wrapping them around parentheses,
let zero = (mod) 2 2
this is why the parser is expecting a closing parenthesis after (mod .
Then, you pattern matching is wrong because n mod 2 == 0 is an expression, not a pattern (and you should use structural equality = rather than physical equality ==):
let f n = match n mod 2 with
| 0 -> ...
| _ -> ...
let f n = match n mod 2 = 0 with
| true -> ...
| false -> ...
which is probably simpler with an if ... then ... else ... .

OCaml overload numeric literal with Camlp4

I am writing a small script with some combinatorics utilities. When I need a numeric literal like 0 or 1 in a different type, I use _0 and _1, but this solution is less than ideal. Is it possible to use Camlp4 to reinterpret numeric literals within a given context or add a new type of numeric literal with a dedicated suffix?
open Num
let zero = num_of_int 0
let one = num_of_int 1
let _0 = zero
let _1 = one
(* some useful infix operators *)
let ( + ) = ( +/ )
let ( - ) = ( -/ )
let ( * ) = ( */ )
let ( < ) = ( </ )
let ( > ) = ( >/ )
let ( = ) = ( =/ )
let ( / ) numer denom =
if mod_num numer denom = _0
then div_num numer denom
else invalid_arg "division is not a total function"
(* factorial, naive *)
let rec fact n =
if n < _0
then invalid_arg "negative factorial"
else if n = _0
then _1
n * fact (n - _1)
(* naive algorithm *)
let choose n k = (fact n / fact k) / fact (n - k)
In short, no. Camlp4 is preprocessor of untyped parse tree. It cannot do such type sensitive thing.
If you would want (and I bet you will not), you can run type checking against the untyped parse trees in Camlp4 and infer the types of your special numerals, then replace them by corresponding values. It is theoretically possible but none has ever tried it, since P4's parse tree is completely different from the one of OCaml.
PPX preprocessor, which is meant to replace Campl4, has some hope, since it handles the same untyped parse tree as OCaml and therefore it is easy to apply OCaml type checker. TyPPX (https://bitbucket.org/camlspotter/typpx) is such a framework to provide APIs for type dependent preprocessing.
You may want to have a look to delimited overloading — it requires to qualify your constants by surrounding the expression e with M.(e) where M is the name of your module (you can define aliases).

Error: Instance : Num (a -> b) when I try to get the sign of the elements of a list

This is what I want to do:
INPUT: [1,2,3,-1,-2,-3]
I tried this:
signNum (x:n) = map(if x>0
then 1
else -1)n
Can anyone tell me where I've made a mistake in the logic?
The first problem is that map expects a function. So you have to wrap your if statement in a lambda. However, this will still not do exactly what you want. Instead of breaking the list into its head and tail, your really want to map your function over the whole list.
Remember that map just takes a function and applies it to each element. Since you want to turn each element into either 1 or -1, you just need to map the appropriate function over your list.
So in the end, you get:
sigNum ls = map (\ x -> if x > 0 then 1 else - 1) ls
In this case, it is probably easier to break the function down into smaller parts.
At the very lowest level, one can compute the signum of a single number, i.e.:
signum :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
signum x = if x > 0 then 1 else -1
Once you have this, you can then use it on a list of numbers, like you would for any function:
signNum ls = map signum ls
(p.s. what is signum 0 meant to be? Your current definition has signum 0 = -1.
If you need to expand the function to include this case, it might be better to use guards:
signum x | x < 0 = -1
| x == 0 = 0
| otherwise = 1
or a case statement:
signum x = case compare x 0 of
LT -> -1
EQ -> 0
GT -> 1
Your comments suggest you'd like to be able to do this with a comprehension.
How to use a comprehension
If you do want to do this with a comprehension, you can do
signNum ls = [ if x>0 then 1 else -1| x <- ls ]
How not to use a comprehension
...but you can't put the condition on the right hand side
brokenSignNum ls = [ 1| x <- ls, x > 0 ]
Because putting a condition on the right hand side removes anything that
doesn't satisfy the condition - all your negatives get ignored! This would
shorten your list rather than replace the elements. Let's try
brokenSignNum2 ls = [ 1| x <- ls, x > 0 ] ++ [ -1| x <- ls, x <= 0 ]
This has the same length as your original list but all the positives are at the front.
Summary: you have to put this conditional expression on the left hand side
becuase that's the only place substitution can happen - on the right hand side it does deletion.
Is zero negative?
Note that your if statement counts 0 as negative. Are you sure you want that? Perhaps you'd be better with defining the sign of a number seperately:
sign x | x == 0 = 0 -- if x is zero, use zero
| x > 0 = 1 -- use 1 for positives
| x < 0 = -1 -- use -1 for negatives
workingSignNum1 ls = [sign x | x <- ls]
But sign is (almost) the same as the function signum, so we may as well use that
workingSignNum2 ls = [signum x | x <- ls]
Making it tidier
Now that's a lot of syntax for what basically means "replace x with sign x all along the list ls". We do that kind of thing a lot, so we could write a function to do it:
replaceUsing :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
replaceUsing f xs = [f x | x <- xs]
but there's already a function that does that! It's called map. So we can use map on our list:
quiteSlickSignNum :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
quiteSlickSignNum ls = map signum ls
or even slicker:
slickSignNum :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
slickSignNum = map signum
which is how I would have defined it.
Why did you say sign was almost the same as signum?
sign takes a number and returns a number, 1, 0, or -1, but what's the type of 1?
Well, 1 has the type Num a => a so you can use it with any numeric type. This means
sign takes any type of number and returns any type of number, so its type is
sign :: (Num a,Num b) => a -> b
so my version of sign can give you a different type. If you try it out, you'll find that 3 * sign 4.5 gives you 3, not 3.0, so you can get an Integer out of it, but also if you do 3.14 * sign 7.4, you get 3.14, so you can get a decimal type too. By contrast,
signum :: Num a => a -> a
so it can only give you back the type you gave it - 3 * signum 4.5 gives you 3.0.
The error message "no instance for Num" is one of the trickiest for new Haskellers to decipher. First, here's the fully polymorphic type signature for the function you are trying to write (I added this to the source file in order to get the same error as you):
signNum :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> [a]
Finding the error
Now, the compile error message says:
Could not deduce (Num (a -> a)) from the context (Ord a, Num a)
arising from the literal `1' at prog.hs:3:17
Notice that the error message gives us the location of the problem. It says that "the literal 1" at file_name.hs:line_number:column_number is the problem.
signNum (x:n) = map(if x>0
then 1 -- <-- here's the problem! (according to that message)
else -1)n
Understanding the error
Now, the error message also suggests some possible fixes, but whenever you run into "no instance for Num", the suggested "possible fixes" are almost always wrong, so ignore them. (I wish GHC would provide better error messages for Num-related stuff like this).
Recall what the error message said:
Could not deduce (Num (a -> a)) ... arising from the literal `1' ...
What this means is that you put a literal 1 somewhere where the context expected something of type
a -> a. 1 is obviously not a function, so either the context is wrong, or the number 1 is wrong.
So what is the context of the literal 1?
Finding the error (precisely)
(if x > 0
then <<hole>>
else -1)
If statements in Haskell produce a value. The branches of an if statement must have the same type, and the type of the if statement is determined by the type of the branches.
Here, the other branch has the value -1, which is a number. So we therefore expect the <<hole>> to have the same type: a number. Well, this obviously isn't the problem (since 1 is a number), so let's look at the context of that expression.
map <<hole>> n
The map function expects a function as its first argument. However, we know the <<hole>> will produce a number. Eureka! Here's the discrepancy: we're giving map a number where it expects a function.
Correcting the error
The obvious solution -- now that we know precisely what and where the problem is -- is to give map a function, rather than a number. See the various other answers for details.