Appending struct by reference to an array in C++ - c++

How can I implement a function in C++ that appends a struct instance to an array by reference? So that after appending a struct stored in a variable to the array, this variable can be used further to change the instance of array.
struct St{
int x
St* arr;
St a = {0};
append a to arr;
a.x = 1;
//expecting arr[0].x = 1
Here is the C++ code with the film example (see comments describing the problem):
struct Film{
int id;
char* name;
void add_film(Film *&films, int &size, Film &film){
if (size == 0)
films = new Film[1];
Film *tmp = new Film[size + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
tmp[i] = films[i];
films = tmp;
films[size] = film;
film = films[size]; //how to reassign passed film object to a new object in array?
int main(){
Film *films = nullptr;
int size = 0;
Film film = {1, "Name1"};
add_film(films, size, film); = "Name2";
std::cout << films[0].name; //output: "Name1", expected: "Name2"

Appending struct by reference to an array in C++
There are two problems with this:
There cannot be arrays of references in C++.
There is no way to append to an array. The size of an array is a constant. There is no way to add or remove elements.
An issue with your attempted solution is that you have an array of Films, and not an array of references. This isn't very surprising, as problem 1 described above states there are no such thing as arrays of references. The solution is simple however: Use pointers instead of references. Technically, you could use a reference wrapper instead, but a pointer is often simpler.
You've basically figured out the solution to 2. already. What you're doing is creating a new array, copying the old elements from the old array into the new one, and destroying the old array. That's a good approach in general, but there are a number of problems with this trivial implementation:
Bare owning pointers are unsafe and hard to use.
Reallocating and copying the entire array on every append is very expensive.
Former can be solved by using the RAII idiom, and latter can be solved by separating the storage of the objects from the creation of the objects, and by growing the storage by a constant factor i.e. geometrically. There is no need to implement such RAII container though, since the standard library has you covered. It's called std::vector.
In conclusion: You can use std::vector<Film*>.


C++ dynamic array of pointer to another class

Hello i'm trying to create a dynamic array of pointer to an object Student from Gradesclass but i can't figure out how to declare it in the header
that's the header:
class Grades
Student** array;
int _numofStud;
Grades(const Grades& other);
and the grades constructor (i'm not sure it's right)
this->array = new Student * [2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
this->array[i] = NULL;
this->array[0]= new Student("auto1", "12345");
this->array[1]= new Student("auto2", "67890");
this->_numofStud = 2;
The probleme is that before it even enter to the constructor, it creating me an array of Size 5 in Grades because i have 5 elements in the Student constructor
Student::Student(const char* name, char* id)
this->_numofgrade = 0;
this->_grades = NULL;
this->_average = 0;
And i can't add or modify this size
I want to put a default size of Grades to an array of 2 pointers to student object that i'll define as default then i'll have an other methods that add new Students by creating them and adding their pointers to the array
Th problem is i can't change the size of array and i don't understand why
I hope i was clear in my explanation thanks for your help
that's the debuger and you can see when it's creating a new object Grades g1
it's creating an array of 5 instead off two
fill the 2 first as i asked for
and the 3 left i have no idea why they have been created and whats inside them
OK, so to be clear, in any actual programs you should use std::vector or other containers, they have a lot of features I ignored here (being templates, supporting move semantics, not requiring a default constructor, etc.), a lot of saftey (what if a constructor throws an exception? What if I do array.add(array[0])?), while still being pretty well optimised for general purpose usage.
And you should also really look at std::unique_ptr, manual new, delete, is generally asking for leaks and other mistakes, in C++ a manual "free" or "delete" of any resource is almost never needed.
Also note in C++ size_t is often used for sizes/lengths of objects and containers.
So the basic idea of a dynamic array is it changes it's size based on current requirements, so Grades() can just start off empty for example.
: array(nullptr), _numofStud(0)
Then when adding a new item, a new larger array is made, and all the existing items are copied (roughly what std::vector::push_back(x) does).
void Grades::addStudent(Student *student)
// make a larger array
Student **newArray = new Student*[_numofStud + 1];
// copy all the values
for (int i = 0; i < _numofStud; ++i)
newArray[i] = array[i]; // copy existing item
// new item
newArray[_numofStud] = student;
// get rid of old array
delete[] array;
// use new array
array = newArray;

how can I copy an array from a class and double the size of the new array?

CDCatalogue::CDCatalogue() //creates array of size 4
numcds = 0;
cds = new CD[maxsize];
I want this to copy cat into a new array with double the size of cat:
CDCatalogue::CDCatalogue(const CDCatalogue& cat)
As suggested before I'd prefer to use std::vector, which offers the resize() member function for exactly what you need. This is probably what you are looking for.
If for some reason you cannot use vectors, maybe a simpler approach than having a "doubler copy constructor" would be having a function 'doubleSize' that you can call right after construct-copying.
Assuming that in your example in the question, maxsize and cds are declared as class members, you could do something like this:
CDCatalogue::doubleSize() {
unsigned int oldMaxSize = maxsize;
maxsize *= 2; // You might want to keep an eye for overflows here
CD *oldCds = cds;
cds = (CD*) new CD[maxsize];
std::copy(oldCds, oldCds+oldMaxSize, cds);
delete[] cds;
Note that this is not as simple as using vectors, because there is no "resize" for c++ dynamic allocations. Instead, you have to create a new array of the new desired size, copy the elements of the old array into the new, and then release the memory of the old array. Note that the last half of elements of the new array will be initialized to undefined values.

How make a dynamic array using void** and void*?

I want to make a dynamic memory array function where in the arguments I can put in any type I want, the count, and the item I want. I've been googling and looking at YT videos, but none of them explain how to do just THAT, and when the item I want is a pointer. For example, I would have this:
struct Entity
int health;
int level;
int experience;
char* name;
Entity** entitylist = NULL;
int entitycount = 0;
Entity* CreateEntity(/*args for creating an entity*/)
Entity* newentity = malloc(sizeof(Entity));
// All of the entity creation stuff and at the end...
AddItemToList(&Entity, &newentity, &entitycount);
I know in the function I want to create I would need to pass in references to the specific list, but from that I'm pretty much clueless. I've tried to use malloc and realloc but either crashes the program or does nothing. And would new and delete work for this type of stuff?
And how would removing something like this work? I haven't seen anything on the internet yet about removing an item from a list, only adding them.
Using a double pointer for a data type such as int** with give you a dynamic 2D array, or a dynamic array of pointer objects, depending on your implementation, and a single int* is just a normal dynamic array. To full instantiate and allocate the memory for these, here's how you do it:
1D Dynamic array:
int* arr;
arr = new int[SIZE];
2D Dynamic Array:
int** arr;
arr = new int*[SIZE]; //<- stop here for 1D array of pointer objects
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
arr[i] = new int[SIZE2];

Assigning dynamically allocated array of pointers

Having a lot of trouble with this after sifting through many posts on here. Everything compiles but I get a crash right here during this function which should be dynamically allocating the addresses of one array into this array of pointers. I see one or two memory addresses posted so I'm not sure why it would be crashing during the middle of this.
string *copyArray(string ptrArray[],int sizeArray)
string **dynamString = new string*[sizeArray];
int i;
for (i=0;i<=sizeArray;++i)
(*dynamString[i]) = ptrArray[i];
cout << dynamString[i];
return *dynamString;
from main I have:
string *arrPtr;
and the function call
arrPtr = copyArray(arrayOfStrings, arraySize);
for (i=0;i<=sizeArray;++i)
accesses an element behind the array yielding an undefined behavior. Elements are indexed from 0 to sizeArray - 1. Another problem is that you allocate the array of pointers:
string **dynamString = new string*[sizeArray];
and then you are derefencing these pointers although they do not point to any object yet:
(*dynamString[i]) = ptrArray[i];
which also causes an undefined behavior. In case you wanted to create a deep copy, you should allocate the memory for every object as well:
for (i = 0; i < sizeArray; ++i)
dynamString[i] = new std::string(ptrArray[i]);
cout << *dynamString[i];
However you should avoid using C-style arrays always when it is possible and prefer STL containers instead. In this case it could be neat std::vector<std::string> and its constructor that would do the same than your function (just in safer and more reasonable manner with no possible memory leaks):
std::vector<std::string> myStrings(arrayOfStrings, arrayOfStrings + arraySize);
ok I fixed it here. My pointer syntax was incorrect. Here is the correct syntax.
dynamString[i] = &ptrArray[i];

possible problems after resizing dynamic array

Got little problem here.
I created dynamic array:
m_elements = new struct element*[m_number_of_elements];
for(int i = 0; i < m_number_of_elements; i++)
m_elements[i] = new struct element[m_element_size];
then I tried to resize existing array:
m_elements[m_number_of_elements] = create_more_elements();
create_more_elements() is a function:
struct index* create_more_elements()
struct element* tmp = new struct element[m_number_of_elements]
return tmp;
In general, this piece of code works, but sometimes I get segfaults in different places.
Are segfaults connected with resizing?
Any thoughts?
You should use std::vector for it, then you can with new allocate memory for new struct and push her pointer to vector, if you deleting you should delete on pointer.
Try this:
std::vector<element> m_elements;
Don't go the route of manually managing an array unless absolutely necessary - std::vector will do a far better job, is better tested, proven, standardized and understood by legions of C++ programmers. See my code example - not even a single new or delete statement, yet this code also contains all required memory management.
P.S.: Since this question is tagged as C++, you don't have to write struct element whereever you use it as a type, just element will suffice. This suggests you are coming from C, so my advice: learn about the STL before you continue what you're doing, a single hour spent learning how to use the standard container classes can save you many days of manual tweaking, debugging and bug-fixing. Especially since once you've learnt one, you already know like 80% about all the others. :)
m_elements[i] = new struct element[m_element_size];
This creates an array of element of size m_element_size
To dynamically create a struct, just use new struct element or new element.
If don't have to initialize values in your array, you may even be better not storing pointers but actual objects in your array:
m_elements = new element[m_number_of_elements];
To "resize" an array, you actually have to allocate a new bigger array, copy the content of current array in the new one, and delete the old array.
// Allocate new array
element* newArray = new element[m_number_of_elements + 1];
// Copy old array content into new one
memcpy(newArray, m_elements, m_number_of_elements * sizeof(element)];
// Delete old array
delete[] m_elements;
// Assign new array
m_elements = newArray;
// Keep new size
m_number_of_elements += 1;
But you should definitely use std::vector which is simpler and smarter than that:
std::vector<element> elements;
// Add an element
Element element;
It is a wonder that you code even works. Basically what you are doing is overwriting memory after your initially allocated array. In C++ you can't resize the array, you can only delete it and new up a new one.
element** tmp = new element*[m_number_of_elements];
for(int i = 0; i < m_number_of_elements; i++)
tmp[i] = m_elements[i]
delete m_elements;
m_elements = tmp;
m_elements[m_number_of_elements] = create_more_elements();
But, that is really crufty. As Svisstack points out, you should use std::vector or any other suitable standard container.
std::vector<element*> m_elements;
// ...