Converting if/and statement into an array formula - if-statement

I'd like to convert the following formula:
=IF(A2:A=1,"Under an hour",IF(AND(A2:A<48,A2:A>23),"1 Day",IF(A2:A>=24,int(A2:A/24)&" Days",ROUNDUP(A2:A) &" Hours")))
into an Array formula. Currently it doesn't work because AND statements don't work in Array Formulas but I'm not really sure how to get it working without the and (and without embedding 24 different IF statements)
I basically just want to return user-readable text in column B relating to how many hours are shown in A:
0 0 Hours
1 Under an hour
2 2 Hours
23 23 Hours
24 1 Day
25 1 Day
47 1 Day
48 2 Days
49 2 Days
100 4 Days

Change AND(A2:A<48,A2:A>23) to (A2:A<48)*(A2:A>23):


Power BI - get the graph out of the data set

It seems very simple but I can not get the graph to show the data I want.
So, I have got a lot of IDs with the end and start dates (LENGHT) and open items (OPEN). Each day has got availability (AVAIL) and there is nil used (USED) at day 1.
1A 6 100 0 2400
I need to create the NEW_DAY column with count of the LENGHT. In this case the result would be
1A 6 1 100 0 2400
1A 6 2 100 0 2400
1A 6 3 100 0 2400
1A 6 4 100 0 2400
1A 6 5 100 0 2400
1A 6 6 100 0 2400
Note, I have hundreds of IDs so can not hard code it as 1A and needs to be dynamic.
I am not sure, but maybe this might help you.
If you add a blank query and add this expression:
= List.Repeat({1, 2}, 3)
you will get the first argument {1, 2} repeated three times.
When you separate your ID in a new column and pass this column to the code above (the same goes for the second argument) it might work.

PowerBI running Total formula

I have a dataset OvertimeHours with EMPLID, checkdate and NumberOfHours (and other fields). I need a running total NumberOfHours for each employee by checkdate. I tried using the Quick Measure option but that only allows for a single column and I have two. I do not want the measure to recalculate when filters are applied. Ultimately what I am trying to do is identify the records for the first 6 hours of overtime worked on each check so that they can get a category of OCB and all overtime over the first 6 hours is OTP and it does not have to be exact (as demonstrated in the output below). I have only been working with Power BI for about a month and this is a pretty complex (for me) formula to figure out...
EMPLID CheckDate WkDate NumberOfHours RunningTotal Category
124 1/1/19 12/20/18 5 5 OCB
124 1/1/19 12/21/18 9 14 OTP
125 1/1/19 12/20/18 3 3 OCB
125 1/1/19 12/20/18 2 5 OCB
125 1/1/19 12/22/18 2 7 OTP
124 1/15/19 1/8/19 3 3 OCB
*Edited to add the WkDate.
I have tweaked my query so that I have the running total and a sequential counter now:
Using the first 12 records, I am looking to get the following results:
I can either do it in a query if that is the easiest way or if there is a way to use DAX in PowerBI with this dataset now that I have the sequential piece, I can do that too.
I got it in the query:
select r.CheckDate,
when PayrollRunningOTHours <= 6
then PayrollRunningOTHours
else 6
end as OCBHours,
when PayRollRunningOTHours > 6
then PayRollRunningOTHours - 6
end as OTPHours
from #rollingtotal r
join lastone l
on r.CheckDate = l.CheckDate
and r.OTCounter = l.lastRec
order by r.emplid,

Eliminate duplicate pairs of numbers and total their quantities in openoffice Calc

I have a Calc sheet listing a cut-list for plywood in two columns with a quantity in a third column. I would like to remove duplicate matching pairs of dimensions and total the quantity. Starting with:
25 35 2
25 40 1
25 45 3
25 45 2
35 45 1
35 50 3
40 25 1
40 25 1
Ending with:
25 35 2
25 40 1
25 45 5
35 45 1
35 50 3
40 25 2
I'm trying to automate this. Currently I have multiple lists which occupy the same page which need to be totaled independently of each other.
Put a unique different ListId, ListCode or ListNumber for each of the lists. Let all rows falling into the same list, have the same value for this field.
Concatenate A & B and form a new column, say, PairAB.
If the list is small and handlable, filter for PairAB and collect totals.
Otherwise, use Grouping and subtotals to get totals for each list and each pair, grouping on ListId and PairAB.
If the list is very large, you are better off taking it to CSV, and onward to a database, such things are simple child's play in SQL.

Two Way EntityCollection Binding to a Two Dimension Data Matrix

I have a Day Strucuture Table, which has following Columns I want to display:
DoW HoD Value
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 3 2
1 4 2
1 5 2
1 6 2
1 7 2
1 8 2
1 9 2
1 10 2
1 11 4
1 12 4
1 13 4
1 14 4
1 15 4
1 16 4
1 17 4
1 18 4
1 19 4
1 20 4
1 21 1
1 22 1
1 23 1
1 24 1
Dow is The Day of Week (Monday etc.), HoD is the Hour of Day and Value is the actual value.
Now I want to Bind this Day Structure Entity Collection directly to a Control so any Changes can be bound TwoWay
Like this Format:
I think the best way to achieve this is to use a Template and/or a converter, but I just dont know how ;)
I already read this article, but Lack of a TwoWay Binding functionality makes it not useful for me :(
I Hope you can help me
Again i solved it on my own ;)
For this problem i created a Grid with a fixed amout of rows and columns. Inside this Grid I put a Itemscontrol bound to my List of data. Inside the DataTemplate I placed a Textbox bound to the current value and bound the Grid Row and Columnproperties to the Day of the Week/Hour of Day.
The Textbox is TwoWay Databound to a certain Object or Element.
Very Easy to implement if Row and Colum Property is numeric.
Limited to a fixed amout of Rows/Columns.
Very much Code to write in XAML (Copy and Paste)
Kinda "dirty" Code. Feels not like the best way to do it.
Im still open for other suggestions.

Django query aggregation

Imagine a number guessing game where one person thinks of a number and another person has to guess it. The game is over if the correct number was guessed.
The models might look like this
class SecretNumber(models.Model):
number = models.IntegerField()
class Guess(models.Model)
secretnumber = models.Foreignkey(SecretNumber)
guess = models.IntegerField()
After having played four times, the database might look like this:
id number
1 10
2 54
3 68
4 25
id secretnumber_id guess
1 1 50
2 1 30
3 1 10
4 2 99
5 2 60
6 2 54
7 3 1
8 3 68
9 4 73
10 4 34
11 4 86
12 4 51
13 4 25
As you can see, the guesser was very lucky: it took him 3, 3, 2 and 4 guesses. But that's just to keep this example short.
Now I need to come up with a query which will allow to display the following data:
Nb. guesses Count
2 1
3 2
4 1
A manual SQL statement would look something like this:
SELECT inner_count AS 'Nb. guesses', count(inner_count) AS 'Count' FROM (
SELECT secretnumber_id, count(id) AS inner_count FROM guess GROUP BY secretnumber_id
) GROUP BY inner_count
I thought about annotating an annotation, but this seems not to be possible.
Any ideas?
If you're using django (ie models instead of classes), you want to use the QuerySet aggregate functions
from django.db.models import Count
guesses = Guess.objects.values('secretnumber').annotate(Count('secretnumber'))
This will give you a queryset with a list of objects, which have a secretnumber and a count value.