WSO2 EI 6.6 Content-Type is null for GET requests - wso2

I'm having an API endpoint defined in WSO2 EI Integration studio. When I send this endpoint a GET request, the $axis2:ContentType header of the request is getting null as soon as it comes inside the EI (Beginning of inSequence) . Is there a way to preserve this header and send it out of the EI. Any idea how to do this ?
NOTE: This is not happening for POST requests.
API endpoint
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<api context="/eirouter_test" name="eirouter_test" xmlns="">
<resource methods="POST GET">
<log level="custom">
<property expression="$axis2:ContentType" name="original-content-type" />
<respond description="Send result to the client"/>
<outSequence />
<faultSequence />
Request CURL
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8290/eirouter_test/eb805bbe-6c3e-414d-a380-857b6f89607c' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
EI Logs
[2021-06-01 10:54:41,457] INFO {LogMediator} - {api:eirouter_test} original-content-type = null

In short answer, the Content-Type HTTP header should be set only for PUT and POST requests. There was very similar question: Do I need a content-type header for HTTP GET requests?
with very good explanations.
So that is not WSO2 problem, but that is how works HTTP with Content-Type header.


WSO2 ESB not returning payloads

We're downgrading our ESB from 5.0.0 to 4.8.1 to match a different development environment and we've hit an unexpected snag: our APIs aren't returning anything.
We were originally using the mediator, which I'm gathering was changed between 4.8.1 and 5.0.0 and cannot in the older version be used as a response so we switched to This is a resource I have set up in an effort to get a smoke test up
<resource methods="GET" uri-template="/StaticTest">
<log level="full"></log>
<log level="full"></log>
<payloadFactory media-type="json">
I know the resource is being hit, because the logging statements make it into the logs. In fact, placing another mediator over the respond tag will display the following
[2017-05-09 15:48:19,968] INFO - LogMediator To: ,
MessageID: urn:uuid:6376072e-d005-497e-b7a1-9f89cff49099,
Direction: response,
Envelope: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
Which I have taken the liberty of formatting a bit. As you can see a soap envelope has been made matching my static JSON object, but SOAP UI is showing nothing. I get an HTTP 200, but no content. Any idea what could cause this?

404 Not Found in Wso2apimanager

I created an api in wso2apimanager 1.7 and subscribed the created api through creating an application. But when i call the api using a REST client (postman) i'm getting 404 Not Found error.
cURL request
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Authorization: Bearer f3afa04c46c95461ff2df4d037e9b2f" -H "Postman-Token: 8cb664dd-76ec-5ee1-40ee-ff27a1ce1942" "http://localhost:8280/test/path/V1/"
Response is
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>
below is my api definition xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<api xmlns=""
<resource methods="POST GET OPTIONS DELETE PUT"
<endpoint name="admin--TestingAPI_APIproductionEndpoint_0">
<http uri-template=""/>
<handler class=""/>
I think the problem is with your backend service. It gives 404 when you try instead of (note the slash at the end)
So if you send your request to below URL, it should work I think.
Looks like you have not used API Context and/or its resource name, Please give a try with that otherwise, please provide your API Definition with back-end API details for further help.
Follow this tutorial to get an idea how to create an API. It is for APIM 2.0.0 but the skills are transferable.

Error with WSO2 ESB when trying to connect to Jira and ElasticSearch

I have and scenario where I want to extract dynamically Issues from Jira in order to save them on ElasticSearch. I use a custom Proxy Service that connect with Jira (via Jira connector), get a project (first I want to save the project's information) and pass this information to Elastic. Following is the in Sequence of the proxy service:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inSequence xmlns="">
<property expression="json-eval($.username)" name="username"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.password)" name="password"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.uri)" name="uri"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.id)" name="id"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.uriEl)" name="uriEl"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.indexName)" name="indexName"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.type)" name="type"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.message)" name="message"/>
<property expression="json-eval($.project)" name="project"
scope="default" type="STRING"/>
And here is the sample request:
The other parameters (Endpoint, out Sequence and Fault Sequence) are by default.
The problem is that when I try to send this request via 'Try the Test service' option on WSO2 ESB, i get the following error:
Error connecting to the Tryit ajax proxy
I have tested the same code but only using the Jira connection (without get a project or connect to Elastic), and the same error occurs.
Looking to this error, I suppose that the problem is before to read the JSON request, but I don't know if it is related to the endpoint (I think that it is not necessary an endpoint for this scenario).
Thanks in advance.
This problem is totally independent of the jira connector etc. Problem is with the "try it" tool. This tool is not that much recommended for testing purposes. Instead of that, try invoking the proxy service via soap ui.
If you share a screenshot when the try it error occurs, I'll be able to comment on that as well.
After a few days I have found another solution to my problem without using proxy services. To connect ESB with Jira, I created this API on ESB:
<api xmlns="" name="transport_service" context="/transport_service">
<resource methods="GET">
<log level="full"/>
<property name="messageType" value="application/xml" scope="axis2"/>
The command to call this API is simple:
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8280/transport_service > jira-db.json
Finally, if you want to insert this json on elastic, you can follow the typical PUT via curl:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/jira/jira/1' -d #jira-db.json
Additionally, you can write both commands on a daily bash script (using your scheduled task list), getting the same result that scheduling your proxy service on WSO2ESB:
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8280/transport_service > jira-db.json
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/jira-dev/jira/1' -d #jira-db.json
echo "Daily load completed"

WSO2 ESB: Can we use Call Mediator for Rest Service to post (POST HTTP Method) the xml request?

When I create proxy with send mediator with Rest service Post HTTP Method in HTTP endpoint url. Selected the endpoint as HTTP endpoint on proxy and post the request xml without soap envelop, this perfectly works and get the response in the response window.
But when I use the call mediator with the same HTTP end point url configuration, this does not works. I would like to know can we use call mediator for Post HTTP method? When I use Call mediator for the GET HTTP method which require only query parameters and does not require any request xml this works absolutely fine.
Here is the further information:
However issue is resloved by using the address endpoint in callmediator. When I Invoke the proxy from external Restt client ot Soap UI, it does works. If I use the Try this Service option in wso2 ESB will fail with the results 1. When Soap12 endpoint is selected and 2 when HTTP end point is selected as shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="https http"
<property name="ContentType" value="text/xml" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/>
<property name="HTTP_METHOD" value="POST" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/>
<payloadFactory media-type="xml">
<organizationList xmlns="">
<xml content>
<header name="_user" scope="transport" value="username"/>
<header name="_password" scope="transport" value="Password"/>
<call blocking="true">
<address uri="http://<ip-address>:<port>/<resource-path>/UpdateOrganization"
Output: When soap12 endpoint is selected
Though posted the correct xml service does not recorgonize the correct xml format for soap12 endpoint.
Record is not processed successfully. Please Provide valid Request XML
When Http end point is selected
[2016-04-21 12:07:50,179] INFO - HTTPSender Unable to sendViaPost to url[http://://UpdateOrganization/mediate] Read timed out
at Method)
I think we can't use call mediator for this purpose because call mediator is context unaware mediator.
Your call should already perform a post out the box.
Did you try to set format="pox" if you expect simple xml as a response

Exposing WSO2 ESB as REST for use in JavaScript

I have been digging around in Stackoverflow and WSO2 ESB documentation for days but I have yet to come across any clear answer.
My application is in JavaScript and using the Dojo framework. Ideally all the web services call should be make against REST and returns JSON. I know how to get the SOAP xml to come back as JSON because of this example 440: "http//" I have looked at the sample posted on this blog as well: "http//" I seems to be able to call the proxy service from tools like soapUI and get my result in JSON. So I can only assume that ESB is working properly However when I try to call it using dojo.xhrGet or, the data returns as NULL always!!!
What is the method in REST am I supposed to call for a ESB Proxy Service? If I look at the wsdl of the service, the operation seems to call "mediate" but that did not get me any further. I have looked at example 800: "http//" but I am not clear where to use this.
Note: Please add ":" after http for those http links. I seems to be running out of quotas for hyperlinks.
More information after some help from Ratha:
1. This is how I want to call the proxy service: (There will be more querystring parameters later)
Query string is null from this Mediation Message Tracker dump:
13:10:10,803 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Proxy Service TestRestProxy received a new message from :
13:10:10,803 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Message To: /services/TestRestProxy?address=1460%20nicholson%20road
13:10:10,803 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO SOAPAction: null
13:10:10,803 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO WSA-Action: null
13:10:10,803 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Using the anonymous in-sequence of the proxy service for mediation
13:10:10,804 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Start : Sequence
13:10:10,804 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Sequence :: mediate()
13:10:10,804 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Start : Log mediator
13:10:10,805 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO querystring = null
13:10:10,805 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO End : Log mediator
13:10:10,806 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Start : Log mediator
13:10:10,806 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO End : Log mediator
13:10:10,806 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Start : Send mediator
13:10:10,806 [-] [HttpServerWorker-16] INFO Sending message through endpoint : EsriNA10 resolving to address =
This is how the proxy looks like:
Note: I wanted to extract the "address" value and put it in the $1 in the request soap message.
<proxy xmlns="" name="TestRestProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="enable" startOnLoad="true">
<log level="custom">
<property name="querystring" expression="get-property('REST_URL_POSTFIX')" />
<GeocodeAddress xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Address xmlns="">
<Value>L3Y 9C3</Value>
<PropMods xmlns="">
<Value xmlns:q2="" xsi:type="q2:ProjectedCoordinateSystem">
<arg expression="$ctx:querystring" />
<log level="full" category="TRACE" separator="," />
<endpoint key="EsriNA10" />
<log level="full" separator="," />
<xslt key="out_transform" />
<property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" type="STRING" />
<send />
In the sample 800 it explains how you can directly invoke RESTAPIs..
For example, if you have your REST service endpoints point that as your service endpoint. Note that the following configuration;
<api name="StockQuoteAPI" context="/stockquote">
<resource uri-template="/view/{symbol}" methods="GET">
Where we define the RESTAPI call stockquoteAPI and defining the context and uritemplate..
So, when you try to execute above API, use curl or other REST client and execute like;
curl -v
Here you will see we provide the context and uri template..from that we pick symbol call IBM and sending to stcokquote service..But it is your logic, you can define your own logic in the sequence.
From browser try like this;
Here the "operation" is the operation(which is present at your backend REST service) you try to invoke.
"Mediate" is the default operation..If you want to execute your actual backend service operation provide that operation as i mentioned above.
When you define proxy follow my sample in the blog..
<proxy name="yourProxy" transports="https http" startOnLoad="true" trace="disable">
<address uri="Your REST SERVICE ENDPOINT URL"/>
<log level ="custom">
<property name="querystrings" expression=get-property('REST_URL_POSTFIX')/>
Try above proxy and see what it logs fro "querystrings"
You can use REST API to invoke allt hese http verbs.Simply define what type of the verb you like to execute..and route the request to the service endpoint
This is a simple introduction part..hope may help you..