Set object position relative to other object - c++

So I try to learn about game development, and I want to make my character can move its elbow. the elbow looks like this, it consist of 2 sprites, arm1 and arm2. Arm1 can rotate base on its origin, and arm2 should locate at the tip of arm1(about 60 px from arm1 origin). But I don't know how to put arm2 at the correct position like in the img. I try to use polar coordinate because I know the angle and arm distance
armPos.x=arm1.getPosition().x+(d*cos(AngleToRad(arm1.getRotation()-toleransi) ));
, but that doesn't work. I use circle and line just for debug.
The full code looks like this:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Player.h"
#include "Particle.h"
using namespace sf;
float AngleToRad(float a)
return (a/360.0f)*3.14159265359;
int main()
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1000,640), "Small Life");
Texture idle_texture;
IntRect player_rect(264,0,264,264);
Sprite mc(idle_texture,player_rect);
Player player(&idle_texture, Vector2u(4,1),0.3f);
Texture arm1_texture;
Sprite arm1(arm1_texture);
Texture arm2_texture;
Sprite arm2(arm2_texture);
Texture blood_texture;
CircleShape cir(10);
VertexArray lines(LinesStrip,2);
float deltaTime=0.0f;
Clock clock;
Clock particle_time;
float speed=0.2f;
std::cout<<sin(1.5708)<<" "<<cos(AngleToRad(180))<<" "<< AngleToRad(180)<<" "<<" "<<asin(1)<<" "<<acos(1)<<std::endl;
while (window.isOpen())
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == Event::Closed)
if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W)) mc.move(0,-speed);
if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S)) mc.move(0,speed);
if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A)) mc.move(-speed,0);
if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D)) mc.move(speed,0);
//blood particle//
IntRect blRect(0,0,200,200);
Sprite b_blood(blood_texture,blRect);
int bloodCount=bloodVec.size();
for(int i=0;i<bloodCount;i++)
Vector2f armPos(arm1.getPosition());
float d=30.0f;
float toleransi=90;
armPos.x=arm1.getPosition().x+(d*cos(AngleToRad(arm1.getRotation()-toleransi) ));
return 0;
Can anyone please tell me what wrong with my code, or is there another way to implement this?

Relative positions are achieved by transform composition (matrix multiplication). You can try to do it manually, but SFML already implements it, and even better: it uses it behind sf::Sprite::draw.
So let's see: arm2 must have a position relative to arm1, so how do we do that?
Set the origin of arm2 where the elbow joint is in arm2 local coordinates.
Set the position of arm2 where the elbow joint is in arm1 local coordinates.
Pass the arm1 transform to the sf::RenderStates each time you draw arm2. The transform multiplication will be performed underneath.
// Do this once
arm2.setOrigin(elbow_x_in_arm2, elbow_y_in_arm2);
arm2.setPosition(elbow_x_in_arm1, elbow_y_in_arm1);
// But this, each time you draw them
window.draw(arm2, sf::RenderStates(arm1.getTransform()));
Whenever you move, rotate or scale the arm1, the arm2 will remain attached. Also, if you rotate arm2, it will rotate around the elbow.
The transform of arm2 will represent the local transformation, so even though it's drawn in the correct position, the data does not contain the global position/rotation/scale. If you wanted to , for example, check for collisions in arm2, you should take this into account:
// don't use this to get the bounding box
sf::FloatRect boundingBoxBad = arm2.getGlobalBounds(); // WRONG: now they are not global
// use this:
sf::Transform tr1 = arm1.getTransform();
sf::Transform tr2 = arm2.getTransform();
sf::FloatRect boundingbBoxGood = tr2.transformRect(tr1.transformRect(arm2.getLocalBounds()));


Why is the screen space coordinate system for my sfml rendered app inverted?

I am learning C++ and I thought I'd make the original asteroids game with a fresh coat of paint using the SFML graphics library. However, for my player sprite, while the origin is at the top left corner of the screen, to the right of it is the negative x axis and downwards is negative y axis (opposite of what it's supposed to be in both cases). Also, no matter what object or rotation, invoking the setRotation function always rotates any object about the top left corner of the screen even if, for that object, I have set the origin to the object's center.
using namespace sf;
const int W{ 1200 }, H{ 800 };
const float degToRad = 0.017453f;
int main() {
float x{ -600 }, y{ -400 };
float dx{}, dy{}, angle{};
bool thrust;
RenderWindow app(VideoMode(W, H), "Asteroids!");
Texture t1, t2;
Sprite sPlayer(t1), sBackground(t2);
sPlayer.setTextureRect(IntRect(40, 0, 40, 40));
sPlayer.setOrigin(-600, -400);
while (app.isOpen())
return 0;
The above code draws the player (spaceship.png) to the center of my rendered window (app) but notice how I have had to put in negative coordinates. Also, if I further put in the code for taking keyboard inputs and call the setRotation function, instead of rotating my sPlayer sprite about its center (i.e. (-600,-400)), it rotates the sprite about the top left corner of the screen which is (0,0). I can't find any explanation for this in the SFML online documentation. What should I do?
As I mentioned I have tried reading the documentation. I've watched online tutorials but to no avail.
Origin is the point on sprite where you "hold" it.
Position is the point on screen where you put Origin of the sprite.
In short, you take your sprite by Origin and put it so Origin is on Position.
By default, both Origin and Position are (0, 0), so top left of your sprite is put at top left of the screen. What you did was to say "take this point on sprite, which is way to the upper-left that actual visible part of the sprite is and put it to the top left of the screen". This had an effect of moving your sprite to the bottom right.
You probably want something like:
// This is will make sure that Origin, i.e. point which defines rotation and other transformations center is at center of the ship
sPlayer.setOrigin(sprite_width / 2, sprite_height / 2);
// This will put Origin (center of the ship) at center of the screen
sPlayer.setPosition(screen_width / 2, screen_height / 2);

SFML Views setCenter vs rotation

I have a view with same dimensions of original window (500,300)
I apply view.zoom(2) to leave the view at half the size.
Now the view is centered. I want to move the view to the upper left corner of the original window. So I put view.setCenter(500,300);
The view is now correctly positioned in the upper corner of the original window. But now I want to rotate the view, making the center of the view its own top left corner, ie (0,0): view.setRotation(5);
As you can see, the center of the axis of rotation should be 0.0 but not respected.
The problem is that if I do view.setCenter (0,0), the whole view returns to the middle of the original window.
How to solve this?
Instead of using view.setCenter(500,300); move it via view.move(x_offset, y_offset);. Then applying setCenter(...) won't redefine the center and it won't get reset.
I recommend consulting the API reference of View for further reading.
You might also be interested in void sf::View::setViewport(const FloatRect& viewport) or void sf::View::reset(const FloatRect& rectangle).
This code, kindly provided by Geheim, solves the problem and also teaches a more practical approach to SFML.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window({500, 300}, "SFML Views", sf::Style::Close);
bool useViewPort {true}; // change this to false to see the other version
sf::View camera {{0, 0}, static_cast<sf::Vector2f>(window.getSize())};
if (useViewPort)
camera.setViewport({-0.5f, -0.5f, 1, 1});
sf::RectangleShape background {camera.getSize()};
sf::RectangleShape square {{50, 50}};
sf::RenderTexture texture;
texture.create(window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y);
while (window.isOpen())
for (sf::Event event; window.pollEvent(event);)
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
if (useViewPort)
sf::Sprite content {texture.getTexture()};
content.rotate(-5); // you have to rotate in the other disquareion here, do you know why?
I'm glad you got the result you wanted by applying viewports using Geheim's code.
However, if you don't want to be using viewports to clip areas of the window and such, you can still rotate a view around a specific point other than its centre. You just need a little bit of mathematics...
Take the different between the target point (in the view's co-ordinate system) and the view's centre and rotate that point by the amount you wish to rotate the view and around the view's centre. Then, calculate the difference between those points (the target point and the rotated point). Once you have this difference, simply rotate the view (around its centre as normal) but then move the view by that difference.
It might sound complicated so you might want to just use this free function that I made that does it all automatically; it's on the SFML Wiki:

C++ SFML, orbiting

I recently started to learn SFML, and I have a question, how to make what would be the second body moving in an orbit, help please.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
using namespace sf;
int main()
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(800, 600), "Hello, world!");
CircleShape shape(50.f);
CircleShape shape2(10.f);
while (window.isOpen())
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
return 0;
Well... I will not post full solution. It would not be educational to give you complete code. But I will give you some hints :) .
Your world update should happen in the loop. In the while loop. You have two there. Which one do you think is the one which updates your world?
Circle equation in Cartesian coordinate system is: (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2
In the loop from 1 you should use equation from 2 to update coordinates of second object (shape2).
To perform action from point 3 you have two possibilities: function setPosition and function move, both members of class CircleShape.
If you have further questions ask them in the comments.
For your future questions on stack: give us proof that you put some effort in resolving problem. If question looks like the one I'm answering now we have the idea that you did not think about it just posted it here and you are waiting for someone to write your code for you.
The easiest and i think most precise way would be to use two perpendicular sine waves with the origin being your well origin and the amplitude being the distance for which you want to orbit.
#include <cmath> -- sin(), cos functions
As you probably know sin goes from 0 to 1 then -1 and it repeats. cos is identical but shifted. If you use both for the position then you're left with the sine and cosine values of a given number. If you use one for 'x' and the other for 'y' you're left with circular motion (perpendicular waves). Try out the code below:
int main()
CircleShape shape(50.f);
CircleShape shape2(10.f);
CircleShape shape3(10.f);
CircleShape shape4(10.f);
float speed = 0.01;
float distance = 100;
// create the window
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "My window");
float counter = 0;
// run the program as long as the window is open
while (window.isOpen())
// check all the window's events that were triggered since the last iteration of the loop
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
// "close requested" event: we close the window
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
counter += speed;
// clear the window with black color
// draw everything here...
// window.draw(...);
// end the current frame
return 0;
As you can see shape2 is oribitng shape1. Shape2 and shape3's position is dependant on the position of shape1 (our origin) as well as the sine and cosine values generated. I marked distinct places in the code with variables to show you the possibilities you can have with this setup. Let's go through the setposition function:
For both x and y we need a base position from which the shape will orbit. we use shape1's position. The sine and cos need some type of number input from which to generate a value. I just used a normal iterator that grows every frame by 'speed' amount. the more it is the faster the sine will repeat thus faster orbiting around the shape1. The next part is the addition of the sine and cos values to the origin. this is where things get fun. we're essentially adding the sine value to the position to move it by that much in any direction. 'Distance' is how much we multiply the sine cos values. Thus bigger distance = further away.
using sine for x and cos for y you get a normal circular orbit.
using sine for both x and y you get a 3D-looking orbit to and from the screen (shape3)
multiplying sine and cos value additions by a non identical number will result in eliptical rotations (shape4)

How to rotate an object so it faces another?

I am making a game in opengl, and i can't figure out how to make my enemy characters turn to face my player. I only need the enemy to rotate on the y axis towards the player. Then I want them to move towards him.I have tried a bunch of different methods but haven't been able to get anything to work.
There are a few things you need to decide on yourself at the beginning of the project to be used throughout the project, like the representation of positions and the orientation (as well as the setup of the screen/clip planes etc.) However, you haven't mentioned any of this. So you may have to adapt the code below to suit your game, but it should be easily adaptable and applicable.
For the following example, I'll assume that -y axis is the top of your screen.
#include <math.h> // atan2
// you need to way to represent position and directions
struct vector2{
float x;
float y;
} playerPosition, enemyPosition;
float playerRotation;
// setup the instances and values
void setup() {
// Set some default values for the positions
playerPosition.x = 100;
playerPosition.y = 100;
enemyPosition.x = 200;
enemyPosition.y = 300;
// called every frame
void update(float delta){
// get the direction vector between the player and the enemy. We can then use this to both calculate the rotation angle between the two as well as move the player towards the enemy.
vector2 dirToEnemy;
dirToEnemy.x = playerPosition.x - enemyPosition.x;
dirToEnemy.y = playerPosition.y - enemyPosition.y;
// move the player towards the enemy
playerPosition.x += dirToEnemy.x * delta * MOVEMENT_SPEED;
playerPosition.y += dirToEnemy.y * delta * MOVEMENT_SPEED;
// get the player angle on the y axis
playerRotation = atan2(-dirToEnemy.y, dirToEnemy.x);
void draw(){
// use the playerPosition and playerAngle to render the player
Using the above code, you should be able to move your player object around and set the angle of rotation (you need to watch out for radians/degrees of the returned and expected angle values).

Mirroring the Y axis in SFML

Hey so I'm integrating box2d and SFML, and box2D has the same odd, mirrored Y-axis coordinate system as SFML, meaning everything is rendered upside down. Is there some kind of function or short amount of code I can put that simply mirrors the window's render contents?
I'm thinking I can put something in sf::view to help with this...
How can i easily flip the Y-axis easily, for rendering purposes, not effecting the bodies dimensions/locations?
I don't know what is box2d but when I wanted to flip Y axis using openGL, I just applied negative scaling factor to projection matrix, like:
glScalef(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
If you want to do it independent of openGL simply apply a sf::View with a negative x value.
It sounds like your model uses a conventional coordinate system (positive y points up), and you need to translate that to the screen coordinate system (positive y points down).
When copying model/Box2D position data to any sf::Drawable, manually transform between the model and screen coordinate systems:
b2Vec2 position = body->GetPosition();
sprite.SetPosition( position.x, window.GetHeight() - position.y )
You can hide this in a wrapper class or function, but it needs to sit between the model and renderer as a pre-render transform. I don't see a place to set that in SFML.
I think Box2D has the coordinate system you want; just set the gravity vector based on your model (0, -10) instead of the screen.
How can i easily flip the Y-axis easily, for rendering purposes, not effecting the bodies dimensions/locations?
By properly applying transforms. First, you can apply a transform that sets the window's bottom-left corner as the origin. Then, scale the Y axis by a factor of -1 to flip it as the second transform.
For this, you can use sf::Transformable to specify each transformation individually (i.e., the setting of the origin and the scaling) and then – by calling sf::Transformable::getTransform() – obtain an sf::Transform object that corresponds to the composed transform.
Finally, when rendering the corresponding object, pass this transform object to the sf::RenderTarget::draw() member function as its second argument. An sf::Transform object implicitly converts to a sf::RenderStates which is the second parameter type of the corresponding sf::RenderTarget::draw() overload.
As an example:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
auto main() -> int {
auto const width = 300, height = 300;
sf::RenderWindow win(sf::VideoMode(width, height), "Transformation");
// create the composed transform object
const sf::Transform transform = [height]{
sf::Transformable transformation;
transformation.setOrigin(0, height); // 1st transform
transformation.setScale(1.f, -1.f); // 2nd transform
return transformation.getTransform();
sf::RectangleShape rect({30, 30});
while (win.isOpen()) {
sf::Event event;
while (win.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
// update rectangle's position
rect.move(0, 1);
win.draw(rect); // no transformation applied
win.draw(rect, transform); // transformation applied
There is a single sf::RectangleShape object that is rendered twice with different colors:
Blue: no transform was applied.
Red: the composed transform was applied.
They move in opposite directions as a result of flipping the Y axis.
Note that the object space position coordinates remain the same. Both rendered rectangles correspond to the same object, i.e., there is just a single sf::RectangleShape object, rect – only the color is changed. The object space position is rect.getPosition().
What is different for these two rendered rectangles is the coordinate reference system. Therefore, the absolute space position coordinates of these two rendered rectangles also differ.
You can use this approach in a scene tree. In such a tree, the transforms are applied in a top-down manner from the parents to their children, starting from the root. The net effect is that children's coordinates are relative to their parent's absolute position.