Is it possible to install Apache superset on a ECS container - amazon-web-services

I am working on Apache Superset, I was able to install it on a linux EC2 instance using docker , is there is any possibility to install it on ECS ?

There are a couple of approaches to this.
First you can take the container image here and build an ECS task def / ECS service around it by bringing it up standalone. Make sure you enable ECS exec to be able to execute into the container and launch those commands. I have not tested this but I see no reason why it should not work.
I have also spent some time trying to make the docker compose files in the Superset GH repo work with Amazon ECS. You can read more about my findings here.


Docker Service not running on EC2 when launched in an AWS auto-scaling group?

Currently I have a fresh Ubuntu image with just docker installed on it. I tested this image to make sure my docker container works and everything is working fine.
I create a golden AMI of this. I create a launch template and add below to the User Data.
sudo docker pull command
sudo docker run command
My issue is that the command will not run. From the other testing I have done it seems like the docker service is not running when these commands are being executed. When I ssh on to the EC2 and check the docker service it is running. I can manually run the docker commands and it works.
Any idea why the docker service wouldn't run when it boots up with the autoscaling group?
I have tried adding a bash file and running that through the User Data but same thing.
I even added a sleep to see if the docker service would come up before running the commands but still the same thing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Deploy Django Code with Docker to AWS EC2 instance without ECS

Here is my setup.
My Django code is hosted on Github
I have docker setup in my EC2 Instance
My deployment process is manual. I have to run git pull, docker build and docker run on every single code change. I am using a dockerservice account to perform this step.
How do I automate step 3 with AWS code deploy or something similar.
Every example I am seeing on the internet involves ECS, Fargate which I am not ready to use yet
Check this out on how to Use Docker Images from a Private Registry (eg. dockerhub) for Your Build Environment
How to Use Docker Images from a Private Registry for Your Build Environment

How to run commands in a fargate task

I have a requirement where i have to create a Fargate task that can clone a gitab repository(source code) and run a maven build command to build the code.
And there would be another fargate task that would create a docker image out of it.
Gitlab is on an EC2 instance.
Since we do not have exec access into the containers on Fargate, how and what would be the best way to do this. (I have multiple repos on Gitlab and so the repo that i want to clone and build is not going be the same every time)
I have been reading about the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) / Fargate plugin on Jenkins.But i'm not sure if Jenkins can be used to get into a Fargate container and run commands.
nowadays you can use ECS exec. Here's how to set it up:
or in short:

Continuous Deployment of Docker Compose App to AWS/EC2

I've been trying to find an efficient way to handle continuous deployment with a Docker compose setup and AWS hosting.
So far I've looked into CodeDeploy, S3 buckets, and ECS. My application is relatively small with only 3 docker services, a Django app, NGINX, and PostgreSQL. I was unable to find any reliable information for using CodeDeploy with Docker compose and because of the small scale ECS seems impractical. I've considered an S3 bucket but that seems no better than just deploying my application with something like git or scp.
What is a standard way of handling deploying a docker compose setup on AWS? If possible I would like to use Bitbucket Pipelines or CircleCI to perform the deployment in a manually triggered step after running tests. But I've been unable to find a solution that would easily let me copy over the code (which is in a git repo on a production branch and is how I get the code onto the production server at the moment).
I would like to add some possibilities to #gasc answer
It would be better if you make a cloudformation template for deploying your EC2 resources with all required groups, auto scaling and other stuff.
Then Create the AMI with docker compose installed or any other thing you would be required for your ec2 enviroment.
Then you can use code deploy pipeline, here also aws provides private container registry may be you want to use that
Rest of the steps are same just SCP the compose file into EC2 launch
docker-compose up
command and you are done.
Let me know if you want more help I'm open for discussion
What I will do in your case is:
1 - If needed, update your docker-compose.yml file (or however you called it) to version 3 or higher, to use swarm.
2 - During your pipeline build all images needed, and push them to a registry.
3 - In your pipeline scp your compose file to a manager node.
4 - Deploy your application using swarm (docker stack deploy -c <your-docker-compose-file> your_app_name). This way you can handle rolling updates and scale easily.
Note that if you want to use multiple nodes you need to open a few ports in them
I see you mentioned that ECS might seem impractical for such a small scale - in my opinion not necesarilly. It would require of you to rewrite your docker-compose.yml into task and services definitions, but since there's not a lot of services, that shouldn't take you much time.

Installation of Jenkins in AWS EC2 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I am trying to implement the CI/CD pipeline for my spring boot application deployment using Jenkins on AWS EC2 machine. And I am using containerized deployment of micro services using Docker. When I am exploring about the installation of Jenkins I found that , we can use Jenkins docker image. And also we can install normally. I found the following link for example of normal installation of Jenkins.
wget -q -O — | sudo apt-key add -
Here my confusion is that , If I am using Dockerized deployment of my micro services , Can I use normal installation of Jenkins in my VM and Can I use docker commands inside Jenkins pipeline job?
Can anyone help me to clarify the confusion please?
If you want to run docker commands in Jenkins pipelines on the same machine where Jenkins exists you should run it without container as that configuration will be much easier for you - you need to just add Jenkins to "docker" group so he can run docker containers.
When you run Jenkins from within container configuration is a little harder as probably you need to map host's docker daemon socket to Jenkins container so he can start docker containers on host or you need to use docker-in-docker feature but please take a look on that article: