why oauth 2.0 client id expired automatically? - google-cloud-platform

Execute compute engine
api(GET https://compute.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/{project}/zones/{zone}/instances/{resourceId}) with oauth 2.0 client id.
I created an OAuth2.0 client ID and got access_token and refresh_token based on the steps on this site.
Obtaining OAuth 2.0 access tokens
Refreshing an access token (offline access)
I can execute api with access_token which was refreshed.
after 3days, run this step again,
response was
{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Token has been expired or revoked." }
why expired refresh_token?
A token that you can use to obtain a new access token. Refresh tokens are valid until the user revokes access. Again, this field is only present in this response if you set the access_type parameter to offline in the initial request to Google's authorization server.

There are a lot of things which can cause a refresh token to expire.
you are using a gmail scope and the user changed their password.
it has not been used in six months.
the user has revoked your access in their google account.
If the user runs your app you get a refresh token, if they run it again you get a different refresh token, you can do this up to 50 times and get new refresh tokens and they will all work after number 50 the first one will expire. Make sure you are always saving the most resent refresh token.
your app is currently in testing and has not been set to published and has not been though the verification process.
Documentation link for expiration


error: invalid_grant , for getting access token using refresh token

After googling we came to know that invalid_grant which means refresh token is invalid.
Link to google oauth doc
We don't have any of these issues mentioned by google. Is this error related to something else rather than a refresh token.
More Info
We have access to read, write spreadsheet and send gmail
We fetch an access token for each request
Any help would be appreciated.
We're already in production and verified by google
Without seeing the full error message that being
Invalid_grant {Message here}
It is hard to help but from my experience is most often caused by one of the following.
Refresh token expire, app not in production.
There are serval reasons why a refresh token can expire the most common one currently is as follows.
A Google Cloud Platform project with an OAuth consent screen configured for an
external user type and a publishing status of "Testing" is issued a refresh token expiring in 7 days.
The fix is to go to google developer console on the consent screen and set your application to production, then your refresh token will stop expiring.
invalid_grant: Invalid JWT
{ “error”: “invalid_grant”, “error_description”: “Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token (60 minutes) and in a reasonable timeframe. Check your iat and exp values and use a clock with skew to account for clock differences between systems.” }
Your server’s clock is not in sync with NTP. (Solution: check the server time if its incorrect fix it. )
invalid_grant: Code was already redeemed
Means that you are taking an authentication code that has already been used and trying to get another access token / refresh token for it. Authentication code can only be used once and they do expire so they need to be used quickly.
Invalid_grant: bad request
Normally means that the client id and secrete you are using to refresh the access token. Was not the one that was use to create the refresh token you are using.
Always store most recent refresh token.
Remember to always store the most recent refresh token. You can only have 50 out standing refresh tokens for a single user and the oldest one will expire. Depending upon the language you are using a new refresh token may be returned to you upon a refresh of the access token. Also if you request consent of the user more then once you will get a different refresh token.
User revoked access
If the user revoked your access in their google account, your refresh token will no longer work.
user changed password with gmail scope.
If your refresh token was created with a gmail scope and the user changed their password. your refresh token will be expired.
Oauth2 Rfc docs for invalid_grant error rfc6749
The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization
code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is
invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection
URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to
another client.

How to implement refresh token in django-oauth-toolkit? I'm able to get access_token but the refresh token isn't coming with it

I'm using django-oauth-toolkit with djangorestframework where our partner user will register their application and get application credentials (client id and client secret) which then used to get access token that can be used further to get our server resources. Upto now I'm able to convert those form based application registration process and other apis through rest. But while I hit for access_token only access token with expire are coming as response. Refresh token also supposed to come along the access token but it's not. What I'm missing here...
Below is the sample api response for access_token
And the oauth2 settings
FYI: I'm using Client type as "Confidential" and Authorization grant type as "Client Credentials"
Findings: This may be helpful for others
There is no need for refresh token for grant type client credentials.
Further descriptions RFC doc ; grant type client credentials

Automating cf login refresh

Does the CloudFoundry UAA support token refresh for logged in user.
I'm currently logged in using the "cf-cli" via the SSO passcode. After a week or so the session expires and I have to log in again.
Is it possible to refresh the token in the $HOME/.cf/config.json upon expiry ?
As per this https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749#section-6 , we should be able to refresh the token by passing
grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA options.
However, it expects the client_id or client_secret to be present i.e use BASIC Auth.
Can we do with a currently logged in user ?
You can refresh an access token, but you cannot refresh a refresh token. When your refresh token expires, you must login again.
The refresh_token from config.json is a JWT token, so you can use a tool like https://jwt.io to view the token and see when it expires. Your refresh token will expire at some point, it just depends on how long your administrator allows it to last. A week sounds pretty standard.
Hope that helps!

is it possible to retrieve the refresh token with google oauth2

Is it possible to retrieve the refresh token from a google account for an application?
I use a google oauth login for my web application. When signing in the first time the refresh token is generated. But when something goes wrong or the the program doesnt accept the user, but the user allready signed in the refresh token is allready generated. The second time when the user wants to log in the refresh token isn't generated. the user must first revoke the web application before the new refresh token will be generated.
Is there a way to retrieve the refresh token of a user? or maybe even better, kick out the user from the web application?
this is how I get the refresh token:
code = request.args.get('code')
credentials = cls.flow.step2_exchange(code)
print 'refresh_token:{}'.format(credentials.refresh_token)
I am using Flask
Ok I found the answer.
When a user accepts your application a refresh_token is generated.
If a user comes back later and hasn't revoked your application, google won't generate another refresh token. You can use approval_prompt='force' to force the user to go through the approval prompt.
A user can revoke your application by going to myaccount.google.com > Connected apps and services, selecting your application and revoke.
To revoke the user in your application you can call the following URL:
def revoke(token)
url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke?token=%s' % token
h = httplib2.Http()
return h.request(url, 'GET')[0]
the token can be an access_token or a refresh_token

When adding Facebook integration to a web app, how do you handle OAuth token expiration and what user data should be saved?

I'm planning out adding Facebook integration to a web app I'm working on. For the most part, it's proceeding smoothly, but I am confused on the proper way to handle the OAuth token.
The sequence of events presented by Facebook here is:
Ask the user to authorize your application, which sends them to a Facebook window.
This will return an Authorization Code generated by Facebook
You then hit https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token with your Authorization Code, which will give you a time-limited OAuth token.
Using the OAuth token, you can make requests to access the user's Facebook profile.
Facebook's documentation has the following to say about token expiration:
In addition to the access token (the access_token parameter), the response contains the number of seconds until the token expires (the expires parameter). Once the token expires, you will need to re-run the steps above to generate a new code and access_token, although if the user has already authorized your app, they will not be prompted to do so again. If your app needs an access token with an infinite expiry time (perhaps to take actions on the user's behalf after they are not using your app), you can request the offline_access permission.
When they say to re-run the steps above, what steps need to be re-run to get a new OAuth token? What data (Facebook UID, Authorization Code, OAuth token) does it make sense to save to my local database?
I would like to be able to have the user continue to interact with my site, and in response to certain user actions, I would like to be able to prompt to user if they want to post something to their Facebook wall.
The access token is time and session based and is unnecessary data to store and have no use after the user have closed the session.
The facebook uid is the only thing you need to identify the user.
Since the Facebook API sometimes is horrible slow you could store the username aswell.
But for identification, all you need is the uid.
The documentation that facebook provides has been updated since you asked this question. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/.