How to pass LedgerJournalTrans table in resolve method of InvoiceJournalExpPartcicipantProvider class? - microsoft-dynamics

I have literally tried everything but still in vain. This here is InvoiceJournalExpParticipantProvider class that is supposed to provide me partici[ant names inside the workflow (all of this is custom code). Now what i want is to pass the LedgerJounalTrans table instead of the VendInvoiceInfoTable or VendInvoiceInfoLine table. I cannot seem to find a way to do this. I tried using the following code
else if (_context.parmTableId() == tableNum(LedgerJournalTrans))
ledgerJournalTrans = LedgerJournalTrans::findRecId(_context.parmRecId(),false);
But it constantly gives me an error either telling me that the operand types are of not the same types or the number of arguments passed are invalid although when i go and check the findRecId() method of ledgerJournalTrans table there are only two params being passed.
public WorkflowUserList resolve(WorkflowContext _Context, WorkflowParticipantToken _participantTokenName)
WorkflowUserList userList = WorkflowUserList::construct();
VendInvoiceInfoTable vendInvoiceInfoTable;
VendInvoiceInfoLine vendInvoiceInfoLine;
VendInvoiceInfoLine_Project vendInvoiceInfoLine_Project;
WorkflowParticipantExpenToken workflowParticipantExpenToken;
WorkflowParticipantExpenTokenLine workflowParticipantExpenTokenLine;
RefRecId dimensionAttributeSetRecId;
MarkupTrans markupTrans;
CompanyInfo legalEntity;
ProjTable projTable;
HcmWorker worker;
DirPersonUser personUser;
HcmPositionDetail hcmPositionDetail;
HcmPosition hcmPosition;
HcmPositionWorkerAssignment hcmPositionWorkerAssignment;
LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;
// check participant token name is given otherwise throw error
throw error('Participant name');
if (!_participantTokenName)
throw error("#SYS105453");
workflowParticipantExpenToken = WorkflowParticipantExpenToken::findName(
if (!workflowParticipantExpenToken)
throw error(strFmt("#SYS313865", _participantTokenName));
if (_context.parmTableId() == tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoTable))
vendInvoiceInfoTable = VendInvoiceInfoTable::findRecId(_context.parmRecId());
else if (_context.parmTableId() == tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoLine))
vendInvoiceInfoTable = VendInvoiceInfoLine::findRecId(_context.parmRecId()).vendInvoiceInfoTable();


After Effects Expression (if layer is a CompItem)

I am trying to make slight modification at line 5 of below After Effects expression. Line 5 checks if the layer is visible and active but I have tried to add an extra check that the layer should not be a comp item. (In my project, layers are either text or image layer and I beileve an image layer means a comp item). Somehow the 'instanceof' method to ensure that layer should not be a comp item is not working. Please advise how to fix this error, thanks.
txt = "";
for (i = 1; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++){
if (i == index) continue;
L = thisComp.layer(i);
if ((L.hasVideo && && !(thisComp.layer(i) instanceof CompItem)){
txt = i + " / " + thisComp.numLayers + " / " + L.text.sourceText.split(" ").length;
While compItem is available only in ExtendScript, you can actually check the properties available in the {my_layer}.source object.
Here's a working example (AE CC2018, CC2019 & CC2020): layer_is_comp.aep
The expression would be something similar to:
function isComp (layer)
- used for when the layer doesn't have a ['source'] key or layer.source doesn't have a ['numLayers'] key
- ['numLayers'] is an object key available only for comp objects so it's ok to check against it
- if ['numLayers'] is not found the expression will throw an error hence the try-catch
if (layer.source.numLayers) return true;
else return false;
catch (e)
return false;
// prevent an error when no layer is selected
isComp(effect("Layer Control")(1)) ? 'yes' : 'no';
catch (e)
'please select a layer';
For your second question, you can check if a layer is a TextLayer by verifying that it has the text.sourceText property.
function isTextLayer (layer)
- prevent an expression error if the ['text'] object property is not found
var dummyVar = layer.text.sourceText;
return true;
catch (e)
return false;
You're mixing up expressions and Extendscript. The compItem class is an Extendscript class and I'm pretty sure that it isn't available for expressions.
I'd suggest reading the docs:

Using Persistent Flash Message Library for ColdFusion

I am trying to use a library for showing Flash Messages But I am having trouble getting it working correctly. The documentation isn't that great and I am new to ColdFusion. I want to have the ability to have persistent error messages across pages. Specifically during checkout so when the user needs to go back or a validation error occurs the message will appear. According to the documentation:
The FlashMessage.cfc needs three parameters to work:
A reference to your flash storage object. This object will need
get(key) and put(key, value) methods. A config object with the
following properties: A unique flashKey name to avoid naming
conflicts. A reference to your containerTemplatePath. This is the view
that surrounds each of the individual messages. It will have
references to a flashMessages array and your messageTemplatePath. A
reference to your messageTemplatePath. This is the view that
represents a single message in FlashMessage. It will have a reference
to a single flash message. The name is chosen by you in your container
template. Create your object with your two parameters and then use it
as normal.
I am getting the error
the function getMessages has an invalid return value , can't cast null value to value of type [array]
I had this script somewhat working at one point but it seems very finicky. I believe it is my implementation of it. I am hoping someone here can help me figure out where I went wrong. Or give me some pointers because I am not sure I am even implementing it correctly.
This is What I have in my testing script:
alertStorage = createObject("component", 'alert');
config = {
flashKey = "myCustomFlashKey",
containerTemplatePath = "/flashmessage/views/_templates/FlashMessageContainer.cfm",
messageTemplatePath = "/flashmessage/views/_templates/FlashMessage.cfm"
flash = new flashmessage.models.FlashMessage(alertStorage, config);
And inside of alert.cfc I have:
component {
public any function get(key) {
for(var i = 1; i < ArrayLen(session[key]); i++) {
return session[key][i];
public any function put(key, value) {
ArrayAppend(session.myCustomFlashKey, value);
return true;
public any function exists() {
if(structKeyExists(session,"myCustomFlashKey")) {
return true;
} else {
session.myCustomFlashKey = ArrayNew();
return false;
The Flash Message Component looks like this:
component name="FlashMessage" singleton {
* #flashStorage.inject coldbox:flash
* #config.inject coldbox:setting:flashmessage
public FlashMessage function init(any flashStorage, any config) {
instance.flashKey = arguments.config.flashKey;
singleton.flashStorage = arguments.flashStorage;
instance.containerTemplatePath = arguments.config.containerTemplatePath;
instance.messageTemplatePath = arguments.config.messageTemplatePath;
// Initialize our flash messages to an empty array if it hasn't ever been created
if (! singleton.flashStorage.exists(instance.flashKey)) {
return this;
public void function message(required string text, string type = "default") {
appendMessage({ message: arguments.text, type = arguments.type });
public any function onMissingMethod(required string methodName, required struct methodArgs) {
message(methodArgs[1], methodName);
public any function render() {
var flashMessages = getMessages();
var flashMessageTemplatePath = instance.messageTemplatePath;
savecontent variable="messagesHTML" {
include "#instance.containerTemplatePath#";
return messagesHTML;
public array function getMessages() {
return singleton.flashStorage.get(instance.flashKey, []);
private void function setMessages(required array messages) {
name = instance.flashKey,
value = arguments.messages
private void function appendMessage(required struct message) {
var currentMessages = getMessages();
ArrayAppend(currentMessages, arguments.message);

java.lang.AssertionError: expected

My TestNG test implementation throws an error despite the expected value matches with the actual value.
Here is the TestNG code:
#Test(dataProvider = "valid")
public void setUserValidTest(int userId, String firstName, String lastName){
User newUser = new User();
Assert.assertEquals(userDAO.getUser().get(0), newUser);
The error is:
java.lang.AssertionError: expected [UserId=10, FirstName=Sam, LastName=Baxt] but found [UserId=10, FirstName=Sam, LastName=Baxt]
What have I done wrong here?
The reason is simple. Testng uses the equals method of the object to check if they're equal. So the best way to achieve the result you're looking for is to override the equals method of the user method like this.
public class User {
private String lastName;
private String firstName;
private String userId;
// -- other methods here
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (!User.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {
return false;
final User other = (User) obj;
//If both lastnames are not equal return false
if ((this.lastName == null) ? (other.lastName != null) : !this.lastName.equals(other.lastName)) {
return false;
//If both lastnames are not equal return false
if ((this.firstName == null) ? (other.firstName != null) : !this.firstName.equals(other.firstName)) {
return false;
//If both lastnames are not equal return false
if ((this.userId == null) ? (other.userId != null) : !this.userId.equals(other.userId)) {
return false;
return true;
and it'll work like magic
It seems you are either comparing the wrong (first) object or equals is not correctly implemented as it returns false.
The shown values are just string representations. It doesn't actually mean that both objects have to be equal.
You should check if userDAO.getUser().get(0) actually returns the user you are setting before.
Posting the implementation of User and the userDAO type might help for further clarification.
NOTE: Note directly related to this question but it's answer to my issue that got me to this question. I am sure more ppl might end-up on this post looking for this solution.
This is not precisely the a solution if Equals method needs overriding but something that I very commonly find myself blocked due to:
If you have used Capture and are asserting equality over captured value, please be sure to get the captured value form captured instance.
Capture<Request> capturedRequest = new Capture<>();
Assert.assertEquals(capturedRequest.getValue(), expectedRequest);
Assert.assertEquals(capturedRequest, expectedRequest);
while the compiler wont complain in either case, the Assertion Obviously fails in 2nd case

Groovy/Grails: Declaring a JsonBuilder inside a loop without overwriting previously generated jsons

Hello I am trying to create a list of json objects in groovy
List relClinicStatementList = []
for (BloodTestRow row in BTList){
def jsonListBuilder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
def internalJson = jsonListBuilder{
'targetRelationshipToSource' {
'code' 'part-of'
'codeSystem' 'MG'
'code' "${row.exam}"
'codeSystem' 'mobiguide'
'displayName' "${row.exam}"
'observationValue' {
'physicalQuantity' {
'value' "${row.value}"
'unit' "${row.unit}"
println jsonListBuilder.toPrettyString()
And the toPrettyString() method correctly shows the json structure I want.
However if at the end of the loop I try to print all of the items I have in the list like this:
for (JsonBuilder entry in relClinicStatementList){
println entry.toPrettyString()
I get all the elements inside my relClinicalStatement list to be equal to the latest I created... I felt like declaring a new JsonBuilder at each loop would prevent this behaviour... am I missing something? I must admit I come from Java and have the feeling that using groovy classes here makes this behave a little differently from what I expect.
How do I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance
I can't reproduce the behaviour you are seeing, but I think the problem is that I don't believe internalJson is what you think it is (it's a list of 2 closures).
If you change your code to:
List relClinicStatementList = btList.collect { row ->
new groovy.json.JsonBuilder( {
targetRelationshipToSource {
code 'part-of'
codeSystem 'MG'
observationResult {
observationFocus {
code "$row.exam"
codeSystem 'mobiguide'
displayName "$row.exam"
observationValue {
physicalQuantity {
value "$row.value"
unit "$row.unit"
} )
relClinicStatementList.each { entry ->
println entry.toPrettyString()
Does it work as you'd expect?

Scopes not created from a template cannot have FilterParameters Error

I am trying to build on the "WebSharingAppDemo-SqlProviderEndToEnd" msdn sample application to build out a custom MSF implementation. As part of that I added parameterized filters to the provisioning. I have been referencing for some idea of how to do this. Now that I have that in place, when I re-initialize the "peer1" database and try to provision it initially I now get an error:
Scopes not created from a template cannot have FilterParameters.
Parameter '#my_param_name' was found on Table '[my_table_name]'.
Please ensure that no FilterParameters are being defined on a scope
that is not created from a template.
The only guess I have as to what a "template" is, is the provisioning templates that the Sync Toolkit's tools can work with, but I don't think that applies in the scenario I'm working with.
I have been unable to find anything that would indicate what I should do to fix this. So how can I get past this error but still provision my database with parameterized filters?
The below code is what I'm using to build the filtering into the provisioning (SqlSyncScopeProvisioning) object.
private void AddFiltersToProvisioning(IEnumerable<TableInfo> tables)
IEnumerable<FilterColumn> filters = this.GetFilterColumnInfo();
foreach (TableInfo tblInfo in tables)
this.AddFiltersForTable(tblInfo, filters);
private void AddFiltersForTable(TableInfo tblInfo, IEnumerable<FilterColumn> filters)
IEnumerable<FilterColumn> tblFilters;
tblFilters = filters.Where(x => x.FilterLevelID == tblInfo.FilterLevelID);
if (tblFilters != null && tblFilters.Count() > 0)
var tblDef = this.GetTableColumns(tblInfo.TableName);
StringBuilder filterClause = new StringBuilder();
foreach (FilterColumn column in tblFilters)
this.AddColumnFilter(tblDef, column.ColumnName, filterClause);
this.Provisioning.Tables[tblInfo.TableName].FilterClause = filterClause.ToString();
private void AddColumnFilter(IEnumerable<TableColumnInfo> tblDef, string columnName, StringBuilder filterClause)
TableColumnInfo columnInfo;
columnInfo = tblDef.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ColumnName.Equals(columnName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
if (columnInfo != null)
this.FlagColumnForFiltering(columnInfo.TableName, columnInfo.ColumnName);
this.BuildFilterClause(filterClause, columnInfo.ColumnName);
private void FlagColumnForFiltering(string tableName, string columnName)
private void BuildFilterClause(StringBuilder filterClause, string columnName)
if (filterClause.Length > 0)
filterClause.Append(" AND ");
filterClause.AppendFormat("[base].[{0}] = #{0}", columnName);
private void AddParamter(TableColumnInfo columnInfo)
SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter("#" + columnInfo.ColumnName, columnInfo.GetSqlDataType());
if (columnInfo.DataTypeLength > 0)
parameter.Size = columnInfo.DataTypeLength;
i guess the error is self-explanatory.
the FilterParameters can only be set if the scope inherits from a filter template. you cannot set the FilterParameters for a normal scope, only FilterClause.
Using parameter-based filters is a two step process: Defining the filter/scope template and creating a scope based on a template.
I suggest you re-read the blog entry again and jump to the section Parameter-based Filters.