Authenticate to AWS EKS rest API - kubectl

From the documentation it looks like I can attain a token for a cluster to query EKS REST API, and I've got the token in this format : k8s-aws-v1.aHR0cHM6Ly9zdHMuYXAtc291dGgtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29......
But when I try to use this token in Postman against the endpoint https://APISERVER/clusters?maxResults=5&nextToken=nextToken HTTP/1.1
I get the following
enter image description here
Looks like I'm missing some permissions here, how do I assign them?
Another question I have I can't seem to run kubectl commands on AWS cloud shell? (could do it on other clouds)


How can implement postman in api getway service?

I tried to implement Post request that work in postman and i want that
it will work in aws getway as well .
i didnt find any option in aws to put the "x-www-form-urlencoded" that i can find in postman
but not in aws service.
enter image description here
enter image description here

Amazon API Gateway - Not authorized error as admin user when trying to get all api keys programmatically or using postman

I have been struggling all day, trying to to programmatically create/delete/get apikeys created in the amazon api gateway UI. The weird thing is I am getting a forbidden error even when I got all permissions an account in aws can get.
I am passing everything correctly, the accessKey, secretKey, region and service name from postman to the following url: [GET REQUEST] and nothing worked so far.
I've been given admin permissions for the entire aws account and no change. In the aws UI I get do all the actions I'm trying to do from postman/programmatically.

Getting 403 while i try to access Cloudrun URL through browser

I am trying to setup a python app on GCP Cloudrun I need only authenticated users to be able to access the Cloudrun URL but I am facing 403 issue when I set up this app. Is there any alternative way to access the Cloudrun instance using browser provided it is configured to allow only authenticated users?
This is the flow which i am trying to implement :
HTTP(S) Load balancer -> Frontend forwarding rule -> Cloudrun Backend -> Python app deployed on Cloudrun
I have saw few other questions and tried that solution but it does not work few such similar questions would be :
403 "Error: Forbidden" when opening the URL of my Cloud Run service
If you're currently getting 403, it means you don't have the necessary permission to access the service (the App was deployed to cloud with the option to use 'authenticated' invocation which means you can't access it by directly typing the URL in the browser). You can do any of the following
Generate a token and then use curl to invoke your url using that token. See Google Documentation on this and a more detailed explanation from Google here. But you can't be doing this each time you wish to invoke the service. It's more for testing.
Update: The solution below was to allow him to actually see the App run in the browser but reread the question and see that OP wants only authenticated users to access the App.
2. Redeploy the App to Cloud Run but make sure you choose the option to allow for 'unauthenticated invocation'. See step 3.iv of this [blog article][3] we wrote on deploying to cloud run
After trying out IAP as said by #guillaumeblaquiere i was able to fix this issue. Thanks a lot as there is ver less documentation on how to fix this i have recorded steps that i implemented to fix this issue :
Accessing applications on Authenticated Cloud Run using IAP

403 Forbidden when trying to query AWS ElasticSearch cluster

I'm having issues performing requests using jest to an AWS ElasticSearch cluster v5.3.
Reason is:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details
I am using windows 10 with java 11, spring boot 2, webflux, jest and the aws http request signer that they point to in their documentation.
I've checked and doubled checked the access and secret keys of the IAM user. I also added policies for the IAM user of full control over the cluster, still the 403 message.
Removing or adding the Content-Length header yields the same error.
Not sure where to go from here.
Any help would be appreciated.
So from I discovered, is that the network issue had something to do with the corporate proxy. I created a tunnel between my laptop and the ElasticSearch cluster, removed the proxy from the http client used by jest, and things work smoothly now.
I wasn't able to figure out exactly how the proxy affected the request signature though, but I'll stick with the tunnel solution.

Getting error while invoking API using AWS Lambda. (AWS Lambda + AWS API Gateway+ Postman)

I get an error while invoking the AWS SageMaker endpoint API from a Lambda function. When I call this using Postman, I am getting an error like:
"errorMessage": "module initialization error"
Just to make it clear, you can't call SageMaker endpoints directly using PostMan (even if it is, it would not be straightforward).
You may need to use AWS SDK (i.e. boto) for that.
Ref :
What I would suggest is to create a small HTTP server with Flask and use the AWS SDK (Boto) to call the endpoint. Then you can call your Flask endpoint using PostMan.
We recommend using AWS SDK to invoke your endpoint. AWS SDK clients handle the serialization for you as well as request signing, etc. It would be really hard to get it right manually with postman.
We have the SDK client available in many languages, including Java, Python, JS, etc.
Next time please include more details in your question. eg. POST request data, Headers etc.
Anyways, to help you out in calling Sagemaker endpoint using Postman -
In 'Authorization' tab, select type as 'AWS Signature'.
Enter your Access and Secret key of the IAM user which has permission to Sagemaker resources.
Enter the AWS region.
Enter 'Service Name' as 'sagemaker'
Select the right content type. Some ML algorithms only accept 'text/csv'.
Select request type as 'POST'
Enter the Sagemaker Invocation url. eg:''
Try it out and let me know if you have any issues.
Here is how your Postman should look -