Migrate CyberPanel with everything to a new CyberPanel on different VPS - google-cloud-platform

I have a website running using CyberPanel on Google Cloud. I want to transfer it to Alibaba Cloud. It took a lot of effort to setup and get running the existing CyberPanel so I don't want to do it again.
Is there any way to transfer my CyberPanel to Alibaba Cloud with all configurations and websites and everything?

I'd recommend you to set up a CyberPanel on Alibaba Cloud, either manually or from the Marketplace&Upgrade to the latest version.
Then use Remote Transfer to migrate your accounts
If accounts load fine, then you can manually set up the rest CyberPanel settings, e.g. Cronjob, PHP extensions, firewall ..etc.


Configure URL redirection in GCP

Cloud Composer is Google Cloud's offering of Apache Airflow, the workflow management platform.
Composer deploys the Airflow web server in an AppEngine instance, and thus the URL of the deployed webapp is non-customizable. As a service deployed in AppEngine, the host name of the URL ends in ".appspot.com", but has an automatically generated prefix, and is not easily predictable.
How can I assign a custom, easier to remember host name to point to this service?
In particular, there are firewall rules in place, so a firewall exception for *.appspot.com would be too wide.
You can try to get inspiration from my article and perform a similar thing, not with Cloud Run but with App Engine URL.
I mean:
Create an internet NEG to appsport.com
Add the host header equals to your Cloud Composer appspot URL.
Create your Load Balancer with the domain name that you want.
I didn't test; let me know if it's suitable and if it works for you.

Migrate from Dedicated Server to Google Cloud Platform. Is that possible?

My dedicated server will expire soon. I just consider whether to renew it or migrate to Google cloud platform.
There are several points needs to consider:
Currently I am using Google Cloud Storage API to host static large files for my website. That will be fine.
My website also contain dynamic contents, such as PHP. Will Google supports to host such contents?
My website also use WordPress and MySQL database. Will Google support to host such contents?
My server is also host mailboxes and mail forwarders. Will Google support to host these?
My server is also host several add-on domains via cPanel. Will Google support to host these?
To the best, is it possible to use cPanel on Google cloud platform as I am familiar with cPanel.
Yes, you can migrate a dedicated server to Google Compute Engine. It is possible to run cPanel on a GCE instance. From your question, it sounds like you are used to a managed service where they have configured the server for you. GCE is not managed, so you will have to do much more systems administration to set it up and operate the server.
It is not easy to run email on a GCE instance because outbound port 25 is blocked by default.

Google Cloud Composer and Google Cloud SQL Proxy

I have a project with Cloud Composer and Cloud SQL.
I am able to connect to Cloud SQL because i edited the yaml of airflow-sqlproxy-service and added my Cloud SQL instance on cloud proxy used for the airflow-db, mapping to port 3307.
The workers can connect to airflow-sqlproxy-service on port 3307 but i think the webserver can't connect to this.
Do i need to add some firewall rule to map the 3307 port so the webserver or the UI can connect to airflow-sqlproxy-service?
Best regards.
Composer does not currently support configuring additional sql proxies from the webserver. One workaround for cases like this is to have a separate DAG which loads Airflow Variables with the information needed from the other database (via the workers which do have access), then generate a DAG based on the Variable which the webserver can access.
https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/4170 recently got merged (not currently available in Composer), which defines a CloudSQL connection type. This might work for these use cases in the future.

Hosting web services project in Amazon

Hi We have built a java based web services project with using jboss server. How do I host this application with Amazon cloud? This web services act as back end for a mobile android app.
I am looking for PaaS option of Jboss server and Postgres database. I could create a postgres database. But could not find Jboss server.
My understanding is in PaaS, Jboss and Postgres should be able to scale up itself as per demand.
Another option provided by Amazon is EC2 as far as I have understood. But if I go with EC2, I will have install and set up jboss and postgres on my own. Then does it scale up by itself as per demand?
Please guide.
If you want to deploy your web application to AWS and ensure its scalability, you have basically two options:
EC2 instance [IaaS] - The disadvantage is, as you mentioned in your question, that you have to configure everything manually. Some external mechanism for scaling has to be used. Amazon provides its AutoScaling service which can be configured to launch new EC2 instances based on utilization or some other metric.
Elastic Beanstalk [PaaS] - This service has the auto-scaling already built in and manages the EC2 instances with your application on its own (it takes care about launching them, deploying the app etc). The disadvantage is that JBoss server is not support at the moment (you would have to switch to Tomcat).
There is a way, how to make JBoss work on Elastic Beanstalk, however. ELB has newly added the support for Docker so if you make your JBoss API run in Docker, you can deploy it to ELB and scale it without much effort and configuration.
As for the database, mentioned in your question, Amazon has plenty of choices, Postgres included, in their RDS service.

Setting up an Amazon Server with Go Daddy

I am trying to set up an Amazon Server to host a dynamic website I'm currently creating. I have the domain bought on GoDaddy.com, and I believe that what I've done so far has linked the domain to my Amazon account.
I followed this tutorial : http://www.mycowsworld.com/blog/2013/07/29/setting-up-a-godaddy-domain-name-with-amazon-web-services/
In short, this walked me through setting up and Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) and Amazon Route 53. I then configured the DNS Servers, and my website now launches properly on the domain.
I'm not sure on the next step from here, but I would like to set up:
-A database server
-Anything else that might be necessary to run a dynamic website.
I am very new to hosting websites, and semi-new to web development in general, so the more in depth the better.
Thanks a lot
You have two options on AWS. Run an EC2 server and setup your application or continue to use the AWS managed services like S3.
Flask apps can be hosted on Elastic Beanstalk and
your database can be hosted on RDS (Relational Database Service). Then the two can be integrated.
Otherwise, spin up your own t2.micro instance in EC2. Log in via ssh and set up the database server and application like you have locally. This server could also host the (currently S3 hosted) static files too.
I have no idea what your requirements are, personally I would start with setting up the EC2 instance and go from there as integrating AWS services is without knowing what you need is probably not the easiest first step.
Heroku might be another option. They host their services on AWS and give you an end to end solution for deploying and running your python code without getting your hands dirty setting up servers.