GetCalendarExporter() call is missing when called on Olk::MAPIFolderPtr - c++

I want to set the CalendarDetail property of CalendarSharing object.
Found the below link where we can set it using Outlook Object Model -
I have written the below code in my C++ add-in. Where can not see the method GetCalendarExporter(), its missing :( I am calling it on Olk::MAPIFolderPtr.
What is wrong here? How to set the above property?
CComPtr<Olk::_NameSpace> spNameSpace;
GetMapiNameSpace((LPVOID *)&spNameSpace);
Olk::MAPIFolderPtr calendarFolder = spNameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(Olk::OlDefaultFolders::olFolderCalendar);
calendarFolder->GetCalendarExporter() **// Not able to see this method**

That means you have old headers. Recreate the Outlook Object Model tlh file.


How to correctly create a .gdns to instantiate it?

I have a gdnative library loaded in my godot. I can also call functions on it, that works. But I want to instantiate c++-Classes from it inside Godot.
I think I have to generate .gdns files for that to work, but i dont really find a example of that.
I created a .gdns script already with the New Script Dialogue. I named it exactly like the c++ class. And I set the Library in the scripts inspector and set ClassName to MyClass. But the following does not work as someClass is Null:
var someclass = load("res://MyClass.gdns").new();
What did I do wrong?
I tried to follow this tutorial.
Im Using Godot 1.1 and compiled the gdnative-library with the appropriate Godot-cpp headers.
I created a .gdns file with the New Resource Dialogue and it worked then (after setting the library and Class-name of the .gdns in the Inspector).
I'll add more here when I found out why it didn't work before.

How to programatically change TFS 2010 workitem link-type

I've used the tfs api to programatically add links between work items in different team-projects, currently all links are set as related links but I'd like to change some of them to some of the other types supported in tfs2010 e.g. "parent" etc. But I can't work out how to do it. Any ideas?
Originally I added thus:
RelatedLink link = new RelatedLink(iLinkMe);
when I think I should have added:
WorkItemLinkTypeEnd linkTypEnd = store.WorkItemLinkTypes.LinkTypeEnds["Parent"];
RelatedLink linkBetter = new RelatedLink(linkTypEnd, iLinkMe);
wi.Links.Add(linkBetter );
but I didn't, (and I don't like the "Parent" string, I was looking for an enum), so how do I change the linkTypeEnd? I'm guessing I can modify this via wi.Links ?
Have a look at this site on how to Create Link Between Work Item (Parent, Child etc…).

Coldfusion 8 - mapping conflict causes "argument is not of interface type" error

I have been researching this, and cannot seem to find anything about it.
We work on CF8. When my coworker tried installing my latest code updates, he started seeing errors that the argument supplied to a function was not of the specified interface type. Worked fine for me. Same set up. Sometimes it works for him. Also have the problem on our dev server.
I have since been able to isolate and reproduce the problem locally.
Here is the set up.
I have 2 mappings on the server:
"webapp/" goes to c:\webroot\
"packages/" goes to c:\webroot\[domain]
Then I created an interface, call it ISubject and a component that implements it, called Person, and saved both under packages. Here is the declaration for Person:
cfcomponent implements="packages.ISubject"
Finally, there is a component, called SubjectMediator with a function, called setSubject, that wants an object of the ISubject interface type. Here is the argument declaration for setSubject:
cfargument name="subject_object" type="packages.ISubject"
To implement:
variables.person = createObject("component", "packages.Person").Init();
variables.subjectMediator = createObject("component", "packages.SubjectMediator ").Init();
That last line throws the error that Person is not of type ISubject. If I do isInstanceOf() on Person against ISubject it validates fine.
So the reason this is happening? Dumping getMetaData(variables.person) shows me that the interface path is webapp.[domain].ISubject. And indeed, if I change the type attribute of the argument to use this path instead of packages.ISubject, all is fine again.
Coldfusion seems to be arbitrarily choosing which mapping to resolve the interface to, and then simply doing a string comparison for check the type argument?
Anyone had to contend with this? I need the webapp mapping, and I cannot change all references to "packages" to "webapp.[domain]." I also am not able in this instance to use an application-specific mapping for webapp. While any of these 3 options would circumvent the issue, I'm hoping someone has some insight...
The best I've got is to set argument type to "any" and then check isInstanceOf() inside the function... Seems like poor form.
Can you move the contents of the packages mapping to outside the webroot? This seems like the easiest way to fix it.

How to Remove the Readonly attribute of a File MFC

In my MFC application I have set the read only attribute on a particular file.
I have done this by using the SetFileAttributes() function.
At some point I have to remove that attribute of that file again.
Can anyone explain how to do this?
Use SetFileAttributes again to reset the flag:
SetFileAttributes( pszFilename,
GetFileAttributes(pszFilename) & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
Might be worth adding that this method returns 0 if the function fails and you can use GetLastError().

Changing the Total Number of Recent Files

I'd like the user to be able to edit the number of recent files shown in the File menu of my MFC application. I've used two very good references:
It involves deleting and recreating the CRecentFileList object stored in CWinApp::m_pRecentFileList. Unfortunately, I find that the menu is not updated properly after replacing the CRecentFileList. See code snippet below:
void CMyWinApp::SetMRUListSize( int size )
// size guaranteed to be between 1 and 16
delete m_pRecentFileList ;
LoadStdProfileSettings( size ) ;
What can I do to ensure that what is drawn into the File menu is synchronized with m_pRecentFileList after I recreate the object?
My CApp derives from CWinApp. In initInstance, you have this line:
At the end of InitInstance, add this code:
m_pmf->m_pRecentFileList = m_pRecentFileList;
Here m_pmf is my MainFrame class and I created a member CMainFrame::m_pRecentFileList of type CRecentFileList which is in the MFC source file filelist.cpp. m_pRecentFileList on the right is protected and CMainFrame doesn't have access to it from outside InitInstance, but you can make a functional copy here.
At the end of CMainFrame::OnClose, force a registry update by:
// Force registry update on exit. This doesn't work without forcing.
I don't even have to rebuild m_pRecentFileList, the MRU mechanism updates it correctly. Example: 5 MRU items, the first is moved to another directory and can no longer be found. Stepping through the code in the debugger shows that the bad entry is removed from the list. For some reason, the updated list isn't saved correctly unless I force it as explained above. I originally thought the problem might have something to do with privileges (64-bit Win7), but running the app as admin didn't help.
Some of Microsoft's documentation suggest you should call CWinApp::LoadStdProfileSettings from within InitInstance. This suggests to me that it's something done once during initialisation rather than at run time.
Have you tried fully implementing the second of the two links you provided? My guess is you need to add the second part instead of the call to CWinApp::LoadStdProfileSettings:
m_pRecentFileList = new CRecentFileList(0, strSection, strEntryFormat, nCount);
bReturn = TRUE;
// Reload list of MRU files from registry
[Edit] Apparently m_pRecentFileList points to an CRecentFileList Class . Have you tried calling CRecentFileList::UpdateMenu?
There's another CodeProject example which might help too.