I can't compile SimGrid - S4U - c++

How to compile a C ++ simulation in SimGrid? I am using Ubuntu, following the installation steps in the documentation but when I try to test some example of the documentation itself, there are several errors and warnings.
I went to the examples folder and tried to run some of the S4U interface, but without success.
I tried this: g++ example.cpp -o example
erros and warnings

Build example:
tar xvf simgrid-3.27.tar.gz
cd simgrid-3.27/ && mkdir build && cd build/
cmake ..
make tests ## build tests and examples
sudo make install
The make options https://simgrid.org/doc/latest/Installing_SimGrid.html .. ( Ref. https://simgrid.org/doc/latest/index.html ) and simgrid-3.27/docs/source/Installing_SimGrid.rst,
line 342:- make tests: Build the tests and examples.
When the examples have been built, the executable´s are in "build/examples/..". E.g. simgrid-3.27/build/examples/cpp/actor-create/s4u-actor-create


Removing OpenSSL 3.0 devel so C++ compiles on Linux

I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 and compiling this C++ Github pull request:
However, the PR contains a compile error.
Somebody posted to fix the error OpenSSL 3.0 devel version must be "removed":
It seems like the compiler was using OpenSSL 3.0 devel version, I had
to remove that
How do I achieve this?
This is what I did on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
$ sudo apt install libboost-dev libssl-dev
$ git clone --recursive --branch openssl-1.1 https://github.com/arf-labs-ou/ftx.git
$ cmake -G Ninja -S ftx/cpp -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build build
Trying to build at this point will trip deprecation warnings when compiling against the system OpenSSL 3. But because ftx has done the extremely inadvisable thing of hard-coding -Werror in their build, this is promoted to a spurious error. Deprecated doesn't mean "won't work today"; it means "upstream must fix". You are not upstream, so this ought not affect you, but, alas, low-quality build code is not a great surprise.
We will hack around this by wrapping the compiler with a shell script that deletes warning flags from the command line. Create a file called no-warnings.sh:
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ ! "$arg" =~ ^-W ]]; then
Now let's inject it into the build via the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER hook:
$ chmod +x no-warnings.sh
$ rm -rf build
$ cmake -G Ninja -S ftx/cpp/ -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=$PWD/no-warnings.sh
$ cmake --build build/
This should work but, unfortunately, even this wasn't enough to build successfully. The code itself has a type error! I wonder if something changed between Boost 1.71 and 1.74. Anyway, I applied the following patch:
diff --git a/cpp/src/util/HTTP.cc b/cpp/src/util/HTTP.cc
index 30e0277..2d043f2 100644
--- a/cpp/src/util/HTTP.cc
+++ b/cpp/src/util/HTTP.cc
## -100,8 +100,8 ## void HTTPSession::authenticate(http::request<http::string_body>& req)
std::string path(req.target());
std::string body(req.body());
- long ts = get_ms_timestamp(current_time()).count();
- std::string data = std::to_string(ts) + method + path;
+ auto ts = std::to_string(get_ms_timestamp(current_time()).count());
+ std::string data = ts + method + path;
if (!body.empty()) {
data += body;
And now the above commands produce a successful build. The example programs run and produce reasonable output, as well.

How to install c++ program into conda environment from source

I would like to compile and then use the scientific project BASS, which is distributed as c++ source code on github. I've set up a conda environment bass to hold everything related to BASS, and I'd like to compile BASS into this environment (so that if I delete the environment, it's cleanly removed).
I don't know if I should be using conda-build or make to do this. There is a Makefile distributed with the project, but I think it might have an error.
My latest try is the following: (the source files are in code/ and gsl seems to be a dependency):
conda create -n bass
conda activate bass
conda install make
conda install gsl
cd code/
I get the following:
gcc -c main.cpp -I../Libs/GSL/include/ -I./
main.cpp:19:10: fatal error: 'gsl/gsl_statistics.h' file not found
#include <gsl/gsl_statistics.h>
1 error generated.
make: *** [Makefile:11: main.o] Error 1
My questions:
should I be doing this with make?
do I need gcc/g++/cxx-compiler installed in my conda env?
is the Makefile correct where it says "-I../Libs/GSL/include/"
Thank you!
Here's a very basic Conda recipe for the package. Make a folder (say recipe) and put the following two files in it:
name: bass
version: 0.1 # this is totally arbitrary (there are no versions)
git_url: https://github.com/judyboon/BASS.git
- {{ compiler('cxx') }}
- gsl
- gsl
home: https://github.com/judyboon/BASS
license: GPL-3.0-only
license_file: COPYING
license_family: GPL
## change to source dir
cd ${SRC_DIR}/code
## compile
${CXX} -c main.cpp *.cpp -I./ ${CXXFLAGS}
## link
${CXX} *.o -o BASS -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm ${LDFLAGS}
## install
mkdir -p $PREFIX/bin
You can then build this with conda build ., run from in that directory.
After successful build, you can create an environment with this package installed using
conda create -n foo --use-local bass
Since I'm on an Intel architecture, and this tool uses CBLAS, I would further specify to use MKL:
conda create -n foo --use-local bass blas=*=*mkl
Now if you activate the environment foo (that's an arbitrary name), the software will be on PATH, under the binary BASS.
Additional Notes
I verified this works on osx-64 platform with the conda-forge channel prioritized.
The Makefile accompanying the code isn't very generic. Here we just have it compile all .cpp files and subsequently link all .o files.
There aren't any releases on the repository, so the versioning in the meta.yaml is arbitrary.
The build.sh defines the final output binary as BASS - that could be changed, and differs from the original Makefile which outputs the binary as main.
Based on what you write, the correct way is to build a conda recipe. By writing a recipe the conda knows what to delete, when you delete the environment.
The recipe is a text file (the meta.yaml file), where you write some metadata describing the package, define dependencies and write a short build script that executes the make file and installs the binaries to correct location. Defining the compilation environment may not be trivial and you should follow the documentation for the package you are trying to install. If there are problems with the package code (that includes the makefile) that's something conda can't help you with.
See the documentation on how to write the recipe:
When you've got the recipe complete, then you would run the conda build and conda install -c [path to the build] [the package name] (I'm writing this because it took me ages to realize how to correctly install a local package.)

How can I compile Hazelcast C++ Client with the compiler g++-8.2

Is there any solution to make compilation with g++-8.2 for the project using Hazelcast C++ client library ?
If I compile it with g++-8.2, it shows a lot of errors "undefined reference ...".
While using g++-4.9, it works well.
The issue is a bit like the discussion in this google group forum, which indicated the compilation errors are because of the wrong version of a compiler.
However, the compiler g++-4.9 is too old for me to build my big project.
The sample code can be found in the official org website, if someone needs to give it a try.
I finally solved it by upgrading the library from 3.10 to 3.11.
The 3.11 library is built manually using g++-8.2 from Hazelcast source code in Github.
Because there is no make install after building hazelcast-cpp-clienet package, so I use some scripts to arrange header files together in one directory (hazelcast-cpp-client/include) so that a program can easily link the library and headers.
Build script:
# Package Requirements:
# - asio
mkdir hazelcast-cpp-client ; cd hazelcast-cpp-client
# Build
git clone https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-cpp-client.git
mv hazelcast-cpp-client tmp
cd tmp
git checkout v3.11
mkdir release ; cd release
# Back to 'hazelcast-cpp-client' directory
cd ../..
# Copy .a library out from tmp/
cp tmp/release/*.a .
# Arrange all header files in an one directory
cp -r tmp/hazelcast/include .
cp -r tmp/hazelcast/generated-sources/include/hazelcast/client/protocol ./include/hazelcast/client
rm tmp/external/include/*.md # We don't need readme file
cp -r tmp/external/include/* ./include
# Delete tmp directory
rm -rf tmp
Compilation command is like:
g++ -std=c++11 \
-I/path/to/hazelcast-cpp-client/include \
hz_test.cpp \
/path/to/hazelcast-cpp-client/libHazelcastClient3.11_64.a \
Thanks for reporting this problem. We did not test with the g++-8.2 compiler. I opened an issue to solve the problems: https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-cpp-client/issues/494
Can you tell me also your OS environment? What distribution and version is it?

How to create alpha_encoder.exe (webm-tools) under msys2?

I'm trying to compile alpha_encoder) (little utility of The WebM Project, under webm-tools).
I have a previous installation of msys2 (downloaded and configured by build_locally_with_various_option_prompts.bat) under c:\FFcompiler. It took its time, but I managed to compile ffmpeg, so I decided to use it (I think it will do). That's what I've done till now.
First, I cloned webm-tools under /cygdrive/c/FFcompiler/ffmpeg_local_builds/sandbox/win32/libvpx-1.4.0/third_party/. There's a Makefile so I tried to run make:
$ cd /cygdrive/c/FFcompiler/ffmpeg_local_builds/sandbox/win32/libvpx-1.4.0/third_party/
$ git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/webm-tools.git
$ cd webm-tools/alpha_encoder/
$ make
But g++ complains mkvparser.hpp doesn't exist. The command is
g++ -c -W -Wall -O3 -g -I../../libwebm alpha_encoder.cc -o alpha_encoder.o
After searching the web, it seems that webm-tools depends on libwebm, and expect finding it as a sibling folder of webm-tools. So...
$ cd ../..
$ git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebm.git
$ cd libwebm
Now, what? README.libwebm tells that 'to cross compile libwebm for Windows using mingw-w64' first I must run cmake like this cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/libwebm/build/mingw-w64_toolchain.cmake path/to/libwebm. In my case:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=build/mingw-w64_toolchain.cmake .
And cmake cannot find i686-w64-mingw32-g++. After googling more, it seems the easiest way to fix this is to add bin of mingw-w64-i686 to PATH.
$ export PATH=/cygdrive/c/FFcompiler/ffmpeg_local_builds/sandbox/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/bin:$PATH
After this, now cmake finishes successfully and creates a Makefile, but make stops with an error:
y/libwebm/common/file_util.cc:44:39: error: 'tmpnam_s' was not declared in this
errno_t err = tmpnam_s(tmp_file_name);
I've searched about the error but I'm stuck. What am I missing?

Error in making OpenCV

I'm getting this error:
OpenCV-2.4.3/modules/features2d/src/freak.cpp:437: error: unable to
find a register to spill in class 'GENERAL_REGS'
After doing:
tar xfj OpenCV-2.4.3.tar.bz2
cd OpenCV-2.4.3
mkdir release
cd release
The same procedure works on another machine. Any ideas?
You need to dig into the Makefiles to remove -O for freak.cpp.
This is exactly how one should do it (tested with 2.4.3 and 2.4.4).
you need to edit
Search for freak.cpp. You find three blocks: Building CXX..., Preprocessing CXX..., and Compiling CX.... I just needed to change the Building part. The last line of that block looks like this:
and if you check you find out that CXX_FLAGS has a -O3 in it. If you add -O0 after CXX_FLAGS it suppresses the O3. So your lines should look like this.
This is at least working here!
I struggled with this for quite a few hours as well on my CentOS 5.x boxen, and here's my solution.
It's apparent you need to update 'gcc' but natively upgrading via RPM or just grabbing RPM's at random causing some serious config mgmt issues on your server. I don't have time to compile gcc/g++ via source right now either. After grazing out in the repo for a while, I found that there is, indeed, an 4.x release of gcc in the base repo.
Do this (or someone with 'root' to do it in case of OP who doesn't have access):
# yum install gcc44 gcc44-c++ -y
...CentOS/RHEL have bundled a preview RPM of gcc-4.4.6.
Then when you go to do 'cmake' to build your release environment, do at least the following (your cmake params may vary):
# cd /path/to/OpenCV-2.4.3
# mkdir release && cd release
# env CC=/usr/bin/gcc44 CXX=/usr/bin/g++44 cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/place/to/install/ -D BUILD_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON /path/to/OpenCV-2.4.3/
That will give you a successful build of OpenCV-2.4.3 natively with CenOS/RHEL 5.x.
Had the same problem and solved it like wisehippy with one slight change:
# yum install gcc44 gcc44-c++ -y
# mkdir release && cd release
# cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++44 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc44 <OpenCV_Dir>
I found the problem to be solved once I updated my c++ to point to g++44, instead of the default g++ which was 4.1.
As root verify that the files are the same before doing this step, it may not be necessary for you.
diff /usr/bin/c++ /usr/bin/g++
There should be nothing returned if the files are the same. If this is the case, continue.
Backup your old file. You can delete the file as well because it's the same as g++, but I like to be careful.
mv /usr/bin/c++ /usr/bin/c++4.1
Create a link so that C++ points to your g++44. You could use symbolic link here as well.
ln /usr/bin/g++44 /usr/bin/c++